Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6176: : Jin army with fierce offensive

6199 The Jin army with a ferocious offensive

Provoking Jin and paying such a price is something no monarch wants to see, but in a specific war, the situation is like this, even if the officials of Guishuang are dissatisfied, they can What a great deal.

The war to block the Jin army is destined to be full of danger, and when dealing with the fierce offensive of the Jin army, you will see the strength of the Jin army.

On the current battlefield, the Jin army will show a very terrifying side. The Kushuang soldiers have a deep understanding of this. If it is possible, what they are most reluctant to face is the Jin army\'s offensive.

The impact of the war is the most obvious to the Guishuang soldiers. Whenever the Guishuang soldiers want to better block the Jin army\'s offensive in the war, what they see is that the fierce attack of the Jin army will bring what kind of impact.

The cruelty on the battlefield made Guishuang\'s soldiers more clearly see their weakness.

On such a battlefield, the efforts of the Kushuang soldiers can be seen, but their efforts cannot bring more trouble to the Jin army\'s attack, which is doomed that the Kushuang soldiers will endure more trouble in the war. more punishment.

The Jin army is an elite who has won wars again and again, and their advantage on the battlefield of Guishuang is obvious, and such a war advantage, the Jin army will definitely not give up easily.

It is precisely because there are many war victories as the basis that the Jin army is more calm when dealing with critical situations on the battlefield, and they have absolute confidence in their own strength.

In fact, on the battlefield, you can feel the fierceness of the Jin army, especially after their offensive is launched, the Guishuang soldiers can feel it when they block it.

If possible, Guishuang\'s soldiers also want to win more victories in this war, but the proud Jin army will not give the enemy more opportunities, let alone let the enemy in this way The turnaround was successful in the war environment.

The situation of Guishuang is getting more and more severe, and the soldiers of Guishuang are working harder on the battlefield, all of which will affect the stable situation of Guishuang.

From the current turbulent situation in Peshawar, what can be seen is what kind of impact the Jin army\'s attack has caused. The nobles of Kushuang even secretly have other actions, cruel suppression methods, so that the officials in the city temporarily Not daring to act rashly does not mean that they will be willing to bear such a situation in the future.

When the Guishuang army fails to succeed in the war, the status of the nobles belonging to Guishuang will be lost, and if they take credit for the Jin army, maybe their position in Guishuang can be stabilized. Such a temptation , it is impossible to refuse to the nobles of Guishuang.

The royal family of Guishuang acted positively when they blocked the Jin army because they knew that if the Jin army invaded the city, they would not end well. Guaranteed.

An official of an empire, such an idea, is actually sad for the empire.

The officials and nobles of the former Kushuang Empire had their pride. They sacrificed their blood for the stability and development of Kushuang, but with the development of the situation, these people gradually saw the fierceness of the Jin army. With the weak strength of Guishuang, when they face war, they will feel more panic.

If things go on like this, when the Jin army\'s offensive is more ferocious, it can be imagined that the impact it can bring to the Kushuang soldiers on the battlefield is what kind of Kushuang officials who do not want to lose their immediate status will be during the war. Anything can be done.

Relying on the achievements in the war, it is good to ease the tension in Guishuang, but the key point is that the strength of the Jin army is unstoppable by the soldiers of Guishuang. They have a strong city as their support, and they still cannot go smoothly. To block the Jin army\'s attack, you can imagine what kind of damage it will bring to them when the Jin army breaks through the defense of the city wall.

The advent of war will be a great test for the lieutenant generals and soldiers. If there is a gap in the means displayed by the lieutenant generals and soldiers when they endure the war, it will inevitably make the future war situation even more severe.

The emperor of Jin State had extraordinary means when dealing with wars, and it was these fierce means that caused Guishuang\'s army to suffer more losses.

Strong strength is the most important reliance of the emperor of Jin on the battlefield.

From the actual war effect, it can be seen that the emperor of Jin is terrifying. After launching the war, relying on the strong Jin army, he will always bring heavy casualties to the enemy in the war. Having captured the enemy\'s territory and being able to use it quickly for one\'s own use, in the face of such a means of warfare, how could the officials of Guishuang not be shocked.

The Jin army\'s attack is still continuing. Since the offensive, the Jin army\'s attack has not stopped, but at night, the Jin army has not launched an attack, which gives the defenders a lot of breathing time.

But whenever it is night, hearing the screams of the wounded soldiers will inevitably make people tremble in their hearts.

This is a soldier who was injured when fighting against the Jin army. The treatment they get after being injured is limited. In this regard, the gap between the Guishuang army and the Jin army is obvious. The soldiers of the Jin army can get Very timely treatment, which can provide an important guarantee for the survival of generals and soldiers on the battlefield.

However, if this kind of combat method is implemented in the Kushan Army, it will be a great burden for the Kushan Empire, especially in such a severe moment as the situation of Kushan.

It is obviously inappropriate to deal with these wounded soldiers, they are for the wounds that Guishuang suffered on the battlefield.

The fierce offensive of the Jin army will bring more damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, so that the soldiers of Guishuang see the horror of the Jin army in the continuous war, and when the fear in their hearts reaches a certain level, When the Jin army broke through the defense of the Guishuang city, the confrontation in the city was bound to be even more dangerous for the Kuishan soldiers.

In the face of powerful enemies, Kushuang\'s soldiers experienced more failures, and it is conceivable what kind of measures they will take in specific wars.

On the current battlefield, only with strong strength can we make greater achievements in the war, achieve greater achievements in battle, and show the strength of our soldiers more effectively.

The strength of the Jin army can make Guishuang\'s soldiers pay a greater price when blocking the Jin army.

From this war, we can deeply appreciate the ferocity of the Jin army, and what we can see is how the enemy army will be affected by the offensive of the Jin army.

No matter what the means of the Kushuang soldiers, if they could not win when they blocked the Jin army, it would make the situation even more severe.

On this battlefield, the attack from the Jin army will definitely be more ferocious, especially when the Jin army\'s attack can play a greater role, in the subsequent battlefield, it will bring Guishuang\'s soldiers more trouble.

With many battle victories and brilliant achievements against the enemy, he will be able to make greater achievements on the battlefield in the future.

From the offensive of the Jin army, you can feel the ferocity of the Jin army, and you can see what kind of damage the attack of the Jin army will bring.

On the current battlefield, the offensive from the Jin army makes the Kushuang soldiers more difficult to block, and when the battlefield is more unfolded, when the progress of the war will bring more impact, you can think about it. What an embarrassing situation will be faced on the battlefield in the future.

Victory in the war provided an important foundation for the Jin army to fight, allowing the Jin army to show a fearless side when fighting the enemy.

There may be many dangerous situations on the battlefield, but as long as our soldiers have extraordinary means in dealing with the war, they can always show more of their fierce means, and the enemy will see it in such a war environment. What arrived was the horror of the Jin army\'s attack, and there would be panic in the face of the Jin army\'s attack.

In fact, when dealing with the attack of the Jin army, any enemy will show a fearful side, because what they see is the invincible side of the Jin army, and what they see is the fierce side of the Jin army.

There will be many dangers when fighting against the Jin army. Once there is a gap in the strength displayed when dealing with these dangerous war situations, you can imagine what a terrible situation will appear on the battlefield in the future.

The soldiers of Guishuang experienced the cruelty of war more when they responded to the attack of the Jin army. If they had the opportunity to choose, they would not be willing to appear on the opposite side of the Jin army. The fierce offensive of the Jin army made them more Many have tasted the taste of defeat in the war, and when they fought against the Jin army, they saw the horror of the situation.

Therefore, when the Jin army is attacking, it is often easier, because their means in the war can be used very effectively.

In the war, you can see the strong strength of the Jin army, but what you feel is what kind of threat the attack of the Jin army will bring.

No matter what kind of dangerous situation you will face on such a battlefield, it is the most important thing to better display the offensive capabilities of your own soldiers.

On the battlefield, the test for the lieutenant generals and soldiers is very big. When the means displayed by the lieutenant generals and soldiers in dealing with these critical situations have problems, they will face a more embarrassing situation on the battlefield in the future.

The emperor\'s commander-in-chief of Jin\'s army showed a terrifying side when fighting, and it would bring greater pressure to the enemy when dealing with war.

What you will see from this war is the bravery and skill of the Jin army, and what you will feel is the impact of the Jin army\'s attack.

Not to mention what kind of dangerous situation will be faced in the war, the most important thing is to make the means of one\'s soldiers more effective.

Looking at the victory of the Jin army in the war, you will see the fierceness of the Jin army, and you will feel what kind of impact the Jin army\'s attack will bring.

The soldiers of Guishuang have experienced many war failures. On the final battlefield to block the Jin army\'s attack, what they saw is the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what they will face under the attack of the Jin army. Pressure, if the victory is still far away from them when facing the Jin army, you can imagine how dangerous things will happen on the battlefield in the future.

The emperor of Jin is an extremely powerful existence on the battlefield. As long as he commands the soldiers to fight on the battlefield, he will let the enemy see the grim situation in the battle, which will make the enemy feel more in such a war. What arrived was the horror of the Jin army.

The strength of the Kushuang soldiers cannot be effectively used when blocking the Jin army, which is definitely a very depressing thing for the Kushuang soldiers.

To achieve greater success when blocking the Jin army, and to better demonstrate the strength of one\'s own soldiers, is the key basis for victory in the battle against the enemy.

However, the Jin army will not give the enemy more opportunities on the battlefield, but rather let the enemy see the danger and horror of war.

The current battlefield environment will definitely have a lot of influence on the battles after Guishuang, and only when dealing with dangerous situations on the battlefield can one\'s own strength be effectively displayed and the attack of one\'s soldiers and soldiers can be more effective. More outstanding achievements can be made on the battlefield in the future.

The Jin army in the war showed terrifying strength in the face of the enemy army, and there was a clear gap between the war methods of the Guishuang soldiers and the Jin army.

On the current battlefield, the victory of the Jin army will make Guishuang\'s soldiers more shocked, because in such a war environment, they feel more of the invincible side of the Jin army.

On the battlefield, there are many uncontrollable, and only by letting our soldiers do more in dealing with dangerous war situations can the tensions in the future be fundamentally alleviated .

The war tests the strength of the generals and soldiers in the army, so that the generals and soldiers of the army can show more fierce strength when dealing with the enemy\'s attack, so that they can make greater achievements on the battlefield in the future.

The Jin army\'s one-day attack was over, and it retreated from the battlefield like a tide, leaving the city in a mess.

The defenders of Guishuang carried the wounded soldiers away from the city wall in an orderly manner, and the fallen soldiers were also carried down. This kind of thing happened every day, and every time when the Jin army retreated, the soldiers of Guishuang At the same time as my heart is relaxed, I will feel the dull atmosphere.

Because the soldiers of Guishuang paid a heavy price on such a battlefield, when they blocked the attack of the Jin army, they saw the horror of the Jin army more, and from the combat methods of the Jin army, they saw the strength. The Jin army saw what kind of impact the Jin army\'s offensive would have.

Only by making better use of the means of our soldiers when dealing with dangerous war situations can we better deal with dangerous situations on the battlefield in the future.

(End of this chapter)