Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6035: : Zhao Yun invites Ying


Lu Bu nodded and said, "But outside Xiangtai Pass, there are 100,000 soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire."

"The one hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire came here to get more benefits on the battlefield of Guishuang, but the soldiers and horses of Anxi were unable to break through Anguan Cliff for a long time. This determines that the Anxi Empire may target In this war, we will redeploy, or mobilize troops, continue to attack Xiangtai Pass, or withdraw troops." Guo Jiadao.

Zhao Yun went out and said: "What if our army directly attacked Xiangtai Pass, occupied Xiangtai Pass, and opposed the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire?"

Many generals in the army supported Zhao Yun\'s proposal. When they were deploying, they analyzed this situation.

The defenders of Peshawar are still insisting on the first reason that Peshawar is the capital of Guishuang, which is of vital importance to Guishuang. If the capital falls, Guishuang will be in real danger. Guishuang still has the combat strength, and the 40,000 troops at Xiangtai Pass has experienced a lot of war elites.

If the soldiers and horses of Xiangtai Pass can be transferred back and used properly, it will cause no small trouble to the Jin army.

Lu Bu\'s plan for everyone is clear, and during this period of time, he has been arguing about possible actions.

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became eager, and there were endless discussions.

After a long time, Lu Bu coughed slightly, and the tent gradually became quiet. Everyone turned their eyes to Lu Bu, knowing that the emperor was about to come to a conclusion.

The emperor of Jin has a lot of battles, and he is also known as the **** of war in Jin. Such a title is obtained from victory after war. The system of the Jin army and the philosophy of the Jin army are many. It was proposed by the emperor of Jin, which made Lu Bu, the emperor of Jin, exist as a **** in the army.

The strategy adopted by the emperor of Jin, the generals of the Jin army will give the greatest support.

Lu Bu said: "Now that our army seems to have an advantage in Guishuang territory, it actually has a lot of hidden dangers, and these hidden dangers are more of the Guishuang army from Xiangtai Pass and the Anxi army outside Xiangtai Pass. At this time, the Anxi Army is attacking Xiangtai Pass, and the casualties on both sides are not small."

"From the news from Anxi, the high-level leaders of Anxi are opposed to the war. If this is the case, our troops can be deployed to maximize their own interests."

"If our army captures Wangze City, and then captures Kaihe Pass and Xiangtai Pass, the Anxi people will definitely be dissatisfied, and even come to ask for the city. However, when our army is based on Xiangtai Pass, it can resist The offensive of the rest of the army."

"Guishang\'s army can still stop the 100,000 troops of Rest, and our army will be dispatched. Naturally, we can stop it. At that time, no matter how dissatisfied the people of the Rest Empire are, it will be difficult for them to do anything."

"Holy wise." Jia Xu and Guo Jia agreed.

Lu Bu continued: "However, although this kind of combat plan can greatly help our army to conquer Peshawar, it has a lot of hidden dangers. If the troops are divided to attack Xiangtai Pass, if it is known to the senior leaders of Guishuang, it will definitely be Some counterattack."

"And when the Xiangtai Pass was attacked, there was also a lot of hidden danger. If the Guishuang Army at Xiangtai Pass turns to welcome the Anxi Empire\'s troops to enter the Pass, our army\'s actions will contribute to the benefits of the Anxi Empire. "

Everyone said that these are indeed hidden dangers. The Jin army was dispatched and eventually benefited the Anxi Empire. This situation is not what the generals of the Jin army want to see. The Jin army has always obtained it in the hands of others. The advantage is that the enemy is out of turn to take advantage.

"However, I still want to try it." Lu Bu said slowly.

The generals in the tent heard the words and excited their hearts. They attacked Wangze City, Xiangtai Pass and Kaihe Pass. This is a great contribution. If it can be successful, it will have a great contribution to the defeat of Guishuang. After the war is over Rewards for meritorious deeds, rewards will not be less.

In the Jin army, if the generals did not pursue the battle in the face of war, not only would they not be satisfied with the monarch, but even the soldiers under his command would complain. Great glory.

In the Jin army, there is much competition for credit, but this kind of competition is within the system, and it will not be said that other despicable means are used secretly.

It is this kind of competition that allows the Jin army officers to be proactive when training and fighting, and allows the lieutenants to be more proactive, so that the lieutenants and officers behave positively in the face of war, which can contribute to the strength of the lieutenants. The help of promotion is obvious.

On the battlefield, the appearance of the Jin army can bring a great shock to the enemy, and it can bring greater damage to the enemy in this process, allowing the enemy to realize from the fierce war. When their strength can\'t match the Jin army, when they can\'t fight head-on with the Jin army, what kind of attack they will endure.

The fierce Jin army soldiers showed a lot of damage and shock to the enemy by the methods they showed on the battlefield.

Today\'s Jin army has made a big breakthrough on the battlefield of Guishuang, but such a breakthrough obviously cannot satisfy the Jin army generals.

The generals of the Jin army need greater achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang, and they need a thorough capture of Guishuang.

The Jin army took the initiative to attack Guishuang this time, and the division was well-known. Although in the eyes of the people of Guishuang, the Jin army’s offensive destroyed their homeland, but the success of the Jin army’s actions is indelible, and the Jin army is in Although the actions in Guishuang caused a lot of trouble to the people of Guishuang, the Jin army did not attack the people of Guishuang.

War is a matter between the army. In this regard, the Jin army has done a good job.

Although the Jin army has experienced many wars over the years, why it has received so much support has something to do with the Jin army\'s combat philosophy.

The Jin army’s conquest can achieve many benefits. This can make the lieutenant’s fighting spirit high, and can make the people of the Jin country more proud. If the officials of the Jin country have insufficient ability to govern the city, or they are If there are obvious problems, it is impossible for such a Jin country to achieve rapid development.

The Jin officials who governed Guishuang must be more cautious in selecting them.

The Jin army soldiers paid a great price on the battlefield of Guishuang, and this is what we have achieved today. If the previous efforts of the lieutenant soldiers disappear because of a problem during the governance, it will be such a situation. It was the lieutenant who didn\'t want to see it, and couldn\'t agree to it.

"At the end, the general is willing to lead troops and horses." Zhao Yun immediately asked for a fight.

As a general of the Jin army, Zhao Yun was active in the face of combat.

The pacification of Peshawar’s east road is even more of Zhao Yun’s handwriting. Although the Jin army has paid a certain price, it can make the Jin army threaten Peshawar at any time. If the emperor wants, even when attacking Peshawar. With many difficulties, the Jin army was still able to collapse the walls of Peshawar.

This is the self-confidence of the Jin army soldiers who have been fighting for many years.

The Jin army has many combat weapons. It is certain to pay the price for attacking Peshawar. The key is how much value the Jin army\'s actions can have.

Just like the gunpowder in the Jin army, when attacking Peshawar, it can bring great challenges to the walls of Peshawar. Even if the walls of Peshawar are strong, it can be broken with gunpowder.

However, even if it breaks through the city wall, the Jin army may endure a great threat when it invades the city. At that time, the offensive of the Jin army\'s generals will inevitably result in many problems.

Suffering from a war, having a suitable strategy that allows one\'s own value to be better demonstrated in such a process, so that the offensive of lieutenants and soldiers can be more convenient, which is what the Jin army insists on on the battlefield.

Now that the Jin army has such a big advantage when attacking Peshawar, it still has not launched an offensive rashly. This is because the Jin army wants to maximize its own interests, so that the actions of its soldiers in this war can be obtained. It is more support, not to say that when the war is going on, the lieutenants and soldiers have more consumption.

When Guishuang’s army faced the war, they had to block the Jin army’s offensive at all costs. It was because the Jin army invaded Guishuang’s territory, which could bring great disasters to Guishuang, and even let Guishuang. There is a danger of destruction.

When such a situation occurs in Jin one day, I am afraid that the generals of the Jin army will show an even crazier side.

When other generals saw this scene, they called for a battle and attacked Xiangtai Pass. There was a real battle. It was not the same as the current one. They were staring at Peshawar’s defenders. Could it be that at this time, Peshawar’s The defenders dare to leave the city easily?

At this time, around Peshawar, even Guishuang\'s scouts were nowhere to be seen, nothing else.

After the Jin army completed the construction of the simple city wall on the periphery, it had achieved complete control of the surrounding areas of Guishuang, and Peshawar was completely isolated, which was the goal set by the Emperor of Jin in this battle.

Let Peshawar be more isolated, so that Peshawar’s command cannot reach the other cities of Guishuang. In this way, the Jin army’s generals will be more convenient to move in Guishuang territory, and they can get more on the battlefield of Guishuang. the benefits of.

In the war, in order to be able to achieve more victories, it is reasonable to take some extreme measures. Moreover, nowadays, the Jin army’s methods are fair and honest, which is to let the senior leaders of Guishuang in such a war environment. , And gradually despair.

As for Peshawar\'s garrison going out of the city, the Jin army will let the enemy know the ferocity from the Jin army.

Seeing the active performance of the generals in the army, Lu Bu is also relatively happy. The generals in the army are not afraid of war. When the war comes, they show a positive attitude. They will be able to get better in the course of the war. victory.

If the generals in the army are afraid of the war itself, the achievements of such generals on the battlefield must be limited.

In the Jin army, the most indispensable is the enthusiastic generation. Facing the war, they behaved positively, not retreating because of the dangers that may arise in the war.

It is precisely because of such Jin army soldiers that what the Jin army can achieve during the war is greater, so that every time the Jin army soldiers are dispatched, they can have great gains.

In fact, it is not easy to have some gains in a war, especially in the face of the enemy in such a predicament, if there are problems in the planning, it will cause more situations to follow. , And even make one\'s own soldiers in the war may suffer a lot of losses.

The more difficult the war comes, the more cautious it is.

Today\'s war is difficult for Guishuang, but it requires the Jin army to be cautious. Who can be sure that Guishuang will not have a counterattack in the war. In any case, the Guishuang Empire also had strong strength before. Although they had successive failures when they suffered from the Jin army, they were still at Guishuang\'s home court.

However, as long as the Jin army\'s combat plan can be successful this time, there will be a greater shock within Guishuang\'s territory. At that time, the so-called resistance of the Guishuang people will appear even more vulnerable in front of the Jin army.

The Guishuang army, which could not win the battlefield, always showed fear when facing the Jin army\'s offensive, either defending the city or guarding the gate.

However, it can be seen from the offensive of the Jin army that Guishuang’s defense has limited effect, especially when the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army are displayed on the battlefield, it can bring to the defenders of Guishuang. The more trouble.

The war this time is of great significance to the Jin army. The complete occupation of Guishuang is helpful to the expansion of the Jin kingdom afterwards.

When Guishuang was occupied by the Jin army, if the emperor of the Jin country had ideas later, he could use Guishuang as the basis to continue to attack the Parthian Empire and even the Roman Empire.

Jia Xu and others are very clear about the ambitions of the Jin emperor. It can be said that as long as it is something that can be resolved by war, it is acceptable to the emperor of Jin, and the emperor of Jin is willing to go. Finished, even done in person.

As the emperor of the Jin, in the face of war, he personally led the lieutenant soldiers to fight. This is a great excitement for the lieutenants and soldiers. I have seen the emperor\'s determination in the environment.

At present, the Jin army is occupying a great advantage, and this advantage allows the subsequent actions of the Jin army to have greater help.

Lu Bu stood up and said: "The battle in Peshawar is very important. Although there are many young men in the city who have entered the army, once the news of our army\'s attack on Xiangtai Pass is known to the senior leaders of Guishuang, it is difficult to guarantee that the senior leaders of Guishuang will not take other actions. , Guard Peshawar and continue to supervise the enemy forces. This matter will be handed over to Zilong."

Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment. The current battle in Peshawar is dominated by the Emperor of Jin. Although the Emperor of Jin is a general, Lu Bu is the highest commander in command.

(End of this chapter)

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