Rebirth, Husband's Ceaseless Love

Chapter 828

Next to her, Li Qingcang looks at her crazy look, and the mood in her black eyes is extremely complex.

Although she wanted to come, she found everything by herself. But seeing that she was scared as she is now, he was really upset, as if she was suddenly tightened by something. He regretted why he didn't knock her out in the morning and let Xiao Yang take her away by force.

The old man standing at the front is probably the village head. He stared at Lu Yishuang for a minute, then turned around and angrily rushed to the villagers behind him and said, "you say that this crazy woman is coming in?"

"Village head, but she's not crazy yet!" The villagers look at Lu Yishuang with strange eyes.

Li Qingcang then helped Lu Yishuang up and took him into his arms: "I'm sorry, my wife suffers from intermittent mental disorder, and will get sick when she sees more people. You are... "

Although Lu Yishuang is still dancing, but after hearing his mouth say the three words "I love", his heart is still suddenly soft, as if into a spring, washed away the fatigue of the day.

Even if these are false, even if their relationship can only last for a few days in this small village, it will give her a colorful dream.

The attention of these villagers turned to the strong.

At a glance, they knew that he and they were totally different from each other.

Although he looks a little embarrassed now, his shirt is wrinkled, his forehead is covered with sweat, and his face is still a little dusty and tired, the powerful masculinity that he radiates all over his body is in sharp contrast to the depression around him.

The village head remembered that he had been out of the mountain two years ago and went to the small county town under the mountain to buy something. At that time, I saw that there was a TV in a hotel in the county town. The man in the suit and clothes in the TV was his type. He must be the boss from the big city.

The crazy woman next to him has messy hair and dirty mud on her face and body. He doesn't dislike it at all. He holds her in his arms and lets her do what she wants. The dirt on her body makes his expensive shirt dirty.

"We are all villagers of Yunlai village." In front of him, the village head could not help but lower his voice, "I heard that you are traveling here, lost? There are abandoned houses in our village, which can let you live for one night. "

"Thank you." Li Qingcang nodded his head, which was polite and alienated. The villagers were shocked by the excessive calmness.

The houses in Yunlai village are all dilapidated, let alone abandoned.

There are holes in the walls and roof of the mud and straw house. The moonlight shines through the holes into the dark house, just like the stars blinking in the sky.

But Lu Yishuang is not in the mood to enjoy this alternative beauty at all.

The room was still mud, and there was nothing in it but a bundle of dry straw. The night in the mountain was very dark and cold. In addition, she didn't have supper. She lay on the dry straw with her hands around her, shivering with cold. She was still scared to the extreme.

The voice of the rate of recognition attracted the attention of Li Qingcang. He extended his big hand and held her petite body in his arms. "Don't be afraid."

"Qingcang......" At this moment, she was surrounded and infected by his hot body temperature. Her fragile psychological defense line finally collapsed. It seemed that she forgot everything, and only knew that the only thing she could rely on now was this rock solid man, "I'm really afraid."

"Hold on, it'll be fine in two days." Li Qingcang wrapped her coat tightly, just like a child, extended her big palm to her back, patted gently, "go to sleep for a while to save your strength, and find Ann tomorrow."

"Well." Lu Yishuang barely closed his eyes, but his heart was still "popping" and "popping".

Now, there are only two of them in this shabby, dark room. They have given up all the misunderstanding, hatred and temptation from the outside world. They can only rely on each other. Lying in his arms, she had never even felt this way before, and found that their hearts were closer to each other than ever before.

Li Qingcang knew that this kind of pain and fear had never been borne before, so a cold smile came up from the corner of her mouth: "regret it?"

"Well?" Lu Yishuang turned to his mind and moved his head in his arms. But when she turned around and looked into his starry eyes, she shook her head without hesitation, "no regrets."

Not only does she want to help find ANN, but also she has a firm belief in her heart that no matter what happens, he will never let her go wrong.

But at this time, a few shrill wolf cries suddenly came from outside, frightening her to open her eyes suddenly again, "there are wolves!"

Although listening to this call wolf is still far away, but for Lu Yishuang, who has been living in a big city, it is enough to frighten the courage. His strong eyebrows suddenly gathered, and he went to the window and looked out. He saw no wolf in the dim night.

Not far away, the dilapidated wooden door suddenly shook a few times, making a "Dong Dong" sound. Although very slight, but in this silent night, it seems very creepy.Lu Yishuang stared at the door, thinking that his spirit of twelve points was all hoisted up at this time, and his petite body began to tremble slightly: "what's the sound? Is the wolf out there? "

"No way." Li Qingcang comforts her. With such a rhythmic voice, the wolf should not be able to make it. Maybe someone is outside.

It's just that it's so late. They are not familiar here. Who will come to them?

Are those villagers who just didn't give up and now want to come and rob people?

He turned around, put his index finger straight on his lips, and made a "shush" movement towards her. Then he took out the Swiss Army knife from his pocket and opened it, and walked slowly towards the door.

Now, Lu Yishuang is so nervous that he even has a dry mouth. His eyes are fixed on the broken door, as if there are some monsters outside.

Walking to the door, Li Qingcang opened the door, only to see a little boy standing outside.

The little boy is thin and small. He is just at his waist. He has a burning candle in one hand and a bowl in the other. There are two steamed buns in it.

Lu Yishuang has been holding his breath until he finally spits it out. Li Qingcang also drops his vigilance and stares at the little boy: "who are you?"

"Uncle." The little boy's bright eyes looked very naive and lovely under the candlelight, and put the bowl in front of him, "are you hungry? Have something to eat. "