Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 436: Go to Greentown, seek planning (for subscription)

The cold wind is cold, the clouds and mists drifting vaguely, and the spring rain that moistens things silently.

The road ahead is difficult, the situation is unknown.

Sitting in the limousine, Feng Hao sighed inexplicably and couldn\'t help frowning.

"Hao, what\'s wrong? Did something happen?"

Hua Roumiao saw Feng Hao\'s demeanor beside her and asked suspiciously.

Is there a special situation?

"The traffic jam is so uncomfortable."

Feng Hao smiled awkwardly, his expression seemed a little helpless, but his body was a little uncomfortable.


Drink too much water!

"Mr. Feng, you can drive slowly now, why don\'t we go to the service area in front for a rest?"

"Yes, how long will it take to reach the service area?"

"There are still three kilometers, and it should be there in half an hour."

"So long?"

"Mr. Feng, the current road conditions, this is already relatively fast."

Wu Feng estimated the speed of the car, and responded slightly speechless. He also wanted to drive fast, but it was not allowed now.


In Feng Hao\'s heart, there were countless Mama batches running, three kilometers, half an hour!

What, walking speed?

You can walk normally!

Traffic jams are horrible.

What\'s even more frightening is that he drank a lot of water and is now in a hurry.

High-speed urgency, how to solve?

Online waiting, especially urgent!

Before going out, check the road conditions first, and Feng Hao also wanted to do the same. But in 2007, when the development of technology was not enough, it was impossible to check the road conditions in real time.

Warning everyone, before and after the holidays and the Spring Festival, avoid peak travel!



"Ho, it\'s not a big problem, is it?"

"I\'ll be at the service area soon, please bear with me."

The congested road conditions are really worrying, and both Hua Roumiao and Feng Hao feel very uncomfortable.

After a long time, the black Mercedes-Benz slowly parked in the service area.

Cars, buses, crowds of people, the entire service area became overcrowded.

"Mr. Feng, we have arrived at the service area."

"Okay, let\'s go down and rest for a while, you\'re tired from driving."

"I see, Mr. Feng."

Then, when everyone should solve it, go to solve it.

"Xiangzi, you are a pit, if you set out yesterday, you will not encounter this situation."

After draining the water, Feng Hao saw Zhao Guanxiang as soon as he got back to the car and couldn\'t help saying.

"I don\'t know if this is the case. Otherwise, I definitely won\'t go to Greentown today, and it will hurt you."

"I didn\'t expect that today\'s trip would be so difficult."

After experiencing traffic jams again and again, Feng Hao is very helpless. There are many people in Huaxia, and with economic development, traffic will definitely become easily congested.

Especially before and after holidays, it is called a special traffic jam!

"Xiangzi, how long does it take to get to Greentown?"

"Less than a hundred kilometers."

"That\'s okay, there are still two or three hours left."

This was the first time that Zhao Guanxiang encountered such a situation. He did not expect this to happen when he returned to Greentown.

"Xiangzi, this trip, it will take us at least ten hours to go back to Greentown."

"Probably more than that!"

"Forget it, I have to avoid traveling in the future. Unfortunately, we don\'t have a plane in Yuzhou, otherwise we can solve many problems."

Feng Hao and Zhao Guanxiang inexplicably sighed that the economic development of Yuzhou and Rongcheng is not good, and now there is no airport.

At ten o\'clock in the evening, Feng Hao and Hua Roumiao finally returned to the Hanlin family after eleven hours.

"Huh, I\'m finally home, I\'m exhausted."

"Hao, this trip back, let me experience the pain of the car."

As soon as the two came back, they complained that the road conditions were terrible, and they were even worse.

The journey that originally took four or five hours now took a full eleven hours. It was so terrifying.

Traffic jams in Huaxia are really disturbing.

"Xiaorou, it\'s the first time you\'ve been in a car for so long. It\'s hard work."

"It\'s the first time, my back is sore and I just want to get a good night\'s sleep."

"Go take a shower first, it will be more comfortable."

"Okay, I\'m ready to go now, how about you?"

"Me, hehe, of course we are together."

Feng Hao laughed, of course he didn\'t go with Hua Roumiao, so as not to miss the shot later.

Both of them are so tired today, it is definitely not suitable for another war.

Wash and sleep, this is what Feng Hao and Hua Rou Miao want to do now.


After washing up, I felt a lot more comfortable, but Feng Hao didn\'t have much sleepiness for the time being.

Tomorrow is the eighth day of the eighth day, the day when the company under his name officially starts.

Facing the future development, Feng Hao couldn\'t help but ponder.

The Hacker Group is developing better and better. The first is Hacker Miracle. After the last financing, Hacker 361 antivirus software has enough funds and cooperation opportunities. The direction of antivirus software package, such as enterprise security, security tools, etc., has been greatly expanded.

Promote other software and gain more market share, such as hacker browser, hacker search engine, hacker input method and other applications, have a certain foothold in China.

The second is artificial intelligence home, through technological innovation, the production of more practical home products. Then use the large user base of Hacker Group to sell the produced smart products and obtain more funds.

Once again, the instant messaging company, also known as WeChat, has accumulated a certain number of users through Haotian mobile phones before. This new year, it has cooperated with CCTV to implement WeChat red envelopes and WeChat payment, making WeChat instantly become the second largest instant messaging company in China. More than 80 million users and still growing.

The development of WeChat, which can be described as the speed of light, is unprecedented.

With the promotion of creativity and a lot of money, this result was achieved.

Finally, there are Weibo Company and Slowshou Company, one is a blog website and APP, the other is a video website and APP. The development is also good, especially Weibo has many entrepreneurs and stars.

Hacker Group, as an important software company in his hands, must have significant support.

In the future, the development of the hacker group will definitely develop more steadily and rapidly.

Unlike software companies such as Hacker Group, Haotian Research Institute is more inclined to hardware and systems.

Haotian Research is still a single company, but its market value has exceeded 50 billion!


Of course, this is the premium effect of the hot sales of Haotian mobile phones, but this should not be considered a premium. Haotian smart phones and Haotian intelligent R&D center are worth this market value!

The monthly sales of millions of Haotian mobile phones is absolutely terrifying.

That\'s billions in sales!

Haotian Research Institute currently has a total of five R&D centers, five production centers, and four departments.

The five R&D centers are artificial intelligence R&D center, computer R&D center, smartphone R&D center, chip R&D center, and communication R&D center.

Artificial intelligence, with drones as the core, supplemented by other intelligent tools, mainly research on AI and algorithms, the main product is Haotian drones, and the director is Nongjiade.

Computer research and development, taking consumer-grade computers as hackers, focusing on technological innovation and cost-effectiveness, researching desktop computers and a variety of new notebook computers, the main product is new notebook computers, and the director is Ling Mingzhi.

Smartphones, with Haotian intelligent system as the core, develop Haotian mobile phones full of innovation and technology. The main product is Haotian HTOne mobile phone, and the director is Chen Mingyong.

Chip research and development is still in its infancy, and it is preparing to increase investment in capital and manpower. Although there is already an advanced 32nm chip design scheme, mass production cannot be achieved. The director is Jin Yue.

Communication research and development has developed relatively well at present. 3G technology has been fully understood. Currently, 4G network is being developed. It needs to keep up with the international development level and increase investment in 5G standard construction. The director is Chu Lingzhen.

These R&D centers are the core of Haotian Research Institute, and Feng Hao has high hopes.

Any one of them requires a lot of money to be researched.

At present, the profits obtained by Haotian Research Institute are basically invested in expansion and research, making contributions to scientific and technological innovation and progress.

Input and output, if it fails, will definitely not be proportional; if it succeeds, then a lot of useful research results can definitely be obtained.

Haotian drones, Haotian\'s new laptops, Haotian HTOne mobile phones, these are the results achieved.

These achievements have become important revenue projects and profitable projects of Haotian Research Institute!

Five production centers, of which three specialized mobile phone production centers are located in the original OPPO factory in Guancheng, the new factory in Greentown, and the factory in Shunyi.

One of the specialized drone production centers is the Pengcheng factory in Shenzhen.

As for the rest of the blue sky factory, it is a combined factory, not only responsible for the production of mobile phones, but also responsible for the production of drones, as well as the production of other products.

Four functional departments, including personnel department, finance department, security department, purchasing department.

Wu Chengye, Minister of Purchasing Department, Lu Xinling, Minister of Personnel Department, Xie Daimei, Minister of Finance Department, and Minister of Security Department are currently vacant.

Feng Hao passed this information in his heart and couldn\'t help thinking about it.

Hacker Group, the group has been completed at present, the relevant equity and structure have been adjusted, and the future development will definitely be smoother.

Haotian Research Institute is currently preparing to be grouped. At the same time, Genesis Group will be incorporated into Haotian Research Institute, and its strength will definitely be stronger when the group is completed.

Genesis, not just a computer assembly company, must have its own core technology so as not to follow in the footsteps of a certain company.

As for, Haotian Creation, and Zhaoyi Innovation and Technology, they are all developing normally, and the speed is also not slow. is firmly in the second position in e-commerce. Currently, it is constantly threatening Ali\'s market share, and it may surpass it in the future.

Haotian Venture Capital, a new investment institution in China, specializes in seed or angel investment.

With Feng Hao\'s background, who would dare to underestimate Haotian Venture Capital!

GigaDevice has continued to dig deep in the storage field and is still the largest company in China.

The production of U disk, storage SD card, extremely fast solid state drive, memory and other storage products are very popular and can be said to be in short supply.

Thinking of these companies, Feng Hao couldn\'t help but smile.

He still became a technology giant, at least a technology giant in China!

When talking about technology, Feng Hao immediately recited the black technology system in his mind!

Check out the system panel!