Rebirth of Abium

2 Chapter 2 - preparations.

Chapter 2 - preparations.

All living creatures had mana inside their bodies. The mana was origin energy that existed all over the universe. Humans, elves, dwarfs, and other races practice some techniques to increase the mana.

The monster races consume normal living creatures and evolve into higher tiers. The mana stone inside their body acts as a core of their body.

Warriors would use warrior cultivation techniques to convert the mana inside their body into battle qi. Then use it to strengthen their muscles.

Mages use the mana cultivation technique and spirit cultivation technique to cast magic spells based on their elemental affinity.

After Abium meditates for a while, he took a deep breath and held his sword on his right hand then attempted to send some minute amount of mana into the sword.

Next, he took a battle stance and swung for few times like cut, stab, and slashes. He repeated the process for a few minutes; then, he thrust forward to adjust the accuracy of the sword attack. Soon he somehow managed to gain control over this young body.

He then walked outside of his room and soon noticed many warriors guarding the servants and slaves' house.

In this Lawbarth household, there were a total of four third-tier warriors and many second-tier warriors serving. These warriors' primary duty was to watch every movement of the slaves and servants. Abium knew if he tried to escape, then all of them would surround him and threw him into the dungeon prison cell.

Everyone was afraid of Viscount Gauvain's strength. He not only an advanced swordsman but also a 4th tier warrior. In this cruel world, power and title determine one's future. Abium was also aware of Viscount Gauvain's character, a selfish, greedy person and even a sly fox.

Viscount had three kids. Elder son Andrew and second a girl named Madeline, then the youngest son Robert. Both his elder son and his daughter was studying in the knight institute. Robert remained waited for the magic affinity test and planned to join the magic academy. Viscount's ambition was huge. He aimed to become a high class noble and own a large part of the area.

Abium remained mindful of his current situation and told himself to be more careful. Even though he went back in time, Abium was still a servant boy. He planned to improve a little of his mana without practicing any warrior qi or mana cultivation technique.

There were many ways to increase one's mana. Although if Abium now practices warrior cultivation techniques, he could improve his strength. But, Abium already made up his mind that he would never choose to become a warrior.

Because he knew they were like slaughtered sheep on the main battlefield.

He planned to walk on the path of mages. He knew mages honored with titles in any kingdoms and empires. If Abium rose to become a second-tier mage, then he might work as a court mage in any small kingdom in the future.

Soon he shook those thoughts and concentrated on the current situation. He thought of a method to improve his mana by creating potion using magic stone. They were somewhat impure, but he knew these stones would be enough.

Although He didn't have any magic stones with him, the butler of this mansion, Alfred always kept those magic stones with him.

He brought those low-level magic stones from low-level warriors at a low price for household uses.

Abium peered at the farthest stars, and he guessed it's already 4.00 A.M.

He moved out of his room and strolled to the kitchen to seek for Alfred. Soon Abium saw Alfred inside the kitchen, who looked as there was no color in his face.

Alfred's opinion was the right one; always, no-one else could hold a valid point of view if it wasn't consistent with his own.

He prowled the kitchen like a caricature of himself, the eyes popping more every day and his mouth becoming thinner, tighter. Alfred only ever smiled when he tasted his food, for everyone else, he muttered under his breath "garbage, bland, too salty..."

Soon his eyes noticed Abium walking towards him in this early morning.

'What? This brat woke up so early?'

He startled a little then gestured Abium to come.

'Brat! What are you doing here in this early morning?' he questioned Abium while continuing his work. Abium peeked at Alfred's expression, then stepped forth and requested with little nervousness.

"Uncle! Can I take one magic stone? I will even do some extra work when I come back from the capital."

Alfred narrowed his eyes and sighed at this hopeless child. He knew this kid loved to practice magic from childhood. But still, his heart ached whenever this kid wasted magic stones like nothing.

"Fine! But why are you always wasting magic stones? If you saved that money, you could be able to buy some new dress during this journey, right? Umm. Anyway, I will give you one stone, but you have to work extra for two weeks when you came back. Got it?"

he grabbed a magic stone from his pouch and tossed it towards Abium.

Abium caught the stone and put it inside his pocket and responded.

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"Okay, uncle! I want to experiment using this stone. That's it!"

Alfred nodded his head in disappointment while took a pan from the shelf and placed few chopped onions on that pan. Then let out another heavy sigh and continued.

"Sure, lad, but this is the last one I will give you. No more stones for the next two months, got it?"

Abium nodded towards him and dashed from the place to his room before Alfred changed his mind.

Although he served this house similarly like a slave, he viewed Alfred like an instructor; because Alfred trained Abium since he was 5.

If Abium got an opportunity to meet Alfred again in the future, he considered teaching him some cultivation techniques. So Alfred would survive that upcoming chaos.

But, Abium wouldn't give those techniques now. Because if he taught him and Alfred gave those technique methods to viscount, then that might become big trouble.

Although he respected Alfred, he didn't trust him completely to give away his secrets.

During the twenty years of constant struggles and experiences, he learned many things like creating potions, sword skills, etc.

His current goal was to improve the lack of mana by consuming a potion.

He was planning to create a non-side effective potion called wisdom potion. The wisdom potion not only helps increase the memory rate by 20 % but also boost twice the actual amount of mana.

This potion too had some demerits like one-time use, and the second time use of this potion would be no effects.