Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 396: Life at the end of the year (please subscribe)

Peng Qian, who was a little confused, complained in her heart, what can I do? !

What, what else can I think of? !

Isn\'t this how much the market value should be assessed?

Can you give me more points?

One hundred thousand in my heart why? After 100,000 complaints, Peng Qian immediately asked angrily: "President Feng, is it possible that you are going to give me a little more equity? That\'s not impossible?"

"You not only look beautiful, you think beautiful too?!"

Listening to Peng Qian\'s sarcastic tone, Feng Hao said with a smile.

Peng Qian, you really dare to think about giving you more equity!


It seems that my previous idea was completely wrong. This girl is in a hurry, not dizzy, so there is no need to recruit for the originally planned position of vice president.

What Peng Qian didn\'t know was that a vice president who could help her with her work died in battle before she could join the job.

"Mr. Feng, of course I am beautiful, and I want to be more beautiful, so why are you asking me?"

Hearing this, Peng Qian rolled her eyes at Feng Hao.

This boss is also very real and very interesting.

Feng Hao: "Democracy, you have to ask questions symbolically."

Peng Qian: "..."

Feng Hao: "The equity is still in accordance with the previous agreement. You own 3% of the equity of Haotian Group. Genesis is priced at 4 billion, and Haotian is priced at 1.5 billion. We will fund the acquisition of Genesis\' equity."

When he founded Haotian Research Institute, Feng Hao had grown up and knew the necessity of equity.

So far, Haotian Research Institute has only rewarded Peng Qian with a little equity, and most of the equity is still in his hands.

According to the original agreement, she could only get a salary of 100,000 yuan per month, which is very rare. But you can get a certain amount of equity, according to the betting contract. In a five-year period, if the Haotian Research Institute does not reach a market value of 100 billion yuan within five years, Peng Qian can get 8% of the equity; if the market value exceeds 100 billion, then Peng Qian can only get 3% of the equity.

According to the current standards, Haotian Research Institute can definitely reach the scale of 100 billion, and Peng Qian can only get 3% of the equity.

In this case, just this 3% stake is already worth 3 billion!

Of course, this is only equity, not shares. There is a five-year limit. After five years or until the day Haotian goes public, it can be converted into income.

"Okay, Mr. Feng, I know about the issue of equity."

Peng Qian nodded happily, very content, and she was very fortunate to be able to come to Greentown, enter the Haotian Research Institute, and meet the young boss in front of her.

Otherwise, where to realize their own value?

Hey, the most important thing is to get enough wealth!

She thought happily in her heart at this time, and the corners of her mouth couldn\'t help but lift.

"Don\'t be too happy, you only get equity, and there is a time limit!"

Glancing at Peng Qian, don\'t be complacent. After all, Boss Feng, who has more income, is not happy!

"Mr. Feng, I\'m very happy. Our Haotian Research Institute is developing too fast. This feeling is really great, and it\'s growing every day."

Peng Qian was too lazy to care about these details, she should be happy or happy.

As long as she keeps working hard and insists on doing well in Haotian research, she will be a rich woman after those few years!


"Okay, just be happy if you\'re happy, but you still have to work hard. You need to deal with the current factory and sales issues first."

"Received, my \'good\' boss!"

Hearing Feng Hao\'s arrangement, Peng Qian gritted her teeth in response, and deliberately emphasized the good words.

"Okay then, go back to work first."

With a wave of his hand, Feng Hao signaled that Peng Qian could get out of the way.

"Okay, Mr. Feng, then I\'ll be busy first."

Nodding slightly, Peng Qian agreed and walked out of Feng Hao\'s office quickly.


January is the busiest and most exciting month of the year.

Various companies are promoting their own annual meetings one after another. At the end of the year, there must be activities to celebrate and celebrate.

Company employees all hold annual meetings. The rich companies do better publicity, and the poor companies go to smaller ones.

"You said, what is the situation of our company\'s annual meeting this year? There is no announcement yet. This is not the case in previous years."

"I haven\'t heard any rumors. This year\'s performance is not good. It\'s hard to say if there is a related lottery at the annual meeting."

"Maybe, it\'s too difficult, and I\'m still looking forward to winning a grand prize!"

Hei Fei, who had never won the lottery, immediately complained about his luck.

"I hope there will be an annual meeting and a lottery, preferably a year-end bonus."

"Dream in broad daylight, it\'s called daydreaming!"

"Dreams always have to have, in case they come true!"

"Let\'s work hard, the boss will have to trouble us later."

This company, this year\'s performance is not very good, the relevant annual meeting activities may be gone, and the employees will inevitably have some complaints.

Migrant workers, migrant workers, and migrant workers are all human beings!

They work hard just to make more money. There is a lottery at the annual meeting, and the year-end bonus is also a good hope.

Who doesn\'t want to go home at the end of the year, be more beautiful and laugh a little more.

Another company, the situation is much better, the discussion atmosphere is very lively, and everyone shows happy smiles.

"Damn it, our company\'s annual meeting is big enough, these prizes are sharp."

"Yeah, it\'s amazing, this prize, this special prize, just let me win one of them."

"Yes, the third prize is also fine! The third prize of 3,000 yuan, isn\'t it beautiful."

"I still want the special prize, the 10,000 yuan cash prize, which can top my salary for several months."

As he spoke, the corners of the employee\'s mouth rose, and his eyes were full of golden light. Obviously, he was interested in this special prize.

"I think it\'s too beautiful. I want everything. I only need the first prize. Anyway, there are still three places! The Haotian HTOne mobile phone, which is definitely very cool. I just need a good mobile phone."

Another employee, also imagining very badly, as if he could win the grand prize at the annual meeting.

"Cut, just you, the grand prize must belong to me. I won the prize last year."

"Haha, your luck ran out last year, and it\'s impossible this year."

"By the way, I heard that the company has a one-month year-end bonus, is that the case?"

"I also heard it, it seems to be true, it should not be fake."

This company has a very good performance and a good profit. Naturally, there are some awards at the annual meeting, and it is willing to take part of the profits.

At the same time, there are corresponding year-end bonuses, but the situation is excellent, and it is no wonder that these employees are so excited and happy.

Their year-round hard work has finally paid off.


Meanwhile, Kyoto.

"Hey, our annual meeting may be gone. Today we don\'t have any salary or salary, let alone the annual meeting and year-end bonus."

"That\'s the case, our company\'s performance is poor, who can blame it?"

"The salary can\'t be paid, how can we spend this year, eating has become a big problem!"

"I don\'t know how the boss handled it, so I don\'t even have the heart to work. How long will the salary be delayed."

The employees of the company are getting together and whispering about the situation of the company, especially the issue of salary payment.

Top priority!

Big question of survival!

"Let\'s do this first this year, and look at the company\'s situation. If it doesn\'t work, change to another company tomorrow."

"You think the same way, and that\'s what I mean. The salary can\'t be guaranteed, and there\'s no money! Xiao Wu, how about you?"

"I\'ll think about it again, it\'s okay here, the QR code seems to be developing well."

Xiao Wu hesitated for a while, a little bit of refusal. He is a fresh graduate, and he has just joined the job, and he has no idea of ​​changing jobs for the time being.

"It\'s developing well? There\'s no salary. You and I know what\'s going on."

In the face of Xiao Wu\'s attitude, they were a bit refuted.

They are Inspire Technology, which is engaged in the research and development of QR codes, but how much business does it actually have?

Just look at their usual attitude to work, how much business can they get by making soy sauce all day long!

Yes, these employees are employees of JD Inspiration Technology, and their wages have been delayed for three days!

But there is no statement about the salary, which makes these employees talk a little bit, and even want to change jobs.

To put it nicely, the workers are the best!

It\'s all nonsense. Hiring workers, as a result, even the salary cannot be guaranteed, and life has become a problem. !

Opposite Yi Rui\'s current situation, these employees are not in the mood to go to work, and their mood is very low.

"Mr. Wang, what\'s the salary of our company? It\'s been three days late!"

"What\'s the hurry, am I trying to figure out a way? The company won\'t be short of your money!"

Facing Deputy Director Li\'s question, Wang Yue waved a little irritably.

The company\'s situation is difficult, can\'t you be considerate? Anyway, the company has a lot of your money!

As a member of the company, we should advance and retreat together and work hard for the company\'s growth!

In particular, this Deputy Director Li, who has equity, should be more so.

Wang Yue thought so, that he felt that this Deputy Director Li had no pattern at all, and always asked him for wages.

"Mr. Wang, our family is waiting for the company to eat. Without this money, it is difficult to persevere."

"Deputy Director Li, you must be aware of the company\'s situation. We are currently developing well, but I think that the company is less, so we need to make you old employees suffer some grievances."

"Mr. Wang, what\'s the situation? Does the company stop paying wages?"

Seeing the meaning of Wang Yue\'s words, Deputy Director Li immediately became anxious.

There are young and old in the family, and they are counting on him. If there is no salary, how can he live? !

This is killing him!

"Deputy Director Li, that\'s not what you mean. We will be able to pay wages in about ten days. Don\'t be too anxious."

Looking at Deputy Director Li anxiously, Wang Yue quickly calmed down and revealed the salary situation.

"Isn\'t that the case? Didn\'t you say last time that the company still has some spare money, isn\'t it enough to pay this month\'s salary?"

"Isn\'t this a small annual meeting? It needs some money, so the salary is temporarily delayed."

Wang Yue was also frowning. He had no money in his pocket. It was really difficult.

It seems that the progress of financing has to be accelerated, and foreign institutions can invest as soon as possible. In this way, Inspiration will have the funds to continue to develop.

Funding is a problem that Inspiration needs to solve urgently.

"Mr. Wang, this time, we can\'t delay it any longer. The employees have opinions, and the team has not brought them."

Deputy Director Li said this sentence, regardless of Wang Yue\'s opinion, and immediately left.

No matter how much you struggle with it, you won\'t get a good result, at least now you\'ve got a later salary payment date.

At that time, Yi Rui will not be paid, and the person who is anxious may not be the only one!

"Hmph, what kind of person is this! He really shouldn\'t be allowed into our team on the spot."

Looking at Deputy Director Li who fled away, Wang Yue snorted in dissatisfaction.

This Deputy Director Li has been fighting against him recently, which is not the case with other executives.

He didn\'t even think about it. He had a single dog, and he could feed the whole family without being hungry. Of course, he didn\'t have to worry about anything.

Others, Deputy Director Li, have parents on the top, children on the bottom, and daughter-in-law in the middle. They all have to rely on him. Can they be compared?

Obviously not possible!

Poor Deputy Director Li, all year round, the result is almost nothing.


Greentown, Hacker Group, Haotian Research, Genesis.

Compared with Inspiration Technology, which is in two layers of ice and fire, the employees in these three companies are full of smiles, and the annual meeting will be held tomorrow.

It is said that this annual meeting is even bigger than the last anniversary, a sensation!

First of all, there are more people, not only to invite celebrities from all walks of life, but also suppliers, cooperative enterprises, and even the city government to invite!

The card face is definitely a gang, and it is said that the boss has also invited many corporate celebrities to come.

Secondly, the abundance of funds is extremely huge!

Contribute 20 million!

All kinds of grand prizes, all kinds of prizes, make the relevant employees dazzled.

This time the special prize is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class low-end version, worth one million!

The first prize is 200,000 in cash, with five places.

The second prize is 100,000 yuan, ten places.

The third prize is a supermarket shopping coupon worth 10,000 yuan, with 100 places.

The fourth prize is a Haotian drone worth 6,000 yuan, with 100 places.

The fifth prize is the Haotian HTOne mobile phone worth 5,000 yuan, with 200 places.

The sixth prize is a red envelope of 2,000 yuan in cash, with 200 places.

Sunshine Award, 200 yuan per person.

Such prizes are absolutely unprecedented and worth more than ten million!

To know the employee data of the entire company, there are currently over 10,000, including factory employees and company employees.

Faced with such an award, the employees of the three companies are drooling, and the goddess of luck can come to them.

They like such a big boss very much, and they are very motivated when they work.

These employees and staff are looking forward to the early arrival of next year\'s annual meeting.

Their faces were always full of smiles, and they all discussed the matters of the annual meeting between languages.

January 15, 2007!

This special annual meeting date!

Maybe tomorrow is your lucky day!

Million dollar car, here I come!