Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 401

When you come to the beach destination, there are many projects that are very suitable for couples to play, such as paragliding, water motorcycle, diving, boating, swimming, surfing, sunbathing on the beach, beach volleyball, etc.

They first chose the paragliding project to experience the feeling of flying freely in the sea and air. They are like a little bird, dragonfly and parachute. They are not afraid of falling. Falling is also sea water, floating on the sea with a life jacket.

Two people can fly together, swing together, be brave and dive at high altitude.

Gliding in the sky, I feel like a swallow. When the air rises and falls, it is not a free fall, but a flat sand falling goose. Finally, I realize that the feeling of freedom that birds can have, so that gravity is no longer bound, and people can only go down.

After flying for a few circles, the air flow with moisture has made people\'s eyes hazy. After shouting to stop, another Dragonfly will touch the water and get ashore perfectly.

Water bikes are much more exciting than yachts. Fate is in your own hands rather than in the wind and waves.

They can swim, and their swimming skills are good. They play in shallow water for a while, even if they overturn, it doesn\'t matter. Just swim. It\'s rare to put down all their work and come out to play once. Of course, they should have fun.

After this round of project, they were gasping for breath, but they were very happy. It was worth being with their loved ones, even if they were tired.

They lay on the beach, hand in hand, let the sun patronize the whole body, listen to the waves beating the beach and watch the seagulls fly freely.

After a quiet rest, they walked to the back wave area hand in hand. The hotel housekeeper asked them if they wanted to experience the diving project.

Mo Tianxing is no stranger to diving. He is a man. Men basically love sports. In addition to diving, he is also very interested in skydiving, rock climbing, field cross-country and other extreme sports. When he was young, he often invited his like-minded friends three or five times to experience them.

Later, the work became busier and busier, and everyone had less and less time, so they didn\'t go out together for a long time.

Now that he has a family, a wife and a daughter, and has to manage so many things in the group, he is really a little nervous about time. Take advantage of this time to put down all your work and come out to play. Let\'s have a good aftertaste.

Tang Xinyi also had contact with diving. They both had this idea, so they hit it off immediately. With the help of the staff, they took their diving goggles, put on professional diving equipment and went into the sea.

Walking on the bottom of the sea and watching the colorful world on the bottom of the sea, there are smart small fish, soft and quiet seaweed, rippling seaweed, and various shells and conch.

Feel the buoyancy, hold your body, open your hands and feet, breathe the rhythm of your heartbeat, like a swim bladder, gently stroke, your body starts to swim, and then step on it with your feet, just like a space walk. It is also a feeling of overcoming gravity and controlling your body freely.

When you are tired, close your eyes and let the water waves shake your body. Without a little resistance, you will be a quiet little fish, as if the whole world has nothing to do with you, just two happy little fish.


After diving, Tang Xinyi and Mo Tianxing held hands, stepped barefoot on the beach, slowly walked to their residence, asked the massage staff to pull their legs to avoid cramps, and then asked to step on their back. Finally, they found their tired body.

After the servant left, the world of Tang Xinyi and Mo Tianxing began!

This is a small indoor swimming pool. There is no one except Mo Tianxing and Tang Xinyi. They can do anything in it wantonly. Mo Tianxing has explained that this afternoon, if he doesn\'t call anyone, no one can come in and disturb.

It seems that this guy has planned for a long time!

Mo Tianxing took off all his clothes, and then took off all Tang Xinyi\'s clothes. Tang Xinyi wanted to put on her specially prepared three-point swimsuit, which was ruthlessly picked off by the man.

What someone said was plausible: "well, wife, you promised me that we would be honest this afternoon. If we put on our clothes, we wouldn\'t be honest enough."

Er... Tang Xinyi said she was speechless to the extreme.

Shit, I don\'t mean that. This frank meeting is not that Frank meeting. This lusty ghost is thinking all day. Can\'t he be pure? I am so depressed.

HMM, it seems that there is a big difference in their understanding of the idiom "meet frankly"!

However, the man obviously made up his mind to eat her. No matter how the woman resisted, it was useless. After taking off his clothes, the man took advantage of her unprepared, picked her up and jumped into the swimming pool.

"Ah!" Tang Xinyi shouted in horror.

He quickly grabbed the man around him and held him tightly. The man laughed with satisfaction. Tang Xinyi stared at him with a straight face, and punched him on the man\'s bare and solid chest with her hand, "you\'re sick. I\'m scared to death!"

Mo Tianxing smiled and joked with her, "yes, I\'m sick. Do you have medicine?"

He is ill. Tang Xinyi has to get it. He only loves her in his life. No one can save him except Tang Xinyi.

Tang Xinyi glared at him. The man is really more and more slippery. What\'s the matter? He has got his marriage certificate with him now, so he can only be more and more unscrupulous to her by virtue of that marriage?

In the past, Mo Tianxing didn\'t dare to be like this. In the past, as long as she was angry, men wanted to try their best to make her happy. Where is like now, he was obviously dissatisfied with his just move. He not only didn\'t apologize for his forgiveness at the first time, but also joked with him.

Listen to the female friends around you often say that men are willing to do anything for you before they get you, but once they get it, they don\'t know how to cherish it.

Is mo Tianxing different from those men before and after marriage?

Thinking of this, the woman was unhappy and fell to the bottom of the valley. Because she had lost it, she didn\'t feel 100% safe about this love. She always had a feeling of worrying about gain and loss.

It is worthy of being the man who knows Tang Xinyi best. Mo Tianxing almost immediately felt the change of Xinyi\'s mood. The woman was just very happy. Why did she suddenly change her face?

Did he do something wrong and make her unhappy, but he tried to recall that he didn\'t think he had provoked her?

Or uncomfortable?

"Xinyi, what\'s the matter?" the man asked nervously.

Tang Xinyi stared at him and asked coldly, "I ask you, do men don\'t know how to cherish after they get married?"

what? What\'s the problem? Mo Tianxing wondered why he suddenly discussed this problem. He said that he couldn\'t keep up with women\'s brain. It was too jumping.

"What do you mean by hesitation? Acquiescence?" the woman\'s face was cold again.

"I didn\'t!" Mo Tianxing quickly waved his hand. He just didn\'t respond to the question she asked. He didn\'t mean anything else. Now he didn\'t dare to delay for a second and quickly expressed his determination, "Wife, don\'t you know who I am? Touch your own heart and think about it. If I have that kind of mind, how can I only keep one you for so many years? I love you more than my own life. Wife, when you go to the United States for five years, I keep an empty house alone for five years. I live more pure than the monks in the temple. When I really think about that, I am facing you Photo then -- "

"Hey, stop, stop," Tang Xinyi quickly interrupted him and continued.

This guy is really getting more and more outspoken. He dares to say anything and is not afraid of shame. When he opens his mouth, she guesses what he will say next. This guy is not ashamed, and she is embarrassed for him.

However, for the sake of his sincerity, just believe him once.

"It\'s no use just saying good. I want to see your future performance."

Mo Tianxing, who was soaking in the swimming pool, immediately raised his hand to her ear and saluted her, "yes, please supervise."

It depends on his actual actions. Then he will use his actual actions to show himself to women. How he can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, beat the bad guys, drive away the rival in love, and the most important thing - warm the bed!

Well, bed warming is really one of his best strengths!

Both of them are swimming naked in the swimming pool. Mo Tianxing will backstroke, tread on the water, and swim to Xinyi to "sneak attack" her. Swimming in a closed indoor swimming room and swimming in the sea are completely two feelings. The former pays more attention to privacy and security, and the latter can get a more wild and primitive intuitive experience.

There were no other people and no waves. Only two people were naked in the pool, regardless of others.

Immediately, the whole swimming pool was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere. You can do all kinds of swimming postures you want, laugh and play, be dissolute and smile.

After the tour, they walked into the warm bath and enjoyed the high-grade champagne mandarin duck bath.