Rebirth of Abium

31 Chapter 31: Game I

Everyone immediately stepped forward into that portal and disappeared from the Altar room. Inside the pocket dimension, Abium opened his eyes and observed the surroundings.

It was the first time he ever visited a pocket dimension and was shocked by what he saw. A full of greenery appeared everywhere; also, at the same time, he noticed a golden light appeared from above.

Once Abium saw that he knew it was not a Sun, but it appears like an artificial sphere of fire. It seems small, Abium didn't realize how much massive amount of energy it takes to create such a fake sun. Only gods and legendary level mages might create this miniature sun. He glanced at others and saw Umi stared wide eyes at everything excitedly while Nicolaus gawked at this scene.

Abium observed everywhere around them noticed there were abundant of small trees and plants. There remained few trees around above 100 meters visible. All of the tree trunks were wrapped in branches and made that tree wholly enclosed.

He used his scan function to check his surroundings and noticed there were multiple red dots, encircled them from all directions.

"Be careful! The enemy already surrounded us. Nicolaus, take this lady and defend both of them. I will take care of these enemies."

Nicolaus agreed and instantly grabbed Umi and carried her mother then moved towards a nearby tree.

A shadow figure jumped from above the tree branch and attempted to stab at Umi. But, Abium didn't provide any chance and sliced that figure vertically. Abium noticed the attacker clearly and widened his eyes. A skeleton figure laid on the spot while holding a dagger.


'Why the hell an undead appeared here? There was never mentioning of any undead in that book.' Abium brain immediately raced at the thought of undead appearance here and noticed various enemies stealthily moving towards their direction.

[Name: Unknown

Age: none

Race: Undead

Class: Skeleton soldier


Strength: 1.1

Agility: 1.3

Spirit: 1.0]

Once he checked their status, he felt an extra headache. Suddenly he noticed a screen appeared in the sky. It seemed similar to Azolla's function, and it appeared outside and looked larger.

[Mission: Kill all the undead in level 1 area within two days.

Success- Unknown

Failure – Death

Number of participants: 4

Number of kills: 1 undead/ 200 undead]

A chill ran up to his spines while Nicolaus already started to tremble.

"Don't worry. We must find some safe place first and consider what to do next."

"But, I didn't anticipate this!."

Abium nodded at Nicolaus's response; then, they proceeded towards a large tree that appeared on their visions a few hundred meters away. Abium directly went ahead and killed another three skeleton soldiers who obstructed their path.

Meanwhile, Nicolaus defended against any ambush attacks, and everyone soon reached that giant tree. Because of Umi's mother still in the unconscious state, it made it hard for them to move. Finally, they detected an undead elite soldier stood near that tree.

Abium dashed forward and clashed against that elite skeleton soldier. A few parries and Abium swiftly cut off that soldier's head and smashed it. A small magic stone emerged from the head.

'Ugh, there are elite soldiers among them. It's going to be a pain in the ass.'

"Nicolaus! Stay near this tree and guard them. I will try to kill all these alone. If you notice any skeletons nearby climbed up on the tree along with them and hide."

"Okay! I also want to help you a little, but I guess I won't be able to kill a few of them."

Abium nodded his head and stepped forward. Meanwhile, Umi waved at him. She appears to be more active than earlier. Abium didn't have much time, so he thought of killing these skeletons near the neighboring areas.

He hurriedly checked the scan and marked a few of them gathering at a few hundred meters apart from him. He didn't understand which course he was moving and began recording in the remote map.

Once Abium was some meters away from the undead, he saw those skeleton soldiers were all elite soldiers and commanded by a hybrid skeleton. There were no ordinary skeleton soldiers among them. They seem to be interacting with one another. He never heard of an undead who was capable of communicating with each other. Abium only saw the undead, which was created by necromancers and felt puzzled. A sudden suspicion arose in his mind.

'Is undead created by necromancers or originated from somewhere?'

'Oh! A dangerous one is among that group too. Umm, its strength may rival third-tier warriors and capable of using skills. I need to be more cautious of any unexpected attack.'

[Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Race: Undead

Class: Skeleton Assassin


Strength: 3.5

Agility: 3.2

Spirit: 1.5

Skills: Unknown]

'Oh? Even with this scan function, I won't be able to distinguish enemies' skills without them using. And I couldn't see any mana inside them but only spirits. I guess it has something to do with magic stones.' He glanced at the information and stealthily approached them.

There was a whole of 10 elite skeleton soldiers accompanying with Assassin. If Abium went all out, he might be able to annihilate all of them, but that was not an option when he was up against 200 undead.

While he thought of striking them abruptly, a pain rose on his shoulder. Immediately he started to feel woozy. The curse wound rose to act up at this moment. His sudden distraction also alerted the enemy.

An arrow darted past him and stuck near the tree trunk. Abium instantly ducked and bounced towards the back of the nearby tree. Another arrow penetrated the area where he stood before. There was a cerulean liquid that came out from the apex of that arrow.

'They are proficient in using poison attacks! And their cooperation with each other undead is also astonishing!'

He analyzed there were a total of two elite archers holding their longbows and attack him in the long-range attack. He calmed himself and decided to take action against those two archers first.

He instantly rushed forth towards the archers, who stood in the front and barred those upcoming arrows with his sword. Once he moved within the range, Abium directly gashed towards them, and two heads rolled on the ground. Using his leg, Abium destroyed their head and greeted the other skeletons.

At the same time, other elite skeleton soldiers sprang to encircle him, and Abium dashed towards the near soldier and killed it. A few attacks originated from all other undead soldiers mercilessly and aimed directly at his vital spots.

'Damn! It is the most annoying thing about fighting the undead. They wouldn't even hesitate to attack and won't easily die if not their head didn't cut off and crushed. Also, I felt like fighting with well-trained soldiers!'

Abium gaped at the remaining undead soldiers and evaded their attacks rapidly.

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Sweats started to appear on his face. He didn't pause for a second and unleashed a skill.

"Aura slash."

The same aura erupted and quickly proceeded towards them, but another unexpected thing happened. Once they contact with those skeleton bones, Abium noticed his attack only stopped their track for a second, and it didn't affect those skeleton soldiers a little.

Suddenly he recollected this skill wouldn't inflict any physical damage against the undead because they were resistant to these sorts of paralyze attacks. Abium didn't stay there and utilized that opening and rammed his sword directly at another soldier. The sword soon penetrated its skull and split apart.

Abium rapidly retreated away and contemplated at the remaining skeletons. A single person fighting against multiple low-rank skeleton soldiers means courting death.

There was also an assassin who appeared among them. This time Abium brought out the two swords from the spatial ring and imbued them with mana. He picked these swords from the assassins in Dust gate town and considered it might come handy in the future.

Once he imbued them with mana, he quickly pounded forward and at the same time, launched those swords towards two elite skeleton soldiers in the front. Once the sword touch with daggers in the hand of the enemy, suddenly, a blast occurred. The explosion came out when the sword tip contacted with blades.

Sometimes in dire situations, warriors use these kinds of techniques to confuse the enemy. The blast itself was powerful and blown away four skeleton soldiers.

Abium killed them off one by one, but while he thought of eliminating the last two skeleton soldiers, he sensed a feeling of terrifying danger. Abium kenned if he stepped forward to remove those two soldiers, his life would be in peril. He swiftly scanned nearby and affirmed that Skeleton Assassin was nowhere within his view.

The same danger feeling arose once again, and Abium promptly bounced ahead and ducked behind a tree. But there were no blades that emerged at the place where he stood before.

'Is it my imagination? No! At that moment, I felt an imminent danger.' During the battle, he never applied scan function because a little diversion might cost his own life. This time he defended himself against any attack and used scan around the area.

A chill ran up to his spine when he noticed the enemy appeared at the same place where he was standing. He instantly understood the enemy was in the tree branch above him, expecting for him to drop his guard. Abium took the bait and slackened his guard and concentrated his full attention at the opponent.

The Skeleton assassin plummeted from the tree and directly pointed his dagger at Abium's head. Abium predicted that attack and barred. Then he used 'blink' spell to arrive behind that Assassin and pierced his sword into its scalp.

He turned his eyes towards the two skeleton soldiers waiting for few meters away from him. He wasted no opportunity and killed them soon.

He didn't want to spend any time and quickly retreated towards the shelter. Once he noticed that large tree, he immediately hurried forward. There he saw both Nicolaus and Umi were making a treehouse utilizing the nearby branches.

"What happened? Why did you come here so soon? I guessed it would take some time."

"I also thought like that at first. But at this rate, I won't be able to complete this mission if I kill those skeleton soldiers one by one. Also, their strength is different from the normal undead created by necromancers."

"What are we going to do next?"

"I have a plan that might help us in this situation. While I'm in meditation, don't disturb me. Okay!"

"Are you a mage?" Nicolaus inquired at him with wide eyes, but Abium responded towards him with a nod, then sat on the large tree branch and began meditation. Once again, Abium got himself back in that empty void and noticed multiple clouds around him.

It was the first time Abium saw so many abundant clouds and appeared like twinklers in the night sky. He also noticed the red chain growing stronger and more rigid, which trying to attach to his spirit. Without waiting for a time, he advanced towards the area where a considerable number of clouds.

A few minutes later, Abium stood before a large cloud, and he quickly absorbed it. Once he absorbed instantly, he felt his soul got restored and noticed the chain began shrunk in size a little. A grin appeared on his face, and he proceeded once again.

A two hour later, Abium reopened his eyes in the maternal world and burst into laughter, light a mad man. It was the first time he got to improve his spirit rapidly. He also perceived that mana capacity also increased at the same time inside his body.

"'cough,' what are you doing? Don't frighten us like that. It looks creepy." A sound came from behind, and he saw Nicolaus gazing at him weirdly from the back, and Umi displayed a startled expression and covering behind Nicolaus.

"N-Nothing. I had a nightmare, that's it. Excuse me!" Abium excused himself, then quickly sat back and started to increase his mana. Once he finished the cultivation, he noticed there was a rapid increase of spirit and mana in his body. He felt his body was brimming with energy and strength.