Rebirth of Abium

162 Chapter 162: Blessed by the Sun

''This must be one of the main temples of the Evil God.'' Piers said solemnly.

''Teacher, let's go and get the Death Cane,'' Arkos said impatiently while holding a black cover book in his right hand tightly.

''Hehe, it seems you already began to feel the premonition.'' Piers said with a chuckle and quietly stepped into the yard. Other priests and holy knights also follow after him hastily, and soon their group arrived in front of the hallway entrance.

Meanwhile, Mage Sean and other thirty mages moved away from the Dark temple and then gathered a few hundred meters away from the entrance. They seem to be didn't care about the Death Cane at all.

After a few moments, Mage Sean took out a wooden chair from his spatial ring and sat on it while calling all the first tier mages.

After a minute, a group of seven black-robed mages stood in front of him with a solemn expression on their faces.

''What should we do now? Should we follow after those Light Church members, or should we go back and look for other areas? We only have two months to stay in this dungeon. If we stay here too long, the royal family will be in big trouble.'' Mage Sean said with a frown.

''Your Excellency, we should explore this layer and search for other temples. We will waste our time by staying here. Moreover, it would be almost impossible to snatch the Death Cane from Bishop's hand. We already got Traveler's Shield, Illusion Net, and Truth Eye. We should withdraw from here before the Red Python members arrive.'' A white-haired old man said while stroking his long beard. Hearing his wise words, everyone began to nod.

''What should we do about those three?'' Mage Sean also thought that was the safest option and asked another question while pointing his fingers at three apprentice mages.

''Most probably, they are informers of the mysterious Red python organization. I think they will insist on staying here.'' That old man said solemnly.

After discussing a bit, the Royal Family group moved in another direction while leaving the three gray-robed figures outside.

Meanwhile, Bishop Piers and others didn't walk into the temple's hallway rashly; instead, they began to draw a weird ritual circle on the yard. After they finished drawing the ritual circle, they placed candles, light elemental crystals, blood vials, and some other herbs at the weird ritual circle's center and made a small altar. Once they prepared everything for the ritual ceremony, they silently waited for the Red Python group.

''Destroy the ritual altar before he finishes his ritual ceremony,'' Susur ordered with a chilling abyssal tone. Then he gave those Light followers a piercing look and removed his hood. The next moment, including Abium in Jordan's appearance, all Holy knights unsheathed their swords and began to get ready for battle.

Meanwhile, five of Bishop's disciples and Bishop Piers also started to mutter a strange incantation. Whenever they finished muttering a phrase, golden light began to appear on that ritual circle. Seeing this, Susur's lackeys, who now were in half demonized form, also removed their hoods while showing their deformed blackish skin to everyone and let out a battle cry. Then, all of their eyes turned red color, and their whole body began to emit an abyssal red aura.

Demon Susur, now in his imp form, nodded his head and then blinked his red eyes. After that, the strange snakehead on Demon's forehead began to let out a weird moaning sound.

The next moment, Susur's original head began to transform into a cobra head. He then let out an angry hissing sound at those Light followers and charged at them. In the past few months, Demon Susur had lost many things after returning to Abyss and gained something valuable. After Scylla stripped-down Susur's power, he used all of his remaining wealth and returned to the Easica plane hurriedly. He then made a sacrificial ritual to the Will of the Abyss and managed to get a 'Sun' Divinity.

With the help of the 'Sun' Divinity, he even broke free from bloodline shackles placed by Scylla and became a Freed Demon. After absorbing the divine power hidden in the 'Sun' Divinity, he regained most of his formal strength. With his enchanted Snake-Demon bloodline spells and abnormal strength, he could even battle equally against a beginner third-tier mage now.

Meanwhile, Abium scanned the demon and got shocked when he saw Susur's spirit power.

'More than a thousand spirit points.'

With his physical strength around 11, Abium knew this Demon would be invincible when facing against second-tier mages.

At the same time, Susur charged at Light members madly and muttered in Abyssal language,

''Chaos Plague!''

The next moment, a cold red mist came out of the demon's body and began to spread everywhere. Whenever that mist touches holy knights' bodies, they all began to cough loudly and fell sick in a few seconds. Even Abium got affected a little and quietly began to move away from those mists. Before Susur could reach the center of that ritual circle, nearly all of those holy knights were already laid on the ground with a twisted expression on their faces.

Only three holy knights managed to resist that plague using defensive spell scrolls and cautiously stared at those red mists. At the same time, red blisters appeared on other Holy Knights' skins and were followed by black cysts. Anyone could tell all those Holy Knights were severely affected by this mist and was already nearing their deaths with a simple glance. Even after watching this horrible scene, Bishop Piers and his disciples didn't flinch. They continued to recite the incantation.

When Susur and his ten demonized followers finally arrived at the center of the ritual circle, Piers's lips suddenly turned upwards and formed into a mocking grin. Then he silently tapped his spatial ring and took out a golden brass crozier.

Susur's snake eyes blinked in shock and surprise, and he instantly understood this whole incantation was to mislead him.

''Oh Lord of Light, please grant us the power to purify these wrenched souls and let them return to the Endless River of Life.'' Under the watchful eyes of demons, Piers muttered with a confident smile on his face.

A heartbeat later, the whole ritual circle began to shake fiercely, and soon golden light enveloped the whole yard.

Multiple pure light energy chains came out from the corner of those circles and completely shackled all those deformed demonized humans. Even Susur became completely chained and was pushed on to his knees. Simultaneously, those golden lights began to cure all the blisters and healed the holy knights.

For the first time, a rage appeared in Snake Demon Susur's eyes. With a hateful glare, he pulled both his hand to remove those chains but felt helpless. He could feel a strong power behind those chains and become annoyed.

But he didn't lose his calm and spoke with his slithering tongue.

''Wings of the Sun.''

As his words ended, two dark crimson wings filled with dense pure mystic sacred power appeared behind him. For a moment, everyone, including Piers, felt a great amount of pure holiness descended onto the battlefield. It was as if the Will of Sun had come to this place to protect this demon. When looking at those wings, everyone felt a sacred feeling. It was as if they want to kneel in front of those two wings and worship it.

The two red wings were filled with pure holiness, which made everyone hold their breath in amazement.

With an angry hiss, Susur flapped those two wings and broke those light chains like glasses. After he obtained the 'Sun' Divinity, Susur body had already changed internally, and he had Law and Chaos powers in his body. He had completely abandoned the Chaotic Affiliation and moved to the Neutral Affiliation.

The planar restriction on his demon body had already disappeared, and his body had grown stronger than ever. With a hideous grin on his face, he stumped his foot harder and broke the golden lights. Golden lights shimmered and soon disappeared. But dark red flames began to appear.

Watching this scene, Bishop Piers sighed regretfully.

''It seems I have misjudged the future vision. The real enemy is not only that Necromancer but also this demon. A demon who got blessed by the Sun.'' Everyone, including those holy knights, could hear his bitter voice.

''Heart of the Light.'' Once again, he spoke while taking out a strange illusionary dagger from his spatial ring and stabbed directly towards his heart. But no wound appeared. Instead, a strange golden light halo appeared on his head, and his whole body began to shine brightly. Without even minding his disciples' and holy knights' panicking shouts, he took out a potion bottle. It was a scarlet red bottle and gave off a pure, sacred aura.

''Blood of the Divine!'' Arkos and Snake demon Susur shouted in a shocking voice. One voice contains a hint of joyfulness while the other contains fear.

With a cold look on his face, Piers opened the tap and gulped it down. For a second, a strange silence appeared on the battlefield, and soon Piers began to cast a spell.

''Pillar of Light!''

It was a third-tier Light spell.

Twelve tall pillars of pure golden light descended from the blue sky and surrounded Susur and his followers. The next moment, except Susur, all other demonized humans fell while letting out painful cries. A second later, all of them felt the energy disappearing from their bodies and laid motionlessly. Everyone could see that they were barely breathing and was on their death bed. Seeing this, Susur hissed angrily and once again cast his demon bloodline spell.

''Chain of Chaos!''

The whole yard and temple began to tremble, and seven dark crimson snake head like chains appeared from his chest. Each moved in a different direction and quickly aimed at the hearts of all the holy knights. Only Abium and the other three knights stood calmly and got ready to block it with their sword aura. Watching this cruel scene, Bishop Piers's face turned grim.

''Shield of Sacred Light!'' Without any other choice, he cast a defensive spell. A pure golden shield came out from those pillars and formed multiple shields around all those holy knights. Everyone could hear a relieved sigh as they saw Piers was looking at them worriedly. Seeing this, the Holy knights' heart moved. Everyone began to look at Piers like he was their guardian. Even Abium became shocked by Bishop's goodwill. In the past, he heard this Bishop was a cruel person and got confused a little.

While Abium was looked at Bishop in confusion, Bishop Piers cast his next spell.

A holy golden spear materialized in front of him, and it flew towards Snake Demon Susur's chest in a blink.

Crusade Strike, Another third-tier Light spell!

Abium could tell now this Bishop Piers intended to kill this demon here and now.

Suddenly, Piers saw Snake demon's red eyes were looking at him with a mocking expression on its face.

Susur didn't even glance at that spear and controlled his sacred Wings of the Sun and shielded his body.

Watching this, Piers didn't get anxious. Instead, he touched his golden brass Crozier and cast another spell.

A small ray of light that gave off an intense heat aura came out from the Crozier and instantly flew towards Susur. It then directly pierced through Demon's Wings, causing the demon to stumble back.

A second later, an explosion appeared on Susur's chest.

Light's Fury! It was a third-tier spell infused with Light Law power.

Shock and fear appeared on Susur's face as he looked at a fist-sized hole on his chest.

''Damn it, not again.'' He muttered hatefully, and without any hesitation, he flapped his dark red wings and flew from there. Susur was a demon, and he would never put his life in danger for just some artifact.

Although he was tempted when he heard the news about Death Cane, he knew that artifact was not much worth it compared to his own life. If he made a detailed plan, he could get similar artifacts. Moreover, he could watch them from afar for now and might find a chance to sneak attack.

Meanwhile, Piers got stunned by that demon's cowardice and shook his head helplessly. After giving one last look at the sky, and he turned his gaze towards those demonized humans. But he didn't kill them; instead, he shifted his attention towards the hallway entrance.

''Arkos, you are the key to this mission.'' Piers said solemnly and then walked in unsteadily. Arkos nodded his head solemnly and followed after him.

Meanwhile, others, including Abium, also took a step forward and followed them from behind.