Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 198

The voice of the person on the other side of the phone was a little low and said, "it's the same as before. It's more and more silent. The old man often sits alone and doesn't speak. Today, sister Zheng entered his calligraphy without permission, but the old man didn't get angry."

The smile on Yan Hui's face slowly disappeared, and the worry and sadness appeared in his eyes. The old man used to have the most hot temper. The study was a forbidden area, so he decided not to enter without his permission.

After a while, he asked difficultly, "does the old man still not want to see me?"

"Xiaohui, you know, the old man has not seen anyone in the past two years."

Although it was the expected answer, Yan Hui still felt depressed.

He thought about it and said, "when are you free, let's meet."

"I don't trust the old man alone..."

As soon as the person over there wanted to refuse himself, Yan Hui said, "I met Wan chu'er today. Don't you want to know what we talked about?"

"Yan Hui! The old man doesn't like to be meddled in his affairs! If you let him know, the old man will be even more silent in the future. Is that what you want to see? " The man on the other side suppressed his voice and growled:

"If I had to, I would have gone to investigate. The old man wouldn't let me!"

In the face of the anger from the phone, Yan Hui's face was expressionless and his eyes were firm. He said, "I don't want to see the old man go on like this every day."

Then he hung up.

When the phone was down, it rang.

Yan Hui picked it up again, and there came a sentence: "I'll see you at the old place at nine this evening."

The corners of his mouth were half up, bitter and astringent.


Until I got into the taxi, Wan chu'er asked Xiaobai: "is today's meeting really pure chat? Although Yan Hui is really charming, it's not in line with your style of not getting up early without profit. "

Xiaobai tut tut two, such as looking at a fool like looked at her, "after elder brother or take you out to see more people, reading to read silly."

Wan chu'er gritted his teeth and poked his elbow at Xiaobai's chest.

Xiaobai pushed him away, covered his chest and said, "you say you're a good girl. If you're so violent, can you get married in the future?"

Wan Chuer said, "yes, Jiang Kechu said that when I get old, I will get married."

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought, why did she register with Jiang Kechu when she was 18 in her last life? It must have been Jiang Kechu.

Listen to Wan Chu son's words, small white canthus a draw, sneer A: "let him pass me this pass to say again first."

In the heart dark rubs rubs scolds A: the scheming old man.

"Yan Hui is a big boss who doesn't see people easily. We can see him today and have a good chat. Especially before leaving, he personally sent us out of the door, which means that we are in the eyes of this big boss.

He also said that his managers can decide business matters, but there is a difference between meeting Yan Hui and not meeting him.

At least those managers will be more cautious when they talk to us again. Maybe they don't need to consult Yan Hui before, but they will definitely want to report to Yan Hui in the future. Anyway, it's good for us. Do you understand? "

Xiaobai asks Wan Chuer.

Wan chu'er nodded: "I understand. Just seeing your rambling chat, I still feel puzzled. It seems that it's not easy to chat with this Yan."

Then she remembered Zheng Yun's cautious manner in front of Yan Hui and couldn't help saying:

"You don't know how proud Zheng Yun was in front of the three of us yesterday. Her eyes have grown to the top of her head. Today, it turns out that she is just a flattering and arrogant person."

Xiaobai took the opportunity to educate her: "so, in the future, we should stay on the front line in everything, not always so strong. I think the old chief's sentence to you is quite right."

Wan Chu son snorted, didn't speak, also didn't see you praise that sentence before.

After Wan chu'er was sent home, Xiao Bai told her a few words, and then hurried away. There were still a lot of things to do.

School will start tomorrow. Wan chu'er has a meal in the evening and goes back to school after picking up some things.

In the dormitory, Lin Yufei and Maggie have already arrived. They are playing happily in front of the computer.

Wan chu'er looked forward, eh, it was the game she developed, and asked with a smile: "Lin Yufei, is it fun?"

Lin Yufei and Maggie found her. Maggie chuckled, which made Wan Chuer puzzled.

But Lin Yufei said: "Wan Chuer, you will be my idol in the future! You are so awesome that you unconsciously developed such a fun game. Although there is still room for improvement in the pictures and characters, it's still fun. "

Originally, Maggie had told her that the game was invented by herself. She was suspected of selling melons when she asked.

She said with a smile, "I'm not from art school. It's good to be like this."

In fact, at that time, she also wanted to find someone to help with the drawing. Later, she got rid of the trouble and made a clever choice. The pictures were all ancient famous paintings from art books, and she adjusted the colors and so on. As for the character image, she wrote a small program herself. When she needed the character, she arranged and combined the parts to create a character, which greatly reduced the difficulty. This crude degree of nature can not be compared with the large-scale online games coming out a few years later, but in the past two years, it can still meet the needs of players. After all, they haven't been baptized by the beautiful game pictures. After watching Lin Yufei and Maggie play for a while, Wan Chuer tells them not to talk about it again. She just wants to study in a low-key way and doesn't want to be watched. After class the next morning, because there was no class in the afternoon, Maggie went home directly, while Wan chu'er didn't go home because he wanted to read in the library in the afternoon. She had lunch in the canteen and came out. She walked slowly along the avenue in the campus and took a walk after cooking. When she turned a pavilion, she saw someone reading in it. Wan chu'er unconsciously looked at the man. As a result, the man also heard the movement and looked at her, so their eyes collided. Eh, it's Mr. Yan that I met yesterday morning! He was dressed in a cowboy white shirt, with two books beside him and a book in his hand. It was very different from the elegant gentleman yesterday. Yan always obviously also recognized Wan Chu son, he said with a smile: "Wan Xuemei." Wan chu'er sighed in her heart. The voice was really nice. If Xiao Bai or Jiang Kechu had such a good voice, she could listen whenever she wanted. She thought wildly in her heart, and quickly said hello: "Mr. Yan, how can Mr. Yan be here?" Where you should be is the skyscraper!