Rebirth of the Tyrant's Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter 853

Gong Qian has some accidents.

"Do you know what I want you to do?"

So easy to agree to him, do not need to consider?

Gong Che shook his head. "No need, the best way is to ascend the crown prince's position again, eliminate the dissident and be your shield."

Gong Qian didn't expect that he should be so clear about what he wanted.

Yes, he had such an idea at the beginning. Since he found that shuiyuncao had great effect on Gongche, he had to connect the two. He guessed that Gongche's disease could be eradicated if there was shuiyuncao. It's strange that Gongche knew that the disease could be cured and he had to withdraw from the dispute between the emperor and the son. So there are only two reasons.

One is that he would like to take a seat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and finally take advantage of the gains.

2、 Is afraid, after all, in addition to the lineage, Gong Che nothing, so by physical illness, out of the fight for the throne, want to take this life.

After a year's observation, Gong Che decided to cooperate with him because of the latter.

Gong Che's last request is also very interesting. It seems that he has lost his fame and wealth.

Seeing Gong Zhi's silence, Gong Che was uneasy. He was afraid that Gong Zhi would not agree, even though he thought that there was no reason for Gong Zhi not to agree.

Gong Che took a deep breath and said quietly and slowly, "you still have the support of the Li family, and even if I was an emperor, I would have no help inside and no help outside, so I would have a hard time. But if I help you, there will be different endings. "

Gong Qiao looks at him with a very interested eyes and signals him to continue.

At night, Gong Che leaned on a tree and continued coldly.

"I help you because I value your potential. Once you succeed, it's from the dragon's skill. If you worry about me fighting with you, you don't need to. Because I know very well that I'm not suitable to be an emperor."

He paused. "Besides, I didn't want to interfere in this matter. I am going to get married. My wife and I are looking forward to Jianghu life. But since you find me, I have no choice, so I have only one request. If you agree, you must help me with all your strength and be frank with each other."

Gong Qiao said in a hoarse voice, "at that time, can you really put down the position of power you are about to take and give in?"

"If I was greedy for power, I wouldn't have a hidden disease."

Gong Qiao suddenly smiles.

"Good! I promise you! "

He saw Gong Che with a cheerful look.

"When it's done, set you free."

Gong Che can't help repeating it.

"To let my wife and I leave without interfering in the Jianghu."

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

After Gong Che and Gong Zhi finished speaking, they did not stop for a moment and left by night.

Seeing Gong Che get on the carriage, Gong Qian's calm demeanor is really different from before.

Gong Qian's eyes are delicate. Gong Che can change because of the "wife"?

In Gong Che's words, she was mentioned repeatedly and inadvertently. If it was really because of a woman, then he was really curious.

After Gong Che got on the carriage, he went directly to the palace.

At this time, he held the jade box in his hand. In the jade box, it was the "sincerity" given to him by Gong Jian. No accident, it must be shuiyuncao.

Through the gap in the curtain, Gong Che sees the back of Gong Ji turning away.

He walked fast and steadily every step, as if all things were inevitable. He didn't know what he had lost.

Gong Che closes his eyes and pinches the box in his hand. Suddenly, he has the idea of robbing the most valuable treasure of Gong Zhi.

He smiled bitterly, but his face grew cold.

Mo'er is his. He didn't rob anyone. Mo'er is his!

Gong Qiao, in this life, rivers and mountains belong to you, Mo'er belongs to me. If I help you once, it will be my compensation to you.

With this mentality, he went to the palace, and when he saw the emperor, he showed his physical condition directly.

Knowing that Gong Che has found a way to cure himself, Gong Sheng is overjoyed and orders the royal doctor to study the formula of shuiyuncao.

When people met with happiness, Gong Sheng's sick face was much better. Gong Che did not forget that the emperor was still ill, leaving a few words of sympathy.

Because of his intention to show, Gong Sheng soon discovered the difference between Gong Che.

But I haven't seen him for a year. His son seems to have grown up a lot. He talks very well and has a lot to say, which is quite different from that of him a year ago.

This surprised Gong Sheng.

Because in Gong Sheng's mind, he never thought of changing the prince, but the former prince was really difficult to convince the public, not bad, but with more knowledge, less means and less ability, because of the lack of reserve.

But when he came back this time, he was very confident. In addition, Gong Che didn't hide his private property. Seeing that his son was rapidly becoming powerful, Gong Sheng also found that his ability was extraordinary. Unconsciously, some thoughts in his heart became active again, but Gong Sheng didn't say it on the spot.

The father and son talked for a while, and Gong Che went back. Although everyone knew that he was not the prince, Gong Sheng's purpose at that time was to say that the prince was ill and cultivated, which was a congenital deficiency.It can be said that the position of Prince survives, only waiting for a new prince to replace Gong Che.

But Gong Che still has a name, so he still lives in the east palace.

It was late at night after returning to the east palace. Gong Che washed and went to bed, and then heard the sound of the bell at midnight.

Mingming just separated for a few days, but he felt separated for a long time

The night is as cool as water, and the palace people have retreated. The whole dormitory is quieter, so quiet that it can enlarge any mood.

The body is slightly sour, and Gong Che feels as if something sour is drilling into his body. Only when he curls up, can he be relieved.

Mo'er He wants Mo'er so much

He didn't know how long he would stay here. Gong Che thought that as soon as he had time, he would go to Yunding mountain to see her, but he missed her so much

Gong Che thinks of his past life, and it's such a lonely night. He has to rely on imagination to spend those cold nights alone. At that time, Mo Er won't give him any response. He has to lie to himself and lie to himself again and again.

Now Mo'er will respond to him, but he does not dare to show her. He is afraid that his Mo'er will be robbed by others at last. He can't bear it. He will lose her again if he gets her!

However, he really wanted to take her to people, like the world to declare her right to belong!

With hair in his arms, Gong Che can't bear to hold the quilt and force himself to sleep.

Quiet night, but there is a cold hand, strange appearance!

She slowly reaches into the quilt, and then grabs Gong Che's ankle!

At that moment, Gong Che was tight. Next second, the dagger in his hand was on the neck of the visitor. His eyes were cold and tender.