Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

V1.Chapter 7

Shili village is close to the city. There are only about 200 families in the village, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Although the village is small, the scenery is excellent.

The weather in the north is still very cold after the new year. Most of the snow melted years ago, but the mountain is still white.

Two little girls are walking on the mountain road. Liu Cuicui is twelve years old and two years older than Xia Shao. She grew up in the village since childhood. Mountain climbing is common for her. She is tall among girls of the same age. She climbs up the mountain quickly, has a hot temper and is warm-hearted. After climbing a few steps, she turns back and pulls Xia Shao. She can\'t help laughing at her clumsy walking.

Xia Shao\'s face was covered with black lines. She heard that she was going up the mountain. Her grandmother told her to go back to the house and add two more thick sweaters and a little red cotton coat outside. That\'s the end.

God knows, she looks like she\'s going to be a steamed stuffed bun! Have you ever seen steamed stuffed buns climb mountains? I wish I hadn\'t rolled down.

However, just go out. Xia Shao doesn\'t care so much at this time.

"Shaozi, look! I see Professor Zhou and them! Ah, uncle Zhou Wang and the village head Uncle Wang are also there." Liu Cuicui pointed to the distance and said.

Xia Shao looked in the direction she pointed. The village was surrounded by mountains on three sides. The land planted by the villagers was on the front mountain, and there was basically no land in the back mountain. Usually there were some trees and forests. In front of the mountain, there were several natural small lakes and several reservoirs.

From a distance, about five or six men were standing in front of a small frozen lake and pointing at the mountains behind.

Liu Cuicui and Xia Shao ran over.

Everyone in the village knew them. Zhou Wang saw them and said, "Why are you two children here?"

"Shaozi said he wanted to go up the mountain to meet Professor Zhou, so we came." Liu Cuicui can\'t lie. She can answer whatever people ask.

Xia Shao almost helped his forehead, so he had to shout around his uncle. Then he bowed to the kind-hearted old man in his sixties, gray hair and face and shouted, "Hello, Professor Zhou."

Professor Zhou smiled happily. "Whose child is this? It\'s very polite."

He couldn\'t help teasing her when he saw that Xia Shao powder was as lovely as a pinch.

Zhou Wang said, "this is uncle Xia\'s granddaughter, Xia Shao. Next to him is Liu Cuicui, the daughter of old Liu."

Professor Zhou nodded and asked their ages. Then he asked them to stand back and not close to the frozen lake in front of them. Then he talked to several people again.

"I think it\'s very good here, hiding wind and gathering Qi," Professor Zhou said.

Uncle Wang, the village head next to him, nodded with several people. Obviously, he admired and respected professor Zhou. What he said was naturally what he said.

"Uncle, this is a matter of your ancestors, you has the final say! You said it\'s good here, let\'s fix it here! Now the soil on the hill is still frozen, and it\'s not easy to start. We\'ll start it when we get off the spring."

Xia Shao frowned strangely. To tell the truth, she really didn\'t understand Feng Shui.

Although they had taken elective courses in college, they learned about architecture. They mainly learned some modern home feng shui. They focused on the coordination between man and nature as much as possible. How to place furniture can make people feel comfortable and easy to understand. As for profound theories, I haven\'t learned at all.

In Xia Shao\'s opinion, Professor Zhou\'s choice of this place is very good, with mountains and water. How could it cause so much lethality later?

Thinking like this, Xia Shao couldn\'t help looking carefully at the place selected by Professor Zhou.

At this look, she almost cried out.

The reason is that in Xia Shao\'s eyes, the landscape in front of him suddenly changed!

To be exact, mountain or mountain, water or water, but at this time, it is covered with a layer of gas!

These gases are divided into two colors. One is dazzling white and warm like sunshine, which is very comfortable. The other is gray and cold, which makes people feel uncomfortable just watching it.

Is this Yin Qi and Yang Qi in the "Yin and Yang of heaven and earth" mentioned by the ancients?

The theory of Yin Yang and five elements exists in the ancient oriental culture. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the harmony of yin and Yang. It can be seen that the theory of yin and Yang is not groundless.

Xia Shao didn\'t know whether she saw Yin and Yang, but she saw that the place selected by Professor Zhou was really bad! There is a gray gas gathering here, and even the concentration is very high, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

This is probably the so-called gathering place of ferocity? No wonder Professor Zhou\'s family ended up so miserable in their previous lives.

He couldn\'t help thinking that his heavenly eye still had such a function. Seeing that Professor Zhou recognized this place, uncle Zhou Wang even decided to start work in spring. Xia Shao couldn\'t help being eager.

But she knew that she could not tell the truth. Even if she did, no one believed her. I was afraid she had to be regarded as a madman. Therefore, she was in a hurry. She grabbed Professor Zhou\'s corner and asked, "Grandpa Zhou, you just said that Tibetan wind gathers gas. What is Tibetan wind gathers gas?"

Professor Zhou was stunned, but the village head old Uncle Wang scolded: "children, ask what to do so much! Your generation speaks of science and these feudal superstitions, don\'t ask!"

"What is this? Feng shui theory comes from the book of changes, one of the five classics So far, no one dare say that they can fully understand it. It is undeniable that there have been some superstitious parts in its development, but there are many places worth studying. Western countries have begun to pay attention to our culture. We can\'t still belittle our own culture. Otherwise, we will regret and be ridiculed in the future! "

Professor Zhou is not to blame for his excitement. His parents were persecuted to death in that turbulent era. In that era, not only his parents died, but also destroyed a lot of culture worth inheriting.

Later, Professor Zhou and several scholars began to study and repair these traditional cultures, but they all felt hard when interpreting the book of changes and lamented the difficulty of inheritance.

"Our next generation, even if they can\'t inherit the wisdom of their predecessors, should at least have the most basic understanding of Chinese culture. They can\'t understand, but they must not be ignorant." Professor Zhou spoke seriously, and Zhou Wang and several old people in the village immediately dared not say anything.

At this time, Professor Zhou picked up Xia Shao, resumed his kind smile and pointed it out to her, "come on, boy, Grandpa Zhou pointed it out to you. Look at the mountain. Does it look like a dragon?"

Although Xia Shao doesn\'t understand Feng Shui, he knows that there are dragon veins and dragon potential in Feng Shui, which is actually a very vivid similarity.

But that\'s not what she cares about.

Before she stood on the ground, her vision was limited. Now she was picked up by Professor Zhou, and her vision suddenly widened. At a glance, she saw that Shili village was surrounded by mountains on three sides. The village was not big. Behind the mountain, there was a road passing through panheng. At the beginning, several mountains were cut off because of the highway. The mountain selected by Professor Zhou extended out and was cut off by the highway.

Although Xia Shao didn\'t understand, she also knew that the mountain destroyed by this situation must be bad, not to mention that it was broken.

Xia Shao\'s eyes flashed, pretended to be naive, pointed to the road and said, "the dragon has no tail."

"No tail?" Professor Zhou was stunned. He pointed to the place along Xia Shao and looked along the road for a while. Suddenly, he looked frightened.

"Oh! No! Why didn\'t I pay attention to this road before!"

His call startled Zhou Wang and some old people in the village and quickly asked, "why is it bad?"

Professor Zhou was a little incoherent. "It almost caused a great disaster... This place is not good, not good! Change places, change places!"

"Ah? Change a place? Second uncle, you said this place is good for hiding wind and gathering Qi?" Zhou Wang asked puzzled.

"What do you know? I\'ll let you change, just change!" Professor Zhou excitedly put Xia Shao down and looked at her. His hands were shaking. "Child, thanks to you, or you\'ll be in great trouble! You\'re really a lucky star!"

The people next to her are even more confused. What does a child have to do with her?

But Professor Zhou was so impressed that he immediately went elsewhere. Xia Shao and Liu Cuicui followed until Professor Zhou chose a satisfactory place. After Xia Shao saw it, he found that there was white Yang Qi gathered here, so he was relieved.

Professor Zhou turned back and picked up Xia Shao, as if to feel at ease, and let her see it again. This move made Xia Shao cry and laugh, but he saw that the village head and Zhou Wang and others were about to lose their chin. Why did the professor of Capital University and famous scholars at home and abroad take a child\'s words so seriously?

"It\'s good here!" Xia Shao nodded like a mold, and the forehead was covered with black lines.

After the land was selected, the village head and Zhou Wang began to discuss the ground breaking in the spring. They went back to the village as they talked.

Just after the party left, in a house built on the back mountain, a gray haired old man sat in a wheelchair, looked at the direction of the party and muttered to himself in surprise.

"This morning\'s divination was clearly not the result... Could it be that the mystery here is disordered and fulfilled here?... who is it? Who has the ability? Hiss! Could it be... The girl?"