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Rebirth of Glory

Rebirth of Glory


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Gay Romance


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The marriage annulment book became the last piece of rock that crushed Tan Yang's Ling family. Ling Zhang watched as his close family members died under the scorching sun while his legs were broken and he was thrown into the deep pit of the unmarked cemetery, tortured to death.Once again, he wanted to save the family, crush the evildoers, and end the engagement first!Wasn't Yuwen Clan far away in the capital?Can't he, Ling Zhang, climb higher?Did they really think that Yuwen Clan was so popular that anyone would want to take a bite out of them?Pui, he still thinks it's a teeth strike!… ….However, Yuwen Tong, who was loathed for kowtowing, gave him a lifetime of honor.

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