Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 417

Once disturbed by his daughter, Mo Tianxing is too lazy to take care of Yu Zhengguang. Today he brought his baby daughter to play, not to teach employees. He promised his daughter not to lose his temper and put on a bad face in front of her, so he must do what he said.

"Go, daddy will take you to play." Mo Tianxing took his baby daughter and strode forward, ignoring Yu Zhengguang behind him.

His disregard for Zhengguang does not mean that Zhengguang can relax his vigilance. He has been closely following President Mo and obeying president Mo\'s orders at any time.

Go to the pirate ship, Mo Tianxing put down Tang sugar, "I want daddy and mommy to play with me!" the little guy asked.

Well, Tangtang is the biggest today. What the baby daughter says is what she wants. They will try their best to meet her requirements.

Mo Tianxing was about to let the bodyguard arrange it. As soon as he turned around, he found Yu Zhengguang still following him, frowning, "Why are you still here." his tone was not good.

Yu Zhengguang\'s body was slightly respectful and his face was full of laughter. "Young lady, please ask Mr. Mo for instructions. Do you want to clear the scene?"

The man shook his head, "no, you should be busy. Don\'t shake in front of me and get upset when you see it." Mo really doesn\'t give him any face.

He has been in business for so many years. He hates vegetarian meals. He gives him such a big global chain children\'s paradise with a salary. But he doesn\'t even understand at the ticket office. Isn\'t this occupying the pit and not taking a shit?

I was angry when I saw him, but my baby daughter was present. I had to hold my breath. I couldn\'t send it out in front of my daughter, but told him to roll as far as he could.

"Yes, yes, don\'t always call me at any time. I\'ll be busy first. Don\'t always, Miss Tang and little miss have a good time!" Yu Zhengguang can see that President Mo doesn\'t welcome himself at all now. Instead of staying here, President Mo is more disgusted with him. It\'s better to flash with his tail in his hand.

When the sun came out in the west, their big boss suddenly became interested and came to the amusement park with his wife and children. This disguised "private visit in micro clothes" made all the senior managers of the park wonder if there was any.

After the bodyguards arranged their positions, Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi each took Tang Tang sugar in one hand and got on the pirate ship together.

The pirate ship is like a big pendulum clock, swinging from side to side. The little guy screams with excitement. Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi can\'t understand the fun of this thing. Just waiting for Mo Tianxing to line up to buy tickets, Tang Tang Tang and Tang Xinyi\'s mother and daughter each ate a milkshake and smoothie. The little guy yells with excitement and eats a smoothie, Sitting in this shaking game, Tang Xinyi felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and wanted to vomit.

She put her hand over her chest.

Mo Tianxing looked over and found something wrong with her face, "Xinyi, what\'s the matter?"

Tang Xinyi shook her head, "it\'s all right." although she was a little uncomfortable, she could stand it. She looked at her lively daughter, sighed and joked, "it seems that I\'m old."

The man looked down her eyes and instantly understood the meaning of a woman. They were worthy of being lovers who loved each other deeply. They had a good heart and smiled, "if you are so young, you say you are old, then I am so much older than you. What should I do?"

Tang Xinyi burst into laughter. Mo Tianxing always has a serious ability to make you laugh.

Yes, he is several years older than her. If she is old, isn\'t he even older.

"Blue heart told me that there is a generation gap between people when they are three years old, and there are several generation gaps between you and me." she teased him.

The man was not angry at all and looked at his woman with an evil smile. "Really, I think this generation gap also depends on the situation. In a certain, some, square and face, I don\'t think there is a generation gap between us."

In some aspects, he always felt that he had changed his taste and had a yellow feeling.

Er, there\'s nothing wrong with women\'s feelings. Mo Tianxing, the old driver, is driving!

He raised his eyebrows and continued to tease his wife with sentences, "or, recently, I love you. You\'re tired from work and don\'t dare to toss at night. I let you sleep, which makes you feel that your husband is old? Wife, this is my sin. Don\'t worry. From tonight on, I\'ll let you enjoy the youth and vitality like the first love of high school students!"

Tang Xinyi was stunned by his words. This is a public occasion. Can this guy pay attention to his words, "sugar is still here, please speak seriously!" his face blushed with shame.

Tut Tut, the great president really drives when he doesn\'t agree with his words, so that the bodyguards next to him who protect their safety admire his boss. The boss is worthy of being the boss. He lifts up his sister and is proficient.

Mo Tianxing in this way is far from his usual image of being cold and domineering in the company. If his employees see his current appearance, they will be surprised to dislocate his chin.

The man stared at the woman\'s blushing cheek and couldn\'t help swallowing. His wife was indeed the most beautiful woman in the world.

"OK, OK, daughter, I\'ll whisper to you in the evening." her eyes are deep, like a bottomless pool.

Er... Can this hint be more obvious? Not only Tang Xinyi is moved, but the bodyguards around them who protect the three understand. The bodyguards dare not laugh in front of their boss. If they offend their parents, they can\'t eat and go. They secretly exchange eyes with their brothers and have worked together for many years. They have full tacit understanding. Their eyes can be described as second understanding.

Tang Tang is only five years old. Naturally, she can\'t understand what her father said. Xinyi suddenly envies her daughter. She is innocent and doesn\'t understand anything. However, she is flirted with by Mo Tianxing and blushes all over her face. She wants to find a way to get in.

This man, playing hooligans, is also a rare opponent!

After playing a round of pirate ship, a family of three came down from it, and the good play arranged by Yu Zhengguang and Zhao Di finally officially appeared.

"It\'s so busy over there. What\'s the matter? Let\'s go and have a look!"

"Ah, there seems to be a show. Hurry up!"

Suddenly, everyone rushed in one direction. It seemed that something lively had happened. Mo Tianxing heard the comments of the people around him and ordered the bodyguard to see what was going on.

The bodyguard quickly inquired and came back to inform the family of three.

On the front stage, a large-scale performance is being held. Soon, a lucky tourist will be selected from the tourists to participate in the stage performance.

As soon as the little guy listened, he became interested, "Daddy, let\'s go and have a look!"

There are too many people, so there are potential safety hazards.

Since getting up in the morning, Mo Tianxing has been feeling a little flustered. I don\'t know why. He always has a strange feeling that something bad will happen.

Thinking of the recent kidnapping of the grandson of a rich family, he thought that he might be too nervous about his wife and children, so he would be in a hurry. A little trouble would make him flustered.

Anyway, Mo Tianxing doesn\'t want to put his daughter in an uncontrollable environment. If there is any accident, he will never forgive himself in his life.

But the man\'s insistence could not resist his daughter\'s cry, "well, let\'s go if you want." the man still bowed to his daughter\'s cry.

"Ah Wang, go ahead and open the way. Tell the brothers to be vigilant." Mo Tianxing told the bodyguard captain uneasily.

"Yes, boss." ah Wang took orders to arrange the division of labor among the brothers.

Walking far away, the open-air stage was already crowded. Under the opening of the bodyguard, the party quickly squeezed into the front row. Mo Tianxing was afraid that his daughter would be squeezed and picked up the little guy from the ground.

Tang Tang\'s little ass sat on his father\'s arm and his little hand tightly hugged the man\'s neck. Although his face was red with heat, there was excitement. The little guy looked very happy and forgot the hot weather.

Mo Tianxing held his baby daughter in one hand and Xinyi\'s waist in the other.

Two big boys and one small boy looked intently at the stage and saw a young man in white knight clothes walking onto the stage with a microphone, "Good afternoon, dear tourists. It\'s our daily drama performance time again. According to the usual practice, I will choose a lovely child from all the tourists to play the heroine snow white of our stage play. I don\'t know which brave child is willing to come up and cooperate with our performance?"

Play snow white!

Tang Tang\'s ears stood up. "Daddy, can I go up?"

In the United States, kindergartens often hold such activities. Tang Tang Tang has always been an active participant. The story of snow white and the seven dwarfs has been staged in their kindergartens, and she is the heroine snow white!

"Snow white, I played in the United States, very familiar." before his father could say anything, the little guy quickly added.

Mo Tianxing frowned, "does Tang Tang Tang really want to go up?"

"Hmm!" the little guy nodded. Playing snow white can wear beautiful princess skirts. She likes to wear beautiful skirts best!

The man compromised again, "OK, raise your hand and see if the host chooses you."

Mo Tianxing sighed in his heart. Maybe he should publish a book about how steel is made. He can publish a book about how the president compromises step by step.