Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 577: Haotian deployment in the second half of the year (on, please subscribe)

As Peng Qian\'s words fell, the meeting officially entered the second phase and began to deploy the work in the second half of the year.

Many executives and backbones slowly came back to their senses and came out of the brilliant record of Haotian Group.

Focus on the past and make a conclusion!

Start now, seize the future!

Peng Qian and many management executives are doing this. She brings up topics and makes everyone ponder.


How will Haotian develop in the second half of the year? What about creating greater glories?

At present, Haotian has achieved very splendid revenue and profits, and the management and backbone layers of each subsidiary are thinking deeply about the strategies to deal with.

Peng Qian didn\'t wait any longer, and slowly broke everyone\'s thinking, "Since everyone doesn\'t speak, then I\'ll continue!"

"If we, Haotian, want to continue to maintain a high growth rate, we must not forget our original roots. Haotian originally belonged to the category of research institutes, and the current Haotian Group should do the same!"

"From various aspects such as technology improvement, product innovation, and competitiveness enhancement, we ensure that our Haotian products are excellent enough to be loved by more customers."

"Then we will continue to arrange deployment-related work according to the categories of subsidiaries. Please continue to look at the screen behind me."

"The first is the artificial intelligence subsidiary. As a product-oriented company, it must strengthen product innovation and expansion of technology fields."

"The first is the innovation and iteration of technology. At present, from the perspective of drones, the drone system has been iterated several times, and the overall balance, obstacle avoidance, battery life, shooting and photography have been fully improved."

"But our drones still have many defects, including high cost of consumer-grade products, high price, lack of intelligence, unclear shooting, and poor battery life!"

"In this case, in the second half of the year, we must overcome these technical pain points and continuously optimize and improve the intelligent control system of UAVs."

"The second is to expand the product into more fields. Before, I discussed with the General Manager of Agriculture and General Manager Feng how to expand our market and field of drones and artificial intelligence.

"The addition of UAV systems and handheld imaging systems makes our products more active in the consumer-grade field. Products related to UAV systems and handheld imaging systems can cover electronic consumption, photographic equipment, outdoor sports, and department store appliances. , toy trendy products, telecom operations and many other channels.”

"In the education industry, we have formed Haotian\'s unique robot and AI style system to create a hobby for young people and the orientation of learning about drones and machines, so that the younger generation will fall in love with products such as drones and machines."

"The practical application of Haotian\'s products can be committed to presenting a smarter, more efficient and safer future for the government, public institutions and corporate customers. We will develop together with other partners to form a more open drone market, which will serve as a platform for related industries. Contribute to the development of the chain.”

"With the concept of "UAV+", we continue to innovate and open up technologies to help realize the intelligent upgrade of industrial ecology. D Haotian\'s UAV solutions can be used overseas for public security, energy, agriculture, construction, infrastructure, etc. applied in the field.”

"In the field of agriculture, we can fully develop fly-control ecological products centered on talent training, product improvement, chemical optimization, and technology upgrades, and are committed to agricultural fertilization, protection, and pest control."

Peng Qian slowly described and listed the plans that Haotian UAV should implement, involving technical research and technological innovation, and the expansion of product lines.

Improve competitiveness in the original product field and serve a diverse group of people; make it more practical and convenient in new product fields.

"UAV is the foundation of our Haotian start, the first product to be listed and profitable, its importance is self-evident! Therefore, in the next six months, I hope that all employees of artificial intelligence subsidiaries can do their best. Go all out, go all out, and strive to bring artificial intelligence to the next level!”

Following Peng Qian\'s narration, she concretized and summarized what Feng Hao said before!

In the face of hidden dangers such as DJI, Haotian UAV must firmly grasp the market and form new technical barriers, making it difficult for other companies to enter.

Just like the current carbonated beverage giants, they can achieve high revenue growth year by year only with Coke!

After listening to Nong Jiade, he looked ashamed. In the past year, the artificial intelligence research and development center achieved brilliant results under his efforts, but now it has become the subsidiary that is holding back.

In the first half of the year, the results were limited. In the second half of the year, we must work hard to improve, make products well, and strive to increase revenue.

He was secretly ruthless and set a goal for himself!

After talking about artificial intelligence, Peng Qian immediately began to make arrangements for Haotian Genesis, involving research and development, sales and other aspects.

"Second, it is a subsidiary of Haotian Genesis, which is responsible for the computer industry. It has achieved quite good results in the first half of the year, and the task in the second half of the year is still very heavy. On the basis of the original, we will strive to make breakthroughs and improve the quality of products."

"In terms of technological innovation, we need to strengthen our hardware and software strength, especially when we want to introduce Haotian intelligent system into computers recently, we need to pay attention to the quality of software. At the same time, we need to continue to innovate, reduce hardware expenditure and improve product performance. "

"In addition, we need to strengthen research and development and investment in all-in-one computers, notebooks, etc., and strive for more breakthroughs. For example, increase battery life, reduce the weight of notebook computers, and so on."

"In terms of sales channels, it is based on offline channels, combined with online channels, such as physical stores and online stores for joint development and common revenue."

The most critical task of Genesis in the second half of the year is naturally to gradually introduce the Haotian intelligent system and get through the realization of the Haotian system in the computer.

Ling Mingzhi, Jiang Zhan, Man Chengfu, Su Tianzhu and others naturally nodded slightly and responded with great certainty.

Haotian Genesis has been adhering to this practice, technological innovation, product innovation, good service to consumers, and better sales of products.

This is also the reason why Genesis continues to achieve great results, with an increase in sales of 10,000 to 20,000 units every month!

An average of 15,000 more units per month means an additional 75 million in revenue and a net profit of nearly 20 million.

Relevant countermeasures and requirements have been listed on the projection, showing a good plan. It can be seen that Peng Qian has made great efforts in this regard.

At this moment, Feng Hao sighed in his heart that Peng Qian did a pretty good job of carrying Haotian\'s president!

Fortunately, Peng Qian was there, otherwise I would definitely be exhausted, and I would feel tired just thinking about dealing with specific affairs.

Now Peng Qian is like the most dazzling pearl, showing her own light on the front desk, illuminating the entire vast sky!