Rebirth of Abium

16 Chapter 16: Escape

"It seems like that last didn't attack hurt you."

Abium once again grinned instead of responding to Watson's statement. A slight wound visible on his left shoulder but nothing more.

There was sudden quietness surrounding the area, then slowly Helena arrived near and stood behind him. No one made any move for some time.

Helena could able to tell that the opposite party was much stronger than she expected to be, so she asked Abium in curious,

"Do you have any plan on how to escape from this situation? Mister?"

"Sorry for my late introductions, Miss.Helena! My name is Abium. And Yes, I do have a plan. I want to try a technique that may help us a little."

Abium responded to her, and soon, an intermediate sword aura emerged around his sword.

He took a step forward and rushed to attack Watson, but a sudden fire elemental fluctuation appeared around Watson's body that made his movement halt.

A large amount of fire energy appeared around Watson's body, and Watson stood there like a fire lord.


A deep roar came out of Watson's mouth, and battle qi around his body suddenly formed into a fire and started consuming the neighboring two-meter surrounding areas.

The fire flashed into existence in a wash of red and yellow sparks. It has a dangerous beauty.

The fire held its head up regally and proudly as its destruction spread while glowering at the surrounding daring them to challenge its awesome power.

"Help! Help me! help..."

A panicking scream came from the warrior's mouth, who stood behind Watson.

Everyone soon watched the entire 2-meter area burned in a sea of red, yellow, and orange, and the cry of that warrior woke all the livings from their sleep. That warrior's body was burning, and within a few seconds, his body looked wholly devastated.

When Abium saw the flame around Watson's body, he shouted to Helena.

"Stay away as far as possible from him until he used his full battle Qi."

Then he rushed towards Watson and blocked his path. Abium knew if he entered within the range of that battle qi, he would be dead in a few seconds.

Warriors couldn't be able to use any long-range skills and only use their battle qi to fight.

Once warriors learned skills using battle Qi, then their understanding of these elemental power would also increase.

Abium soon made a bet to check whether the particular skill on his mind would work on Watson.

If Abium was a tier 1 mage, then he could easily use his advanced sword aura technique to fight without an issue. No! He would use some magic spell to kill the opponent quickly. But it would take time to become an official mage.

Abium remembered when Edveli fought with those two orcs; he used a technique that consumed mana to create illusions.

When Abium saw that and used Azolla's function to scan and recreate that technique, because of the scanning ability, it was much easier for him. Now he intended to try it here.

The next moment, Abium spurred towards Watson and threw the remaining explosive fruits at him.

On the other hand, Watson got annoyed and used his full power to attack Abium.

A ball of fire element formed in his hand, then Watson threw it towards Abium with a heavy blow.

There was an enormous explosion. It was as though a fist of orange flame had decided to punch it's way out. Smoke and fire rushed in all directions.

A massive fire appeared where Abium stood before, and everyone saw the area that area was utterly devastated.

Watson's mouth curved up a little when he saw a charred body around the area.

"This is the punishment for knowing too much about me! Humph."

Watson muttered in cold tone and shifted his eyes to Helena. She looked at him with horror eyes.

Then a warrior headed towards Watson's side and said nervously.

"Sir! That necromancer told us to capture that half-elf at all cost, not to kill him."

Watson stood still without even flinch a bit when he mentioned about the necromancer and replied in a chilling tone.

"Do you think I take orders from that psychopath? I don't give a damn about him. I was told to assist that crazy guy from the viscount. That's it!"

Watson then moved towards Helena, who was sobbing and gave her a warning.

"I don't want to kill you! Because you are useful to the viscount. From now on, you will be working for your life to serve the viscount. If you make him happy, you may still have a chance to find your sister."

She slowly kneeled on the ground while lowering her head. Streaming tears cleansed her red cheeks. Few droplets remained, forgetting their way as the path was swept from beneath them, consequently blurring Helena's vision with waves of sadness only the broken encounter.

The salty release calmly flowed into her mouth so that she could taste her sorrow. It was more than crying; it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope.

Helena's red eyes suddenly went towards the area where Abium was burned and noticed the changes.

She found only one body remained on the battlefield instead of two.

Helena suddenly thought he might be still alive, so she gambled all of her hope in Abium and took a stance using her dagger and pointed towards Watson, and others then attack them all of a sudden.

At the same time, Suddenly Watson felt an immense danger came from behind, so without hesitation, he used his battle qi to defend himself.

But to his horror, he discovered some force entered his body and paralyzed him!

Then a long blade envelope by yellow sword aura went directly towards his heart. Watson suddenly found himself in a pinch; if he didn't move an inch, that attack might cost his very life!

He then made up his mind and began to attack his hand using battle qi.

He used the remaining warrior energy on his left hand and created an explosion that made a blast, and that sudden gust pushed him a little.

Abium also a little startled when Watson crazily used to attack his hand to avoid his fatal attack.

But Abium's attack was in no vain; due to the explosion, Watson's body was thrust upward, so his sword pierced his back and opened in front of his abdomen.


A few minutes ago,

When Watson moved towards his illusion, Abium stealthily moved towards the dead warrior's body and stored it inside his space ring.

Then Abium headed near towards his illusion and watched Watson crushing his illusion clone.

Without waiting for anyone to notice, he moved towards near the fire explosion and took the warrior's body from the space ring and threw it.

Then the body flew into the area where his clone just disappeared and hit on Watson's hand.

Watson and others didn't notice any change due to the fire that blocked his path. Abium again used the illusion technique to disappear from there.

He waited for the opportunity to strike and hid behind the tree.

When Helena noticed the change in the battleground, she created an opportunity for him and distracted them a little.

Without any hesitation, he headed to Watson's backside using the same illusion, and at the same time, he used a 'sharp Aura slash' skill towards Watson's heart.

Aura slash was an advanced sword technique skill that creates a strong paralyzed effect over the opponent's body also creates massive damage to the opponent's body internally.

Because Abium didn't have excessive mana to create advanced sword aura, he created a similar skill using his intermediate aura.

Abium didn't know how much it would be effective against the 4th tier warrior, but he believed it could at least used as a distraction.

When the sword aura entered Watson's body, he noticed Watson's body went paralyzed. So Abium used remaining aura to precisely attack his heart.

Abium knew this was a perfect opportunity to give a fatal blow to Watson.

While Abium attacked Watson, Helena also used that opportunity to move towards her nearby warrior, who appears to have no weapon. But somehow Watson made a reckless move and ruined Abium's plan. Still, it was enough for Abium and Helena to escape.

Without any making noise, her dagger slashed her opponent's throat and killed him in a blink of an eye.

This sudden turn of the event made other warriors in a confusion state, and they hurriedly moved towards Watson to defend him.

At the same time, Abium retracted his sword from Watson's abdomen and walked towards Helena's side.

He saw the puzzlement in her eyes, but he didn't have any time to explain.

"Hurry! I will explain to you later after we escape."

Both of them moved towards the northern direction, where Margrave Eliot's territory and soon disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Watson's body looked like a mess, and the abdomen wound from Abium's sword aura attack delivered him a heavy blow to his body.

He panted wearily and stayed still without moving.

Watson's body was still in a paralyzed stated, and after a few minutes, he sensed his body got under his full control.

The wound on his abdomen would be a fatal one if he didn't take any measures. He then spoke in a cold tone.

"Inform that necromancer about this situation. Also, I need some medicine to heal these wounds; otherwise, it will be fatal."

After that, he looked at his body, then his eyes went bloodshot, and there was a rage in his face.

Watson never felt this much humiliation in his entire life like this! He thought he already killed that half-elf at that time, but he can't figure out how that half-elf escaped from his grasp.

Then his eyes shifted towards the dead body and noticed it was one of his lackeys who got himself burned from his first attack.

He didn't know how that half-elf escaped from his sense, but he remembered the attack even made him lose his body control.

It was the first time in his life he felt both scared and humiliated.

'I will pay you back a hundred times more than what you did to me half-elf.'

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Watson swore in his mind and moved towards their hideout.

A few hours later, both Abium and Helena stood near a tall tree and stood vigilantly.

The moonlight shone down, a diffuse glow, lighting the forest from pitch black to charcoal grey.

Due to Abium delivered a fatal wound to Watson, they didn't chase after both of them.

But Abium could tell quickly that necromancer and Watson would follow their trails to kill both of them afterward.

Now both of them stood deep inside the Baxbron woods and a few hours away from reaching Margrave Eliot's territory.

Abium noticed the moon slowly began to fall and could tell it was already midnight. So he told her to take a rest.

Abium had few scratches all around his body and a slight wound on his shoulder. While Helena had some few scratches and her hair now looked messy, that's it. But when compared with the opposite party both were very lucky to be still alive.

"That was scared me to death. But how did you escape from that vice captain's attack."

Helena asked him curiously.

Abium previous serious expression turned into a smile and responded to her question.

"That was one of the techniques I learned from a friend to create illusions. So basically, I wasn't even there when he attacked the illusion."

Suddenly Helena turned serious and asked him regarding her sister.

"So how did you come in contact with my sister? Can you tell me about her situation, please?"

He knew the question would come eventually; also, if not for her sister, she would never help him at that time.

Abium also kept his expression sober and told her what he knew from his previous life.

"Your sister Camellia was kept in prison by one of the slave merchants in this kingdom. Due to the rarity of her fairy race, she kept in a much-secured area."

When Abium told about her sister's condition, she looked panic-stricken.

Fairy race was usually won't appear outside their home place, commonly, even to the elven kingdom who were said to be fairies guardians.

They lived in a more secure area, and Camellia was an abandoned fairy. She ran away from her hometown, and later, she met with Helena. Then both of them grown up like real sisters in Helena's family.

In the past, Abium, Helena, and another dwarf friend were on a search to find about Helena's sister.

After they searched in various places, finally they found a clue about her sister. It was one of the slave merchants who captured her, and he kept her in some well-hidden place.

Abium and others didn't find any clue about that slave merchant's name or anything related to him.

But Camellia appeared during the auction that happened in the capital city as a slave. Then she was brought by count Tibal who was known to be one of the cruelest men in the nobles circle.

When they found out her sister was in that count's hand, they immediately headed towards the count's territory. But they only found her in pieces in the underground torture room.

She was tortured and was killed brutally by that noble. When Helena found out that her sister was in such a state, and went on a rampage and nearly killed by the count's guards.

Abium and other dwarf friend rescued her at that critical moment.

He knew about that auction that would happen in the capital city. So he said with a serious look on his face.

"I don't know much about her whereabouts. But I know that she will be placed an auction in two months at the orchid auction house."