Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6314: : Yerkhan who can't sleep

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Only by better adapting to the tense situation in the war, and only when the war is going on, the ability of one\'s soldiers and soldiers can be better displayed, and the subsequent battles can be made easier.

The fierce Jin army has attacked again and again on the battlefield, showing their ferocity. If such ferocity will further affect the safety of Guishuang, it is inevitable that more people will be shaken.

The first to bear the brunt is the soldiers of Guishuang. They paid a heavy price in the process of fighting against the Jin army. However, they were unable to achieve a greater breakthrough on the battlefield that blocked the Jin army. When it comes to the fierceness of the Jin army and the weakness of their own strength, what kind of side will they show on the battlefield that blocks the Jin army.

It is not a simple thing to want the generals and soldiers to show their brave side when dealing with war.

Lieutenant soldiers also have their own ideas when dealing with war. If what they see on the battlefield is the imminent danger, they will be particularly cautious when dealing with war.

Besides, Guishuang at this time, in the face of the Jin army\'s attack, will it still be possible to win? This is the fundamental reason why the lieutenant generals are shaken.

Wanting to contain the complex war situation and achieve greater achievements in the complex war situation is far from being as easy as imagined.

The Jin army is fierce. As we all know, the key is that on the battlefield that blocks the Jin army, any kind of dangerous situation may arise. The war will face a more dangerous situation.

Victory on the battlefield will be more exciting for the lieutenant generals and soldiers, so that the lieutenant generals and soldiers will show a brave side when dealing with complex situations.

However, when the situation in the war is more understood, what will be discovered is what kind of impact the crisis in the war will bring.

In the war at this time, the offensive from the Jin army made the Kushuang soldiers face more dangers when they dealt with them. It is quite difficult for lieutenants and soldiers to show more powerful strength in the war.

Ye Khan has experienced hundreds of battles, and he is naturally clear about the reasoning here, but the Kushuang Empire has no more choices in this war. If it cannot effectively stop the offensive of the Jin army, the Kushuang Empire will will suffer the cost of destruction in war.

The glory of the Kushuang Empire made Ye Khan unable to give up. He had reason to stand up and shoulder the heavy responsibility at such a dangerous time. It was worth paying the price of his life for the war. Offensive, if you can\'t do this well, the situation in the future will inevitably become more urgent.

Victory in the war brings more possibilities for the attack of the lieutenant generals and soldiers, so that the lieutenant generals and soldiers can have more means when dealing with emergency situations on the battlefield.

It is precisely because he knows a lot about the war that Ye Khan finds out how difficult it would be to deal with the dangerous situation on the battlefield facing the Jin army head-on.

Not to mention the other, it is just the fierce means of the frontal attack of the Jin army, which cannot be stopped by ordinary teams. When the fierce offensive of the Jin army is launched, the soldiers of Guishuang will pay a heavy price. This is in the past. has appeared in the war.

Blocking the Jin army\'s attack has become the most important factor for the continuation of the Kushuang Empire, but in such a war situation, the generals and soldiers in the army have no corresponding confidence in the victory of the war. This is the saddest thing.

When blocking the enemy\'s attack, if the lieutenant generals in the army have enough fighting means and can show their brave side in the war, it may be possible to block the Jin army.

However, on such a battlefield, the Jin army itself is an extremely ferocious existence. The victory of the war has destroyed the fighting spirit of the Kushuang soldiers, so that the Kushuang soldiers saw the danger of the situation in the process of the war. , to see the complexity of the situation.

And when such a war situation will affect the development of the situation more, if you want to have greater achievements in dealing with the Jin army, you will inevitably face many difficulties.

In war, there will be more dangers for the lieutenant generals and soldiers to deal with, but in the constant war, it is the most critical to let the lieutenant generals and soldiers show their means better.

The tenacity shown by the Kushuang soldiers in dealing with the war can indeed provide better conditions for blocking the Jin army\'s attack, so that the Jin army\'s offensive in the city cannot easily win.

It\'s just that this kind of blocking has resulted in the continuous fall of Kushuang soldiers and their losses on the battlefield. Even Ye Khan\'s heart is like a rock, and there are many regrets. These are Kushuang warriors, among them Some people, in order to win the war, will do everything. However, as a general of Guishuang, when the war is at a critical point, he cannot achieve greater victory, and he cannot exchange the efforts of the lieutenants and soldiers on the battlefield for victory. Just unforgivable.

But the situation of the war is like this, no matter how much encouragement Ye Khan will have in the face of the Jin army\'s attack, what kind of determination there will be, and what kind of fighting spirit there will be, the fierce offensive of the Jin army will definitely not stop. What came down, not only that, but the attack that the Jin army showed in the subsequent wars will inevitably be more fierce.

In the war, as long as you know more about the Jin army, you will see the ferocity of the Jin army, and you will feel the impact of the Jin army\'s offensive on the changes in the war situation. .

The Jin army with fierce strength, the actions carried out on the battlefield are enough to bring more fear to the enemy, and even let the enemy see the complexity of the situation from the war, and let the enemy feel from the battlefield. What comes is the weakness of its own strength.

If you want to achieve greater achievements from the confrontation, if you want to better show the means of your own soldiers, you need more victories as a basis.

For Guishuang soldiers, the most important thing is the victory of the war. Even a small victory can cheer up the soldiers. However, it is a simple request like a small victory. On the battlefield of the capital of Guishuang, It\'s all so simple.

The fierce impact of the Jin army brought continuous influence to the soldiers of Guishuang, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw on the battlefield was the tension of the situation.

It is precisely because of the need to better deal with dangerous situations, and to better reflect the value of one\'s soldiers and soldiers during the war, so that they can show a more aggressive side in subsequent wars.

In the current war, the fierce offensive of the Jin army will not simply stop, and when the Jin army\'s attack has achieved a greater effect, just the offensive strength displayed on the battlefield will make you more expensive. Frost\'s soldiers suffered more losses.

In the middle of the night, Ye Khan couldn\'t fall asleep. Thinking of the Jin army\'s upcoming attack, it was difficult for him to fall asleep.

Commanding this war, commanding the wars of the soldiers of the Kushan Empire, is a great test for Ye Khan, not only to endure the continuous failures brought about by the Jin army\'s attack, but also to inspire the soldiers in the army. The war was really too hard for Ye Khan.

But the situation of the Kushuang Empire has become so tense. As a general of Kushuang, what can he do? If he cannot effectively block the offensive of the Jin army, it will make the situation after Kushuang even more dangerous, and even make it even more dangerous. What happened after Kushuang was more changes.

It is precisely because there will be many victories in the war that the achievements of the Jin army are even more amazing, and the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring more touches to the soldiers of Kushuang, and even make the Kushuang soldiers. Soldiers in this war could not see the possibility of victory in the war.

The fierceness of the Jin army, Ye Kehan ​​has already learned, if possible, Ye Kehan ​​does not want the Kushuang Empire to stand on the opposite side of the Jin state.

But as a general, Ye Khan knew that when the strength of the Jin state reached a certain level, and the emperor of the Jin state had ambitions to fight, the dispatch of the Jin army was inevitable.

The Kushuang Empire has a vast territory, but compared to the Jin state, it is not vast, but obtaining the Kushuang Empire can rapidly improve the strength of the Jin state, and even make the Kushuang Empire the emperor of the Jin state. An important aid in the subsequent expedition.

From a series of changes, we can see the complexity of the situation and the tension of the situation in Guishuang, but when dealing with these wars, Ye Khan must show a calm and calm side.

After all, there are many dangers on the battlefield. If you are not careful enough when dealing with these dangerous situations, the lieutenant and generals may pay a heavier price on the battlefield.

The fierce Jin army will not reason with the opponent on the battlefield. If you want to better deal with the critical situation on the battlefield, and want to better show your own means when dealing with war, you need to be in the future. It is enough to show extraordinary strength on the battlefield.

The victories on the battlefield brought more support for the Jin army, so that the Jin army would show a more extraordinary side when dealing with dangerous war situations.

No matter what the situation will be in a dangerous war, only by making the means of our soldiers better, and only by making the attacks of our soldiers more effective, can we make more wars appear in the future. Variety.

The impact of the Kushuang soldiers will cause great damage to the enemy, and the enemy will even see the impact of the Jin army\'s attack on the battlefield.

It is not an easy task in itself to better adapt to the tense war situation and achieve greater success on such a battlefield.

From many battlefields, it can be seen that the impact of the Jin army has achieved results. If only this is the case, it is enough to make the soldiers of Guishuang have more fear on the battlefield. After all, in the war against the Jin army , There are many dangerous situations, and in the face of these dangerous war situations, the so-called powerful strength of the Kushuang soldiers cannot win.

Failure in war has obvious influence on lieutenant generals and soldiers, especially when the means of lieutenant generals and soldiers are more restrained on the battlefield, it will lead to more dangers in war.

Only by showing a more extraordinary side when dealing with dangerous situations in the war can we make more changes in subsequent wars.

On the current battlefield, the ferocity of the offensive from the Jin army can be seen, but if you want to better deal with the Jin army\'s attack, if you want to have some success in blocking the Jin army\'s offensive, you must follow Show the corresponding ability on the battlefield.

Facts have proved that under the offensive of the Jin army, it is very difficult for the soldiers of Guishuang to block, because their means on the battlefield are more obvious than the Jin army. , if it will be more affected by the means of war, the actions of Kushuang\'s army on the battlefield will inevitably be more restricted.

War tests the strength of the generals and soldiers in the army. If there is a problem with the means displayed by the generals and soldiers when they endure the war, how much danger will there be on the battlefield in the future.

The fierce Jin army can always show an extraordinary side on the battlefield. UU reading can always do more damage to the enemy in the war, and see the ferocity of the Jin army in more After all, it will always bring more touches to the enemy on the battlefield.

At this time, the mentality of Guishuang\'s soldiers in the face of the war will definitely change a lot. After all, their opponents are too strong in strength. In the war to block the Jin army, the dangerous situation makes the army In the complex war situation, the soldiers in the middle saw many dangers, and what kind of dangers the Jin army\'s attack would bring.

It\'s just that in this war, the Kushuang Empire has reached the most tense moment. If the war to stop the Jin army cannot be delayed for a longer time, it will bear the price of destruction in this war.

That\'s right, what the Kushuang Empire needs to do on the battlefield at this time is to delay, and delaying success is the most important thing.

However, it would be so easy to delay in the war, especially when the Jin army\'s means are displayed more, just the damage it will bring to the enemy in the war is enough to make The enemy has more panic in the war.

When dealing with wars, they have extraordinary means, so that the strength of their soldiers can be better displayed, which has a great impact on the subsequent wars.

From the specific war environment, what can be seen is the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what kind of situation may be brought about by the display of the Jin army\'s combat methods.

Victory in a specific war can bring more security to the soldiers in the army after the battle, and can make the soldiers in the army show an extraordinary side when dealing with the complicated situation in the war.

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