Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6317: : Long-range suppression provides a good opportunity for the Jin army to attack. …

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This is also brought about by the unique combat method of the Jin army on the battlefield. Since it appeared in the war, it will bring more damage to the enemy, so that the enemy will experience in such a war environment. What kind of damage will the Jin army\'s offensive cause?

In the continuous war, the achievements of the Jin army can be seen, and their brilliant achievements are enough to make the Jin army soldiers have a higher cohesion.

The dangers on the battlefield need to be faced by the soldiers in the army. If there is a problem with the strategy adopted when facing the dangers in the war, it will fall into a more embarrassing situation in the subsequent wars.

On the battlefield at this time, the offensive from the Jin army will bring greater damage to the enemy, and what the enemy will see is the fierceness and ferocity of the Jin army.

As the war continued, we could see what kind of impact the Jin army\'s strength had brought.

So Jin Jun, what kind of thinking will the enemy army have when blocking it?

However, after many wars, the soldiers of Kushuang will see the fierceness and strength of the Jin army, and what they will see is the impact of the Jin army\'s impact.

Only by showing an extraordinary side when dealing with wars, and only by showing a stronger fighting spirit in constant wars, can the subsequent wars be carried out smoothly. What they will suffer is more losses, and what the soldiers of Guishuang can see is the possibility of losing the war, and their persistence on the battlefield will only bring more failures.

When the soldiers of Kushuang saw more of the situation inside, they would inevitably feel fear when they were dealing with the Jin army\'s attack, and such fear would become an important factor for the Jin army to open a gap on the battlefield. breakthrough direction.

Bear the threat of war and show a more aggressive side in the face of war. Such a Jin army will make the enemy see the complexity of the situation, and make the enemy see the situation in the war. nervous.

If you want to achieve greater achievements in the war, you need the soldiers in the army to show the corresponding ability. The fighting style and ability displayed by the Jin army has brought a lot of shock to the soldiers of Guishuang, and it has brought more. So many losses, even the soldiers of Kushan saw the possibility of losing the war.

Under the influence of such a combat method, even the high-level officials of Guishuang still have expectations for the war, but how valuable can such expectations be in a real war.

Relying on the victory in the war, the achievements of the Jin army will be more brilliant, and the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring great losses to the enemy. It is precisely because of the continuous victories on the battlefield that the Jin army will be The impact will be smoother.

In the current war, the commanding ability of the generals of the Jin army is not a small test. If the generals in the army show insufficient ability in dealing with the war, it may bring heavy losses to their officers and men.

It is good that the Jin army has an advantage when attacking, but the layout of the enemy army in the city is not vegetarian.

Looking at the offensive methods and combat capabilities displayed by the Jin army during the expedition, it is inevitable to think of how miserable it will be for the soldiers of Guishuang to face the Jin army head-on.

In the rumbling sound of artillery fire, the trap camp launched an attack on the enemy.

The arrows kept coming towards the trap camp, but they were well blocked for the soldiers of the trap camp.

The trapped camp is known for its precise coordination. On the battlefield, their cooperation can often bring great harm to the enemy, and it will make the enemy see the grim situation from it, and let the enemy so-called The means cannot be better displayed on the battlefield, and it is the pursuit of the soldiers of the trapped camp on the battlefield. From the specific war effect, we can see the brilliant achievements of the trapped camp, and what we can see is the trapped camp’s splendid achievements. What kind of losses will the enemy suffer in the attack mode?

The more you see the ferocious trapping camp, and the more you see the damage that the trapping camp\'s attack method will bring, the enemy will see the determination of the Jin army.

Breaking through the enemy is what the Jin army must do in this war. Breaking the glory of the Kushuang Empire drives the Jin army and soldiers to move forward bravely, even if there are many dangers on the battlefield ahead While waiting for them, they still will not slack off.

In today\'s war, what can be seen is the impact of the fierce combat of the Jin army, and what kind of damage will be caused by the offensive of the Jin army.

And only by better coping with the dangers in war, and only by showing a more extraordinary side in the face of war, can we make greater achievements on the battlefield.

Knowing more about the emergency situation on the battlefield and doing more damage to the enemy during the war will make the subsequent war go more smoothly.

Many war victories have brought more security to the Jin army, and the Jin army will bring greater impact to the enemy in the ensuing war.

As for the enemy\'s combat methods, it is quite difficult in itself to further affect the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield.

In the current war, the fierce offensive from the Jin army will definitely not stop, and after realizing more of the damage caused by the fierce attack of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will inevitably have when dealing with the war. Nervous, knowing that their opponent Jin Jun has won too many victories on the battlefield.

The victories of these wars were based on the heavy losses of the Kushuang soldiers. When the impact of the Jin army was further unfolded, when the edge of the Jin army came to the front of the Kushuang soldiers again, what kind of actions did the Kushuang soldiers take? Coping can be effective.

Therefore, in such a war, the nervousness of the Kushuang soldiers is inevitable, and the Kushuang soldiers know more clearly that when the Jin army came to their side, it was doomed to be urgent on the battlefield, it was doomed. There will be more uncontrollable situations in this war.

Suffering from the war, the high fighting spirit and the strong strength displayed by the Jin army are the important support for their victory on the battlefield, not to mention the enemy\'s means, their fighting methods cannot play a greater role in the Jin army. The effect is the most important.

The Jin army, who has won the battles from time to time, let the enemy see the grim situation and suffered more losses from it.

How to provide greater assistance to one\'s own soldiers on the battlefield is something that Jin army generals need to consider when commanding the war.

The suppression of the Perak army\'s long-range offensive means provided better conditions for the Jin army to attack.

The fact that the trapped camp approached Kushan\'s army at a very fast speed is a good proof.

When a soldier of Guishuang saw the trapping camp appear, his expression showed panic. In the previous war, this soldier of Guishuang had seen the invincible posture of the trapping camp, and in the battle against the trapping camp, there were even more Many robes fell on the battlefield.

Now facing the soldiers who were trapped in the war, the heart of this Kushuang soldier was completely occupied by panic. This kind of panic could not be concealed, and it directly affected the actions of this soldier in the subsequent war.

The invincible momentum can make the soldiers burst out with the most powerful fighting power. Even if there are many dangers in the war, being able to deal with the dangers on the battlefield is the most important thing.

There is no doubt that the fierce Jin army can cause great damage to the enemy in the war, and when the war has progressed to a certain point, the ability displayed by the generals and soldiers of the army will also have a great impact on the subsequent wars. How to better reverse one\'s own disadvantage and make the impact of one\'s soldiers on the battlefield more fierce is the key in itself.

In fact, what we saw on the battlefield this time was the ferocity of the Jin army, the fierceness of the Jin army, and the damage that the Jin army\'s attack would bring.

It is precisely because of the continuous victories on the battlefield, and precisely because it will get more support in the war, that the actions of the Jin army in the subsequent wars will be smoother.

Not only this Guishuang soldier, but other Guishuang soldiers can\'t keep a calm mind when facing the attack of the trapped camp. More insight into the horror of the trapped camp will make them understand that they are blocking the trap. On the road of the faction\'s attack, there will be many dangers, and how difficult it will be to contain the dangers inside.

The invincible Jin army on the battlefield will bring great damage to the enemy, and the enemy will see the tension of the war situation, and many war victories will bring more to their soldiers. Confidence makes the impact of your soldiers more effective.

How to better contain the emergency situation on the battlefield, and how to show a more aggressive side on such a battlefield, is very important in itself.

On the specific battlefield, what can be seen is the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, and what kind of damage and impact will be brought to the enemy under the offensive of the Jin army.

On the current battlefield, what can be felt is the invincibility of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the damage caused by the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

The continuous victories on the battlefield made the morale of the Jin army so high that it was beyond imagination.

As soon as the trap camp appeared, Guishuang\'s soldiers showed fear, which was enough to see how panicked they were about the Jin army.

The impact on the battlefield will cause damage to the enemy, and it will have a lot of influence on the subsequent war. If you want to better adapt to the changes in the situation on the battlefield, you will give the enemy more in such a war. The damage, which needs more victories as support.

In this war, as long as the Jin army\'s means are used, the damage it will bring to the Kushuang soldiers is enough to make the Kushuang soldiers be more cautious when dealing with the war. After all, no one will be with their own. Safe to go.

When Guishuang\'s generals saw this situation, their hearts were anxious. The trapped faction just appeared on the battlefield, which caused such an effect. If the trapped camp stepped forward to confront their soldiers, what would happen.

It is no longer a secret in the Guishuang Army to be brave and good at fighting in the trapped camp, but if you want to better block the fierce offensive of the trapped camp, you want to show your extraordinary side in the war against the trapped camp. The performance of a lieutenant general in a war is very demanding.

With the continuous victory of the war, the attack of our soldiers and soldiers will be more effective, and the attack of our soldiers and soldiers will achieve greater success. It seems simple, but in fact, there are many dangers. , just the situation that may occur in the subsequent war is enough to make the general general devastated.

Bearing the fierce offensive of the Jin army is a considerable test for the Guishuang soldiers. The Guishuang generals are naturally clear about this. If they can avoid a head-on collision with the elites of the Jin army on the battlefield, everything is easy to say.

But the Jin army\'s offensive was so swift, and in the sound of artillery fire, it was already approaching Guishuang\'s defensive position.

If you choose to retreat, you will also die. If you don\'t follow military discipline on the battlefield, you will not end well, and even after your death, you will become a sinner of Guishuang.

Although the current Kuishan army\'s record on the battlefield to block the Jin army is frustrating, no one wants to be the sinner of Kushuang until the last the enemy! "General Guishuang shouted.

However, after the Kushuang soldiers who came forward fought against the trapped camp, they were directly defeated.

They, who had no fighting spirit in the first place, showed a more vulnerable side after facing the brave and skilled soldiers in the camp. This is also a situation that often occurs on the battlefield. A strong team can better control the battlefield. The situation on the ground, their appearance has a great impact on the enemy army, and what the enemy army will see is the urgency of the war situation.

Only by knowing more about the enemy can we do more damage to the enemy on the battlefield. There is no doubt about this.

In the current war, as long as the Jin army\'s offensive unfolds fiercely, as long as the Jin army\'s attack will make the enemy army taste the taste of defeat in the war, the situation after that can be controlled.

The fierce charge of the Jin army seemed to have already started. Following Zhao Yun\'s orders one after another, a team quickly stepped forward.

In the expressions of the soldiers of the Jin army, it can be seen that their attitude towards war is accustomed to it, and even from their actions, it can be seen that they are excited.

The battlefield is the place where the soldiers in the army made their achievements. If you want to have a higher status in the Jin army and get more rewards after the war, you need to show the corresponding strength on the battlefield.

What the Jin army showed at this time was terrifying strength, and under such terrifying strength, let alone what kind of response Guishuang\'s soldiers would make, they would ultimately suffer the punishment of failure.

On the battlefield again and again, the fierce offensive from the Jin army made the enemy see the tension of the situation, making it difficult for the enemy\'s so-called means to work in front of the Jin army.

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