Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

Chapter 3926

"Master mother of the dragon family..." Jiang mengshuang's voice was very low: "don't do this Very It's disgraceful... "

"How can I be disgraced?" Yi Lan You pinched the tip of Jiang Meng's nose and said, "this is a good thing."

"Not at all..." Jiang mengshuang felt that he was very shameful. He was ashamed to death. “……” Ilanyou looks at Jiang mengshuang like this, looks down on the quilt, takes a deep breath, reaches out his hand, rubs Jiang mengshuang's head, and says: "there will be many unexpected things on the way of growth, some happy things will be unhappy, some surprised things will be lost, even some moments will make you feel a little ashamed, but these are not your fault." "They are a pretty little woman now." Yilanyou provoked Jiang mengshuang's chin and said: "you are about to usher in the most beautiful moment in your life. When you grow up, you will become more and more feminine. You can be sexy, beautiful, intelligent and generous.

you can be elegant, charming, beautiful and sassy. You don't need to live as a woman in the eyes of the secular world. You don't need to be told how to do it or not. You have infinite Maybe, you can be whatever you want to be. " "Maybe, in the future, you will feel that as a woman, you will have more constraints than men, you will face some social or other people's pressure, you will feel unfair, and you will feel how good you are if you are not a woman. But in contrast, there will definitely be a time when you can sigh that it's good to be a woman. " "Physiological and psychological changes may make you uneasy or even make a lot of jokes, but you should be convinced that you are not wrong. The wrong one is the one who will laugh at you because of this." Yilanyou chuckled and said, "let those people and the laughs go to hell."

"But But... " Jiang mengshuang's eyes moved slightly, and seemed to hesitate. "When something happens, if you always care about it, even if others don't care about it, they will care more about it after feeling your emotions." "On the contrary, if you don't care about it yourself,

even the person who cares about it will not care about it because of your emotions," elanyou said

"Really?" Asked Jiang Meng.

"Of course it is." Yilanyou nodded and said, "don't depend on the bed. First, take a bath and change into a beautiful suit. After eating something, start making cakes!"

"Making cakes..." Jiang Meng's cheeks are crimson.

"Well Or do you want to make dumplings? " Asked ilanyou. "Too formal! It's better to make cakes. I can't help making dumplings at all. I'll make an egg or something... " Jiang mengshuang smiled and then lowered his head to squeak and whine: "master mother of the dragon family, I I accidentally soiled the sheets of Xiangyang

"What's the matter? Just wash it." Ilanyou said with a smile, "I'll prepare some porridge for you first. When you've combed it, you can come down. I'll ask the servant to change the sheets later. You don't have to worry about it."

"Well." Jiang Meng nodded and smiled to see yilanyou leave.

When the door is closed, Jiang mengshuang holds the quilt in his arms. If she doesn't care, Uncle Do you care?

His face is hot. Jiang mengshuang buries his face in the quilt. His ears are hot.

After combing and washing, she changed a suit of clothes, and Jiang mengshuang went downstairs. The strong fragrance came from the direction of the restaurant, which made her stomach rumble.

"Double, try this." Yilanyou sees Jiang Meng's double hands and beckons, "first, eat a little, and then I'll stew for you in the evening."

"Don't bother." Jiang Meng said shyly.

"No trouble at all." Yilanyou said with a smile, "it's not the way to treat my little guests in the dragon house."

With that, ilanyou pulls Jiang Meng's arms and asks her to sit down for dinner. With the meal, ilanyou began to prepare the mold and materials for the cake: "well, mousse cake, chocolate almond cake, strawberry cake, black forest cake, cheese cake, Qifeng cake, tiramisu, pudding cake It seems that every one of them is delicious What do you want to eat? "

"All right." Jiang mengshuang's hands still feel uncomfortable at the table: "make it smaller."

"Then make a chocolate almond cake. While the sun is away, let's open a small stove." Elan you gave a playful wink.

"Good." Jiang Meng nodded.

"Let's prepare it first, and pass me the eggs." Yilanyou said and commanded Jiang mengshuang to start working: "take five."

"Good." Jiang mengshuang immediately asked for help.

Step by step, until the melted butter and black Qiao mix, slowly into the batter, longzhai ushered in a guest.

"I'm not late, am I?" A female voice came in with the patter of footsteps.

"No." Yilanyou instructs Jiang mengshuang to stir the batter, looks up and says with a smile, "just fine."

"Eh? Summer mother? " Jiang Meng looks up at people all the time. What happened to Xia's mother?

"Well." Xia Xiyue came and put a box with a beautiful ribbon on the table and said with a smile, "I've brought you a gift. I'll see if I like it later."

"And gifts?" Jiang Meng blinked.

"Of course." Xia Xiyue reached out and rubbed Jiang Meng's head and said with a smile, "congratulations to my baby."

“……” Jiang mengshuang's cheeks are red, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looks shy.

"What delicious food are you making?" Asked the summer sun moon.

"Chocolate almond cake." "It's just the last step before baking, sprinkled with almond slices and hazelnut powder, and it's up to you," elanyou said

"Good." Xia Xiyue smiled and went to wash his hands. When he came back, it was yilanyou and jiangmeng who poured the prepared solution into the mold.

Summer sun moon sprinkled with almond slices and hazelnut powder, and then put the mold in the oven, adjusted the time and temperature.

"Let's have a chat first. I'll take my snacks and serve them when the cake is ready and finally drizzled with chocolate sauce." Yilanyou said with a smile.

"Good." Xia Xiyue takes Jiang Meng's shoulders and walks upstairs: "go to your room first."

"Well." Jiang Meng nodded his head and held the present that Xia Xiyue gave him.

After arriving at the room, Xia Xiyue immediately urged: "open the gift quickly and see if you like it." "Good." Jiang Meng nodded and untied the beautiful ribbon. After unpacking the box, it was a beautiful clavicle chain. The water drop jewel was inlaid in the center of the pendant. The two sides of the jewel were the wings of the butterfly. It was dazzling: "so beautiful!"