Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6328: : More restrictions on enemy movement

The Jin army with strong support can always show shocking strength on the battlefield, and if you want to better deal with such war threats, you want to have more attacks on the Jin army on the current battlefield. Obstacles, the test for the Kushuang soldiers is too great, and it is beyond the current Kushuang soldiers\' ability to bear.

In the face of war, just the ferocity and fierceness displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield, and the defeat it will bring to the enemy in the war, is enough to make the enemy have more in the face of the attack of the Jin army. be careful

. When encountering war, it is only the powerful means displayed by the Jin army, and it is only the impact that the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring to the enemy, so that the enemy will see the possibility of failure from the war.

Not to mention what kind of price the soldiers of Guishuang paid in this war, they could not achieve greater success in blocking the fierce offensive of the Jin army. This is the reality of the war.

Of course, the persistence of the Kushuang soldiers on the battlefield added a touch of color to their glory. Even if they failed to stop the Jin army\'s offensive, it also showed the spirit of the Kushuang warriors in the war.

The Kushuang Empire itself should not be underestimated, otherwise, there would be no time for its strength.

It\'s just that in the war against the Jin army, the elites of Guishuang suffered a devastating blow, and what the elites of Kushuang would see on the battlefield was the impact of the fierce offensive from the Jin army. When they were more If they see the victory and achievements of the Jin army in the war, they will have more obstacles when they fight against the Jin army.

Knowing that there will be many dangers in the battle against the Jin army, knowing that in such a war, there will be more situational changes, and if you want to better adapt to the threats in the war, you want to be in such a war. With greater achievements on the battlefield, how many problems will there be.

The fierce strength will make the Jin army show a more powerful side on the battlefield in the future, and the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring a greater blow to the enemy.

In the case of more experience of the cruelty of the war, and more of the damage that the Jin army\'s offensive will bring, the Jin army\'s impact will occupy a greater advantage.

The Jin army in the war will show terrifying strength, and under the influence of such strength, no matter what means the enemy army adopts, it will be difficult for the Jin army to have a greater effect in front of the Jin army.

Victory in the war brings more possibilities to the impact of the Jin army, and the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring more influence to the enemy army.

And when the Jin army\'s fierce offensive will play a greater role, when the Jin army\'s attack will bring more damage to the enemy, if you want to have a more effective impact on the Jin army\'s operations, It is quite difficult in itself.

More insight is about the dangers in war, and more about what kind of threat the war will bring, which makes the soldiers of Kushuang more cautious when choosing war, but they are so cautious here. The next war was going on without greater help.

Because in the war, the fierce Jin army played a leading role. Under the combat ability of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang experienced the cruelty of war.

And only with more insight into the fierce methods of the Jin army, and only by showing a more extraordinary side in this war, can the situation in the future be easier.

In the war at this time, the fierce offensive from the Jin army will make the soldiers of Guishuang further realize the possibility of losing the war.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang knew more clearly that it was impossible for them to achieve victory in blocking the Jin army\'s attack. When the Jin army invaded Peshawar, the effect of their persistence on the battlefield would be affected by biggest weakening.

What I have to admit is the ferocity of the Jin army on the battlefield. What I have to admit is the impact of the Jin army\'s impact. It is not so easy to take advantage of the Jin army in a confrontation. matter.

The fierceness of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy on the battlefield, and the enemy will see the impact of the fierce attack from the Jin army.

Looking at the actions of the Jin army in the war, what you will see is the ferocity of the Jin army, and if you want to better adapt to the war, you want to have a greater role in such a battlefield.

Well, it\'s not that easy after all.

In the current war, only the fierce offensive from the Jin army makes the soldiers of Guishuang unbearable, and it makes the soldiers of Guishuang clearly see what their strength will be compared to the Jin army. gap.

When the strength gap between the two sides reaches a certain level, no matter what means the soldiers of Guishuang will have on the battlefield, no matter what arrangement they have in the city, compared with the impact of the Jin army, such a means of warfare is obviously There is a problem.

Under the fierce attack of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang saw the possibility of losing the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang would have more worries when blocking the attack of the Jin army.

After all, wanting to better block the Jin army\'s attack in the war, and wanting to have more aggressive means in the face of war, is not so easy after all.

The powerful Jin army will show fierce means on the battlefield, and it is precisely because of seeing the ferocity of the Jin army and the impact of the impact of the Jin army, so that the actions of the Jin army afterward can be beneficial. Enemy forces bring more damage.

In this war, the powerful Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang feel the horror of war, and made the soldiers of Guishuang completely mourned by the war.

lose confidence.

The Jin army has achieved many successes on the battlefield of Guishuang, and after learning more about the past achievements of the Jin army, it will make Guishuang\'s high-level leaders sadly discover that even after the defeat of the war, leaving other small Means, it is impossible to have some achievements under the rule of the Jin army.

It is precisely because they have a better understanding of the Jin army, and it is because they have seen the many methods of the Jin army, that the high-level officials of Guishuang will have more despair about this war.

In the past, the powerful Kushuang had undergone such a change when it was attacked by the Jin army, which made the situation of Kushuang even worse.

In the war to block the Jin army, the price paid by Kushuang\'s soldiers was very high. pen fun library

If greater achievements cannot be achieved in such wars, and if greater achievements cannot be made in such battlefields, there will be more changes in the war situation in the future.

It was precisely because they saw the strength of the Jin army, and because they knew that under the rule of the Jin army, they would not have the opportunity to turn around, which made some officials in Guishuang even more impatient when making choices.

The Kushuang Empire has glory, and they have a sense of belonging to the Kushuang Empire, but under the influence of the war and the constant failures of the Kushuang Empire in the war, they completely lost their confidence in the war. After the army arrived, they chose to join the Jin army so that they could be protected in the war.

Not to mention the officials of Guishuang, and the soldiers of Guishuang, when facing the pursuit of the powerful Jin army, there are not a few who choose to surrender. Their fate is much worse than that of ordinary people at this time.

After all, in this war, the Jin army also paid a certain price, and the actions of Guishuang\'s soldiers on the battlefield brought many obstacles to the Jin army. The soldiers who surrendered to Kushuang will definitely be punished.

It is good that the surrendered soldiers can be guaranteed in terms of safety, but will the Jin army make them so comfortable?

However, in order to survive the war, even if they suffer a certain punishment, it is within the acceptance range of the Kushuang soldiers.

The defeat in the war made Guishuang\'s soldiers see more of the ferocity of the Jin army, and more of the gap between their war power and the Jin army.

When dealing with the Jin army\'s attack, the senior management of Guishuang was extremely cautious, but when the war gradually unfolded, the senior management of Guishuang saw more of the possibility of failure from the war, because it was only by virtue of their strength that they were blocking the attack. The Jin army will inevitably pay a heavy price in the war.

At such a moment in the war, although Guishuang\'s soldiers and soldiers had a hard time persevering in the war, it was unpredictable what impact such perseverance could have on the situation of the war in the future.

But after seeing more of the fierce offensive of the Jin army, and seeing the result of the defeat of the war that our side may endure in the war, I wonder what kind of thoughts the soldiers of Guishuang will have.

Perhaps in this confrontation, the strength displayed by the Jin army will bring more benefits to the Guishuang soldiers.

There are many disasters, but it is also important to further destroy the fighting spirit of the Kushuang soldiers. It is best to make the Kushuang soldiers completely lose sight of the possibility of victory in this war. When facing the Jin army, there will be more panic.

It is true that the methods of Kushuang\'s soldiers are worthy of caution, but in the face of the Jin army, the soldiers of Kushuang experienced the cruelty of war more, and saw more of the problems existing in their methods. , when these problems will further affect the soldiers of Guishuang, the soldiers of Guishuang will face more problems in the war.

To endure the fierce offensive of the Jin army and achieve greater achievements in such a war situation seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. What the soldiers will have is more panic, and what makes the soldiers of Kushuang better on such a battlefield is how big their problems are.

In the face of war, the Jin army with strong strength can always better influence the situation of the war. The actions they take in the war will bring more troubles to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even make the soldiers of Guishuang more troublesome. Frost\'s soldiers had the idea of ​​giving up in the war.

This is also the most terrifying part of the Jin army in a confrontation. With their strong side, they can better control the situation on the battlefield and let the war unfold better. How can Guishuang face such a Jin army? What kind of situation will the soldiers suffer?

Of course, in the face of the fierce offensive of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang also have their pride. In the complicated battlefield, the perseverance of the soldiers of Guishuang can bring more achievements to their future achievements. much help.

On the current battlefield, it can be said that after the fierce offensive of the Jin army is launched, the enemy will always see the tension of the situation. Such a tense situation can bring more damage to the soldiers of Guishuang.

With victories in the confrontation and many achievements on the battlefield, the impact of the Jin army in the war will bring more damage to the enemy.

It was precisely because they saw the emergency situation in the war that Guishuang\'s soldiers felt that the Jin army\'s offensive was unstoppable, and it was difficult for them to show a stronger side when dealing with the Jin army\'s attack.

In fact, most of the time, the soldiers in the army are more realistic. When they do not see the hope of winning the war in a confrontation, when they see a more urgent side in such a war situation, they will There will be more on the battlefield


When the soldiers of Kushuang responded to the Jin army\'s attack, they suffered a lot of failures, and such failures in the war would further affect the fighting spirit of the soldiers of Guishuang. What we see more on the battlefield is the problem of their strength.

The blocking of the Guishuang soldiers did bring a lot of trouble to the Jin army\'s attack. But can such trouble stop the fierce offensive of the Jin army? When the Jin army\'s offensive is launched more fiercely, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the possibility of failure in the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang will not be able to show their due strength on such a battlefield. pen fun library

More restrictions on the enemy\'s actions in the war, and even let the enemy see the possibility of their failure from the complex war situation. In this way, what they will show on the battlefield that blocks the Jin army is More questions, and such a situation is exactly what the Jin army pursued on the battlefield.

On such a battlefield, the most important thing that cannot be ignored is the powerful strength of the Jin army, and the most important thing is how fierce the Jin army will be when the means are fully displayed.

When the Guishuang Empire was strong before, facing the threat of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang actually had a lot of confidence, but the continuous failure on the battlefield made the soldiers of Guishuang feel the tension of the situation, which made Guishuang. In such a battlefield environment, the soldiers of Frost saw more problems with their strength.

In order to better influence the actions of the Jin army in the war, and to better block the impact of the Jin army, the Kushuang army had to pay a heavy price.

Suffering more losses in the war is what the soldiers of Kushuang do not want to see, but when the war comes, the soldiers of Kushuang have no more choices.