Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6337: : What you see is the difference in strength

The most important thing is to want to deal with the tension in the war smoothly, to let our soldiers get more benefits from the impact of the war, and to let the war situation develop smoothly in the future. The war in the capital is the last battle of the Jin army on the battlefield of the Kushuang Empire. As long as this war can be won, the situation of the Jin army in Guishuang will be more stable, and even after the war is over, Let Guishuang develop rapidly.

There is no doubt about the ability of Jin officials to govern the place. After the war, more Jin officials will come to Guishuang in the past, and the means displayed by these officials may allow Guishuang to get It is the rapid development, all of which are beneficial to the Jin army.

The emperor of Jin State chose war, not just to teach Guishuang a lesson, what he needed was to make Guishuang the territory of Jin State. In the hands, what can be obtained is a smooth realization.

The ferocity of the Jin army and the success of the Jin army in the war made the ambition of the emperor of Jin come true, and the current war is the last persistence of the Kushuang side in this war. As for their It\'s interesting to see how effective persistence can be.

The strong Jin army will not give the enemy more opportunities in the war. As long as they seize the opportunity of victory in the war, they will show a stronger side, and give the enemy in the war. The army brought more damage, and even made the enemy further realize the madness of the Jin army in such a war situation.

It is not an easy task to achieve greater victory in a confrontation and to make a greater breakthrough in the capabilities of your own soldiers. To better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, you must To have a greater role in such a war environment, it is necessary to show a stronger side in future wars.

Looking at the splendid achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield, and how much damage the Jin army\'s impact will bring to the enemy, we can see the horror of the methods of the Jin army. As long as the war comes, the Jin army will The army will show a side that shocks the enemy.

In the current war, the more you see the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, and the more you see the impact of the Jin army\'s attack, you will see the means of the Jin army. the benefits.

Wanting to use the victory in the war to better show the means of our soldiers and make the attack of our soldiers have greater value, itself has many difficulties, and after seeing more of the means of the Jin army, If you want to better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, it will not be so easy.

From the wars over and over again, what can be seen is the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the terrifying strength of the Jin army.

No matter what kind of emergency situation will appear on the battlefield, under the impact of the Jin army, it is absolutely true that the enemy will experience more war failures.

Ye Khan must have been extremely worried when he saw the emergency situation on the battlefield, but Ye Khan knew that in such a situation, as a general of Guishuang, the more he had to keep his composure, not because of the enemy\'s army. The attack was ferocious and showed fear.

The strength of the Jin army is strong, and it has a resounding reputation among the Guishuang army. In the war against the Jin army, the price that Guishuang paid was heavy. The toughness has more understanding.

In this war, it is very difficult for Ye Khan to successfully block the attack of the elite white horses of the Jin army. If Ye Khan chooses to retreat at this time, he can retreat into the Wangcheng, but such a retreat is extremely fatal to the already crumbling Kushuang. Even if Ye Khan can reorganize the team in the city to resist the attack of the Jin army, he will face the Jin army\'s large-scale attack. Given the situation, what choices will the officials of Guishuang have?

Originally, in the face of this war, a lot of rebel forces appeared in the city to support the Jin army\'s entry into the city, but after the Jin army occupied a more obvious advantage, the Jin army\'s actions in the city will be obtained. With more support, Guishuang at that time is the most critical moment.

As a general of Guishuang, Ye Khan cannot retreat at this time. Even if he knows that there will be many dangers in the war, even if he knows that failure in this war will have serious consequences, he will not. With the slightest concession, the fierce attack of the Jin army is not bad. The more time he delays on the battlefield, the more arrangements will be made in Wangcheng.

Zhao Yun, who was getting closer and closer, put a lot of pressure on Guishuang\'s soldiers. Guishuang\'s soldiers continued to come forward to block, but their blocking effect was limited. In front of Zhao Yun\'s high martial arts, Guishuang The blocking of the generals by Frost seemed so ridiculous.

On the battlefield, as long as you know a little bit about the fierce generals of the Jin army, you will see how crazy their actions in the war will be. Dangerous and urgent situation, but when the Jin army generals attacked, it would bring great shock to the enemy army.

The strong Jin army can always take the initiative on the battlefield, which has a lot to do with their means and strength. When the means and capabilities of the Jin army are further displayed on the battlefield, the enemy lacks If the corresponding means are used as support, they will be at a more obvious disadvantage when facing the Jin army.

The strength of the Jin army has a long history, and when the strength of the Jin army continues on the battlefield better, it will give the soldiers of the Jin army more confidence in the face of the war, and let the soldiers of the Jin army face the enemy. When you were in the army, what you saw was the weakness of the enemy\'s strength.

It is good that the persistence of Guishuang\'s soldiers in this war has brought some trouble to the Jin army, but by virtue of such means, they want to further hinder the development and achievements of the Jin army in the war. In the view of the Jin army soldiers will not allow the enemy to succeed.

Brilliant achievements, the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy on the complex battlefield, and the enemy will see the complexity of the situation in such a war.

And if you want to better adapt to the battlefield, if you want to have a bigger role in such a war, you need to have a greater effect in the subsequent wars.

The strong Jin army can always let the enemy see the serious consequences of the war, and can always let the enemy suffer the punishment of failure in wars again and again, and when faced with the fierce offensive of the Jin army If there is a lack of proper means at the time, it will make the soldiers of Kushuang more passive in the war.

The soldiers of Kushuang also want to change on such a battlefield, but when dealing with wars, the soldiers of Guishuang can see the complexity of the situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang can simply see the situation in such a war. Without the possibility of victory in the war, their perseverance on the battlefield is nothing more than more casualties.

Wanting to deal with the dangerous situation in the war reasonably and to achieve more brilliant achievements on such a battlefield is a very hard thing in itself, and behind the brilliant achievements of the Jin army is the sacrifice of the Jin army for the war.

If it is not for its powerful strength and means, it would be impossible for the Jin army to successfully open up the situation on the battlefield of Guishuang. saw.

If you want to win faster from the confrontation, you need to show a more powerful side in the war, and from the fierce methods that the Jin army has shown in the wars, it can be seen that the Jin army If the means to be successfully deployed, what kind of impact will it bring to the enemy, and what the enemy will see on such a battlefield is the complexity of the situation.

Even the persistence of the Kushuang soldiers in this war will bring some trouble to the Jin army\'s attack, but the Jin army\'s fierce offensive will not stop because of such changes. On the battlefield, since the Jin army\'s advantage in the war is so obvious, the Jin army will continue its advantage better.

The strong Jin army showed a brilliant side, and such brilliant achievements made some of Kushuang\'s soldiers more fearful, so that in such a war situation, what Kushuang\'s soldiers saw was the existence of their means. The gap is huge.

If you want to adapt more to the emergency situation on the battlefield, and want to have greater achievements at the critical moment of the war, you need to do more on the battlefield in the future.

From the splendid achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield, we can see what kind of impact the Jin army will bring to the enemy, and what kind of impact will the enemy endure on such a battlefield. Loss.

In order to better adapt to the changes in the situation on the battlefield, and to better occupy a greater advantage in a confrontation, what is needed is continuous victory in the war, and what is needed is more extraordinary means on the battlefield. .

Facts have proved that when the Jin army\'s means are successfully deployed, what the enemy army will see on the battlefield is the urgency of the situation, and what the enemy army will further appreciate in the war is the terrible strength of the Jin army.

It is not a simple thing to better adapt to the war, but if you want to get out of the quagmire of war smoothly, you need to show your extraordinary side on the battlefield.

Behind the brilliant achievements of the Jin army are the efforts made by the Jin army for the war, and in such a war situation, it is certain that the Jin army will achieve greater victories, mainly after the end of this war. Shuang has more fears about this war, can you let Guishuang\'s soldiers see more of the horror of the Jin army in such a war?

The more you adapt to the war and the more you find out about the situation in the war, the more terrifying the methods of the Jin army will be seen.

On the current battlefield, after the Jin army\'s means are used, it will bring a lot of damage to the enemy, and the enemy will realize that the Jin army is invincible under such a war situation. If the Jin army maintains the current situation more in the war, the soldiers of Guishuang will show a weak side in the war.

If there is a gap in strength, in the war you will face a cruel situation, in the war you will endure more challenges, and in the more insight into the powerful methods of the Jin army, the more you see the Jin army. What kind of damage will be caused by the army\'s fierce offensive, we will deeply understand what kind of impact the attack from the Jin army will bring.

Many war victories have brought more guarantees for the achievements of the Jin army, so that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will achieve greater victories.

Relying on the current war situation, the means of our soldiers can be better reflected, and the offensive of our soldiers can have greater value. These will have an important role in promoting the war itself.

The Jin army\'s success on the battlefield has also paid a small price, but to have such brilliant achievements in the war, even if there is a certain amount of effort in the war, it is within the acceptable range.

When the emperor of Jin State chose a war, he must have more analysis of the situation on the battlefield. How much benefit can the dispatch of the Jin army bring to his side in this war? What kind of impact will the development of the situation have.

All of these require more consideration by the monarch.

The monarch needs to be more cautious when dealing with war. If there is a problem with the means of his soldiers during the war, they will have a worse situation on the battlefield in the future.

The strength of the Jin army soldiers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com allows the emperor of Jin to achieve better goals on the battlefield of Guishuang, so that the emperor of Jin can deal with complex situations more easily on the battlefield of Guishuang.

No matter what kind of means the soldiers of Guishuang will show in this war, and what kind of impact such means can have on the Jin army\'s subsequent attack, under the powerful strength of the Jin army, it will make Guishuang\'s The soldiers lost more confidence in the war, which was of great help to the subsequent development of the situation and the subsequent war, and even allowed the Jin army to get more support for its actions on the battlefield.

Victory on the battlefield may seem simple, but in fact it requires more efforts from the army and soldiers in the war, and it is not easy to achieve brilliant achievements in a confrontation.

The losses that a strong Jin army can bring to the enemy on the battlefield often make the enemy more shocking on the battlefield, and let the enemy see the terrifying strength of the Jin army in such a war situation. .

If you want to better adapt to the battlefield, if you want to make a difference on such a battlefield, you must show the corresponding means. From the previous war situation, you can see the brilliant achievements of the Jin army. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu