Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 655: Existential threat (please subscribe)

Yu Hou is a middle-level engineer of Haotian Smartphone R&D Company.

He looks ordinary, his technology is good, and he doesn\'t come from a famous school, so naturally he doesn\'t attract much attention.

In the research and development team, he is conscientiously responsible for his own work, and he also works hard to complete the work that he has arranged.

That is to say, apart from having a sense of presence in the undergraduate room, he has no sense of presence in other departments at all.

He is a software developer and a typical engineering man.

Recently, the research and development tasks of the smartphone department have become more and more heavy, and he has to work overtime and work very hard.

The small team he is in is the module responsible for sending NFC, and is overcoming the latest algorithm. The difficulty is very high and the time is urgent.

"Yi, you\'re working really hard, you basically never leave your seat?"

"Li Ke, my skills are not very good in the team, so I have to work hard."

"Come on, work hard."

Li Zhou was Yu Hou\'s section chief. Seeing Yu Hou\'s hard work, he couldn\'t help but praise him.

In the department under his jurisdiction, some people work hard and some people have high technology accumulation, but after all, he likes and is optimistic about Yu Hou.

Because Yu Hou worked very hard and worked very hard, but he liked to be taciturn and only focused on research and development.

This kind of person plunges into R&D head-on, which has advantages and can concentrate on R&D, but it also has disadvantages. It has something to do, but it benefits others.

He stared at Yu Hou\'s efforts again, and patted his shoulder to let him continue to work hard.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

How good would it be to have more of these hard-working engineering men in the department? !

Of course Yu Hou didn\'t know what Li Zhou was thinking. He wanted to do a good job and be worthy of the salary.

So, he continued to devote himself to the NFC algorithm, how to solve the crack, how to record and calculate.

He took out the notebook, flashed various ideas in his mind, and after taking the pen, he began to draw flowcharts and logic diagrams.

When he encounters difficulties, he often likes to clarify the logic and the principle.

Only by figuring out the logic and principles can he be able to summarize and think about the most suitable algorithm.

Silent him, pay more attention.

He kept calculating and listing all the possible situations, perfect!

After wasting paper after paper, he continued to work tirelessly.

The colleague next to him looked at Yu Hou as if he was enchanted, and couldn\'t help but sigh in his heart, this man of engineering is really amazing.

This is not the first time I have seen Yuhou like this. Yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, it can even be said that it is like this every day.

He stared at Yu Hou for a while, shook his head helplessly, and continued his work.

"Yuhou, we\'re going to get off work, are you leaving?"

"Let\'s go first, I\'ll continue to look at it."

"That\'s fine, keep doing it, we\'re ready to go."

When it was time to get off work, many employees were ready to leave work, but Yu Hou said that he would continue to work hard.


Technological innovation and product iteration are far more than imagined.

Both Ren Zhengfei and Feng Hao encountered this kind of problem, and the development was far less smooth and difficult than expected.

After Feng Hao sighed, he still had to find a way to solve the problem. Haotian smartphones are currently the most profitable channel.

He concentrated, stared at Chen Mingyong and asked, "Mingyong, how long do you think our Haotian mobile phone\'s lead can be maintained?"

Chen Mingyong listened to the words from the big boss, he thought, how long will Haotian maintain the lead?

This is a very difficult question to answer!

Haotian currently has a good lead, and is definitely the leader in the smartphone field, at least a year ahead of other mobile phone manufacturers.

He really can\'t say exactly how far ahead in terms of technology.

So in the face of Feng Hao\'s question, he hesitated.

Feng Hao waved his hand and didn\'t continue to embarrass Chen Mingyong, "Since you can\'t think of it for the time being and don\'t know how to answer it, let me tell you. If Haotian Mobile doesn\'t work hard to innovate and make progress, it won\'t be long before Haotian will Falling off the altar."

Falling from the altar? !

That\'s right, in Feng Hao\'s thinking, that\'s it.

The update and iteration of technology is very fast. According to Moore\'s Law, the number of circuits integrated on an integrated circuit chip doubles every 18 months.

In fact, in the following years, it does not take 18 months to double.

The ability of human beings to innovate and compete is absolutely extraordinary.

This is even more true in smartphones. Mobile phone manufacturers are providing hardware every year to reduce costs and improve skills.

If Haotian mobile phone stands still and does not make progress, it will definitely become the second Nokia.

But Feng Hao doesn\'t want Haotian Mobile to follow the old path of Nokia. He must insist on technological innovation and stay at the forefront of technology.

Nothing he said was too much.

In fact, Haotian mobile phone has not been on the altar until now, and it has become the **** of all living beings!

Haotian Mobile only launched the HTOne, which has a good share of high-end mobile phones, but it is completely at a disadvantage in terms of popularity.

If you want to go to the altar, Haotian mobile phone must maintain its absolute dominance in the next generations of mobile phones.

Chen Mingyong listened to Feng Hao\'s words, and immediately stayed on the scene, unbelievable.

Hao Ge actually commented on Haotian smartphones like this. If they don\'t insist on innovation, Haotian mobile phones will definitely fall into the altar.

This is the first smartphone in China, made by the father of Huaxia Technology!

He responded hesitantly, "Brother Hao, are other mobile phone manufacturers very powerful? Do they have a lot of advanced technologies?"

Since Brother Hao told it like this, there must be a certain basis, and he has to understand it clearly.

Which competitors can match Haotian? !

He pondered, and suddenly felt that the overlord of feature phones might have a chance. Nokia has very strong funds. If it invests manpower and material resources, it may be possible.

As the general manager of Haotian Smartphone, he certainly hopes that Haotian Mobile can occupy the top spot for a long time and be the hegemon all the time.

Feng Hao glanced at Chen Mingyong. Although Haotian\'s situation is not particularly difficult, there must be many competitors on the periphery.

He said slowly, "Mingyong, I\'m afraid you don\'t know too much for now. Our competitor is not Nokia. The R&D capabilities of those emerging mobile phone manufacturers should not be underestimated."

Chen Mingyong didn\'t know why. Hearing this, he couldn\'t help but ask, "Brother Hao, how many companies will really rise?"

He wanted to confirm from Feng Hao which manufacturers would threaten Haotian mobile phones.