Rebirth of the Richest Man In Black Technology

Chapter 348: The Internet Conference ended (5K, please subscribe)

As Feng Hao\'s speech ended, not all the people in the venue left.

At this moment, they are gathering around Feng Hao, holding Haotian Haotian mobile phone, constantly flipping through this novel smartphone.

A lot of news media reporters also joined together, and they were mostly filming on the periphery.

All journalists who can enter the venue must be of high quality.

You can\'t do it without quality, because these are big guys with huge energy.

Anyone who dares to mess around will have to wait for bad luck. By the way, a phone call can make you resign with honor.

"What do you think of this smartphone?"

Cardinal is holding a smartphone at the moment, and he is still very concerned about this smartphone.

At present, he is preparing to prepare his own enterprise, but there is no suitable development direction. In terms of antivirus software, just as he was about to enter, he was preempted.

In desperation, he could only find another way. This time at the Internet Conference, he came to participate in the hope of getting some ideas or good ideas.

At this moment, from Feng Hao\'s words, he seemed to see the prospect of Haotian\'s smart phone and mobile Internet.

Lei Jun is looking at one of the Haotian mobile phones at the moment. As a well-known domestic boss and a famous engineer, he still has a lot of identity.

So he was fortunate enough to get a mobile phone, and when he saw the red-clothed sect leader asking about it, he said, "Special! Very special!"

"It is indeed very special, a bold innovation! The hard keyboard input was canceled, and the internal keyboard input was changed, leaving only four physical keys in total."

The red-clothed sect leader nodded, agreeing with Lei Jun\'s words.

"In terms of appearance, this mobile phone uses a special aluminum alloy with stunning colors and dazzling brilliance. It can be said to be a high-end object."

"Mr. Lei, that\'s true. It\'s not just the appearance, but the performance is very good. At least it\'s okay to operate it just now, but it\'s very unaccustomed to operate it."

"Yes, we used to be used to hard keyboard input, but suddenly the software input inside the mobile phone is really strange. It\'s very unaccustomed to change all of a sudden."

The two had a discussion on appearance and performance.

They sighed at Feng Hao\'s creativity. This unique and exquisite appearance gave them a great impact.

"It\'s no coincidence that Feng Hao was able to succeed. This smartphone will surely conquer many people."

"As far as the performance of this mobile phone is concerned, many bigwigs here must have heard Feng Hao\'s words to their hearts."

Lei Jun sighed, everyone didn\'t quite believe Feng Hao\'s words at first.

After all, Feng Hao\'s words were too exaggerated!

From the era of the PC terminal to the rapid development of the new mobile Internet era, this leap-forward development is difficult for many people to imagine.

Now with this mobile phone, at least everyone believes a lot again.

They were amazed at the peculiarity of this mobile phone, and at the same time sighed at Feng Hao\'s innovation and creativity.

With such a strong innovation ability and innovative ideas, it is no wonder that many enterprises can be created.

Genius out of the boy!

"Feng Hao, you exposed Haotian\'s mobile phone and the mobile Internet this time. Your picture is not trivial!"

On the other side, Ma Yun looked at Feng Hao and couldn\'t help sighing.

The little fox seems to have gone ahead of them, judging by the presentation on smartphones and mobile internet alone.

Their eyes were far less than Feng Hao\'s.

Especially in the new era of mobile Internet, it has come to the forefront.

"Mr. Ma, this is too much. I am contributing to the development of Huaxia, and I want to make my own efforts."

Hearing Ma Yun\'s words, Feng Hao smiled sloppily.

"Come on, you shrewd little fox, I don\'t believe your purpose is really that simple?"

Ma Yun immediately laughed, obviously not believing Feng Hao\'s words.

Judging from Feng Hao\'s shrewdness, if he really wants to be so generous and reveal key information without purpose, he really doesn\'t believe it.

The information that comes out may be a pit!

"I know I can\'t hide it from you. Let\'s put it this way, of course I have a purpose. How does domestic technological innovation compare to foreign countries, especially those advanced technological powers?"

Feng Hao didn\'t show a smile this time, but looked solemn and asked Ma Yun back.

If you want big bosses like Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and Li Yanhong to contribute, you have to let them know their purpose.

Otherwise, with their shrewdness, they would definitely not do their best.

Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and Robin Li Yanhong had a solemn expression on hearing this, while Ma Yun sighed: "It\'s far worse than that. In some respects, we lag behind those advanced powers by a whole generation in technology. In some key areas, we are even behind. Generations of technology!"

Upon seeing this, Feng Hao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, our technology is so backward, if we want to quickly catch up with the big technology countries, we must catch up from now, from the era of mobile Internet.

In the PC era, we are behind, which is understandable. But when the new era of mobile Internet is just about to come, it is the opportunity of our Huaxia Internet!

I am bringing up this content at this moment, just to give China a chance to catch up.

There are so many entrepreneurs present, accounting for at least half of the Internet famous entrepreneurs. As long as someone present hears my point of view, thinks it over and applies it, then my speech will not be in vain.

As for me, it can be regarded as a strength to congratulate the motherland. "

"Okay, you are very righteous!"

Ma Yun didn\'t believe Feng Hao\'s words, this little fox said it so grandly.

But he still doesn\'t believe it!

"Haha, old horse, you make me feel very uncomfortable. Okay, for the sake of your treat last night, I\'ll talk about it."

Looking at Ma Yun\'s expression, Feng Hao certainly knew that he was not so easy to believe.

This Ma Yun is also a human being, and nothing can surpass him.

Therefore, Feng Hao continued to smile and said: "Mobile Internet, smart phones are all emerging markets, not one person or one company can open up.

This requires you Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong, and many other entrepreneurs to work together to open up the market together.

Of course, this also requires the promotion of the state and the introduction of relevant policies.

For example, the smartphone developed by Haotian has many functions and exquisite appearance.

But, do you know how much money we invested in developing this phone? "

As Feng Hao spoke passionately, more and more people gathered around him.

Feng Hao looked at everyone, but Ma Yun and everyone shook.

Seeing everyone\'s response, he continued his topic: "Inestimable money is constantly being invested! Half of Haotian Research Institute\'s revenue is invested in the big hole in smartphones.

The reason?

It is because there is no supporting hardware and software at home and abroad!

Want a fancy, premium phone, but can\'t afford the hardware and software, what can we do? !

I can only bite the bullet and carry out research and development myself, and I will not repeat the hardships involved.

No hardware, we develop hardware!

No software, we develop software!

Haotian mobile phone needs a supporting hardware company and a supporting software company.

So, that\'s my purpose.

I hope everyone can develop together and jointly open up a new mobile Internet market!

As long as we keep making the cake bigger, we can share more things. "

After Feng Hao finished his speech, the venue burst into applause again.

Obviously, Feng Hao\'s point of view made them greatly agree.

clap clap.

There was a burst of applause again, and Minister Zhang, Hua Hongyong and others came over from the crowd.

This applause was taken by Minister Zhang!

"Well said, in order to open a new era of mobile Internet! For Huaxia\'s technology! In order to let Huaxia catch up with the power of science and technology!"

Minister Zhang said to Feng Hao with a smile while walking.

Minister Zhang thought that the crowd around Feng Hao listened for a while, and then walked in after he finished speaking.

"Thank you, Minister Zhang. This is what an entrepreneur should do. I only contributed a little in it."

Feng Hao touched his head, he looked like I was very young, but the words he said were righteous and righteous!

"Well done, keep working hard. It is a very correct decision to invite you to speak this time. You have brought new opportunities and new challenges to our Chinese Internet.

Huaxia needs entrepreneurs like you to innovate more technology for Huaxia. "

Minister Zhang said with a smile, admiring Feng Hao.

This young man is indeed worthy of his encouragement, he is considered a genius boy.

Yesterday\'s appreciation was not in vain, Feng Hao did not live up to his expectations.

"Thank you, Minister Zhang, but Minister Zhang, it may be difficult for us, private entrepreneurs, to rely on the mobile Internet alone. We need more policies and attention from the government."

Feng Hao hesitated for a moment, and immediately climbed up the pole.

Opportunity, isn\'t it coming? !

The boss of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it shouldn\'t be difficult to find him to do something, right? !

When Minister Zhang heard Feng Hao\'s words, he was speechless. Isn\'t this guy ashamed?

He came up just to hear Feng Hao\'s point of view.

Unexpectedly, this guy also climbed along the pole net!

So, he smiled and said: "You, talk about it, what are your requirements?"

With Hua Hongyong there, Feng Hao was not so nervous. He said with a smile: "Minister Zhang, it is about the 3G network. I hope the country will issue the relevant operating license. I\'m about to launch a 3G smartphone. Use 2G network.

3G mobile phone use 2G card, like Guan Gong riding a Trojan horse! "

Hearing Feng Hao\'s words, everyone smiled, and Minister Zhang also raised the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Minister Zhang said with a smile: "What else is there to say, I will say it all at once."

"Minister Zhang, the second one is about policy. After all, what is going to the countryside for home appliances? Our smartphones are also considered?"

"Feng Hao, let\'s talk about this."

"Okay, Minister Zhang."

"Then let\'s have a good chat, Feng Hao. If you have time in the future, don\'t dislike this old man\'s nagging. You can come to my humble house and sit down."

Minister Zhang hesitated for a while, this smartphone is going to the countryside, he said it doesn\'t count, and this is not a trivial matter.

Rejecting a request from Feng Hao, in order to make up for it, he still sent an invitation to Feng Hao.

This is Hua Hongyong\'s junior, and he is also a rare talent. If you have the opportunity to communicate with him, you may be able to get good advice.

"Okay, Minister Zhang, I will definitely visit you when I have the chance."

Hearing this, Feng Hao immediately responded with a smile, this is a rare opportunity!

When something happens, you can look for this powerful boss!

Everyone on the side was stunned, Feng Hao actually got an invitation from Minister Zhang.

Among the people present, no one had ever received such treatment.

Afterwards, Minister Zhang signaled to everyone and left the venue.

Hua Hongyong also smiled and nodded to Feng Hao, and it could be seen that the look on his face was still very satisfied.

With the departure of Minister Zhang and others, everyone has heatedly discussed.

With an envious look towards Feng Hao, this young man could actually be appreciated by Minister Zhang.

"Feng Hao, you can. You have been appreciated by Minister Zhang. You know, it\'s hard for me to meet Minister Zhang."

Seeing Feng Hao looking over, Li Yanhong made fun of Feng Hao with a smile.

However, the sad thing in it is almost the same as what he said.

As a thousand degrees of the Internet, it can be said to be a very large enterprise among many Internet armies.

But in such a large company, more or less there are some places that are not in line with the rules.

When the supervision above is not strict, they are naturally uncles, and they are big companies in the eyes of everyone.

But when the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is supervised, they still have a lot of incompetence. They want to meet the big bosses of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, but there is no chance!

"Yan Hong, this is a good statement, our situation on Taobao is similar."

"Yeah, our Tencent situation is not much better."

Ma Yun and Ma Huateng also sighed, looking a little envious.

"It\'s all your own problems, one is search advertising, the other is product quality, and the other is game problems."

Feng Hao gave these three guys a blank look, and he didn\'t know that he had problems.

The three of them looked at Feng Hao, the meaning of which was unclear: "Okay, you want to treat yourself today, right?"

Feng Hao was not at all cowardly, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I won\'t go home tonight if I don\'t get drunk!"


Time passed and the meeting was in full swing.

On October 30th, the curtain of the Internet Conference gradually came down.

In the past few days, Feng Hao\'s news was the most explosive. In fact, it was a normal meeting, and there was not much news.

As a result, Feng Hao\'s news has been hotly debated.

Trillion market, college students\' rants!

Hacker Technology, Jingdong e-commerce, who is the boss behind the scenes!

Haotian smart phone, mobile Internet!

Many new terms and new notes came out, and Feng Hao was exposed to the Internet.

His handsome photos have long been circulated and passed down among many people.

The video about his speech, especially the part about Haotian\'s mobile phone and mobile Internet, has always been popular.

"This Feng Hao is really awesome. A college student has created so many big companies!"

"It\'s really powerful, maybe it\'s the second generation of the rich?"

"It\'s very possible, otherwise who can create so many businesses!"

"But even if it is a rich second generation, it is very powerful. These enterprises can be created if they want to start."

In colleges, their forums, friends, and dormitories couldn\'t help but talk about Feng Hao.

Feng Hao is too amazing, and he is also a college student!

It certainly resonated with them, got their attention.

The rich second generation this year is still the rich second generation!

The grapes this year are still grapes, and they have not turned purple!

This year\'s bananas are still hard!

Unlike the previous life, like that, everything has changed.

The rich second generation is not a good word anymore!

"Yeah, Feng Hao not only invested in Genesis Computer, Hacker Technology, and Haotian Research Institute, but he also invested in and Zhaoyi Innovation Technology. The market value of each company exceeds one billion, and some are more, maybe his worth is more than Ten billion!"

Someone shrewdly calculated Feng Hao\'s net worth, these are the things that can be directly quantified.

"Really? A billionaire?!"

Someone heard the words and immediately exclaimed.

The number of tens of billions is very surprising, which is almost close to the richest man!

Last year\'s richest man was only 15 billion!

"Of course it\'s true, even more than 10 billion."

Feng Hao can imagine the hot discussion on the Internet.

But he won\'t care too much, just don\'t affect his normal life.

As for other people\'s discussions and heated discussions, it may be equivalent to an advertisement.

At nine o\'clock at night, a luxury five-star hotel.

At this time, Feng Hao was on the phone with Hua Roumiao.

He had just had dinner with Ma Yun and others and had a few drinks, and now he was still a little dizzy.

However, his condition is much better, Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong and the others are even more drunk.

Hua Roumiao listened to Feng Hao\'s tone and seemed to be a little different from usual.

So, she asked suspiciously, "Hey, have you been drinking?"

Feng Hao found a sofa and sat down before responding: "Yes, I had dinner with Lao Ma and the others tonight, so I couldn\'t help having a few more drinks."

Hua Roumiao couldn\'t help but wrinkled her nose and persuaded in a deep voice, "When you go out, drink less bars."

"Sister Hua, I know, it\'s not because I met Lao Ma and the others, so I drank a few more glasses."

Feng Hao smiled cautiously and said, this senior Hua seems to be a little angry.

He still had to explain a little, lest the woman get angry.

"That\'s ok, you control it yourself. By the way, have you seen my dad?"

"Uncle Hua told you? Of course I saw it, or at the Internet Conference."

"Yes, my dad seems to be in a good mood, as if there is something good, is it related to you?"

Hua Roumiao has been running to the factory with Na Ningxin for the past two days. She leaves early and returns late. She has no time to pay attention to the information on the Internet and chat groups. Naturally, she does not know the information circulating on the Internet.

Although Feng Hao had told her that she was going to give a speech, she thought it was an ordinary speech, so she didn\'t care too much.

Feng Hao smiled and nodded: "It should be, maybe things have progressed."

Perhaps Hua Hongyong can negotiate the construction of 3G base stations this time, making Greentown the second batch of 3G pilot cities.

Since Feng Hao didn\'t say anything, Hua Roumiao didn\'t ask any more, but asked the date of Feng Hao\'s return with concern: "When will you come back to Greentown?"

Feng Hao warmed his heart and smiled happily: "I\'ll do it as soon as possible, number three should be able to come back."

Later, the two chatted a lot of intimate words.

A touch of warmth shook Feng Hao\'s heart.

Proud of life, but with that.

The next negotiation with China Unicom became the final purpose of the trip to Kyoto.

He thought of the vice president of China Unicom he saw in the lecture hall. Maybe this negotiation has become very different.