Rebirth of the Tyrant's Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce

Chapter 823

Gong Yimo's eyes widened. She didn't want to leave. She didn't want to leave her brother!

As soon as Xu Ru saw her, she knew that she had been completely cajoled by Jin Yun. When a man wants to get a woman, he naturally has nothing to do with it. But who is the eldest son of the Jin family? His identity predestined his peach line to start! How could a man like him only belong to Mo'er?

And Mo'er She is so simple. At this time, she is afraid that all her heart is on Jin Yun. She can't watch her daughter continue to be wrong.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Xu Xu as like as two peas in the same breath, she breathed deeply and filled with the same big eyes.

"You're an adult, too! It's an adult! But do you know what you are doing? Who is the young master? He will have countless women in the future. How can they belong to you? "

Even Jin Shen, after playing with many women, married her. His previous wife, it is said, died of depression, which shows that this powerful man is not a good thing.

But Mo'er is different. She is still so small. It's estimated that she has only contacted a man named Jin Yun. Her feelings are sincere and pure white, and she can't stand a bit of filth.

Gong Yimo is frightened by Xu Ru's harsh words. She shakes her head. "No, my brother is different..."

My brother is so kind to her, how can he find someone else?

Gong Yimo's obsession finally made Xu Ru angry!

She stood up with a high voice and scolded, "is it different? How long have you been with him and said he's different? He is only twenty-three years old now. When he was young, he likes you now, but he is greedy for your young body and freshness. Even if he really likes it, he will like other people when more excellent people appear in the future! "

Her voice is very cold. Because of these things, she has seen too much. How many rich young masters are infatuated? And what's the good end of the infatuation?

For the first time, Xu Ru spoke to Gong Yimo in such a severe way, and overturned all Jin Yun had done in recent years.

"He treats you well now, but you forget how he treated you a few years ago? Mo'er You are still young. Mom really doesn't want you to be hurt... "

In short, she didn't believe that Jin Yun was sincere to Gong Yimo, but she just wanted to play and then spent some time.

Gong Yimo's chest fluctuates violently. It's not like this. Although my brother was not good to him a few years ago, he was not my brother!

Now my brother is very good to her. It's not a fake!

So in the face of Xu Ru's doubt, Gong Yimo suddenly calmed down. Since she believes in her brother, why is it so magical?

Said the palace slowly with foam.

"Mom, I won't say it at home. I'm the only one who has the most say in these years abroad.

My brother is very good to me. If I don't say anything else, I will say everyday is good.

Every day, he changed his ways to cook for me, pondered my preferences and urged my health.

Mom, a man who doesn't really treat you can wash your hands and make soup for you every year? Your words are too general. "

Xu Ru is slightly stunned. She really didn't expect that Jin Yun had cooked in person these years. She thought that she had hired a nanny or Mo'er to cook.

Gong Yimo continued.

"I said that I didn't want to read, so my brother asked for a tutor for me. I said that my family was boring, and my brother was absent from school and took me to travel. I said that he didn't like talking with other women, so he kept a distance with all women. I said that he didn't like sleeping alone. He would come back from the company no matter how tired or how late he was at night. He often didn't get home until 3 or 4 in the morning He met all my reasonable and unreasonable requirements and cared for me for two years. If it's not love, it's playfulness, then I do. "

Gong Yimo is not stupid. Although she is perfectly protected by Jin Yun and has not experienced any evil, she can still distinguish a person's true feelings and falsehood.

Xu Ru didn't expect Jin Yun to do this for her daughter. She opened her mouth for a while and couldn't speak.

Gong Yimo suddenly felt light and smiled.

"Mom, I admit that I am well protected by my brother. For you, I am not familiar with the world.

My brother is also very domineering and deliberately does not let me recognize the man Maybe in this world, someone is more suitable for me than my brother, but I met him first. His love for me makes me very happy, and I hope to repay him the same happiness, and I hope my mother can complete me. "

Xu Ru tried to stop talking for several times, but at last her face became sad.

"You are too young You don't know anything. "

She lamented, "you're as naive as mom used to be..."

Palace to foam see Xu Ru eyes even have tears flashing, can not help pulling her to sit down, some helpless said.

"Mom Don't cry! "

But as soon as she said, Xu Ru's tears fell.

"At the beginning, when I married Jin Shen, I was enthusiastic? He was tired of playing in the world of flowers. He was good to me. I thought that I was different and this feeling was different But later, in a few years, he didn't play as he wanted? Can a man's feelings be entrusted for life? "Xu Ru's words make palace foam taste bad. At this time, Xu Ru grabs the hand of palace foam and earnestly says.

"Mo'er, listen to your mother and leave the young master. Mom would rather you find a common family and live a common life than experience what your mother has experienced one day..."

Gong Yimo wants to draw back her hand, but Xu Ru holds it tightly!

"MOR, while you are not deep! Leave him! Your uncle will never allow you to be together! Come back with me! "

All of a sudden, the door "banged" open! Jin Yun grabs the hot dog, and the beautiful thin lips tremble with anger!

"Auntie, who do you want Mo'er to leave?"

His voice is like a ghost, with a piercing senhan!

God knows, how long did he love Mo'er? He just had Mo'er. Before he got back to the happiness above the cloud, someone wanted to break them up? no No one can take foam away from him!

The two women got up in a hurry.

As soon as Gong Yimo saw Jin Yun, the calm and rational side disappeared. She was wronged and shriveled, as if she had been bullied.


Jin Yun hurriedly runs over and embraces Xu Ru in front of her.

Mingming is just a few hours away. Both of them hold each other tightly. Jinyun holds the foam and looks at xuru badly. The air becomes extremely dangerous.

"You're here to take Mo'er away?"