Rebirth of Northland Technology

21 Chapter 21

The one-month military training is actually a bit short, and many projects are only conducted once.Just like target shooting, this project is more popular among students.

Time passed in the busy schedule.In the middle, some small episodes also occurred one after another, such as the old 5 in the dormitory conflict with the instructor, some instructors took special care of some girls, etc., etc.

The experience of the rebirth is not very helpful for this career in military training.Although the attitude was serious, no one noticed it.

The only difference from the last time was that during the shooting, all five bullets hit his own, instead of making the target position next to him cheaper, it was a small solution to a long-term grievance.

In addition, he has also learned to protect himself in training, so that he will not make himself full of holes because of a simple crawl.

Cheng Yongxing adopted the tactics of a good baby, listening to everyone\'s words and not participating in anything.One is young, everyone takes care of them somewhat.In addition, after gaining life experience, I am basically indifferent to trivial matters.

The University of Technology provides comprehensive care and protection to students. In many cases, students conflict with youth in society, and the school protects students very effectively.

However, due to the presence of the school, the most important thing is to stay in school for inspection. Even if financial compensation is required, the school will bear it.This makes the students of the University of Technology feel very safe.As long as you don\'t die, there will be no problem.


During the next period of time, military training was not as hard as it was at the beginning.It may also be because the students are accustomed to the intensity of military training, and slowly adapt.

Human is a highly adaptable animal, living environment from tropical to arctic.

Queues and running are boring and intense events that take up less and less time.Some interesting projects gradually occupied the main time of military training.Some weird projects such as chorus, midnight gathering, and 5km stretch training were introduced.

Cheng Yongxing didn\'t remember some projects at all. The only thing he remembered was his daily team running.These new projects are much less intense, and some are even more comfortable, such as participating in various lectures and seminars, at least everyone is sitting down to complete.

Cheng Yongxing finally began to have some time to clean up his housework, wash clothes, and change.I also had more time with my classmates in the dormitory, and I gradually became familiar with it again.

In the past two weeks, not only has the pressure of military training eased, but the pressure of finding information has also decreased.

This week, he focused his time on the writing of familiar English papers.His goal is to be famous, and Chinese papers are obviously not enough.

He reads many English papers, and then writes it himself, and it looks like a gourd.

Although he has not written an English essay, after more than ten years of foreign life experience, writing in English is not a trick.All work emails and meeting summaries are written in English.

With the purpose of copying, he at least wrote out a frame according to the gourd painting. When it is really finished, he will look at Professor Wang.

He was already too familiar with the content of the paper. He wrote it twice in Chinese, and carefully wrote it again in English.

During this period, occasionally some new ideas, or recalling useful information, still continue the good habit, and write it down in the notebook at hand to prevent it from forgetting when looking back.

But these thoughts were put down just by writing an outline.Finish this first paper first, and then gradually move forward after you win the trust. You can\'t be a fat man with one bite.

When he was young, like most children, his ideal was to become a scientist, but later generations will follow the trend."Building missiles is worse than selling tea eggs" is a hot topic at the moment, which shows the low salary of scientific researchers!The professor quit his job to sell fried dough sticks, but he couldn\'t make the news.He applied for the college entrance examination as a volunteer, and his original intention was to apply for the physics department, but his parents firmly opposed it because the distribution of pure science subjects was not good, and most people could only be teachers.

It is hard to say whether the decision to study engineering is right or wrong. Life is made up of different roads.

Cheng Yongxing has not really done any research work, most of the work for later generations is application development and combination.Since the high numbers are not well laid out, a lot of effort was spent in calculations and formula derivation.This strengthened his determination to re-learn high math.

Fortunately, the idea of ​​the project is very clear, the formula is not too complicated, and the mathematics in high school is barely enough, which is his luck.

This time I can start again. It seems that the hope is still not small. At least becoming a scientific researcher should not be a big problem.

As for physics, look at the opportunity.If rebirth really gives him a chance to make up for his regrets, he might also try it if he has a chance!


"Where did you find these questions? Are they the entrance professional tests for your major freshmen? I heard that there will be entrance level tests in English. How did you steal the questions?"

During this period of time, Youtian Zhan was arrested and helped him copy things, but he had no complaints.He is a person who is not sensitive to difficulties and fatigue. In ordinary people\'s words, he lacks a string!Cheng Yongxing has no complaints at all.

"No, I figured it out by myself. I want to make two small papers. If they can be published, I will try to apply for school scholarships next semester. Our students in the Northeast have generally lower grades than those in the South. They are not as good as their grades. From the academic point of view. If it can be published, the scholarship will not be able to escape. And I heard that the papers published now will be brought to the distribution unit in the future, and the title will also be used."

Cheng Yongxing lures him to profit, and he can publish things, whether it is poems or essays, which are all lofty things.

"Well, if you can\'t publish it, let my dad find someone to see if it can be published in their factory journal! But you have prepared a lot of papers. And the similarity is still so high, this is not considered plagiarism. Ah. But is it plagiarism if you copy yourself?"

Youtian Zhan looked at the similar project files and found it strange.

"In fact, these papers are all based on fiber optics. They profiled various environmental parameters and made one. The others are simple. They are all copied."

"What is a copy?"

Now there are no computers, and online games will be the product of the next century.

"It means copying, copying."

Copies have been popularized in factories.On the eve of the college entrance examination, many parents from various families have used various efforts to prepare their children for the exam preparation materials.

"What if the experiment has no effect?"

"You didn\'t see who designed the experiment?"

"You designed it, I don\'t believe it! High school physics and chemistry experiments, every time you are the slowest!"

Youtian Zhan is very familiar with Cheng Yongxing.

"Don\'t be afraid of being slow, you all succeeded in the end?"

"That is, but those experiments were not designed by you!"

"If you don\'t help, I won\'t teach you to play Go next time!"

Two people do things together, talking and laughing, time flies quickly.

At this node, there are actually no entertainment activities. Except for poker, even Mahjong is not popular.

Go is a more stylish game.It is more suitable for students with better grades.

One of Cheng Yongxing\'s characteristics is that he has a good relationship with all his classmates.It’s a good relationship with good classmates and a good relationship with bad classmates.

In high school, the boys in the class were divided into three or four groups. When each group had activities, Cheng Yongxing was able to participate.Being young and being cute is a big advantage.

Youtian Zhan is a relatively withdrawn person. He doesn\'t participate in any circle. Only Cheng Yongxing goes to him sometimes.

After the college entrance examination, Youtian Zhan started to learn Go with Cheng Yongxing during the summer vacation. Cheng Yongxing can now let him have five sons.If Cheng Yongxing didn\'t take him to play, he would really have nothing to play.

In later life, Youtian Zhan was not married when he was in his 40s. Before Cheng Yongxing was reborn, I heard that he seemed to have a girlfriend. Whether he was married or not, I don\'t know.

Youtian Zhan’s mother sometimes complained about Cheng Yongxing, saying that he had gone abroad by himself, regardless of Youtian Zhan.


Military training is still going on, but only the last week is left.

After three weeks of physical exercise, Cheng Yongxing and his classmates have improved their physical conditions.A few laps around the playground, most people can hold on.

It is a little regretful that the girls are all tanned and it is estimated that it will take a while to recover.