Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6033: : Public actions, Guishuang officials worry

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The news of the first group of Guishuang people leaving safely spread in the city at an extremely fast speed. This situation caused the people of Guishuang to boil.

It turned out that the Jin army did not have the fierceness in the legend, and did not have the killing as in the legend, but let the people of Guishuang leave.

As for the cities outside Peshawar, they belong to the Jin army. These are not important to the people of Guishuang who want to survive. They are already short of rice. If this situation is allowed to go on, their lives Will fall into a more embarrassing situation, and even die in the city before the Jin army launches an attack.

The pride of the Guishuang people has gradually been shattered by the Jin army. The current Guishuang high-levels are actively blocking the Jin army’s offensive. They have their ideas. If the Jin army’s offensive is really carried out, it will only rely on the defenders in the city. , The effect achieved when blocking the Jin army’s offensive must be limited.

The pride of the Jin army is based on the victory of the war. At this time, the Jin army has a great influence on the development of Guishuang’s situation, and such influence will not stop in a short time. It is an important sign that the Jin army has made greater achievements in Guishuang.

The danger on the battlefield makes it good for many Jin soldiers to die. But in the Jin army, what can be felt is the unyielding fighting spirit. Even if it is dangerous on the battlefield, it can be done with the strong strength of the Jin army. To deal with.

The people of Guishuang had an idea about leaving Peshawar for a while. The people who left at first were due to lack of food. As time goes by, how long can the food in their hands last.

Regarding Guishuang, it is obvious that it intends to rely on Peshawar to block the offensive of the Jin army. When the people are short of food, let them leave Peshawar. It is better to let the people have a way to survive. Isn’t it because the senior leaders of Guishuang treat the ordinary people. Give up.

In the city, there is a large stock of grain and grass, but the stock of grain and grass obviously has nothing to do with ordinary people. These grain and grass are prepared for the soldiers in the army, so that the lieutenant soldiers can fight against the Jin army. Can get more support instead of allowing ordinary people to survive smoothly in the city.

The Jin army on the battlefield is absolutely powerful. Their actions in war can always bring great harm to the enemy. Only from these aspects, what can be seen is the Jin The horror of the army.

In today\'s confrontation, there is even more the Jin army\'s strength, which has had an impact on Guishuang on the battlefield. When the conditions on the battlefield continue to be detrimental to Guishuang, Guishuang\'s resistance will appear even weaker.

People in Guishuang talked a lot about this matter, but the mood of Guishuang\'s high-level officials is not so good. Their mood can only be described as complicated.

On the one hand, they hope that the people of Guishuang can leave safely and save their lives. On the other hand, they hope to see the Jin army take action. In this way, they will promote the brutality of the Jin army in the city, and they will have the theoretical basis to make more Many Guishuang people saw the evil face of the Jin army soldiers, so that more Guishuang people could stand up against the Jin army.

It was just Jin\'s plan, which was obviously more long-term. They did not get fooled in the face of such actions, but instead let the people of Guishuang leave.

The ordinary people of Guishuang are farther away on such a battlefield, and what can affect the morale of Guishuang\'s soldiers, not to say that Guishuang\'s side is more similar to the enemy.

Just ask, when the senior leaders of Guishuang abandoned ordinary people at a critical moment, and when the war situation became more urgent, what they might do is to abandon the soldiers in the army. This kind of thing will have an impact. It\'s huge.

The Jin army let the people of Guishuang go, why not let the soldiers of Guishuang have more ideas.

The offensive against Peshawar was, after all, a protracted war, gradually disintegrating the military spirit in the city, making Guishuang\'s high-level officials gradually feel a sense of powerlessness, which is what the Jin army insisted on on the battlefield.

At this time, outside Peshawar city, there are more than 100,000 elites of the Jin army. From the deployment of the Jin army, it can be seen that the Jin army will not give up control of Peshawar. As for the area west of Wangze Lake With the elite of Guishuang and the rest of the army attacking Xiangtaiguan, the Jin army only needs to garrison troops at the city next to Wangze Lake, and use it as a barrier to gradually and completely cannibalize Guishuang.

Such behavior can bring great help to Jin\'s strength improvement, and it can also make Jin\'s soldiers have more confidence in future wars, and make the enemy more profound in the face of such a complicated situation. Realizing how stupid they were to provoke the Jin army.

With so many cities and such a vast territory, if the Jin army were to be dispatched in future wars, there would be more possibilities.

As soldiers of the Jin army, the most fearless thing they fear is the progress of the war. Even if there are many dangers on the battlefield, as long as there are soldiers of the Jin army, they can always open the situation on the battlefield with their powerful strength. Let the enemy pay the price for the war.

The test of war is the strong combat capability of the lieutenant generals. If there is a problem with the means displayed by the lieutenant generals in dealing with the war, it is simply impossible to make the future situation more beneficial to oneself.

After the Jin army has an advantage, it will do everything possible to give itself a greater advantage on the battlefield.

After the Battle of Anguanya and the Battle of Xinghua River, the Jin army has been able to gain a foothold on the territory of Guishuang. This is a great encouragement to the Jin army’s soldiers, and it can also enable the Jin army to have a right to the future war. Many expectations.

On the battlefield, the Jin army soldiers have achieved greater achievements, and in future wars, they may have more opportunities.

The Jin Dynasty stopped conquering wars. Generals of the Jin army would not believe such a thing. The emperor of the Jin country, that is an ambitious monarch, is only the current achievements. He wants to satisfy the emperor of the Jin country. impossible things.

The actions of the Jin\'s army in the war will bring more support for the development of the Jin, so that the Jin can have a strong military force to guard it during its rapid development.

When attacking Wusun and other places, the Jin State showed some of its strength, and now on the battlefield of Guishuang, the Emperor of Jin will let more people see the strength of the Jin State\'s military.

How about fighting from afar, when the rule of the Jin Kingdom can be stabilized in Guishuang, the people who originally belonged to Guishuang will become the source of the Jin army\'s strength.

It is not unusual for such a thing to happen to the Jin army.

Besides, Jin has a large population and some of its people will move in. At that time, it will be easier for officials to manage localities. This is also the governance strategy adopted by Jin before occupying the enemy\'s city.

Success after time has made people of Jin more proud, and people of Jin will have more confidence when talking about the Jin army.

Victory in the war can give the people in the country more confidence, so that the people will not have a fearful attitude when dealing with war.

When the enemy army provokes the people of the Jin country, the soldiers of the Jin army will let the enemy feel the fierceness of the offensive from the Jin army on the battlefield, and let the enemy see the horror of the Jin army.

In this war, the dazzling achievements made by the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield have caused a lot of panic in Guishuang. When the soldiers approach the city, the defenders of the capital can only adopt a stance of standing guard, and the empty Guishuang is for Jin The army took the opportunity to occupy and provided a better opportunity.

The next day, Guishuang people left again. The number of people who left this time was more than yesterday, with a total of more than 200 people.

Seeing these scenes, Zhao Yun showed a smile on his mouth. This is a very good disintegration, so that the people on the other side have no confidence in the war, and let them have the idea of ​​leaving Peshawar. They will find it difficult to pay in the subsequent wars. Cream provides more support

It should be understood that many of the people currently staying in Peshawar are young and strong. After some training, these people can become soldiers in the army, and they will cause trouble to the Jin army when resisting the Jin army’s attack. Leaving more is to weaken Guishuang\'s military power, so that the people of Guishuang are pessimistic in such a war environment, and they have no confidence in the war.

On the battlefield, what the Jin army has always pursued is not to give the enemy more room for survival. Now when it comes to Guishuang’s battlefield, it is no exception. Seeing the people of Guishuang at this time, you can imagine the situation. The Jin army is fierce.

On the battlefield, being able to achieve more victories is the greatest encouragement to the soldiers of the Jin army, and it can give the soldiers of the Jin army more confidence in the ongoing war to deal with the dangers that may arise in the war.

In fact, every victory in a confrontation is not easy. Even if it is placed on the Jin army, it is the same. When suffering a war, the military officers and soldiers may pay a heavy price for it.

The Jin emperor experienced many wars, but the Jin emperor saw many miserable scenes on the battlefield. No monarch developed smoothly. In the past, Lu Bu, as a prince, was not strong in strength. Why can it be where it is today?

How much bitterness has been experienced in the middle, only then has the current prosperity of the Jin country.

The people of Peshawar are moved, especially those people who are about to face difficulties in their lives. At this time, they also want to leave Peshawar. If the delay continues, who can be sure that the Jin army will not change the current decision.

Being able to leave Peshawar in the quagmire of war and restore one\'s life to the previous state, even if the current home in the city is lost, it is worthwhile for many people.

Of course, there is no shortage of passionate people in Guishuang. They did not intend to leave Peshawar, but wanted to coexist and die with the city.

Guishuang has been established for many years and has developed prosperously. If it weren\'t for war, the people of Guishuang would have a lot of pride, but now their situation is a bit miserable.

The fierce Jin country was provoked, and then there was the current war.

In fact, the confrontation between the two countries was initially initiated by Guishuang, but what Guishuang’s senior officials did not expect was that the Jin army should have such a fierce combat effectiveness. Afterwards, although the two sides have formed a friendship, the gap has already existed. It will explode.

It also has the wealth of Jin merchants in Guishuang. Although the Guishuang people are willing to trade with Jin merchants, but Guishuang’s senior management sees that it’s not right. When more Jin merchants come, they will originally belong to Guishuang. Shuang\'s materials were transported to Guishan City and other places. If the Jin army attacked Guishuang one day, these materials would be of great help to the Jin army\'s offensive.

Facts have proved that the concerns of the senior leaders of Guishuang are justified, and the materials in Guishan City and other places have provided a lot of support to the Jin army.

Of course, without the Jin country merchants, the development speed of Guishuang would definitely be affected, but at present, these are not important, because the arrival of the Jin army will make more changes in Guishuang\'s situation.

The actions of the people in the city will inevitably make Guishuang officials feel worried. When more people leave, there will surely be a phenomenon of military sentiment in the city.

Just judging from the current situation, even if there are obstacles, the overall situation cannot be changed. Is it to say that people are going to starve in the city?

It is a good thing to have passionate people who are willing to stay in the city, but these people who leave cannot be forced to stay, unless the Jin army is unwilling to let them leave.

It can be said that such a day will always come when Peshawar is completely sealed off so that the military and civilians in the city cannot go out.

Unless there are extremely sufficient supplies in the city that can be provided to the soldiers and civilians in the city, otherwise, they can only endure starvation, and in this process the first unlucky nature is ordinary. The people are gone.

The lack of soldiers in the Guishuang Army has been improved. At present, the senior level of Guishuang will not easily recruit soldiers. Even if it is recruiting, it is also a gradual and small number of recruits. This is because if there are more soldiers, daily The consumption will also increase, and Guishuang\'s senior management has to consider the situation more.

In war, it is not only military strength, but also a material foundation. The Jin army’s operations have a solid material foundation. When the Jin army is fighting, these materials can be continuously transported from the mainland of Shan to Guishuang. Not to mention other things, just the intermediate consumption, which is a huge number, but under such circumstances, the Jin army can have a protracted war on the battlefield of Guishuang.

From this point, we can see the strength of the Jin country.

Of course, if you let Guishuang\'s high-level officials know that Jin\'s businessmen are willing to take the initiative to help the Jin army transport grain and grass, I don\'t know what it will feel.

There will definitely be consumption during the transportation of grain and grass, but the merchants of the Jin Kingdom are willing to share the burden for the army. Such a share can provide more support for the Jin army\'s operations.

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