Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 623: 14nm chip solution (please subscribe)

Guida University, the School of Computer Science, is now empty.

In mid-July, the students had the summer vacation, but the teachers did not have any free time. They still insisted on their posts and conducted final examinations.

There are still a lot of people working in the college office, and they are seriously correcting the test papers at the moment.

But one of them seems to be more laid-back. From a distance, she is as beautiful as jade, with a variety of styles, long black hair, delicate face, and a bumpy figure.

Walking in and taking a closer look, it is even more amazing, the skin is white and beautiful, but the brows are furrowed, as if he is thinking about something.

The young teacher not far away occasionally glanced at her with a vague look of admiration.

This person is Liu Feifei, the grade counseling director of the software major, known as the "garden flower" of the School of Computer Science, which shows his reputation.

Damn, why think of that guy again!

Liu Feifei was secretly annoyed, why did she suddenly think of someone, and she hadn\'t been in touch recently!

Although there was no contact, the news about him did not reach her ears less, after all, he was famous.

The person she was thinking of was Feng Hao. Today, Feng Hao\'s reputation in Guida is bigger than that of the principal. Some people may not have heard of the principal\'s name, but they must know Feng Hao\'s name.

He is a talented person who has gone out of the School of Computer Science, the richest man in Guangxi Province, worth over 100 billion yuan, the top rich man in China, the national husband Hao Ge, the founder of Genesis and Haotian Group, and the soul of Haotian Mobile.

Many sticky notes and titles were hung on Feng Hao\'s body at the same time, and at the same time, they were the people around them. Naturally, they received a lot of attention, especially in the School of Computer Science.

This is a super genius of the School of Computer Science, the idol of many students, and the object of attention of many teachers.

With honor!

Liu Feifei was in such an environment. Of course, he heard all kinds of information about Feng Hao, but it was hard to understand.

This is the state of the School of Computer Science of Guangxi University. Liu Feifei has not been chased, especially in office and teaching, the school has always given a lot of preferential treatment.

As for Feng Hao, Liu Feifei is a little confused at the moment. She doesn\'t know what to do, and she mostly uses evasion.

If Feng Hao was single, of course she would be happy to pursue her own happiness, but he is not!

Recently, she learned about the Guancheng incident of the Haotian Group and was particularly worried, but she hesitated and chose not to call to disturb her.

Until now, she was still a little worried, for fear that any problems in the Haotian Group would make him worry.


Liu Feifei shook her head and sighed silently, full of sadness.

Da Da Da ~!

The Haotian HTOne mobile phone on the desktop was vibrating, Liu Feifei stared at the name on it, and was slightly taken aback.

what is this?

Just when she was thinking about Feng Hao, Feng Hao called. Is it such a coincidence?

She looked up and looked next to her. The other teachers were seriously correcting the exam papers and didn\'t notice her.

She quietly picked up the mobile phone on the desktop and tiptoed out of the office, obviously not wanting to disturb other teachers.

After Liu Feifei left, one of the female teachers put down the red pen and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Liu has been a little strange lately, and she is often haunted."

One of the middle-aged male teachers nodded in agreement, "It seems to be the case. Several times when I called her, I only heard it after repeated calls."

The young teacher frowned and asked strangely, "Is Mr. Liu sick? Should I drink more hot water?"

The female teacher said with a smile, "Xiao Li, you straight man, you don\'t understand girls at all. I think Teacher Liu is probably in a relationship. This state is absolutely right!"

A middle-aged male teacher with a wife has a high EQ and agrees with it, "That\'s right, I think it\'s very similar, I don\'t know who is so lucky."

The female teacher was a little bit appetizing, "You stinky men, all of you are staring at Teacher Liu Feifei, isn\'t she just prettier?!"

The middle-aged teacher snorted, "Men\'s true colors, men\'s true colors, all like beautiful things, and they don\'t break the law."

The young male teacher was very disappointed, "Really, it\'s no wonder that I invited Teacher Liu Feifei to dinner several times, but she didn\'t want to."

The female teacher and the male teacher are very speechless, the young man of the steel straight man should be hopeless!

Liu Feifei, how can it be a mediocre person? !


Haotian Group and Hacker Group returned to their normal development track, while Feng Hao was idle, and he started his own business.

As for the external news that did not bother him for the time being, such as Google\'s Android launch, many mobile phone manufacturers cheered. For example, Apple revealed the latest mobile phone models Iphone3GS.

In response to the information from Apple and Google, Feng Hao and Haotian Group have long been prepared, do a good job in the present, and plan for the future, Haotian mobile phone must be the first mover.

Feng Hao is of course very confident in this regard. The layout of Haotian mobile phones is often carried out a year in advance, and the planning of HTOne mobile phones is also carried out early in advance.

According to the current technological conditions and future development trends, Feng Hao has planned the functions of smartphones well enough to ensure that enough black technologies will appear every year.

In this way, Haotian mobile phone guarantees that new black technology will appear in each version, so there is no need to worry about sales.

The black technology system passed in his mind, but he remembered the task of the black technology system.

Recently, due to all kinds of busyness, he rarely opens the black technology system, and he almost forgets the black technology system.

Since he thought about the black technology system, he wanted to see the specific situation of the task and whether it could be exchanged.

Calling for the black technology panel, specific information will soon be displayed.

【Name: Feng Hao】

[Occupation: Senior Programmer]

[Level: LV41:6100068000]

【professional skills:

Mathematics Major: Advanced, 36284000

English Major: Senior, 39194000

Programming ability: master level, 72198000

Logical ability: master level, 51598000

Management Ability: Senior, 37154000

Financial Management: Senior, 41388000]

Acquired technologies: drone technology, artificial intelligence system, ultra-fast flash memory technology, primary intelligent system technology, 32nm chip design technology, super folding screen technology, solar cell technology.

Items: Super Coke*4 (Refreshing 2H), Super Sprite*12 (Focus 2H), Sprite*12 (Focus 0.5H), Coke*7 (Refreshing 0.5H), Premium Lucky Draw Ticket*4, Super Lucky Draw Ticket*2.

Redeem points: 305.

Taskbar (not selected): Tasks - Group Management

[Note: As an elite talent, please keep learning continuously, please improve the management ability of the group, and optimize all internal groups.

Requirements: Improve their professional quality and constantly learn new management knowledge. Participate in a vocational study, improve the overall management ability, optimize the internal structure of all groups, and the group with a controlling stake of more than 50 has a time limit of 90 days.

Reward: Super lottery ticket*1.

Progress: 0100.

Time: 90]

This is the newest mission. Feng Hao has already completed the previous mission and has obtained certain points.

Feng Hao is currently struggling to decide whether to go ahead or not. At present, the task of scientific and technological systems is more inclined to the direction of enterprises and groups.

In other words, it used to be to cultivate technical skills, but now it is to improve management skills.

Feng Hao never knew about the black technology system. He was so arrogant about his current situation.

For example, in the early stage, the demand for technical ability is greater than the management ability, so he needs to improve the technical ability, and the black technology system improves the related black technology.

Up to now, the demand for management ability is greater than the technical ability, and there is an urgent need to improve management ability, and the black technology system provides such tasks.

This shocked Feng Hao and also felt a little panic.

Such a terrifying black technology system, why is it tangled up in him?

Afterwards, he shook his head, as long as it came, let it be, just leave it alone!

At present, he should live the present moment and live a human life!

His eyes fell on the task again, and he decided to take it.


Subsequently, the status change of the task is selected.

Regarding the task, the direction of his recent plan is roughly the same, such as the promotion channel.

In addition, he may have to come up with more optimization methods, involving Hacker Group, Haotian Group, and Jingdong Group.

Zhaoyi Innovation Technology, Haotian Venture Capital, and SMIC under his name are not included in the company.

After Feng Hao had a general idea, he put the task on hold for the time being and would do it later.

At this time, his eyes fell on the lottery tickets. At present, he has a total of four advanced lottery tickets and two super lottery tickets.

Should it be used?

Do you use it now, or keep it for later?

He pondered for a while, and then he will talk about it later. For the time being, he is not in a hurry to use it.

He glanced at the technology and inventory that he possessed, and stared at the exchange points, and now he has 305 exchange points.

No more, no less, I don\'t know what can be exchanged.

Open the exchange shop!

Battery category: Lithium battery technology (10 points for exchange), super battery technology (50 points for exchange)

Storage Category: Flash Memory Technology (5 redeemed for points), Extreme Flash Technology (redeemed)

Chip category: 32nm chip design (already redeemed), 14nm chip design (150 redemption points), 7nm chip design (unlocked at level 50)

Software category: primary source code of intelligent system (already redeemed), advanced source code of intelligent system (unlocked at level 45), intelligent driving design (unlocked at level 50)

Special Items: Coke (1 redemption point), Sprite (1 redemption point), Beginner Fitness Body Fluid (10 redemption points), Ultimate Fitness Body Fluid (500 points redeemable)

Remarks: Due to permission issues, only some exchange items are currently open and displayed. If more exchange items need to be opened, please upgrade the host as soon as possible to increase the exchange authority.

Before that, his goal was a 14nm chip design!

150 redemption points!

For the current Haotian Group, it is very short of design solutions, so it is necessary to have design solutions for high-end chips.

If the design scheme is combined with SMIC\'s chip manufacturing, then Haotian Group can build a relatively complete industrial chain.

From now on, you will no longer be subject to many restrictions from other companies, and the situation that was blocked in the previous life will no longer exist.

Now that you have the corresponding points, you can redeem them, learn first by yourself, thoroughly understand the relevant technologies, and then organize them into general documents for the chip R&D center to learn.

This is the most reasonable plan that Feng Hao has thought of so far. He was originally a talent in this field, and his technical foundation is here. In addition, he has drunk body fluids, and his learning ability has become much stronger, and it is not difficult to learn.

After learning and understanding, they will be organized into documents to provide general directions for chip development, so that they can directly take a step ahead.

After selection, a confirmation button for redemption will pop up.


After selection, a familiar black USB flash drive appears on the desktop.


Feng Hao understands that this is the information on the 14nm chip design scheme, and I don\'t know if it is a bionic chip scheme similar to the previous 28nm chip.

If so, then for chip learning, it is much simpler.

After making the selection, Feng Hao closed the interface of the black technology system, sighing deeply.

He looked at the busy traffic outside the window and sighed at the great changes in life, the two different lives in the past and the present, and he cherished everything now.

So he dialed a number he hadn\'t called for a long time.

"Hello, Teacher Feifei?"

"It\'s me, what\'s the matter?"

"I have something, I just miss you, so I called you."

"Feng Hao, if there are only such words, then there is no need for us to talk."

Feng Hao was stunned and a little annoyed, what happened to this woman? ! How does it feel like eating gunpowder, full of firepower!

He could clearly hear the smell of gunpowder from Liu Feifei\'s tone, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with himself.

But he didn\'t do anything wrong? Basically, Liu Feifei has not been contacted recently, let alone offended.


When Feng Hao thought of this, he suddenly realized, is this because he hates himself for not being in touch?

I\'m afraid it is!

So, he explained patiently, "Mr. Feifei, there has been a major production accident in Haotian Group recently, causing very heavy losses. I have been busy outside."

Liu Feifei\'s anger subsided a little, but she still responded coldly, "Oh, how was the matter handled?"

Feng Hao paused for a while, and then realized that he was probably asking about the Guancheng incident.

After thinking about it, he simply replied, "It has basically been resolved, and the production of the Guancheng factory has returned to normal."

Liu Feifei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the matter was resolved, but she was still a little annoyed when she thought that Feng Hao had not contacted her recently.

Although she didn\'t like Feng Hao very much, this person kept not contacting her, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, she responded coldly, "It\'s fine, there\'s nothing else to do, then hang up."

Feng Hao was speechless for a while. Isn\'t it because he didn\'t call you, he just stopped contacting you. Is that so?

But reasoning with a woman is useless. He shook his head helplessly and continued to respond, "Wait, I still have some things to discuss with you, when do you have time?"

Liu Feifei frowned, but her face became much more beautiful. At least Feng Hao still cared about her, even though she didn\'t think she needed it very much.

So, her tone was still cold, and if you listened carefully, she didn\'t seem to be cold, "Just say it straight, I\'m going on vacation recently, and I have more time."

Feng Hao instantly understood that it was a holiday and there was time!

So, he said happily, "I\'ll go to your place later, see you in the teachers\' dormitory."