Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 336

For so many years, because of Zheng Xiunian\'s Secret support, although Liu Fanghua did not have his own father or his own mother\'s care and love, she did not live badly in the foster family. She had only one child in the foster family. Her adoptive father and mother had no own children because they were unable to bear children, so when treating Liu Fanghua, It\'s no different from treating your own children.

Although I always felt that there was a little regret in my heart, it was filled by the parents who adopted her from the orphanage. Later, a woman who claimed to be her biological mother called her.

She doesn\'t know who that woman is, but she likes that woman calling, because her voice is so gentle and kind, and she never hurts her. She asks her to do this and that. Although her adoptive parents are good to her, because the family economic conditions are not good, she should often help the family do housework and help adults do things together.

The woman sent her a mobile phone, which was the most popular and latest model on the market at that time. The price was not what poor families like them could buy. At the same time, she also sent a telephone card and a letter. The letter said that if you want her in the future, you can call her with this mobile phone and this mobile phone card. The letter also wrote the woman\'s contact number.

When she was most moved, the so-called biological mother sent her a bank card. Only she knew the password. She would call the card every month, and she only took the card to take out the money from the card. In this way, the embarrassing living conditions of the family were changed to a great extent.

The adoptive father and adoptive mother have a much better attitude towards themselves because of this situation. Instead of asking her to do this and that, they offer her up like a Bodhisattva and keep her delicious. In this way, as soon as the day comes every month, she can take the card out of the card, and then hand over one part to the adoptive father and adoptive mother, and the other part for her own use.

She didn\'t know what the woman who claimed to be her biological mother did. She could give her so much money every month. She thought that her biological mother must be very rich. Otherwise, how could she call so much money? Since then, she has been fantasizing that her biological mother stepped on colorful auspicious clouds to pick her up home.

However, she waited and waited. From the fourth grade of primary school to college, she didn\'t wait until her biological mother came to pick her up. These years, because she received a large amount of alimony from her biological mother every month, her adoptive parents didn\'t go out to work. Under the influence of money, she was more and more like her slaves than her parents.

Adoptive parents obey what she says. They often do what she says. Sometimes she is rarely dissatisfied. When her face is not good-looking, they will show a nervous expression, as if they are not the relationship between elders and younger generations, but the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

This makes Liu Fanghua more and more expect her biological mother to pick her up. She doesn\'t want to stay in this so-called home. Her adoptive father and adoptive mother can\'t give her the family affection she wants, nor can they give her anything she wants. Two adults of a large age revolve around her all day and serve her like a master, just to get a living allowance every month.

Such a deformed family relationship makes her look down on her adoptive father and mother. They are too incompetent. They only know to drag themselves back. They can\'t compare with her biological mother at all. The biological mother is really good to her, and the adoptive father and mother just use her as a cash cow.

Until one day, Liu Fanghua made a boyfriend, but the boyfriend was not good to her at all. He had a very bad temper and always asked her to do this and that. Because Liu Fanghua had feelings for him, he endured it until one day, the man came to her with another girl.

He told her that he had dumped her. He was tired of playing with a boring and ugly woman like her. At that time, Liu Fanghua was badly hurt. She was very sincere to the boy. She liked him for a long time and worked hard for a long time to make him like himself and be his girlfriend, but she didn\'t expect that she had been his girlfriend for less than three months, Just dumped by this guy.

That young man is a leader of a group. He is tall and handsome. He is very much like the hero in a movie called "Gu hunzi" on TV. Gu hunzi was a movie she saw in her adolescence. At that time, she was fascinated by the roles played by Zheng Yijian and Chen Xiaochun.

I always fantasize that if a big brother who is mixed with society can love herself so much, she will be worth dying in her life. At that time, she has been planted with a heroic complex in her heart, which also affects her mate selection standard. If her future partner is like the heroic and dry male pig feet in the ancient confused boy, it will be really perfect.

With this belief, she met the young man who mixed society, five years older than her. Once on her way home from school, she was followed by several local ruffians who wanted to blackmail her money, or hurt her with a knife.

At that time, she was so scared that she didn\'t dare to move in the corner. She trembled all over. In order to protect her life, she took out all her money and gave it to the hooligans. The hooligans didn\'t expect that she was just a student. She was very excited with so much money. Today, she caught a big fish.

The cash found from her alone was much more than they did for a day, so the hooligan ruffian was so happy that he asked her to explain her name and home address.

This is a fat fish. If they know their name and home address, they can squat on this line for a long time. Do you have it!

Of course, Liu Fanghua dare not tell them her name and home address. In case they squat near her home every day, doesn\'t she have to endure the harassment of these local ruffians every day.

The girl hid in the corner crying and refused to tell them her home address.

Those hooligans didn\'t give up. They finally caught a fat duck. Of course, they couldn\'t let the duck fly. So they took out a knife and threatened her. "If you don\'t say it, I\'ll stab you to death!" the hooligan leader threatened her fiercely.

"Don\'t... don\'t... please let me go..." at that time, Liu Fanghua was a teenager and a little girl under the age of 20. She had never experienced such a thing. It was strange that she wasn\'t afraid. She cried and begged these hooligans to be kind and let her go.

She only went here today because she had something to do. She usually didn\'t go here. However, she didn\'t expect to go here only once today. She unexpectedly encountered such a thing that she didn\'t dare to go here again. I\'ve heard from her classmates that this side is not flat. There are always some hooligans and local ruffians squatting there to extort money from passing students.

But because we are all students, we don\'t have enough money with us, and those hooligans are generally randomly selected. A student blackmailed once, and basically won\'t blackmail again next time.

Although they are hooligans, they are also afraid of being targeted by the police. If a student has blackmailed only once, you warn her not to call the police or tell her family. In this way, it is likely that those students do not dare to call the police because they are afraid. Even if they call the police, because the amount of money robbed is really small, the police will not file a case.

In this way, these local ruffians and hooligans wandering on the edge of the law will be safer, but today is an exception. The female student in school uniform really doesn\'t see that there is so much money in the school uniform pocket. It\'s enough for them to rob her for several days today.

This big fish, they always feel that they can keep it for a long time.

Liu Fanghua was unwilling and helpless. If she dared to shout out now, they would dare to stab her directly. If they wanted to shout for help, they would not be able to escape from the encirclement of these people. It was even more impossible. There were at least a dozen hooligans around her. It was impossible for a weak female student to fight against so many people and escape from the encirclement of so many people, Don\'t even think about it.

"Say, do you say it or not? If you don\'t say it, you won\'t want to escape from here today!"


As soon as the rogue leader saw that she was afraid, he immediately laughed proudly, "it depends on whether you are right. If you dare to report a false name and address, be careful that we are not polite to you!"

This group of hooligans had no sense of shame. Liu Fanghua was just a high school female student at that time, and they were a group of social hooligans. They were not young people who were already 20 years old. They had hands and feet. They couldn\'t find something to do. They made money and supported themselves with their own hands.

However, they clearly have the ability, hands and feet to support themselves, but they are unwilling to work hard. Not only do they not work hard, but also rely on their older age to bully the weak and bully the weak. They try to get something for nothing by blackmailing young and ignorant students and rob students\' money to support themselves.