Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 367

Anyway, at this point, Dong ziye insisted very much. He respected women, never fooled around with male-female relations, and never hidden rules. But last night, this damn little actress who didn\'t know who made an exception!

This beam is completely settled. He has never finished with her in his life.

It was at this time that Dong ziye received a call from Mo Tianxing and asked him to meet at the same place at the same time tonight.

"Brother Mo, there won\'t be any more problems between you and Tang Xinyi?" Dong ziye asked more directly than Zhang Bing and came straight to the point.

"I\'ll go to your uncle!" he asked and was immediately scolded by Mo Tianxing. "You have a problem. It\'s really that the dog can\'t spit out Ivory! Listen, brother is going to propose to Xinyi. You help me plan. How can you make it suitable? I want to be romantic."

"Brother, if I remember correctly, you seem to have begged her once five years ago. Well, five years ago, if I remember correctly, it should be at your birthday party." Dong ziye\'s memory is really good. He even remembers things so far away.

Er... This guy really doesn\'t mention which pot opens.

"Well, Dong ziye, I just found out today that you have such a good memory." Mo Tianxing said gloomily.

Listen carefully, you can hear the deep meaning of his words. Dong ziye, who is familiar with him, knows that every time mogo\'s tone comes out, it means that he is angry.

Er... He\'s a little messy in the wind. Did he say something he shouldn\'t say and make mogo angry?

No, he carefully recalled what he had just said and didn\'t find anything wrong. Why did mogo talk to him in this tone? He dares to bet that mogo\'s remark is definitely not a compliment on his good memory. There is a deep meaning in it. If he didn\'t guess wrong, it should be his good memory.

"Hehe, I\'m flattered. How can my memory compare with you? What instructions do you have? My brother will do everything according to your instructions." Dong ziye quickly expressed his loyalty. He didn\'t forget that he wanted to jump out of the family business and go into the performing arts circle. At that time, no one in the family supported him.

Dad even made cruel remarks. If he dared to mix in the entertainment industry, he would cut off all his sources of income and make him have no money to use. Let\'s see what he can do.

At that time, he wanted to make a movie, but he didn\'t have money, so he asked his brothers for help. Zhang Bing couldn\'t protect himself, and several others were threatened by the adults at home. His father specifically told those families who played well with him that no one was allowed to help his son.

As we all know, making movies costs a lot of money. After all the pocket money he has saved over the years is invested, there is still a big capital gap. Only mogo Yi invests money to him without hesitation, so that he can rest assured to complete his directing dream.

At that time, he had nothing and had never made a film. He was a director for the first time, and no one was optimistic about him. Mogo not only offended his father, but also had to risk losing money, but mogo didn\'t care about it at all. From the moment he invested money in him, he said he didn\'t intend to take it back.

For the sake of being his good brother for many years, he took the money to play with him, threw the money and poured the water. He had already made psychological preparations for the floating of the money.

He will never forget what mogo said to him at that time, "Ziye, I envy you very much. To tell you the truth, when I was your age, I also had my own dream. Of course, my dream was different from you. You wanted to be a director, and I... forget it, I don\'t think I\'ll have a chance to realize my dream in the future. Now my good friend wants to pursue his dream. Of course, as a brother, I must support him Hold it. You tell me how much money you need. I\'ll call you directly from the account. If it\'s not enough, I\'ll make it up later. "

How heroic! How righteous!

What he wanted was not a small amount, but mogo said to turn around without any ambiguity. That is, from that time on, Dong ziye was completely convinced of Mo Tianxing. Mogo was a man who was very sincere to his brothers. Unlike his other dog friends, he just said it well on the face without any real action.

At that time, what he lacked most was money and the affirmation of his pursuit of dreams, not persuading him to go back to the company!

Because of the warning of his elders, none of his friends dared to lend a helping hand to help him. If they helped him, they would be controlled by the family like him.

Only mogo, only mogo!

That\'s why Dong ziye got rid of those so-called evil friends and bent on following Mo Tianxing. Who is sincere and who is false has been fully demonstrated during that time.

He shot the play for more than half a year, and the final edited film received the love of the majority of the audience. He was like a rising star in the directing industry and became popular in the whole performing arts circle!

The money invested by mogo not only didn\'t drift, but also made a lot of money. What he should be grateful for today is mogo. If Mo Tianxing hadn\'t supported him at the beginning, he wouldn\'t have succeeded today.

Later, every time he was short of money for his film, he called Mo Tianxing. As long as he spoke, as long as Mo Tianxing had, he never refused him once.

This kindness is enough for him to remember all his life!

Now Mo Tianxing needs him, let alone just let him put down the shooting plan temporarily. It doesn\'t matter if the play doesn\'t shoot, "OK, mogo, wait for me, I\'ll be there in the evening!"

The play is an ancient costume drama. It is located in a coastal city, which is far from the city where Mo Tianxing is located, but it doesn\'t matter. He will ask his assistant to book a ticket now. As long as the plane is not late, he will be able to get back before the evening.

Brothers, how can we talk about him less!

"I\'ll talk about it in the evening. And, ziye, remember to keep it a secret. Don\'t let it out." Mo Tianxing didn\'t forget to explain to him.

This guy is good at everything, but he has a poisonous tongue and a big mouth.

Dong ziye, although he was born in a famous family and worth a lot of money, his venomous words changed like a smell in his mouth. Often others expressed this meaning, but once he said it, his meaning completely deviated.

Also, this guy can\'t hide secrets in his heart. This is a recognized fact among their good brothers. Every time they say a more confidential topic, if Dong ziye is present, they have to specially add a word and ask him to keep it confidential, otherwise Dong ziye doesn\'t have that consciousness, so these words can be said to the outside.

Er... I don\'t know how this guy got his name as a world-class director. He doesn\'t even have such an eye. If they hadn\'t been used to him, they would have to break down.

"Cough, don\'t worry, I won\'t reveal it!" Dong ziye patted his chest and promised Mo Tianxing at the other end of the phone.

Every time this guy makes such a guarantee, it means that he will be able to do what he says. In addition to his big mouth and poisonous tongue, this guy has one thing at last, that is, he will never say anything to others. This is his principle in dealing with the world for many years.

Next, look forward to the brothers\' Party in the evening. Give the theme of this party a name, called "men\'s Gang"!

The evening party was held as scheduled. Joking, Mo Tianxing rarely organized a game. He personally called his brothers and invited them. Even in the Antarctic, he had to give him face and come back in time.

Because Mo Tianxing has clearly said on the phone that there are important things to discuss with his brothers tonight, this time there is no brother who is so unkind and brings his girlfriend here, so all the private rooms in the nightclub they often go to are men.

After a glass of wine, everyone began to enter the theme of tonight.

"Mogo, in fact, I think you have proposed to your sister-in-law once. You don\'t have to ask again. How can you propose to the same person twice?" Qi Yan said. He is a person who is afraid of trouble, and women are the most troublesome thing in the world. Therefore, in order not to make trouble for himself, he has never talked about love these years, just doing and love!

"Hey, you can\'t say that. I think it\'s necessary to propose." it\'s Dong ziye who came out to refute him. He is engaged in art, so he pursues romance and art in his heart. However, there are not many romantic things like proposing. Anyway, it\'s not spending his money, and there\'s fun to watch. Don\'t watch it for nothing.

Mo Tianxing quietly raised his eyebrows and asked him to continue.

Dong ziye continued, "mogo and his sister-in-law have been separated for five years. The proposal five years ago has long stopped counting, and their wedding five years ago was finally cancelled. Now that they are together again, they should say goodbye to the bad memory of the past. Proposing once is the best way to turn the page with the past!"

It is worthy of being the big director who controls the whole crew and tells the actors every day. Speaking of reason, he is simple and clear. Not only Mo Tianxing nodded in agreement, but also Qi Yan, who has always been troublesome, was persuaded by the reason he said.