Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 342

The old lady, a rural woman who had not read any books, took him to work in this strange big city, insisted on letting him go to study, and went all the way to college. During this period, he did not know how many times he proposed to drop out of school and work to reduce his mother\'s burden, but his mother was very firmly opposed.

His mother absolutely forbids him to drop out of school. She hasn\'t read many books in her life. She doesn\'t live as well as others in this big city. She has suffered from less reading in her life. How can she let her children follow her old path? No, absolutely not. Even if she smashes the pot and sells iron and asks her to sell blood and kidney, she resolutely doesn\'t let her son drop out of school to work.

Because of his mother\'s determination, he had to continue to read and pay tuition fees, so his mother\'s money could not be wasted. Therefore, during school, his grades have always been good. He has never participated in any training, and his grades are much better than those in his class who participated in various training.

His academic performance has always been the most gratifying thing for his mother for so many years. Every time his mother worked outside for a day and came home too tired to straighten up, she would always look at him with tears in her smile, and then comfort herself. When he was admitted to college, these hardships and tiredness were worth it.

Later, he was really admitted to the University, and he was also a good important university designated by the state as the 985 University!

I remember the first day when his grades came out, for the first time, he spent money on the Internet bar for an hour to check his college entrance examination scores online. With an uneasy heart, he opened his report card. At the moment, two lines of tears fell from his eyes.

Yes, he never cried much. He sat in front of the computer and cried like a lost child. The Emperor didn\'t live up to his heart. He succeeded!

If the college entrance examination is an important level to change a person\'s fate, at this level, he got the VIP card to pass first.

When he got home, he told his mother who was cooking dinner about the college entrance examination results he found on the Internet. After hearing this, her mother cried with joy. After so many years of hard work, she finally had the result. What is hard and sweet? At that moment, the mother and son finally realized that once, the days became more and more hopeful and hopeful.

As the only man in the family, he shoulders important responsibilities. During his college years, he studied and made money part-time. He only felt that time was not enough. Where could he find time to talk about love? Hehe, even if he had time to talk about love, I\'m afraid no girl could see him.

In his mind, girls in today\'s society are money worshippers and like tall, rich and handsome men. He is tall and handsome, but he is poor. It can be said that only his skin bag belongs to him. It is possible to drop out of school because of poverty at any time. How can a girl like him, unless he is blind.

Hehe, there is really a girl who is blind and really likes him!

At that time, he had been promoted to the first semester of his sophomore year. Because he majored in computer science, most of the class were male students, and there were few female students. There were few girls in the whole computer college. There were only two girls studying computer in their class.

One is very fat and short, and her face is not ugly, but she definitely does not belong to the kind of beauty. The other is completely opposite to the former. From the first day of school, she has been said to be a hospital flower. She is tall and thin, likes to wear white skirts, and her long hair is gently draped behind her shoulders. Her skin is very white. No matter where she goes, she can attract boys to watch.

The girl who fell in love with him turned out to be this beautiful, elegant and gentle computer garden flower!

I remember that day, it was ten in the evening. He had just finished a part-time job and returned to school. He was ready to go back to the dormitory. After putting down his things, he went to the canteen to eat. In order to save time, he took a shortcut. It was on the remote path leading to the dormitory that he ran into the goddess who was tutted by the male students in his class.

I wanted to pretend that I didn\'t know him when I didn\'t speak at ordinary times, but I didn\'t expect that at the moment when they passed by, a thin and plain white hand grabbed his arm.

He stopped and looked back, his face full of inexplicable expressions.

"Hello, what\'s up?" he was a boy after all. He took the lead and greeted him politely.

The girl\'s head was slightly lowered, and two beautiful red clouds appeared on her face, reflecting the fiery red maple leaves in the woods and the gorgeous sunset glow in the sky.

"Classmate Mao, I have a few words to say to you." I can see that the girl is very shy today, which is not quite in line with her usual elegant image. Mao Gewei remembers that her roommate in the bedroom talked about the girl in the night talk before going to bed many times, saying how she is elegant and cool, and the college doesn\'t know how many male students secretly love her, etc.

But every night before going to bed, Mao Gewei never inserted any words or expressed any opinions in such conversations, because he felt that these had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he never thought about looking for a girlfriend during college, so what goddess of high cold and what cold flowers are too far away from him.

At the moment, Mao Gewei did not expect that the meeting with Yuanhua here was not accidental at all, but that Yuanhua Li Xiyan was specially waiting for him here just to make an encounter with him.

Today is not the first time for her to wait for him here. In fact, she has waited for him here several times, but unfortunately she missed it every time. Today, Mao Gewei finished his tutoring and took this road before he met Li Xiyan, who has been waiting for him here for several days.

Mao Gewei didn\'t know anything about these.

Mao Gewei was surprised. He didn\'t expect that the legendary courtyard flower had something to say to him. He looked like a little transparent in the class these semesters. Few people paid attention to him. Unexpectedly, his little transparent attracted the attention of the courtyard flower.

If those roommates in his bedroom knew about it, they didn\'t know how long they would envy, envy and hate him. At this moment, he was a little excited.

Of course, it\'s not because he attracted the attention of Yuanhua, but the group of male students around him who tried every means to attract Yuanhua\'s attention. They worked hard for so long and tried all kinds of methods without success. He, a little transparent poor boy, attracted Yuanhua to talk to him without doing anything, which made him feel happy.

But he doesn\'t have much time. He has made an appointment with his boss for a part-time job. If he is late for work on the first day, he will leave a bad impression on his boss. This is his new part-time job, and the salary can be said to be his job

The highest of all part-time jobs.

At that time, when he interviewed this part-time job, there were many other interviewers. He persisted to the end with his diligence and simplicity. It was not easy for him to find this part-time job with good salary, but he can\'t easily lose it.

"Cough," Mao Gewei cleared his throat and said, "if you have anything to say quickly, I don\'t have much time. I have to go to the canteen to get dinner. After dinner, I have a part-time job to do."

If the roommate in the bedroom knew what he said to the courtyard flower and goddess in their mind, I didn\'t know if he would beat him up. The goddess specifically called him and said he had something to say to him, but he said he was in a hurry. He deserved to be single all his life!

At that time, he just wanted to go to dinner and have a part-time job after dinner. He was different from other college students. Other students could ask for a large amount of living expenses from home only by stretching their palms. He was impossible and unwilling to do so. If he didn\'t work hard to make money part-time, his mother would be more stressed and tired.

He has reached the age of twenty. He is a big man. How can he have the heart to reach out to his mother? If he does that, he will despise himself.

Li Xiyan, the hospital flower, didn\'t expect him to say such words, so as soon as Mao Gewei\'s words were uttered, the expression on Li Xiyan\'s face became stiff. She thought of how popular she was among male students. No matter where she went, she would let those boys serve her involuntarily. Basically, she had never been so perfunctory.

The other party\'s urging tone made her feel dissatisfied and uneasy. Since she decided to wait for him here, she has always been full of confidence. I think she was passed on by her classmates as the flower of the computer college. I don\'t know how many boys pursue, but she didn\'t promise those boys, but looked at him differently.

She thought that as long as she showed a little interest in Mao Gewei, Mao would pursue her behind her like those boys.

In fact, from the beginning of freshman year, she has always been different from other boys to Mao Gewei. She is attracted by this diligent boy.

Mao Gewei is very low-key in his class. Although he gets scholarships every year and his grades have always been among the best in his class, he has always been very low-key. He doesn\'t communicate much with his classmates and only focuses on immersing himself in his own world, so everyone doesn\'t know much about him.