Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

V1.Chapter 31

The auction venue is located in the hotel exhibition hall in the center of Dongshi city. The municipal government attaches great importance to the auction and invites all prominent figures in Dongshi city and even in various industries in the province. These people are not all antique collectors. Many people come with the idea of making contacts. Some people want to take the opportunity to show off their financial resources.

However, when Xia Shao arrived at the venue, there were scenes of shaking hands and exchanging compliments with the exhibits in the glass showcase.

"Miss Xia, do you need to take you to the chairman now?"

Xia Shao was accompanied by a clean and handsome man in a suit and shoes. The man looked like Yang Qi at the age of twenty-nine. He was Li Boyuan\'s assistant to the chairman of the board. As the chairman of Hong Kong Jiahui industrial group, Li Boyuan was naturally accompanied by government officials today. Therefore, Yang Qi and the driver were sent to pick up Xia Shao in the morning.

In Yang Qi\'s eyes, Xia Shao wore a long white dress with long hair on her shoulders. Her face was as white as jade, with a shallow smile on her lips. Her soft and indifferent breath looked like a girl next door. He hasn\'t seen why such a girl is valued by the chairman along the way.

However, Yang Qi has been with Li Boyuan for several years. Naturally, he knows how to be measured. The chairman\'s decision naturally has his reason.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll take a look at these exhibits first. If assistant Yang has something to do, let\'s go first. I\'ll go there myself in a moment." Xia Shao turned back and said with a smile.

"My job today is to accompany Miss Xia. Since you want to see the exhibits first, please feel free. I\'ll take you there before the auction starts."

Yang Qi smiled professionally, but he got Xia Shao\'s favor. Senior executives of large groups in Hong Kong have good professional quality. After all, Dongshi\'s economy has just begun to develop, and now it is still an insignificant third tier small city. Most people will murmur when they are sent to accompany her, an unidentified person. Besides, Yang Qi is an assistant to the chairman, a senior manager and a vice president. She thought she would see his disapproval. But unexpectedly, he is very professional.

In the glass showcase in the exhibition hall, there are objects to be auctioned today, from calligraphy, painting, porcelain to jade furniture. These objects have been on display here for three days and will be auctioned today.

In 1997, when the art auction market was just hot, there was no auction company with strong strength in China, or antique auction did not rise. There is no auction company in Dongshi. Old collectors still like to find trusted antique shops for private transactions, and have doubts about the authenticity of the objects at the auction. Because of the importance attached to the auction, the east municipal government specially invited an auction company from abroad to host it, and invited experts from Beijing to identify the collection to ensure that the auction is genuine.

Xia Shaoli looks like the auction in front of the showcase. In fact, he has already calculated whether to set up an auction company in the future.

"Miss Xia?"

At this time, a man\'s surprised voice came from behind.

Xia Shao turned back and saw that it was Chen\'s slam.

"Uncle Chen is here?"

"Hehe, yes. I would also like to thank Li Lao. If it weren\'t for Li Lao, I wouldn\'t get the invitation." Chen slam smiled with no discomfort.

Xia Shao feels that since Chen cried a confession at the grand slam on the mountain that day, the whole person\'s mentality has changed greatly. Now look at him, the gray color on his face has faded a lot. It seems that he failed to pass this disaster in the last life, probably because there was no change in his state of mind. I didn\'t expect that I made a cruel remark about him, which made him see a lot.

"It\'s great to see Miss Xia here. I admire Miss Xia\'s eyesight very much! When I was at Miss Xia\'s age, I just entered the antique shop. At that time, I was an apprentice, but my eyesight could not be compared with Miss Xia, ha ha." Chen slam laughed and didn\'t sound like a compliment.

Xia Shao smiled and shook her head. "Uncle Chen has been in the antique industry for decades. There are still many places worth learning about her eyesight." Xia Shao is not saying that. Although she has the ability of heavenly eye, she doesn\'t want to rely too much. It\'s good to have the opportunity to learn something to enrich herself.

"Uncle Chen is here just in time. Why don\'t we have a look at these exhibits together?"

Chen Manchuan naturally accepted it with pleasure. The two people looked all the way along the glass showcase. Yang Qi followed behind with dedication, smiling and silent.

While walking, the three appreciated, but when they came to a showcase, Xia Shao stopped and frowned slightly.

In the display cabinet, there is a Jun kiln Narcissus basin with a piece of red at the bottom, like the pattern of auspicious clouds, which is very beautiful. The age on the label at the bottom reads: Northern Song Dynasty.

Chen manguan tut tut twice, "this is the Jun porcelain basin! This is the highlight of this auction! Jun kiln is red and priceless! Li Lao has always loved collecting porcelain. Although his favorite is blue and white, as long as it is a famous kiln, he has dabbled in it. I\'m afraid it\'s his Jun porcelain this time."

Xia Shao didn\'t open his eyebrows since he saw the porcelain basin. After a while, he said, "I think it\'s better to be taken away by the museum. It\'s unearthed in the tomb."

Chen was stunned, then smiled and said: "Miss Xia is right. The things under the ground should be owned by the state. However, some have been circulating in the Tibetan market for many years, and it is unclear where they came from. Some people say they were handed down by their ancestors. The state has no evidence and can\'t claim rights. However, I don\'t think this Jun porcelain is necessarily from the tomb. Many tombs in the Song Dynasty have been found, but it has never been unearthed Jun porcelain was unearthed in the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty. The dating on the label says that in the Northern Song Dynasty, the city invited old experts in the capital to identify it. Nine times out of ten, it will not be wrong. "

Chen Manchuan hasn\'t forgotten that Xia Shao taught him about smuggling before that day. She thought she didn\'t like national things to be privately owned.

Xia Shao smiled and shook her head. Chen manguan didn\'t understand her meaning. The reason why she dared to make such a conclusion was that the porcelain basin was wrapped with a layer of yin and evil spirit in her eyes. If it wasn\'t formed in a tomb with bad feng shui, it was likely that someone dug a stolen hole the day after tomorrow and damaged the Feng Shui in the tomb, which was contaminated over time.

Traditional Chinese medicine stresses Yin and Yang. It holds that yin deficiency leads to insufficient blood and yang deficiency leads to insufficient Qi. We must balance yin and Yang in order to be healthy. In the metaphysics of Yi Li, there are Yin Sha and Yang Sha.

The so-called Sha refers to the external factors that destroy the balance of yin and Yang and have an adverse impact on people. Yin Sha refers to the Sha formed by excessive Yin Qi. Yang Sha is the opposite.

At ordinary times, when Yin and yang are out of balance, people are easy to get sick, let alone meet evil spirits.

This porcelain basin is full of yin and evil spirits. If you put it in the museum, it\'s nothing. If you put it at home and watch it from a close distance for a long time, it must be contaminated into the body, resulting in the imbalance of yin and Yang, which is very bad for your health. If you\'re not in good health, your career and fortune will be affected.

Chen manguan seemed to have deep meaning in Xia Shao\'s smile. He couldn\'t help being curious. Just wanted to ask for clarification, he heard someone say hello to him behind him.

"Oh, isn\'t this boss Chen? Where are you getting rich recently?"