Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 349

Xueer's face is muddled. She didn't expect that a simple thing even contains poison.

"Well, then what?" Xueer looks at the watch with round eyes.

Qi Rongyue shrugs his shoulders: "what can we do? We can't deal with it, and we can't deal with it." The boss of Tianxiang Pavilion is said to be very mysterious. It was very powerful in the Chu Dynasty. Both black and white were very popular. Otherwise, how could Tianxiang Pavilion stand in Kyoto for a hundred years?

This is also the reason why Tianxiang Pavilion dares to price ordinary Rouge powder so high. They use their own power to eradicate many Rouge shops that have an impact on their business, and seize the secret recipe of rouge, so as to develop the brand goods like today ' I heard that Min Hengzhi talked to her before.

now she is not a princess, but two has no real power in hand. It is just an ordinary woman doctor. What qualifications does she have to manage this matter? If she offends the big people behind the scenes, she will not have a better life in the future. Besides, although the powder is mixed with something, it's very few. It's only her nose, which is extremely sensitive to drugs, that can smell it.

That is to say, although this thing is harmful to the body, she is not sure about the damage and how serious it is, and she can't tell what is mixed in it, so she can't manage it even if she wants to.

Outside the inn, she met min Hengzhi by accident.

What does he come to do?

"Miss Qi, have you gone shopping?" He saw Xueer's handbag, which was unique to Tianxiang Pavilion.

Qi Rongyue's eyebrows and eyes are light: "what's up?"

Min Hengzhi chuckled: "can't you come to see Miss Qi if you have nothing to do? After all, Miss Qi is a famous doctor in Jincheng and brought to Kyoto by Ben Wang. Naturally, you should be responsible for your safety. "

"Is it?" How could she believe his lies.

"Don't you invite me in?" Asked min Hengzhi with a smile.

Xueer then said, "this inn is not owned by my young lady. Do you want to go in? Do you need to ask my young lady?"

Min Hengzhi laughs. Xueer is also very interesting.

"That king is not polite!" He turned into the inn, sat down at one of the tables in the hall, and called out the waiter for tea.

Xueer took the lady's hand and whispered, "let's leave him alone and go back to the room."

Qi Rongyue shakes his head: "you don't understand his temperament. If he has something to say, he must say it. If he is not here, he will be elsewhere!" I still remember when he was 12 years old, in order to give her the new things, he went into the Forbidden Palace at night, regardless of the danger, and almost was caught by the Yu Lin Wei. Fortunately, she couldn't sleep at night, took a rest in the garden, heard the noise and ran out to watch the bustle. That's why he went into the Forbidden Palace at night.

Xueer looks at Miss Yan in surprise. How can she say that? It seems that she has a good understanding of the king of Jin, but she and the king of Jin have never seen each other for several times. And every time it's unhappy.

Qi Rongyue comes to min Hengzhi and sits down in front of her. Now she has completely let go of her original feelings for him. Min Hengzhi is only her enemy and nothing else.

"If you have something to say, please speak up!" Qi Rongyue's voice was bland, and his eyes were fixed on the hot tea cup in front of him.

Min Hengzhi's eyes are always fixed on her face, as if trying to find a trace of that person's shadow from her face.