Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

Chapter 486

"Sister, I don't know anyone in Shiyi middle school..." Ariel continued.

"I don't know any of you in senior one." "Is there anything else?" asked ilanyou

"And." "Can I go home in a car with you tonight?" irier asked, mixing her hands in front of her

"No." Ilanyou shook his head. "I'll go first if it's OK." With that, she took the lead to walk around Ariel to the teaching building.

Yiruier stood in place with her head down. Yilanyou and his party had just left. A few girls came from the side. One of them asked awkwardly, "yiruier, is that your elder sister?"

"Yes." Irier nodded.

"But she doesn't look very friendly..." Another girl recalled yilanyou's reply and said, "it's not like what a sister would say."

"Yes, and it's a bit fierce."

"Don't get her wrong." "Yiruier hurriedly waved her hand and said:" my sister is a little cold, she is not bad

"Is it..." Other girls, look at me, I look at you. How can I feel that this is not apathy

"Yes." For fear that other people don't believe her, irier nodded her head hard: "really, what I said is true."

"I didn't say I didn't believe you." A girl looked at Ariel nodding her head so hard and said, "this is not our sister, but it's not worth it for you."

"No, my sister is very nice." "Yiruier hurriedly waved her hand and said:" she is really cold-blooded

"That's it." Other people's expression of "just be happy" didn't seem to have much to do with it. Now it seems that they feel that Irene is a little bit pitiful. In contrast, they think that the student sister just now A little too much.

But it's also someone else's chore. They are just irier's classmates. It has nothing to do with them.

"Let's go back to the classroom." It was suggested.

"That..." Yi Ruier rubbed her hands and said with embarrassment: "I just transferred to school today. Nobody knows me. I Can I be with you? "

"Well..." You look at me, some girls. I look at you. Then the head of the small group center seemed to make the girl smile and clap her shoulder: "of course I can."

"Really?" Yiruier smiled: "RuRu, you are so kind, thank you."

"You're welcome." The girl who stopped Ru laughed heartily: "let's go, go back to the classroom."

"Yes." Yiruier nodded her head, smiled sweetly, and walked. Yiruier's eyes flashed a bit of cunning.

When she came to Shiyi middle school, she spent a morning studying the status of Ilan you in Shiyi middle school. She also understood that if she had no influence in Shiyi middle school, she would not have to take revenge for her mother. Even here, she would be the foil of Ilan you.

Who is her irier? Her yiruier is the real miss of Yijia family. She will never lose to yilanyou, especially if she has the guidance of [senior person] behind her!

Determined to pay attention, Ariel is full of confidence in the high school life that is about to start now.

As soon as the other side came back to the classroom, ilanyou sighed. It's really a wave of ups and downs. The trouble of the student union hasn't been solved yet. The trouble elite of irier came to her again. I'm not ready to let her have a good rest.

"Why sigh?" Tu Xiaofei sat in Qiu Wu's position and looked at ilanyou with his hands on his chin: "because of your sister."

"What sister?" Yilanyou sneers: "a stranger under the eaves."

"Look at her just act. It's obvious that it's a show." Zhang Ya shook his head and said, "you have so many things around you."

"There are more." Ilanyou shook his head.

"For whom?" Asked Tu Xiaofei.

"Their class." Ilanyou replied, "the fastest way for her to join a group is to create an image of a weak person, so that others will accept her more easily." This is not enough. It's not like a person with a brain can think of this method. On the one hand, he can build his own image, and on the other hand, he can step on the foot of Ilan you. It's a wonderful move!

Somehow, ilanyou is looking forward to meeting the people behind her for a while.

"Tut." Zhang Yawei's tongue shook his head: "you are quiet, you are not peaceful."

"Peace?" Yilanyou repeated Zhang Ya's words and said with a smile, "when did I have peace?" She is now on the line and has to send. Peace? easier said than done?

Even if the front is full of brambles and dangers, she must go forward bravely, otherwise Bai qiuze's mother and son are waiting for her

It has to be said that the October 1st C City bank really gave her a wake-up call.

This world is in disorder. If she wants to avoid being trampled to death by others, she must have enough power and preparation to arm herself with the sharpest stabbing armor and tear the heads of all those who want to trample on her. Only then can she laugh to the end, live to the end and protect the cherished people to the end.

"We'll talk about the script at night." Yi Lanyou looks at TU Xiaofei and says, "can you live with so many of us?"

"Should be able to live." Tu Xiaofei thought for a moment and nodded, "is there any space? There will still be some if you look for it."

“……” I heard Tu Xiaofei's adjective. Look at me and I'll look at you What kind of environment is that? The rest space needs to be found now?

Although I had prepared for it, when I was standing at TU Xiaofei's house, everyone was still scared.

"Sit as you please." Tu Xiaofei said, putting his bag on the sofa.

"Well..." Others, look at me. I look at you. Can they find a place to sit? What a joke

This house is an ordinary commercial house with two bedrooms and one living room. The decoration is also refined. The wood floor and mahogany furniture, plus the wall with light blue wallpaper, are used for decoration.

All of this is very warm. The premise is that if there is no mountain of game newspapers and magazines on the ground, and countless A4 printing paper smeared on it. There are also crooked stack of very high various kinds of game CDs are also stacked in the entire living room.

"This is the first time I've been in a girl's room..." Wang Hongfei felt his regret on the face of his chest: "always felt that he heard the sound of his dream breaking."

"Please don't build a messy dream in someone else's home, thank you." Tu Xiaofei squinted.

"Tu Xiaofei..." Elan took a deep breath: "or Clean it first... " The only advantage of this room is probably that it doesn't smell strange.

"Ah?" Tu Xiaofei frowned: "do you want to clean it?"

"No need?" The crowd asked in unison.