Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6049: : It is enough to leave 0 guards

The invincible Jin Army cavalry has achieved a lot of proud achievements on the battlefield. Gao Lanto led the cavalry to come to let the Jin Army soldiers understand that elite cavalry is also available in the Anxi Empire.

For the Jin army, Gao Lantuo has always lacked a good impression. Although the Jin army took the initiative to surrender Wangze City, now the Jin army has turned back and attacked the camp of the peace army. Such behavior is unforgivable.

There are many wars experienced by the resting army itself. In such a chaotic battlefield, as long as they are given a chance to breathe, they can quickly organize a formation and block the enemy\'s attack.

No matter what purpose the Jin army is in attacking the peace army, such a move cannot be forgiven.

The confrontation between the cavalry teams was shocking, and this also allowed many resting soldiers to escape the impact of the Jin cavalry.

The killing of the Jin army cavalry shocked the Anxi soldiers, and it also made the Anxi soldiers see the horror of the Jin cavalry.

Of course, the generals in peace know the reasons. When the pawns cannot form an effective block, they will appear flustered. It is difficult to block the impact of the cavalry with a greater effect. Not only that, but also make their own formation more affected. The challenge made the entire camp look even more chaotic.

If the infantry is defensive, the cavalry team will not dare to attack.

The sound of war drums suddenly sounded. This was the sound of the Jin army\'s war drums. This was the signal that the Jin army launched an all-out attack on the Anxi army.

Inside the Xiangtai Pass, many Guishuang\'s soldiers were imprisoned. At this time, they heard the movement outside the pass, showing surprise. In Guishuang\'s territory, is there still a team that can fight the Anxi army and the Jin army?

However, fighting outside the customs is good for Guishuang after all. If they have a chance, they want to escape here, and the rest are tortured them like a devil.

From being captured to the present, many Guishuang soldiers died in the hands of the rest.

Accompanied by the rumble of war drums, the Jin army launched an offensive against the Anxi army.

The first to bear the brunt was the fact that the Jin army fell into the camp.

"The ambition to fall into battle!" Gao Shun drew his sword and shouted.

"There is death but no life." The answer to Gao Shun was the unanimous shouts of the soldiers in the camp.

The shouts of hundreds of people resounded over the battlefield.

The trapped camp is an elite infantry in the Jin army, and it has a dazzling record on the battlefield. Although it is an infantry, even if it is against a cavalry, it can be dealt with with the strength of the trapped camp. It is a terrorist infantry in the Jin army. .

The camp is well-equipped and closely coordinated during combat. He is the absolute elite of the Jin army\'s infantry.

The well-equipped camp, after contacting the soldiers who rested, began to kill.

The chaotic pacifiers can only become dead souls under the sword in the camp. Even if they form a certain block, it is difficult to block, let alone after Pound led the cavalry to attack.

The killing was staged in the Anxi army, which was an offensive by the Jin army\'s infantry.

In the rear of the trapped camp, there are elite Jin army pawns who take advantage of the situation to cover up and maximize their own battle results.

This is the combat method that the Jin army often adopts on the battlefield. It uses its elite combat strength to tear open the opponent\'s formation, so that the opponent feels panic in such a war environment. The follow-up pawns will cover up and let their own attack. Has a greater effect.

Now that the camp is in the front and the four thousand infantrymen behind, they have launched an offensive against the Parthian army. Such an attack seems to cause more damage to the Parthian soldiers than the impact of the cavalry.

The cavalry roared away, destroying the enemy\'s formation, but the infantry was killing.

Dian Wei was eager to see these scenes.

Guo Jia warned: "General Dian, now the saint\'s side, but only the personal guards are left. If you are dispatched, the safety of the saint can\'t be guaranteed. Be patient and patient."

Seeing Dianwei\'s appearance, Lu Bu smiled and said, "You lead a thousand guards and attack the enemy, leaving a thousand guards behind is enough."

Dian Wei looked hesitant. The emperor\'s safety on the battlefield needs to be guaranteed. If the emperor\'s safety is affected because he wants to go to war, he is a sinner in the Jin country.

Seems to see through Dianwei\'s thoughts, Lu Bu said: "I missed this opportunity, but there will be no next time. My martial arts, don\'t you say you are not at ease? Just rest in peace, it\'s not enough."

"The last general will lead." Dianwei said immediately.

Lu Bu\'s martial arts are high and strong, and the generals of the Jin army are aware. Although he has become the emperor of the Jin country, Lu Bu has not fallen behind in martial arts. The elite guard cavalry protects, even if the enemy is attacking the position where Lu Bu is, relying on the combat capability of the guard cavalry, it is completely able to stop it.

The cavalry has high mobility on the battlefield, and it is also difficult to catch up with the guard cavalry.

The guard cavalry is carefully selected from the Jin army. They are extremely sturdy in combat capability, and most importantly, they are unique in terms of protection.

Dianwei\'s fighting spirit drew together a thousand guard cavalry, and attacked the Anxi army from the flanks.

At Xiangtai Pass, there were a total of 50,000 enemy troops, and Lu Bu knew that with the attack of 20,000 Jin troops, it is difficult to quickly defeat the enemy, but it can cause the greatest damage to the enemy. The best thing.

With 20,000 Jin troops, it is completely possible to defeat the rest of the 50,000 troops in a surprise attack.

The Anxi army also had a proud record in previous wars. From the previous posture of the Anxi army attacking Xiangtaiguan, we can see the situation.

When attacking Xiangtai Pass, there is no fear of life and death. Although there are a lot of losses when attacking Xiangtai Pass, the goal of the Anxi army is achieved.

In this war, the Jin army was on the side of the raid, and it was under the condition that the peace army was not prepared, the elite of the Jin army, everyone knows, under such circumstances, if you still can’t win, think It is simply impossible to gain a certain advantage in subsequent wars.

Besides, the generals of the Jin army have sufficient confidence in their actions, but the army is resting in a small area. How many possibilities are there for the Jin army on such a battlefield.

The Jin army is extremely fierce on the battlefield. As long as you have a certain understanding of the Jin army\'s past record, you will find the horror of the Jin army, which can bring endless damage to the enemy in the war.

In this war, the Jin army was on the initiative to attack. Looking at the chaotic Xiangtai Pass, you can see the fierceness of the Jin army\'s raid.

The Jin army has always been an extremely terrifying existence on the battlefield, even the resting commander Aldaban has a three-point fear of the Jin army.

The Jin army can achieve a proud record on the battlefield because it has a strong base of strength. If it cannot be achieved in strength, how difficult it will be for the Jin army to gain more benefits on the battlefield.

The strong Jin army will cause great damage on the battlefield. Of course, the Jin army can have such a record on the battlefield, the strict training that the Jin army has undergone, and the experience of the Jin army on the battlefield. It has a great relationship.

If it is said that during the war, the Jin army could not deal with it well, or could not achieve victory when dealing with it, it would definitely make the situation afterwards more complicated.

As for the Jin army, what can be felt is ferocity, and what can be seen is how much shock the battle of the Jin army will cause in the confrontation.

War is a relatively simple matter for the generals of the Jin army. Their offensive in the war will bring great harm to the enemy, and it will be able to make the enemy feel in such a situation. It is the tension of the situation.

Therefore, in the face of the Jin army\'s raid this time, Ardaban was more flustered. The Jin army, that is the existence of terror on the battlefield, the Jin army launched a raid, the rest of the army is even more dangerous.

On the one hand, he cursed the shamelessness of the Jin army, but Aldaban had to organize more troops to stop the impact of the Jin army. If the Jin army is allowed to continue like this, the soldiers in peace will pay a heavier price. Besides, no one can be sure that the Jin army has no other means on the battlefield.

And when the Jin army\'s methods are used more on the battlefield, just the power it will produce on the battlefield will cause more damage to the enemy.

War is the biggest test for lieutenants and soldiers. If the level of lieutenants and soldiers cannot cope with the critical situation well, it is bound to make more changes in the situation afterwards.

The achievements that Jin army soldiers can achieve on the battlefield are themselves dazzling, and in such a situation, how to make your own soldiers\' combat methods more effective is the key.

Looking at the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield, it can be found that the actions of the Jin army in the war can provide them with more support, and can provide more help for the Jin army\'s operations.

In fact, the fierce fighting of the Jin army can be seen, and the actions they have taken in the confrontation can make the subsequent wars more beneficial to the Jin army.

Otherwise, the Jin army came all the way, why could it make such a big breakthrough on the battlefield of Guishuang.

In the face of war, it is important to have powerful means. How to make one\'s own means more realized in the confrontation is the most important consideration.

The fierceness of the Jin army was based on the fact that the Jin army had a careful deployment in the face of war. In this way, it would make the Jin army feel more terrifying on the battlefield.

In the face of war, the Jin army has a fearless side. The impact on the battlefield will bring great harm to the enemy. It will even cause the enemy to lose fighting spirit on the battlefield.

Look at the reaction of the powerful Kushuang Empire warriors in the past when they face the Jin army. In fact, it is not difficult to see the terrible Jin army. They appeared in the war for more benefits and more. Many victories.

Any monarch hopes to have an elite army under his command. The benefits they can bring to the monarch in war are many. This is also the most irresistible monarch, but if you want to have an elite, you need to pay a corresponding price.

The elite of the Jin army has come out of wars. Otherwise, why can the Jin army show such a fierce side in the face of war.

Without strong strength as a backing, how many possibilities are there for the Jin Army\'s actions in the territory of Guishuang to achieve victory.

It is precisely because he understands the truth that Aldaban has a certain fear of the Jin army.

I originally thought that uniting with the Jin army would be able to sweep Guishuang, and it would also enable the Anxi Empire to gain more benefits from Guishuang’s battlefield. Who would have thought that after the Anxi army captured Xiangtai Pass, the scene in front of them would appear. .

The Jin army attacked Xiangtai Pass in order to benefit from the Anxi army. This is inevitable. If there is a problem with the means used to deal with this incident, the subsequent actions in the war will definitely be There are more dangers.

The emperor of Jin has always made careful arrangements when facing war.

Ardaban had reason to suspect that all this was manipulated by the Emperor of Jin in secret.

With such thoughts in mind, it is not difficult to discover how terrifying the Jin Emperor’s plan on the Guishuang battlefield is. If he defeats the Anthropod and drives out of Guishuang, the entire Guishuang will arrive. Time will fall into the hands of the Jin army.

For this war, the Anxi army paid a great price, but under such circumstances, it could not benefit from Guishuang’s battlefield. On the contrary, it suffered heavy losses on the Guishuang battlefield. People confess.

If there is war, there will be death, and there will be credit. If the peace army cannot persist in this raid and cannot stop the Jin army, their situation on the battlefield will definitely be more passive and welcome. Theirs must have come from the offensives of the Jin army.

As long as the Jin army takes action in a war, there will be no more pauses. What they will show in the war is a fierce posture, and they will bring more damage to the enemy in the war. Relying on the fierce strength of the generals of the Jin army.

Not to mention the dangerous situations that may be encountered in the war. Looking at the Jin army’s past fighting style, you will find how terrifying the Jin army is. What they can bring to the enemy in the war is tremendous. The devastation.

On the battlefield, there is no enemy that the Jin army cannot defeat, and from the wars of the Jin army, what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army.

In fact, in such a war, it is not difficult to see the tenacity of the Jin army. After all, the Jin army came from a long distance and can continue to fight on the battlefield of Guishuang for such a long time. It is itself a proof of the Jin army\'s toughness.

Of course, the rest of the army is also unique.

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