Rebirth of Abium

6 Chapter 6 - The hidden vaul

Abium advised Claude and others to go to Baron Bernard's territory and stay low for some time; then, he separated from the group and advanced towards the western direction.

He didn't worry about them encountering monsters on their journey to Baron's territory. Because from viscount Gauvain territory to Baron Bernard territory, there were only fields and some villages.

His black eyes soon gazed at the west, and a smile appeared on his face. His next purpose was to go towards the hidden vault area located near the westernmost edge of the Baxbron woods. Baxbron woods originated from Margrave Eliot's territory, then covered Viscount's western part of the region and furthermore continued till the west edge of the Mainland.

Abium's next destination was the hidden vault. It located a few kilometers away from the borderlands. He stealthily walked towards the hidden vault, without alerting any wild monsters. His purpose of going there was, there remained an artifact inside a secret cave near to that hidden vault.

In the past, a few wild wolves pursued him continuously, and eventually, he ended up discovering that cave. Immediately he walked inside that cave and looked for a place to hide. While searching inside that cave, an unusual wall caught his attention. Soon he noticed it was a secret door. He immediately entered without thinking and found himself locked in some room. There he picked up a ring from a box.

When Abium took the ring, he didn't notice anything unusual. After that, he stayed there for a day and escaped from there. Then eventually met with Oliver, an elite soldier who saved his life.

When Oliver asked about the ring, Abium revealed the fact about how he found a cave and took the ring.

Oliver quickly warned him not to reveal that ring to anyone. Besides, Oliver explained to him it's a spatial ring used by mages, except it's a treasure for ordinary people and even nobles.

He told Abium if somebody spotted him holding a spatial ring, then people would utilize any means to get it.

At first, Abium thought Oliver was attempting to scare him. But later, when he asked a mage about the spatial ring.

The mage told him that a regular spatial ring holds three cubic meters and cost one high tier magic stone or ten intermediate magic stone.

Mid-tier space ring holds 15 cubic meters and required 50 high tier magic stones or beyond.

After Abium cleared his doubts, he finally understood why Oliver warned him repeatedly before.

He also thought about how important this ring must be, which holds 25 cubic meters. He didn't know the value of that ring and never revealed that ring to any strangers. He laughed at his past self and thought how inexperienced when he was younger.

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Abium shook his head and resumed his journey. On the way, he encountered some goblins and wolves, but they were no threat to him. He sometimes killed or avoided them while moving towards the hidden vault stealthily.


At the same time inside the Lawbarth household mansion,

Viscount Gauvain received a piece of news about the goblins ambush. What concerned him most was that Johnathan left the ordinary soldiers as scapegoats and escaped along with the household members.

'That fool didn't even check those peasants survived or not.'

Viscount inspected at the paper while narrowing his eyes and decided to move with caution.

'That Coward!'

A small frown appeared on his face. Then he immediately summoned the captain of city guards and spoke.

"This time goblins ambushed Johnathan unit; he also affirmed that there was a hybrid involved in that attack. Dispatch a patrol unit to Baxbron woods and see the situation."

"Yes, my lord."

Guard captain stood in front of Viscount nervously and replied. Then Viscount returned his gaze towards that small paper and gave another order.

" Go to the guild and put remaining soldiers and servants on the wanted list. Ten gold coins for each head select any of the reason so that the citizens will believe. No use to keep them alive anymore. If you found anyone alive near the forest, kills them off. They will only disgrace the reputation of our family."

"Sir..., Umm, is it necessary to kill every one of them? Why don't we threaten them by using their family members to keep their mouth shut?"

The captain looked at the Viscount in nervousness and quietly asked.

But Viscount shooks his head at the guard captain's naive question.

"If we do that, later it may look more unusual. And any one of the nobles get the winds of this news; then our household will be a joke in the noble circles. Just keep an eye on their families, but don't make any unnecessary problem."

After he sent the head captain outside, he leaned on a chair and thought.

'Once my son becomes a mage, our household doesn't need to pay heed to these worthless lives. Even if somebody gossips in nobles' circle, others will have their lips sealed because of the fear of opposing my son.'


The next day, around 7 'o'clock evening.

Abium arrived near towards the end of the Baxbron woods. A hundred meters away from the cave, Abium stood there and looked weary. He was heavily panting there due to constant walking without any rest. It took him nearly a whole day to arrive here.

'It's already become dark outside.'

The darkness surrounded everywhere, making him hard even to see what stood in front of him. Slowly he walked near to that cave and soon entered inside. The cave engulfed in chilling blackness. The absence of light meant the lack of its warming touch.

Underfoot the loose stones shifted, twisting his ankle one way and then the other, and the noise of those disturbed rocks echoed off the dense stone walls.

But without even a match to cast light into the black, there was no way to tell how deep it was.

Additionally, now it had already begun to develop more dark outside. Abium stepped inside the cave and searched for the entrance of the secret door inside the cave.

Abium soon found a smooth wall after he wandered inside. He then placed his hand on the door and pushed the door. A rumbling noise echoed. Then the door slowly opened and revealed a narrow way towards an empty room. Soon he took out the magic lamp where he stole from the camp tent and lit it.

The darkroom was like a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence.

He went inside; then, the door automatically sealed itself. He didn't mind that and progressed inside and inspected the room. Quickly his sight fell toward the wooden box placed on the broken table.

It was small, black, and shiny, the kind that comes from an uptown store with an expensive ring inside. When he opened the box, he found a ring.

It didn't appear to be a unique ring; he also noted a tiny blue gem embedded inside that spatial ring.

He immediately picked that spatial ring then put it on his finger. He then applied some of his mana and sent it to the ring.

This ring's owner must be dead ages ago; otherwise, it would be impossible to bind that ring with his mana.

If one wanted to open the spatial ring by forcibly transferring one's mana into the ring, then the ring would shatter, and materials inside would forever disappear inside the void. Soon he felt his mind connected to that ring, and a satisfactory smile appeared on his face.

Once that spatial ring bounded to him, he puts all the stuff inside that ring except his iron sword.

His first purpose of coming here and obtaining that ring was now over. However, he had planned to investigate where this path continued.

In the past, he visited and was scared of taking any risks and didn't proceed further. But now he didn't want to miss the opportunity to explore where it would lead him!