Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6037: : Jin Jun is coming


Guishuang’s senior officials knew that if the Jin army were allowed to continue like this, not only would the danger of Peshawar not be relieved, but it would put Guishuang into a more urgent situation. Once the Jin army invaded other cities in Guishuang, it would be completely If Peshawar is isolated, even if there are 100,000 defenders in the city, how much can it do?

Such persistence is the Guishuang people\'s not giving up and the Guishuang people\'s pride, but when the strength of the two sides is not in contrast, it is a different matter.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom had ambitions. He definitely wanted to completely swallow Guishuang and achieved his goal. What kind of movement the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire will have will most likely affect the development of Guishuang\'s situation.

Xiangtai Pass, as one of Guishuang’s male passes, has blocked the invasion of the Parthian Empire for many years, making it difficult for the Parthian Empire’s army to affect the stability of the interior of Guishuang. In this battlefield where the Parthian Empire and the Jin country jointly attacked Guishuang , Xiangtai Pass also played a huge role.

It was just the defeat of Anguanya that made Guishuang\'s situation urgent, and made Guishuang unable to do more in the face of the Jin army\'s offensive. This situation made the role of Xiangtai Pass even more important.

If the army of the Parthian Empire breaks through Xiangtai Pass, it will pose a further threat to Guishuang, and even worsen Guishuang\'s situation.

The combined offensive of Jin and Anxi poses too great a threat to Guishuang. Even though the Jin army has broken through the defense of Anguanya, Xiangtai Pass is still holding on. They are using this method to counter the enemy. .

The defender of Xiangtai Pass, Abaotu, was born in the royal family and had a prominent reputation in the Guishuang Imperial Army. Of course, Abaotu was a little less credited to Guishuang than the Yeh Khan.

However, Yakhan lost Anguanya, which worsened Guishuang\'s situation. Abautu, who defended Xiangtaiguan, became the pillar of the imperial army and placed high hopes for the upper echelons of the empire.

At this time, Xiangtai Pass was hoarding a large amount of food and grass, enough to consume 30,000 troops a year. This is an important capital for Abautu to counter the enemy.

Abautu knows the war in the interior of the Guishuang Empire. Although he is anxious, the current situation at Xiangtai Pass is terrible. Even if he leads his troops back, how much effect can he play? Once Xiangtai Pass is in peace Occupied by the army, it is a nightmare for the Guishuang people.

There is a lot of hatred between Anxi and Guishuang. When the city of Guishuang falls into the hands of the Anxi army, the damage done to the people of Guishuang is really too great.

Relatively speaking, although the Jin army’s offensive caused a lot of trouble to Guishuang, there is no indelible hatred between Guishuang and the Jin army. The Jin army still has a kind side to Guishuang’s people. of.

Although Guishuang and the Jin army are opposed, but the Jin army’s actions have won the respect of many Guishuang soldiers.

Of course, it was just respect. The Jin army was the one who invaded Guishuang. If the two sides met on the battlefield, it would definitely be an endless situation.

Xiangtai Pass was once again attacked by the Anxi army, but Abautu was not in the slightest panic. Such an attack, he endured an unknown amount. Although the enemy had weapons like gunpowder, he relied on the solidity of Anguanya. There is absolutely no problem in blocking the enemy\'s attack.

Besides Xiangtai Pass, there are a large number of Thunderbolt cars, and there are also sturdy checkpoints. When the Anxi army attacks, it can cause a lot of damage to Anxi.

Since the Anxi army launched its offensive to the present, the number of Anxi warriors who have been damaged on the battlefield has exceeded 10,000, and 80% of them were damaged during the attack on Xiangtai Pass.

These scenes made Anxi\'s generals have more hatred of Guishuang, and even threatened that after breaking through Xiangtai Pass, the chickens and dogs in the city will not stay.

And such remarks made Guishuang\'s defenders do their best when blocking the attack of the rested army. They knew that such things could be done by the rested army.

When the resting army broke through Xiangtai Pass, it was a real disaster for the defenders in the city.

Abautu has rich experience in commanding operations, and he has the tempering of warfare. It has allowed Abautu to grow rapidly. Nowadays, the offensive of the Anxi army seems fierce, but it can\'t bring more to the defense of the Guishuang army. threat.

What Abautu pays most attention to is the Jin army, which has already come to Peshawar. This is the strongest place in this battle against Guishuang. If you want to fundamentally alleviate the bad situation in Guishuang, you can only repel the Jin army on the battlefield. .

Of course, if the Jin army can be defeated, the territory of the Guishuang Empire can be restored again, and even the combat effectiveness of the Guishuang Empire can be improved for a long time, and the combat methods can also have greater development.

Abautu knows that the Jin army’s ability to drive straight into Guishuang’s battlefield has his reasoning. It is very difficult to win the battle against the Jin army. If not, why Ye Khan? Will fail on the battlefield.

In terms of commanding soldiers in combat, Abautu didn\'t think he was more powerful than Yekh Khan, who was the benchmark in the Guishuang Army, an insurmountable existence.

However, it was such a general who suffered a disastrous defeat in the hands of the Jin army, which made Guishuang\'s situation so deteriorating.

Aboutu was angry in his heart, but after receiving the order, what Aboutu needed to do was to hold on to the Xiangtai Pass and ensure the stability of Wangze City.

The Jin army\'s actions to the west of Wangze Lake had already been informed by Abaotu. At this time, all the cities west of Wangze Lake fell into the hands of the Jin army. This was the complete encirclement of Peshawar.

However, if the Jin army wants to resolve such actions, it needs to achieve a hearty victory against the main force of the Jin army. In this case, the encirclement of the Jin army will not only not work, but will complete the Guishuang army. .

It\'s just that it was too difficult to win the battle against the Jin army.

"General, this is news from Peshawar." The lieutenant hurried over and handed a letter to Abaotu.

A Baotu opened the letter with a heavy face, but after seeing the contents of the letter, his expression was not very good.

Abautu has received news before, and it is best to reconcile with the Anxi Empire and use the Jin army’s invasion in the hinterland of Guishuang to create a gap between Anxi and Jin, but such behavior did not play the expected role. .

This time the letter from Wangcheng made Abautu\'s heart heavy.

Seeing that Abatu\'s face was wrong, the lieutenant asked, "General, what happened?"

"The Jin army is coming." Abaotu said.

The lieutenant was slightly stunned, Jin Jun? Isn\'t that surrounding the capital of Guishuang? How did you come to Xiangtai Pass?

"The Jin emperor personally led the troops and horses to Xiangtai Pass, and the minimum number of troops and horses dispatched was 50,000." Abaotu said.

The lieutenant said in an anxious tone: "If this is the case, wouldn\'t it be dangerous for Wangze City and Xiangtai Pass."

"Yeah, Wangze City, it is too difficult to defend. At this time, Wangze City is empty, and the Jin army can quickly break Wangze City." Abaotu said.

"Then what to do?" The lieutenant couldn\'t calm down.

Abaotu said: "You will know what you are doing or not, after you have tried it, you will tell Aldaban that you will see him outside the customs."

"General, it is dangerous outside the customs at this time. If you leave the customs rashly, I am afraid that Aldaban will take advantage of it." The vice-general persuaded.

Abaotu said: "There is no time. If you don\'t do this, not only will Wangze City be lost, but Xiangtai Pass and Kaihe Pass will all fall into the hands of the Jin Army and the Parthian Army."

"Subordinates will do it now." The lieutenant also realized the urgency of the matter and hurriedly left.

Looking at the topographic map in front of him, Abautu was lost in thought. The plan for the royal city this time is not dangerous. If this plan fails to succeed, not only Wangze City will be lost, but the Guishuang Army at Xiangtai Pass will probably also be lost. It is hard to escape. If this confrontation fails, who can stop the Jin army and the Anxi army in Guishuang territory.

It is inevitable that the Jin army and the Anxi army are susceptible to each other. The more important reason is that the Jin army has gained a lot of benefits in Guishuang, while the Anxi army only paid losses and gained little. Xiangtai Pass has not yet been breached.

The Jin army with powerful offensive methods did not provide corresponding support to the Anxi army when the Anxi army attacked Xiangtaiguan.

Such a situation will naturally make the rested army dissatisfied, and now the Jin army has so many actions in the hinterland of Guishuang. After the rest side knows about it, it is the strangest thing to say that there is no opinion.

The strength of the Anxi Empire is also strong. If one hundred thousand troops were dispatched in this war, instead of gaining nothing, but watching the Jin army gain so many benefits in Guishuang, the high-level Anxi would definitely not let go. Aldaban.

With reason and emotion, Aldaban will take the initiative to fight for it in this war.

And this is also the key to this plan. It can be said that whether Guishuang can be continued has a lot to do with this plan.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom personally led the troops and horses to come, which is enough to see that the Jin emperor attached great importance to the battle at Xiangtai Pass.

Peshawar, as the capital of Guishuang, was besieged by the Jin army at this time, and the Emperor of Jin handed over the battle of Peshawar to his generals and came to Xiangtai Pass in person. How not to be shocking.

There are many rumors about the emperor of Jin. The emperor of Jin has fought on the battlefield many times. In the Jin army, the emperor of Jin has unparalleled prestige. He has fought on the battlefield for many years. The country has such a strong situation, such a monarch is worthy of awe.

The Emperor of Jin did not personally take action on the battlefield of Guishuang, but on other battlefields, he showed a strong martial arts. Facing such a monarch, Abaotu must be cautious.

There are even more rumors that the Jin Army’s operations will be carefully deployed. In the face of the Jin Army’s operations, it is necessary to consider whether the Jin Army has other methods on the battlefield. When these methods are deployed, what can be achieved on the battlefield. Kind of impact.

War is inevitable at this time.

Outside Xiangtai Pass, among the rest of the army, Aldaban was in a bad mood, especially the successive news from Guishuang, which made Aldaban angry, and the generals in the army continued to swear at the actions of the Jin army.

The two parties negotiated with Peshawar as the boundary to divide Guishuang equally. Now, it seems that the Jin army has clearly forgotten the previous agreement. In the hinterland of Guishuang, they wantonly conquered the city. Who knew that these cities fell into the Jin army. What will happen in the hands, will the Jin army obediently hand over the city to the rest?

Besides, whether the wealth of these cities was transferred to the Jin army or not, these will make the generals who rest in peace have a lot of speculation.

In the Parthian Empire, Ardaban was a highly powerful existence. Many wars were completed through the hands of Ardaban.

And this joint Jin army’s attack on Guishuang was even promoted by Ardaban. If in this war, the Parthian Empire sent out a large army and failed to get enough benefits in Guishuang, but it was a loss of soldiers and generals, he Alda The name of the class will definitely be greatly affected.

This situation was something Ardaban didn\'t want to see, but facing the solid Xiangtai Pass, the rest of the army paid a considerable price during the offensive, and it still couldn\'t be broken.

The power of gunpowder is amazing, but Xiangtai Pass is strong, and it cannot be broken by gunpowder, and the amount of gunpowder provided by the Jin army is not very large.

Before the Jin army attacked Anguanya, it was also a frontal attack instead of a gunpowder attack. This shows that the gunpowder has a limited effect when it encounters a solid checkpoint.

"Prince, there is news from inside the pass, and Abbott will see the prince outside the pass tomorrow." A general hurried over and said in a low voice.

Aldaban\'s brows frowned. "Meet this king? Okay, this king wants to see what Abautu\'s conspiracy and tricks Abautu has outstanding in blocking the offensive of the peace army. Contributing, in this war, the performance was particularly tenacious, and from the reaction of the Guishuang defenders, what can be felt is that Guishuang’s army has grown rapidly in this war, such a situation , So that Aldaban has a sense of powerlessness.

The frontal attack on Xiangtai Pass, the loss is too great, and in such a war, it is just more of holding down Guishuang’s forces and providing help for Jin’s gains in the Guishuang interior. How can we make it? Aldaban is in a good mood.

At this moment, there was news that the Emperor of Jin, led by soldiers and horses, had already rushed to Xiangtai Pass.

The general Anxi who heard the news was very excited. The Emperor of Jin led his troops and horses to come, definitely to break through Xiangtai Pass. When the time comes to break through Xiangtai Pass, the resting army will be able to give a good vent in Guishuang territory. However, the successive wars have caused anger in the hearts of the Anxi soldiers, and they need the victory of the war to release.

After receiving such news, Ardaban keenly sensed something was wrong. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom personally led the army, whether it was to help Anxi to break through the Xiangtai Pass, or to occupy more of the city.

(End of this chapter)