Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

Chapter 3949

Hearing Jiang mengshuang say this, Shen Xiangyang has a complex and awkward feeling in his heart, but his mouth is still saying: "it's good to have someone make up lessons for her."

"I think so, too." "It's mainly up to Feifei to think about it, right?" said Jiang Meng

"If you want to know what she thinks, you should go to her." Said Shen Xiangyang.

Jiang mengshuang said: "you and Fifi have known each other for so long, and you should know that her child is a bit of a fool."

“……” This is not denied by Shen Xiangyang.

"Even if she really likes someone, it will take her a long time to know." Jiang Meng took a deep breath and said, "it's useless to ask her now."

Shen Xiangyang's eyes moved, and Gao Feifei's smile came to mind.

"I've told you about it anyway. It's very interesting." "If you don't take the chance to lose her, it's your own problem," Jiang said

"She's never mine. There's nothing to lose." Shen Xiangyang's heart became more and more uncomfortable: "I need to change clothes. Go back to your room first."

"Hiss." Jiang Meng turned his lips and said, "Oh, you're a duck. I don't care about you."

After saying this, Jiang mengshuang was about to leave, but his eyes were once again attracted by a simple wooden box in Shen Xiangyang's room: "Xiangyang, can I have a look?"

"Look, just go out." Said Shen Xiangyang.

"You're the best." Jiang Meng quickly walked over and touched the pattern of the wooden box. "Can you open it? It doesn't seem to be locked. "

"Open it." Shen Xiangyang's mind is very disordered now, he replied casually.

Reaching out to open the wooden box, Jiang Meng's eyes straightened: "here How beautiful! "

Jiang mengshuang has been studying jewelry design in foreign countries, but at this time, she also had to admit that on the classical aesthetics of color and shape, country Z should not give in.

"How is this structure made?" Jiang Mengshuang saw dazzled: "this green is too beautiful!"

"Xiangyang, where did these things come from?" Asked Jiang Meng.

"My master brought it." Shen Xiangyang replied.

"For sale? I want to buy it! " Asked Jiang Meng.

"Not for sale." Shen Xiangyang said, "well, you go back first. I have to change clothes."

"All right." Jiang mengshuang then reluctantly closed the wooden box and said, "Xiangyang, please ask your master for help. If he wants to sell it, I will buy it!"

"Well." Shen Xiangyang put his hand on Jiang Meng's shoulders and pushed her out: "don't worry about these things. They are all funerary things. They are unlucky."

"Wow I'm more interested! Do ask for me! " Jiang Meng's eyes shine.

“……” Shen Xiangyang's mouth slightly twitches, pushing Jiang Meng's two hands out of the room.

As soon as the door was closed, Shen Xiangyang immediately shook his hand into an empty fist and thumped his heart twice.

It's very uncomfortable here.

According to her idea, after her disappearance, goffi will have her own life, there will be a suitable person for her to appear, take care of her and treat her well.

These were things she had thought about for a long time.

But why

When this happened, she would feel so sad.

Shen Xiangyang couldn't tell what it was like.

It's sour, heavy and stuffy. I'm not happy. My strength seems to be washed clean. It's hard to bear.

"Hoo..." With a heavy breath, Shen Xiangyang's eyes fell on the edge of the desk.

There, goffi gave her the book and lay still.

She went to the table, reached out her hand and stroked the cover of the book. She still remembered Gao Feifei's look and expression that day. She protected the book like a treasure and gave it to herself solemnly.

The thoughts drifted away, and Shen Xiangyang suddenly realized that as a person, she could not control her emotions as freely as she imagined.

Like now

Time is like an hourglass, passing by little by little.

Shen Xiangyang has been hiding his depression in front of people, but he still wanders from time to time.

"Xiangyang." A male voice called her name. Seeing that she didn't respond, he called again: "Xiangyang?"

"Well?" Slow down, Shen Xiangyang looks at people around him.

"If you like anything tonight, just shoot it." She Youlin's eyes fell on the stage: "Shifu sent you."

"Thank you, master." Shen Xiangyang nodded and smiled and looked around, only to find that they had come to the scene of the auction.

This is not Shen Xiangyang's first time to participate in the auction, but the first time when he participated in the auction, he asked to wear this kind of half mask mask, and even received the organizer's mini microphone of the sound transformer as soon as he started.

As long as you speak into this microphone, the sound will be automatically tuned, and even the most familiar people are hard to hear.The shape of this microphone is exquisite. It only has one capsule size, metal texture, exquisite shape and even can be used as decoration.

I have a heart.

The surrounding environment is very dark, and the light source on the stage is enough. However, it's difficult for even one adjacent person to see each other, let alone each other with half mask.

Milky white mask, material will not be very hard, heat transfer sense is moderate, even on the face will not have uncomfortable feeling.

"Master, this auction It's a little strange. " Shen Xiangyang whispered.

"Well." She Youlin nodded her head and said in a low voice, "I should be able to participate in the auction with something that is not rare and can't be seen."

"But if that's the case, it's useless to buy it." Shen Xiangyang is a little strange.

If it's a shameful thing, even if it's photographed, it still can't show people. What's the use of buying it?

"Not necessarily." She Youlin said, "I'll see later."

"Good." Shen Xiangyang nodded his head.

At this time, with a piece of music, the person who presided over the auction also stepped on the stage. Like all the people present, her face is also covered with a half face cream white mask. Her long hair is coiled at the back of her head. Her slender neck is long, and her exquisite figure is covered by a dark red short cheongsam. Only a pair of bright big legs attract everyone's attention. "You are welcome." The host's voice comes from the microphone. After frequency modulation, it looks tender, but it's not annoying: "now it's nine o'clock in the evening. Our auction is officially started. If there are babies who like

, you can seize the opportunity." As the host's voice fell, a display cabinet was pushed onto the stage and began to be officially displayed.