Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 653: Mobile phone manufacturer layout (please subscribe)

Japan and South Korea, where Samsung is located, have a very high level of technology today, even surpassing China in some aspects.

Relying on the big father of North America, Japan and South Korea have officially risen since the 1950s, and various technologies have been iterated layer by layer. Especially in the automotive, high-tech industry, it has a very extraordinary influence.

Of course, if I insist, plastic surgery and body art performances in Japan and South Korea are also quite good \'techniques\'.

These are the most important revenue options for Japan and South Korea, and Samsung is the largest electronics group among them, with many key technologies.

But Samsung has encountered a lot of trouble recently, especially in terms of mobile phones and chips.

It turned out that Samsung is the second-selling mobile phone manufacturer in the world, and its voice and market share are full.

And the first word, it is naturally Nokia, a group company that has been passed down for a long time, and its dominance still exists.

But in the age of smartphones, Samsung was the first to see the existential crisis, and they wanted to find a breakthrough.

Haotian Group is currently a well-deserved leader with strong technological innovation capabilities. It has now launched its first smartphone, which has achieved impressive results worldwide.

For such a powerful competitor, they certainly did not underestimate, and even faintly wanted to cooperate in some aspects.

Now that Google has officially launched the Android smart system, they have obtained the open source code from Samsung and are currently trying to produce smart phones.

They naturally don\'t want to be left behind, especially in the field of mobile phones.

Therefore, Samsung continues to invest manpower and funds in this area, just to speed up and catch up with the leading Haotian Group as soon as possible.

"Jinxi, how is your research on the Android smart system recently?"

Samsung President Li Jianxi couldn\'t help frowning at the recent research and development progress. There are still many defects in the Android system, and these defects hinder their research and development.

They have obtained the Android source code for a whole month, but there is almost no good progress. They are still studying the design logic and architecture of the entire Android source code.

How could Li Jianxi be satisfied with this kind of research and development progress? !

"President Li, we are currently accelerating the progress of research and development, but that is the source code of Google, and it is quite difficult for us to study it."

Jinxi bowed slightly and looked cautious. Of course he understood the progress, but what could be done about it?

As a search giant, the intelligent system they developed is naturally not that simple. They need to learn from scratch, especially in terms of language, which is a brand new language.

This kind of difficulty is quite large, which naturally slows down the progress, and the boss is now making them speed up, but they also have difficulties with these engineers.

Of course Li Jianxi understands the difficulty, but can\'t it be solved if it is difficult?

The same situation exists for competitors. Only one step ahead of their competitors can they have a way to gain a voice in the market.

Facing Jin Xi, the vice president in charge of technology, he immediately sternly scolded him, "Vice President Jin, our competitors will not give us any time. Except for Haotian Group, other companies should not be underestimated. Ah! So, be sure to speed up the progress of research and development."

Jinxi hesitated for a moment, then responded with a heavy voice. He also knew that he had to speed up, "President Li, I understand!"

If they don\'t get up to speed, their former lead in the mobile phone space will be doomed.

"By the way, our current directors seem to have a lot of opinions on us!"

After Li Jianxi finished his instructions, he asked about other things, things within the group.

As the largest group company in Japan and South Korea, Samsung naturally has many problems, especially internally, there are many vicious competitions.

Since Samsung\'s chip manufacturing is not profitable at all, it has been investing and spending a lot of money with little gain, which has attracted many shareholders\' dissatisfaction.

"President Li, there is no way out. There are many difficulties in chip manufacturing, especially in terms of funds and talents, so we have to give up."

Today\'s Samsung chip technology is more than half behind that of the top manufacturers in the industry. To catch up, it will undoubtedly require a very large amount of capital.

The technology is backward, the yield rate is low, and Samsung can only buy chips from outside.

Since the chip is purchased, there is no need to continue research and development!

These are the ideas and plans of the shareholders, even if Li Jianxi is the president, it cannot be changed.

In order to seek the final benefit, they coincided with SMIC, sold part of the technical reserves, and obtained enough funds and equity interests.

"Hey, short-sighted shareholders, fortunately they agreed to the final plan."

Li Jianxi nodded slightly and reluctantly accepted this result. In fact, he couldn\'t accept it, so he had to accept it.

"President Li, then I will speed up to deal with these things."

"Okay, you\'re busy first."


In China, Pengcheng Warwick.

"Chengdong, how\'s the recent progress in research and development?"

Ren Zhengfei stared at Yu Chengdong and asked in a cold voice. Recently, he has paid special attention to the development of Huawei mobile phones.

Although they are far behind at present, in front of Haotian, they are temporarily behind, but in front of other mobile phone manufacturers, who do not want to endure backwardness.

If they want to get in on smartphones, they have to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Therefore, they take it very seriously, and they put a lot of effort into research and development.

But the progress is not very good, and Ren Lao\'s face is not very good.

Yu Chengdong\'s face was bitter, and he thought hard, things were much more difficult than he thought.

Before Haotian mobile phone came out, although Huawei was not the leading hegemon in China, the sales volume of mobile phones was quite good, at least squeezed into the top four.

But when compared with Haotian mobile phones, they are very bad. Haotian has a revenue of 100 billion in half a year, but they are pitiful, and they only earn less than 100 million in mobile phones in half a year.

I recently got the source code of Android, but due to differences in programming languages ​​and architectures, they basically learned languages ​​and flipped through Google code for most of the month.

Worrying progress!

Now that the boss of the company asked about it, he replied with some difficulty, "Mr. Ren, the recent progress has not been ideal. Currently, I am learning and parsing the entire source code."

Ren Zhengfei frowned, and it really wasn\'t that easy, "I understand your suffering, but competitors don\'t, so we have to speed up and try to understand the entire Android source code recently. We will start the R&D layout next month."

If Huawei wants to develop smart phones, especially excellent mobile phone products, it will definitely need to make more efforts.

From hardware design, structural layout, product production, to operating system, driver software, and finally to application software, these are all things that Huawei needs to overcome.