Rebirth of Northland Technology

16 Chapter 16: Hao Yunli

September 14 Mid-Autumn Festival

After nearly two weeks of suffering, Hao Yunli gradually adapted to the intensity of the training, and her life gradually improved.

Military training has reached nearly half, and the queue with the largest amount of exercise and running events have passed.With the right amount of exercise and adequate nutrition, her physical fitness is constantly improving.

The daily jogging of 2 kilometers is gradually no longer so difficult to persist.

Speaking of which, the instructors still take good care of these girls.For high-intensity activities, as long as they say a word, it is easy to get approval for rest.In the past two weeks, in addition to getting tanned, the days have also slowly passed over.

boil!This word is really a true portrayal of her during this time!

Hao Yunli\'s home is in Subei. She is the youngest at home, and there is an older brother who is 8 years older than her. He is very spoiled at home.This time she went to study alone in the north, thousands of miles away, and she was very uncomfortable.

The weather, food, and loneliness, in less than a month in Bingcheng, she has secretly cried several times!Thanks to the classmates who slept with each other to take care of each other, it is considered to survive.

With the passage of time, while adapting to military training, she gradually integrated into the new group.In addition to getting acquainted with the female classmates who were sleeping together, she also knew other classmates, teachers, counselors, etc. in the department.

As it was Mid-Autumn Festival, the afternoon training was suspended.After taking a nap, everyone did not rush to the stadium to gather as they did in the past.There is a party in the afternoon. They just have to wait in the dormitory until someone will call them.

Hao Yunli picked up a small apple from the bed, wiped it with a towel, and ate it.

Apples were a bargain bought by Lin Ting, who was sleeping in the same bed, and they were divided up by everyone when they came back. The average cost is only two cents per catty.It\'s a pity that it\'s not very big.

Hao Yunli has been a little uncomfortable in the past few days, and some have become angry, and her mouth has ulcers.In addition to prescribing some ointment from the clinic, Smart replenishes vitamins by eating a green apple every day.

Apple looked at a lot at the time, and six people didn\'t have a lot of points. Maybe they would buy it again on Sunday.Hao Yunli is pointing at these apples now!I don\'t know if it is psychological factor or ointment. The ulcer on the corner of the mouth has indeed improved a lot.

I heard from Lin Ting that she actually bought more apples last week!It was a pity that a boy in the class took him halfway.


"By the way, the squad leader said in the morning, let\'s prepare. There will be a singing competition at the event for a while."

Zhao Mengjia suddenly remembered the monitor\'s instructions.

"Huh? We didn\'t register two days ago, so why do we still want to participate in the competition?"

"The first two days I signed up were for performances. Today I was talking about the song of the contest. In fact, it is louder than anyone else singing!"

"Then we have suffered too much. There are two classes in mechanical measurement!"

"Who knows, just do your best at that time."

"I knew how to sing. It\'s better to sign up for the performance a few days ago. At least I don\'t need to participate in training."

"Yes! Yes!"

A few days ago, the instructors also mobilized them to sign up on their own initiative and prepare to perform at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, but unfortunately everyone was unwilling to make an appearance.Individuals and groups who sign up have been given time to practice alone these days instead of participating in daily training.

A group of girls talked about some recent activities that they encountered, and everyone gradually felt a little relaxed.

The hardest days have passed. Slowly, military training has become more interesting.

"By the way, there is a joke, have you heard of it?" Feng Yan\'s words caught everyone\'s attention.

"What a joke?"

"The boy went to school to file a complaint! Hehehe..." Feng Yan thought of the news again, still amused.

"Why are you laughing, what is so funny?"

Few people in the room stopped working.Talking about cross talk, I laughed into a ball?

"Some time ago, weren\'t we allowed to sit in the stands and rest during training because of menstruation?"

"Yes, what\'s the matter?"

"This is what the boys complained about! It is said that the instructors are biased towards girls and forget meaning, all kinds of adjectives."

"They also sue this? Are they ignorant?"

This is indeed a weird argument.


"Will the instructors not explain?"

Hao Yunli cut in strangely.

"Explanation, but the boys don\'t understand! The instructors explained that our stomach hurts, and the boys don\'t accept this explanation, hahaha!"

Feng Yan laughed forward and closed together.In fact, the more you think about this joke, the more funny it feels.

"Yes, how do you explain it?"

At this stage, the introduction of the human body in schools is pitiful, and most boys have no idea about the physiological phenomena of girls.

The few girls in the room felt very funny when they heard this joke, but it was just a joke, and no one took this matter seriously.

No one realized that it was such a simple little thing that made many boys have a bad impression of these instructors in military training.

This bad impression, even after they understood what happened to girls\' stomachaches, did not change.Because of time, they can\'t even remember why they have a bad impression of these instructors.

"Do not suffer from poverty but suffer from unevenness. This is the first time someone will envy us for menstruation!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Why are they so naive?"

The girls expressed their contempt.

"They are not too young, why don\'t they understand anything? By the way, Lin Ting, you are the youngest in our class, right!"

"Me? I don\'t know, my birthday is in November 72."

"Then you are the youngest in our class, and Cheng Yongxing is the youngest boy. He has his birthday in October."

"By the way, Lin Ting, why are you one year younger than us?" Hao Yunli asked her question.

"When I was in elementary school, I skipped a grade because of a transfer."

"Awesome! Can skip a level! That means that Cheng Yongxing is also pretty good."

Hao Yunli gave her own comment.She has always been tepid in her studies, and her academic performance is high, but she has never won the top few, and she has always been envious of these good students.

"I don\'t know, but his score on the college entrance examination is not high." Feng Yan is familiar with this information because he is a study committee member.

"What are we, Feng Yan should study well, her score is more than forty points higher than mine!" Lin Ting hurriedly humbled.


At three o\'clock, there was the sound of knocking from room to room in the corridor.When the time came, everyone got up from the bed and walked out in a bustling manner.

The party was held on the first floor of the new building. This time the students were sitting together not according to gender, but according to major.This is probably also the number of times boys and girls in the same class got together after enrollment.

The girls followed the boys in line to enter the arena and quickly sat down.The boys were sitting in the back row, and the girls were arranged to the front.

"Get to know, my name is Cheng Yongxing!" Cheng Yongxing stood up in his seat, and greeted the girls sitting in the front row.

"You introduced yourself, at the professional meeting!" Zhao Mengjia reminded.

In the past few days, due to various good and bad reasons, this boy has left an impression on everyone, at least his name has been remembered.

"Really? Why don\'t I remember, but it doesn\'t matter. I will introduce it again so that everyone will be more impressed."

Lin Ting waved at him as a silent greeting.

Cheng Yongxing found that the girls didn\'t pay much attention to themselves, so he sat down.The boys around were still looking for seats in a mess, without noticing what was happening here.

He sat quietly behind Hao Yunli, his mood slowly calmed down.

The feeling between people is very strange.Cheng Yongxing\'s crush in college was the humble girl in front of him.

During this period of time, Cheng Yongxing tried several times to chat with the girls, but none succeeded.It seems that rebirth does not help him improve his relationship with women.

In fact, he didn\'t know that he didn\'t leave an impression in Hao Yunli\'s heart, but a bad impression!

The party soon began.The Mid-Autumn Festival, which means a festival for members, has entered the hearts of these young people for the first time.Especially for these wanderers who have left their hometowns, the significance of Mid-Autumn Festival has been magnified.

The programs in the party were prepared by the freshmen themselves, very simple, but the atmosphere was very lively.In the song, everyone was yelling desperately, venting their depression, to ease the mood of homesickness.

Cheng Yongxing was also in the crowd, shouting desperately!