Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6025: : Let the enemy see the power of the Perak Army

Chapter 6047 Let the enemy see the power of the Perak Army

Looking at the past wars of the Jin army, you will find that the suppression of the Jin army\'s long-range offensive means puts the enemy in a more passive position.

The Jin army is good at using long-range offensive methods to suppress the enemy, making it difficult for the enemy to make greater achievements when relying on the benefits of the city. This is also the most feared part of the Jin army.

The tense situation on the battlefield requires strong strength to resolve. If in such a process, the measures adopted have other conditions, you will suffer more losses in the war.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield again and again. The achievements that can be achieved in the battle are great, and they can have greater achievements on the battlefield.

This kind of war action will bring great losses to the enemy, and it will let the enemy see how powerful the Jin army is.

Ye Khan, who had already fought against the Jin army a lot, was most sensitive to the advancement of the Jin army at this time. He didn\'t want the defenders to live in the shadow of the Jin army\'s offensive again.

Three hundred steps, the Jin army stopped advancing, which made the defenders on the city look a little nervous. According to the command of the previous general, it may be that the Jin army has reached the range of fire.

But this distance made the defenders on the city a little shocked. The distance of 300 steps sounds not far away, but if you really experience it, you will feel that it is far away. It is difficult to distinguish the figure and appearance of the enemy in the shadows. However, under these circumstances, the Jin army was able to drop their offensive methods on the enemy\'s wall.

Such a method is absolutely shocking, but when faced with such a method, if there is a problem in the way of blocking, the situation will definitely become more complicated.

The Jin army’s long-range offensive methods require a lot of attention from the defenders. This is a method that will affect them even more when the Jin army attacks.

Ye Khan commanded: "Leading the army lieutenant, guard, unrelated people, etc., quickly evacuate."

"Teams under the city, ready to rush to help at any time."

The soldiers in the east of the city received the order. Although they seemed a little flustered, they were relatively quick in their actions.

The offensive of the Jin army will come at any time. They withdraw from the city wall, which will make their mood more stable, and the soldiers who stayed on the city wall seem to be a little flustered.

The offense of the Jin army will fall on them first. They are the first defenders to withstand the attack of the Jin army.

This kind of taste is definitely uncomfortable, but at this time Ye Khan is still in the city, which gives the defenders a lot of peace of mind.

Yeh Khan at this time is the heart booster of the East City defenders.

Long before the arrival of the Jin army, Ye Khan made arrangements for the offensive methods of the Jin army, especially when the Jin army was attacking the city wall. .

As for the Jin army taking the opportunity to swarm up and seizing control of the city, it is also difficult to appear. In the East City, there are more than a hundred Thunderbolt cars at this time. These Thunderbolt cars are launched together, which can bring a great deal to the Jin army\'s offensive. Disasters can even frustrate the offensive of the Jin army.

It is wisest to keep a small number of soldiers and guard against the offensive of the Jin army. As for counterattack, it is not too late to wait until the Jin army is closer.

It is not a wise way to attack the Jin army in long-range means. The Jin army\'s long-range offensive means are fierce, and it is not comparable to Guishuang. If it suffers heavy losses in the frontal attack, it will definitely affect Guishuang. Defensive aspect.

In the city, it is good to have sufficient defense materials, but these defense materials cannot be wasted easily. It is the safest to give the enemy the greatest damage when attacking.

If the Jin army wants to attack the east of the city, it needs to have a road to the east of the city. Just the gullies and traps outside the east city will cause a lot of trouble when the Jin army attacks.

Even if the Jin army is elite and brave, it is necessary to get closer to the city step by step. This is the opportunity for Guishuang to ease, and it is the opportunity for Guishuang to give the Jin army more damage when the Jin army is attacking.

As an elite on the battlefield, the Jin army appeared in wars, and they often could get the victory in the confrontation. Victory in the war seemed to be a relatively simple matter for the soldiers of the Jin army, and Ye Khan was going to be on the battlefield in Peshawar. , Let the Jin army pay the price, let the Jin army realize in this war that the people of Guishuang have their pride, and when their homeland endures the war, the lieutenant generals will stubbornly block it.

The influence of the war will greatly affect the morale of the lieutenant soldiers, but the strong city as a backing makes General Guishuang feel much better. If he appears on the battlefield facing the Jin army, it may be. There is more danger.

The arrival of war is not what the people of Guishuang want to see, but what attitude should be adopted when facing war is the most important.

The people of Guishuang will not give up easily when the war comes, because their homeland needs their protection. If the Jin army breaks Guishuang, Guishuang will be in danger of subjugation.

As the deployment of the Jin army further unfolds, Ye Khan’s heart is heavy, because the method adopted by the Jin country clearly intends to isolate Peshawar and completely invade Peshawar. I am afraid that Peshawar will be completely occupied by then. It fell into the hands of the Jin army, and Guishuang\'s senior leaders wanted to leave Peshawar smoothly after the end of this war, which would become a difficult matter.

Guishuang in the desperate situation will show a tougher side in the war. Even if the Jin army on the opposite side is the most vicious generation, they must persist in the battle better, in order to make Gui Frost stabilized again, so that their homes would not suffer more damage.

The Jin army in the war was extremely destructive, but Ye Khan had already made careful arrangements for the actions that the Jin army might take. As for whether such a deployment could take place after the confrontation began. To be effective, it depends on the subsequent changes in the situation.

After all, the offensive launched by the Jin army on the battlefield cannot be completed in a short period of time. During the period, it is the opportunity for Ye Khan to adjust, so that his soldiers will have a better state to face the Jin army, and be able to block the Jin army’s offensive. It is the pursuit of Ye Khan in this war to have greater achievements.

The Jin army began to be busy in the area three hundred steps from the east of the city.

Zhao Yun looked at everything on the battlefield with a calm face. He knew that although the east of the city was calm at this time, when the Jin army was really close to Peshawar, there would be more intense wars.

As a general of Guishuang, Yekhhan himself experienced a lot of wars. Although Guishuang failed in the battle of Anguanya, Yekhhan must have a lot of combat methods against the Jin army. I understand that from the layout around Peshawar, we can see Ye Khan\'s determination to fight the Jin army.

Strong walls and clear fields make it difficult to hide the defenders from the offensive of the Jin army. The ravines outside the city are full of traps, which can provide more time for the defenders and bring more trouble to the offensive of the Jin army.

And all this must be from the handwriting of Ye Khan.

Delaying the offensive speed of the Jin army will cause the Jin army to encounter more troubles when attacking, and it will cause the Jin army to have greater consumption on the battlefield of Guishuang. This kind of purpose is naturally correct. The key is to When blocking the offensive of the Jin Kingdom\'s army, what kind of methods did Guishuang have.

In this war, Jin has not deployed it. From the perspective of the deployment of the Jin army, although the war may last a long time, as long as the operation of the Jin army is successful, it will be costly. Frost brings more pressure.

The attack direction chosen by the Jin army is the east of the city. If the east of the city can break through smoothly, it will naturally be a good thing. If the east of the city cannot break through, the defenders will not easily get out of the city. Outside the other three walls, there are dense traps. of.

According to Lu Bu\'s words, since the enemy has such a careful deployment outside the city, it can\'t be wasted, and the enemy will not dare to leave the city easily.

The other three walls, the Jin army is not many, if the enemy dared to go out of the city, the Jin army will rush to the rescue at a very fast speed, thus causing more damage to the enemy.

There are many elite cavalry in the Jin army. There is no doubt about the mobility of the cavalry. When the cavalry of the Jin army crosses the battlefield, the power generated by the cavalry will often shock the enemy. Under such a war environment, he realized the ferocity of the offensive from the Jin army.

Enduring many wars has made the Jin country more powerful at present, allowing the Jin army to have more reliance when experiencing wars. Such reliance, the Jin country’s army will definitely not give up.

The Guishuang Empire’s strength is good, but when the Guishuang Empire’s army meets the Jin army on the battlefield, their fate is often miserable, and this kind of war situation has gradually been adapted to the Jin army’s soldiers. NS.

It is very difficult for the enemy to win victory in front of the Jin army. If the enemy can achieve victory in a confrontation with the Jin army, when they face an offensive such as the Jin army, they will Will not adopt the current posture of war.

What kind of strength    has, what kind of response posture will be made on the battlefield, this situation is applicable to any battlefield.

The Guishuang army, although the number is large, in the frontal confrontation, the gap between them and the Jin army is quite obvious.

"General Hao, you can start, let the enemy see the power of the Perak Army." Zhao Yun said.

Hao Meng smiled and said: "General Zhao rest assured, our army\'s Thunderbolt is not comparable to Guishuang in terms of offensive. It will certainly suppress the enemy forcefully. I wonder if General Zhao needs to see the sea of ​​fire in the East City?"

Zhao Yun shook his head slightly and said: "For the time being, you can suppress the enemy and attack Peshawar. It is not something that can be done in a short period of time. The task that will be received is to make the road to the east wall of Peshawar unblocked. It’s not that it caused much casualties to the enemy."

"The end will understand." Hao Meng said.

In the Jin Army, the tasks assigned above can be completed better.

The strong strength of the Jin army has long been tested on the battlefield, and now the Jin army has come outside the capital of Guishuang, which is the best explanation.

The defenders in the city must be prepared for the Jin army’s offensive. Such preparations will affect the future offensive of the Jin army. As the commander in charge of the attack on the East City, Zhao Yun naturally has to think more about it. .

At this time, Peshawar was heavily guarded, and it was extremely difficult to get news from the city.

Similarly, Peshawar’s communication with the outside world has also become a lot more difficult.

What the Jin army needs to do at this time is to have a smooth road when attacking the east of the city, so that the Jin army can more smoothly when launching an attack, so that other conditions will not appear on the offensive road.

Once the road leading to the enemy\'s city wall is unblocked, it can bring great pressure to Guishuang, and if possible, the Jin army will rush in and seize Peshawar.

The attack on Peshawar is a long-term good thing, but if the Jin army seizes the opportunity to attack, it will not give up.

In the past, when the Jin army attacked the enemy, it could always be completed in a very short time. Putting it on the battlefield of Guishuang, many generals in the Jin army naturally wanted to fight quickly.

Even if Guishuang is rich, in the eyes of the generals of the Jin army, it is safest to end the war as soon as possible.

The powerful Jin army put on an offensive posture in the east of the city. Behind the Pili Che, there are soldiers with sacks on their shoulders. They will fill the gully outside the city.

The attack of the Thunderbolt can form a good suppression on the enemy, which provides good conditions for the next step of the Jin army.

Hao Meng gave an order, and the Perak rider released the prepared boulder.

Hundreds of huge boulders soared into the sky and came towards the east of Peshawar.

Black shadows shrouded, the guards on the city, the look of fear in their faces became more obvious, and they were panicked.

Even if it is not the first time for Guishuang soldiers to experience this kind of battle, when they see the Jin Army\'s Thunderbolt attacking, they will inevitably be panicked. This is also a normal thing.

At the beginning of the defense of Anguanya, the Jin army\'s thunderbolt attacked, and it was even more fierce and spectacular.

If the two armies are fighting head-on, perhaps the Jin army’s thunderbolt will not play a great role, but in attacking the city to suppress, the role of the Jin army thunderbolt is irreplaceable, and the Jin army used it on the battlefield in the past. The method of attacking the city is also based on the suppression of the Thunderbolt.

The offensive of the Jin Army\'s Thunderbolt Ches unfolded, which shows that the Jin Army\'s offensive against the east of the city has begun.

Such a situation made Yekh Khan secretly relieved, but at the same time he needed more defense.

The Jin army rarely suffers a loss on the battlefield. After their offensive is launched, they can always get more benefits from the opponent\'s hands, and at a smaller price, in exchange for the greatest result.

(End of this chapter)