Rebirth of Abium

108 Chapter 108: Slum Kids

Abium soon entered an Inn on the way to the black street and quickly changed his clothes into a normal linen shirt and pants. After that, he simply removed his disguise and completely changed his facial appearance to original through that faceless glass mask.

'Hmm, I can't do anything about those two spell duration effects. For the next 30 hours, my body appearance and voice would be similar to the real Baxter.' He sighed inwardly. But he didn't mind that. Following that, Abium quickly walked out of that Inn and returned to his single-storied house in 16 Black street.

'For the next few days, I don't have much work. Ha! I managed to fool most of the necromancers except that women Yalya. The only thing I have to wary of is that elven guy who has fate divinity.' He groaned as he thought of that unknown enemy.

'Azolla, show me the status!' In the past few days, Abium didn't slack off and continuously absorbed the spirit power inside the divine fragment.

[Name: Abium

Age: 16

Race: Elf (Bloodline strength- 1%)

Health: Normal

Class: Official mage

Affiliation: Lawful Neutral

Divinity: Time-1


Strength: 4.9

Agility: 4.9

Vitality: 4.9

Mana: 99.0

Spirit: 49.5

Skills: master swordsmanship, Advanced sword aura.


Zero tier spells: Blink, Red Orb, Mirage, Dark bind, Blazing shield, storage, Seer's Intuition.

First-tier spell: Fireball.]

'Heh, my spirit power is increasing dramatically. But I don't know when the divine power inside the fragment will run out.' Abium thought to himself and sighed.

He knew for the next two days; he had to keep a low profile in his room.

'After that, I have to move to a Creeper's forest outside the city and construct the next spell model.' Abium nodded inwardly and soon started to absorb the spirit once again from the fragment.

15th March, Early morning around 8 A.M, at 16 Black street in Commoners' Borough.

Knock! Knock!

Abium was deeply immersed in himself in reading one of the elven language books, but suddenly he heard two knocks from the outside, which made him raise one of his eyebrows a little. He quickly closed that book before folding that reading page and stood up to open the door. But before that, he changed his facial appearance and soon formed into Baxter's face while he quickly wore the long gray hair wig.

After that, without even scanning using his spiritual scan function Abium quickly found out who they were and smile as he opened the door with a click.

There, he saw a total of 11 kids stood outside with ragged clothes and skinny faces. All of their bodies were reeks of smell, and most of them stood behind a brown-haired boy and a lean black haired girl with confusion crossed on their faces.

"Come in." Abium quickly invited them in and started scanning them one by one. Meanwhile, they stood nervously near to the gate and started trembling whenever they noticed Abium's gaze. Abium watched at them amusingly and soon said with a deep voice full of power.

"I'm your employee. Introduce yourselves one by one. Your name, age, and what you are good at." As he said, he simply moved towards the sofa and sat there silently. Soon, that brown-haired kid around 140 cm took a step forward and started speaking boldly. He had fair skin, downturned black eyes, and had few cuts on his hands.

"I'm Aaron. 14 years old. I'm good at stealing and decision making when we are in trouble." Abium surprised at that kid's bold nature and nodded. Following that, a young, lean girl with long black hair walked forth and introduced herself like Aaron. She had a sharp nose, olive skin, and thin eyebrows.

"Lillian. 15 years old. I'm good at observing, stealth and disguising." Abium looked at the girl and noticed a peculiar difference and raised his eyebrow slightly.

[Name: Lillian

Age: 15

Race: Human/???

Class: None


Strength: 1.0

Agility: 1.0

Vitality: 1.1

Mana: 2.0


'Azolla, what does that question mark represent?' Abium became curious and asked quickly.

'Hmm, she must have a slight amount of other race blood in her body. Wait a minute, I will check it immediately.' Azolla responded instantly.

Once again, Azolla sent a minute spiritual wave and started to analyze her body using a minute amount of spirit. Meanwhile, Abium also began to concentrate on that spiritual wave but failed miserably.

'She has a blood of dark elf with high darkness affinity. I didn't expect there was a dark elf who managed to cross that borderland and even mingled with humans.' After a short pause, Azolla said with a bright tone. Abium was surprised and soon understood Lillian's status.

At the same time, he signaled other kids to continue their introductions. A tall boy with dark green hair, amber eyes stepped forward and started introducing.

"Sir, my name is Edwin. 13 years old. I'm good at acting and earning more money by tricking people." He said with a proud smile.

"Good. Next one." Abium nodded and soon shifted his gaze towards other kids. He had short black hair, round black eyes, and his height was around 150 cm.

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"Sir, I'm Ash. 12 years old. I'm very good at drawing, and I know a little about sword arts."

'Heh, as expected of a knight's son. Hmm, he seems to be practicing basic sword arts already but hasn't started cultivated yet.' Abium thought to himself and nodded as he shifted his gaze towards another young, lean girl. She had blonde hair, chocolate-colored eyes, and her height appears around 140 cm.

"W-Wendy, 12. I know sewing, cooking, and I have an extraordinary memory. I-I can memorize faster them normal peoples."

'Hmm, That's rare. Her ability will be useful in many places.' Abium silently noted her uniqueness and soon shifted his gaze towards others.

The other six kids introduced themselves one by one, and finally, Abium started talking with a domineering tone.

"Now, you all are selected. Aaron will be your leader, and all of you have to obey his orders from now on." Abium said while taking out a few normal gold coins and quickly glanced towards Aaron and spoke to him.

"Aaron, first go and buy normal clothes, foods for all of you in the shop at the corner of this Black street." Abium stopped for a second, then took out his old cloth and gave it to Aaron then continued. "Before that, change this cloth, and it will not make you as a slum boy." Aaron quickly took that cloth and wore it. After that, he walked out of that single storied house while leaving everyone inside. After a few minutes, he returned with a bunch of new clothes for boys and girls, along with many brown bread packs and peas pottage.

Following that, one by one, they went inside the washroom and took a bath.

After 2 hours, all eleven of them stood in front of Abium while stuffing their mouth with peas stuffed brown bread.

"Good. I know except Ash, no one knows how to read or write. Don't worry; I have a method to transfer that knowledge to all of you, but it will be a little painful." After he warned them, he asked Aaron to come near to him. Instantly, Aaron's expression grew deadly pale and soon walked near to Abium with a hint of fear.

"Sir, will I die if I didn't endure the pain?" Aaron asked with a nervous expression on his face. He had heard many rumors about mysterious types of artifacts that could even take one's life in the slums and got anxious inside.

"No. You will not." Abium said with a chuckle and quickly placed his hand on Aaron's forehead.

Abium simply collected the part of common language from his mind and sent it towards Aaron along with little spiritual power. At first, Abium was shocked when he heard this method. But Azolla told him all the official mages and necromancers used this method.

Meanwhile, Aaron felt a lot of information suddenly appeared inside his mind and followed by a severe headache due to the massive amount of information.

His face started to twist, and cold sweats beginning to pour down from his forehead. But Aaron gritted his teeth and soon felt the pain starting to vanish. At the same time, he began to analyze much information one by one.

Abium nodded with a soft smile and soon shifted his gaze towards Lillian.

With a cold expression on her face, she stepped forward and nodded as if she was born ready.

Abium wore an amusing smile on his face and silently placed his right hand on her forehead and did the same. Soon, one by one, Abium transferred the information to them and finally completed that process after an hour. Although he lost 0.1 spiritual power permanently, he thought it was not much. He could see all of their eyes were shining, and some even starting to read a few books placed on the shelf, which was placed on his right side.

After a minute, all those kids began to calm down and quickly shifted their gaze towards Abium. They all knew there was no free lunch and patiently waiting for his speech.

"Now, I will give you specific manuals separately, and all you have to do is listen to my words. Got it?" Abium asked while he started talking out a few manuals from his spatial ring while those kids were starting to nod repeatedly.

"First, Aaron, you have normal fire elemental affinity. So, you will be learning the attack type cultivation method." Abium said. After that, he started giving the same warrior cultivation methods to others one by one and shifted his gaze towards Lilian, who was left out. She showed a puzzled expression and felt nervous inside. She thought of those who had low affinity and instantly paled at that thought.

"Don't worry. You have a high darkness affinity, and I think you have the talent to walk on the path of mages." Abium said with a bright smile on his face as he noticed her expression. Meanwhile, all those kids were startled and soon became wide-eyed.

They were not that much clueless about these so-called mages. All of them knew they were the ones who were staying in those large towers inside the capital. Soon, they stared at Lillian with both envy and, at the same time, respect. Meanwhile, Abium took out his basic runic language book and gave it to her.

"Once you finished memorizing this book, I will give you the mage cultivation method. Okay?" Abium asked. Meanwhile, Lillian quickly took that book with both of her trembling hands and nodded rapidly. She knew how precious this opportunity was and almost cried out in shout in joy.

"Good, now I will also give you sword techniques but don't show your skills to anyone for now. Use it only when it is necessary, like when your life is in danger. got it?" Abium shifted his gaze towards others and asked.

"Yes, Teacher." Aaron stepped forward and replied, while other kids also started nodding. Abium was pleased by these kids' responses and continued.

"Next is, you can't teach these advanced warrior cultivation techniques to others unless I say so. From today onwards, you can come to his house and start your cultivation. I won't be there after tomorrow, but my disciple will be there sometimes. If you need any help, you can ask him at any time." As Abium finished his words, he started teaching the sword techniques to everyone. After the dusk, he sent them back to the slum along with a few silver coins and returned to read that elven book which he was reading earlier.

16th March midnight around 2 A.M,

Abium, who sat on the sofa while finished reading that elven book, suddenly started to frown.

He felt his body starting to pain all of a sudden and knew those two spell effects were going to end soon.

In a few minutes, his height started to increase, and his body appearance returned to normal.

'Hmm, should I go outside and construct my second spell?' Abium thought to himself but soon shook his head.

'Not now. I have to show my face to that guard Palmer and others in the slums. Also, I should go and check on that knight.' Abium nodded his head and took out to read the runic book which his teacher Zivior gave him. This time, he read mostly about new words and starting to memorize slowly. Even though he had Eidetic memory, he felt learning those runic words was a little hard for him.

Around 5.30 A.M, Abium silently closed that book and slowly stood up.

Soon, he left Black street and entered the Commoners' main street then arrived at the Slum Borough's entrance gate.

After waiting for a few minutes, he entered inside as the gate opened and directly moved towards a brick house in Pine Street. It was Darby's current residence.

Knock! Knock!

Soon, Abium heard a running footstep from the other side as he knocked twice on the door, and a slightly obese man full of scars on his face opened the wooden door.

"What happened, Sir Jeeves?" Darby asked with a startled expression. He wore a linen nightgown and appeared to be in half-sleep.

"Nothing. I just want to meet your new boss." Abium said with a sly smile on his face, which made Darby frown. Darby went silent for a few seconds and replied with an anxious expression.

"Sir, I will take you to him. But I'm not sure how he will react." Abium just waved his hand at Darby's reply and nodded. Darby's mouth twisted into a bitter smile as he locked the door and brought Abium towards a large single-storied building in Pine Street. As compared to other houses, this house looked so neat and was guarded by three muscular thugs who wore adventurer's dress. Well, all three of them were just chattering among themselves and just stood outside the entrance.

"Who is this kid, Darby?" As they noticed both of them moving towards their direction, one of the guards asked with a frown.

"He is a friend of mine. He-" Darby stopped his talk and soon glanced around his surroundings then spoke in a suppressing voice. "He wants to meet our new mad boss." As Darby finished his words, the other two guys who were laughing earlier suddenly stopped. All three of them glanced at each other and suddenly felt nervous. Soon, one of the thugs spoke with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Darby, this is his sleeping time. Y-Yesterday, James knocked on the door with slightly harder, but his hand was chopped off by that knight. After that, he told us to guard the door and not anyone in. If we let you knock the door, all of us will get us killed by him."

Abium simply sighed and quickly arrived in front of the door while that guy was talking. As soon as they saw what Abium was planning, all of their faces went death pale. Abium simply wants to find out what that knight purpose, and he could easily suppress him without doing much. Moreover, he needs to reveal his strength to others and make them think that he was a warrior who was good at sword skills.

"No! Don't knock that damn door, Kid. That knight is a complete moron and will kill you without even asking any reason." A thug said while chasing after him. But Abium didn't even give that guy an opportunity and kicked the door harder with much strength.

All four of them froze on the spot! Abium didn't knock, but he just kicked that door and went in!

"Who dares to disturb my sleep?!" An enraging came from inside as Abium walked in. Suddenly Abium's expression froze! He felt the voice was so familiar and instantly guessed who this guy was.

"Nicolaus! What the hell are you doing here?" Abium asked with a dumbfounded expression on his face.