Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 410

Tang Xinyi looked at his back when he left. There was always a feeling that the wind was rustling and the water was cold. The strong man would never return. Er... Someone was really different from before.

In the past, although Mo Tianxing also loved her and focused on her in everything, because of the influence of his growth environment and family background, he always couldn\'t pull down his face. He was high, cold, domineering and strong. He would never do anything like queuing up to buy tickets.

But now, he changed himself and learned to create romance for his beloved woman like an ordinary man and do what an ordinary man would do.

She was moved!

I thought that love had nothing to do with myself. Unexpectedly, the LORD brought Mo Tianxing to his side in this life, so that the man could hurt and love himself. The injuries suffered in the previous life were gradually repaired under the careful care of the man.

Although she is not as good as before, she will no longer think about the unfairness she suffered in her previous life, will no longer complain about others, and can even treat her enemies in her previous life calmly.

Shen Xiu was sent to prison by her and Lu haoxuan for commercial and economic crimes. The court sentenced Tang Xiyan to ten years. Tang Xiyan was also reduced to an accomplice and sentenced to five years. After five years, Zheng Xiunian ended up depressed. Although Tang Xiyan was released, he was charged with economic criminals. It was impossible to return to the noble women\'s circle of upper class society and harvest the past scenery.

I thought that my father saw the true face of Tang Xiyan\'s mother and daughter, drove Zheng Xiunian\'s mother and daughter out of the Tang family, and sent Tang Xiyan and Shen Xiu to prison. Even if I understood the hatred of previous lives, I didn\'t expect that Tang Xiyan had no repentance after he got out of prison. As soon as he got out of prison, he made a comeback with her cunning fox like mother.

At that time, she was still in the United States, did not return home, and had no knowledge of the domestic situation.

If she were here, she would never let the evil mother and daughter approach her father again. Her father is good at everything, but his heart is too soft. Liu Fanghua has been with him for many years, and they have more or less feelings. Tang Xiyan is his father\'s own daughter. Even if his father is cruel, he can\'t be cruel to his own daughter.

Come back when you come back.

I wanted to see the mother and daughter in the face of my father. After all, in this life, although they repeatedly designed to trap her, they didn\'t really succeed in the end. However, I didn\'t expect that the mother and son had a way to heaven. You didn\'t go to hell. You broke in. Since they wanted to die, don\'t blame her.

Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan, both mothers and daughters, are not fuel-efficient lamps. Their hearts are black one by one. If she is blindly kind to them, it will seem that she and Tangtang will suffer in the end.

Now she is different from five years ago. Five years ago, she was just a person. Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan only hurt her. But now she is different. She is a mother. She has a baby daughter and her own small family. The so-called "being a mother is strong". Whether she wants to be a mother or not, she must be cruel.

Without completely solving the troubles of Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan, I\'m afraid she can\'t completely put down her heart in her life. I\'m afraid no mother in the world has the heart to put her children in danger, and so does she.

Put these unhappy things aside and return to the amusement park. Under the hot sun, Mo Tianxing, like all tourists, stood in line in the ticket buying team. He was wearing a black shirt, black trousers and a pair of big black super sunglasses on his face. He was black and cold.

However, although black is cold and handsome, black is also very endothermic!

Especially standing under the hot sun, the endothermic index is bursting!!

Bean sized beads of sweat flowed down from the man\'s forehead, and soon the sweat wet the whole back. Mo Tianxing was a little annoyed and regretful. He shouldn\'t have nodded so readily just now.

Queue up to buy tickets or something. He hasn\'t done it several times. Today he took Xinyi and Tangtang out to play. In order to show his masculinity, he insisted on queuing up to buy tickets in person, but he didn\'t expect such a long queue to buy tickets.

What happened to the person in charge of the amusement park? Don\'t you know how to arrange more ticket windows?

With so many people and such a long team, there are only a few ticket windows. Hehe, what are the managers thinking all day? Hum, after today, the first thing he has to do is to call the general manager of the amusement park to the headquarters and scold him. He has never seen such a stupid amusement park. It\'s just his own home. Zhennima has a big slot!

When will such a long team come to an end.

Mo Tianxing glanced at the dark head in front of him and sighed depressed.

He always wears black clothes. Black is also his favorite color, but now, he suddenly regrets that he shouldn\'t wear black clothes today.

Black is the most absorbing color of the sun. It\'s so beautiful! Hot! It\'s over!

The man wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, looked at the dark crowd and silently recited the word "forbearance" in his heart. He could not bear it. He could not bear it again. There was nothing difficult in the world. As long as he was willing to insist, there was no endless road or endless queue. He planned to fight with the ticket queue to the end.

Tang Xinyi took Tang Tang Tang to sit under the cool sunshade to hide. She held the milkshake and smoothie bought by the bodyguard in her hand. She talked and chatted happily. It was rare to come out for a visit. Both mother and daughter were very happy.

"Tangtang, have you seen your daddy?" Tang Xinyi asked the little guy.

Just now, Mo Tianxing insisted on queuing up to buy tickets in person and plunge into the crowd. At the beginning, he could still see his figure, but before long, he couldn\'t find anyone else. There was a lot of darkness over there. They were all people. Standing outside, she couldn\'t tell who her husband was.

The little guy shook his head, "no ~" what she is most interested in now are milkshakes, smoothies and Hello Kitty dolls, daddy or something. We\'ll talk about it later. There\'s no time now.

The mother and daughter can\'t tell, but the Niu Gaoma\'s plain clothes bodyguards dare not let the president out of their sight. There are too many people in this place. They dare not neglect it at all. Their nerves jump to the extreme and be careful to guard against any lawless elements approaching their boss.

In particular, the captain of the bodyguard team mixed in the crowd and disguised himself as a tourist queuing to buy tickets. Anyway, he was wearing plain clothes and others would not notice.

He stood in the scorching sun and crowded among the crowd. The feeling of sweating like water made him really uncomfortable. He was still so, not to mention the president who has always been privileged and has never done such "rough work"?

The bodyguard captain quietly Tucao, the boss is worthy of the boss, not easy to make complaints about the earth, shaking the three tremors, he has a heart in the service of the word.

The great president himself, who was talked about by them, was baked in the scorching sun and photographed the team that had been going on for a long time, and was almost destroyed. Please, he is the chairman and CEO of Morse group. The time is calculated according to seconds. How many dollars are paid in a second, and how many times are the daily income multiplied by 24 hours a day.

It\'s outrageous to waste so precious time on such a boring and speechless thing as queuing up now, isn\'t it!

The front of the team is decreasing at turtle speed one by one... Gradually, gradually, I see that Mo Tianxing is finally coming.