Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6023: : Jin Army Soldiers Lin Guishuang Capital

Chapter 6045

And this time the emperor of Guishuang is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and the Queen of Guishuang is about to appear because of emotion and reason.

The army was outside the city and quickly opened its position, which put the defenders in the city on alert, as if the Jin army would appear on the city in the next moment.

Xuan Qi immediately, Lu Bu looked at the towering city not far away, and smiled: "The capital of Guishuang is also quite majestic."

"How can the capital of Guishuang be on par with Chang\'an." Dian Wei said.

Lu Bu said: "It is still relatively rare to see such a majestic city outside the Great Wall. If such a city can be occupied by our army, it will be of great help to our army in governing Guishuang. If Xiao Xiaozhi makes a mess, he wants to conquer such a strong city, a fantasy."

"The saint is farsighted, but the last general is short-sighted." Dian Wei said.

Lü Bu laughed and said: "General Dian is good at fighting on the battlefield, fighting against the enemy, and governing the local affairs. There are special officials who are responsible."

Dian Wei felt warm when he heard this. Although Lu Bu had become an emperor, he was still as kind and good as before when he treated his former subordinates. He was also quite generous in his treatment of the generals he first followed. In Jin Kingdom, there is no such thing as sly rabbits, but there are constant battles and Jin Kingdom\'s continuous growth.

Such a state of Jin, such an emperor, is worthy of being followed by more civil servants and generals. They must make greater contributions to the development of the state of Jin, make the development of the state of Jin more rapid, and make the land of the state of Jin more stable. .

"Holy Lord, attack Peshawar, but let the final general play." Dian Wei expressed his intentions in a timely manner.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Okay."

Dian Weitzer immediately came forward and shouted: "Where is the queen of Guishuang? The saint led a large army to come, and he did not leave the city to greet her."

On the city, Queen Guishuang\'s brows furrowed, and the scene of Lu Bu and others approaching, huddling in front and back, has long attracted the attention of the people in the city.

Riding a black horse, the energetic Lu Bu is more conspicuous among the crowd.

"That is the emperor of Jin." Guo Xiangyao pointed to Lu Bu.

The queen nodded, "Don\'t underestimate it."

Yeh Khan shouted: "What a noble queen is that allows the Emperor of Jin to enter the city for a while."

In terms of words, it is natural that the two sides cannot be defeated. There is no war between the two sides, and it is difficult to have a confrontation within a few days. The Jin army will definitely need enough time to prepare for deployment. It is only for Guishuang outside the city. The arrangement is enough to give the Jin army a taste when attacking.

"The Holy Spirit has kept his promises. After Guishuang is breached, of course the queen will be admitted to the harem. At that time, the identity of the queen will also be noble, hahaha." Dianwei laughed.

The generals of the Jin army who came with him also laughed more and more. It is definitely the biggest insult to the enemy to shout such words outside the enemy\'s capital.

For a time, the general Guishuang in the city was very angry and shouted.

Queen Guishuang\'s expression is still calm, "Without the command of the general, no one can go out of the city to confront the enemy."

Everyone said yes, perhaps under the stimulation of anger, they looked at the Jin army, seemingly less afraid.

The queen gave a cold snort and left.

Seeing this, Lu Bu sighed secretly, riding his horse back to the army. At this time, it is obviously difficult to get the enemy out of the city. If the enemy is facing a confrontation with the Jin army, he will be able to make this as soon as possible. The second war ended, but from the perspective of Guishuang\'s deployment, it was obvious that he planned to fight back in Peshawar and the Jin army to the end.

The offensive ability of the Jin army is unparalleled. It is not impossible to attack Peshawar and win victory, but Lu Bu does not want the lieutenant generals to pay too much for this attack.

The people of Guishuang have shown their determination by action, and what Lu Bu needs to do is to maximize the interests of Jin.

"Since you dare not leave the city, don\'t blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu heard the words and instantly understood the emperor’s intentions, and they obviously wanted to take action against other cities in Guishuang.

There are many cities near Peshawar. Although they are small cities, they can provide help to Peshawar. If all these cities are occupied, Peshawar can be completely isolated, making it difficult for Peshawar’s defenders to get more. When the time comes, Guishuang’s defenders will fall into an embarrassing situation.

The defenders cannot get the support of other cities and become isolated cities. When fighting against the Jin army, their advantages will be gradually weakened, and even unexpected changes will occur.

The Jin army has always been fighting to maximize its own interests. If it is not necessary to attack such a strong city, the Jin army will not adopt such a method.

The Jin army came overwhelmingly, impressed the Guishuang defenders very deeply, and let them see the momentum of the Jin army.

Face-to-face confrontation with such elites who stepped out of the battlefield is absolutely extremely difficult. Guishuang’s generals have already regarded the Jin army as the greatest enemy in his heart.

However, relying on a solid city, the people of Guishuang are more at ease, just don\'t know what kind of offensive methods the Jin army will adopt next.

In the Jin Army, Lu Bu gathered with important generals in the army.

Guo Jiadao: "From the situation of the investigation and Guishuang\'s movements, it can be analyzed that Guishuang\'s defenders will not be sent out easily. They adopt a persistent posture. No matter how provocative our troops are, they will not leave the city. ."

Everyone agrees with Guo Jia\'s analysis. From the two provocations of the Jin army, what can be seen is the conservativeness of the people of Guishuang. There is no way. Who will let Guishuang\'s army be in the hands of the Jin army? , Has not been able to win, but suffered a great loss on the battlefield.

This kind of war loss is worthy of attention when placed on any army. They don\'t want to bear the price of defeat again when facing the Jin army.

At this time, Guishuang, if there was a large-scale failure again during the battle against the Jin army, it would definitely be incapable of getting back to the sky.

"At this time, there are about 400,000 soldiers and civilians in Peshawar. Many of them are old and weak. They have been sent away. That is to say, if the resources are sufficient, Peshawar may form an army of 200,000 people to fight our army. "Jia Xu said.

Many generals took a breath after hearing the words. Peshawar is like a tortoise shell, and it is difficult to capture it urgently. If there are so many defenders in the city, the difficulty of breaking the city can be described as a straight line increase.

Guishuang’s army was more tenacious when fighting, and the battle of Anguanya showed the tenacity of the people of Guishuang.

After experiencing the failure of the Battle of Anguanya, Guishuang General Ye Khan must have more experience in the battle, and he will adopt a defensive attitude. At that time, even if the city gate is broken by the Jin army, he will rely on the strength of the city. , It is completely possible to drive out the Jin army again in a short time.

It is too difficult to conquer a city like this.

With the analysis of Jia Xu and Guo Jia, the generals in the account have a clearer understanding of the current situation.

Lu Bu said: "Zhao Yun listened to the order, I ordered you to lead 20,000 people to fill the road to the east of the city. After ten days, I will see the thunderbolt cars in the army, which can threaten the enemy."

"The last general will lead." Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

"Pound and Huang Xu listen to the order, I have ordered you two to command the cavalry of the headquarters, serve as battlefield scouts, and inquire about the battlefield. Any disturbance on the battlefield must be fed back to the army at the fastest speed."

"Here." Pound and Huang Xu said in unison.

The cavalry under the two tents are all elite, and they are naturally good at investigating the situation on the battlefield. Besides, Guishuang adopts a defensive posture at this time, and Guishuang scouts are rarely seen on the battlefield. If you encounter Guishuang\'s scout, it will definitely attract the Jin army cavalry berserk.

The Guishuang scout that appeared was all credit in the eyes of the Jin cavalry.

On such a battlefield, the generals of the Jin army need more credit. They played in Guishuang in order to make more credit for themselves. As for the situation of death and injury on the battlefield, it is normal in itself. If there are no casualties on the battlefield, can it still be called a war?

The soldiers of the Jin army came out of the war. They were not more afraid of the so-called dangers on the battlefield. On the contrary, when the war came, they would have inexplicable excitement. They eagerly wanted to be on the battlefield. Prove your worth.

Being able to appoint the emperor at this time is a great honor for the soldiers of the Jin army. They need to prove their worth in such a war, and they need to do more harm to the enemy in such a war, so that the enemy can learn from it. It is clear that their so-called powerful strength is not worth mentioning in front of the Jin army.

The Jin army with pride and strength is an invincible existence on the battlefield. The victory of the war makes the lieutenants fearless in the war.

At this time, the generals of the Jin army need the emperor’s order. As long as the emperor’s order is issued, they will execute it without compromise.

"What I need is not only the surrounding areas of Guishuang, but also the movement of the cities around Guishuang and their deployment." Lu Bu added.

The two hurriedly said yes.

The generals in the tent were refreshed when they heard the words. From the emperor’s order, they felt that the emperor was ready to take action on the cities near Peshawar. Naturally, the strength of these cities cannot be compared with Peshawar, but There is a lot of credit for leading the army to conquer.

Lü Bu coughed lightly: "Since Guishuang intends to take such a posture against our army, what I will show the people of Guishuang is the sharpness of our army. The south, north, and west of the city have their own forces to monitor, as long as It is the enemy who dared to go out of the city and fight against it."

"Here." Everyone said in unison, and the emperor\'s words excited them.

The Guishuang people plan to rely on Peshawar to block the Jin army. When they are tortoises, the Jin army will give them such an opportunity to prevent them from leaving the city.

"War cannot be solved overnight, and what we need to do now is to cut off the wings." Lu Bu said: "Dian Wei, I have ordered you to lead five thousand soldiers and horses to level the three cities south of Peshawar."

"Here." Dianwei said, his expression could not conceal his excitement.

As a general of the Jin army, leading the lieutenant generals to fight on the battlefield is the most exciting. To become the emperor’s personal guard commander, although it is a great honor, but the distance from the battlefield is getting farther and farther away.

But Dianwei will not complain about this. The personal guard commander, although boring, is honorable. It is not all people who have come to this point.

To make the emperor more secure is what Dianwei has always insisted on.

"Wei Yan listened to the order, I ordered you to lead five thousand soldiers and horses to pacify the three cities west of Peshawar"

The successive transfers satisfied the generals of the Jin army, because they all had tasks. Although such transfers left the Jin army camp outside Peshawar a lot empty, they didn\'t think that with the Guishuang Army at this time The state, dared to go out of the city to fight with the Jin army.

The strength of the Jin army has been tested in the war. Even if it is 50,000 soldiers and horses, it is still possible to win against the 100,000 army of Guishuang.

Guishan must understand this truth, so when facing the successive provocations of the Jin army, he adopted a defensive stance and would not even send troops out of the city to confront the Jin army.

As important generals of the Jin army, they saw the emperor’s intention from the emperor’s deployment, which was to completely isolate Peshawar and make it difficult for the people of Peshawar to get out of the city, and when the city around Peshawar was flattened , Peshawar will last longer in this state.

No matter how strong the city of Peshawar is, if the time delays longer, the materials in the city will be exhausted. It is a wishful thinking to fight the Jin army, and Peshawar after becoming an isolated city poses a great threat to the Jin army. , The Jin army will send strong soldiers to guard, and will not give the Guishuang people the slightest chance, so that Guishuang\'s defenders will always stick to Peshawar in this state.

The Jin army captured many cities in and sent officials to govern the city. The gains obtained can be used by the army. Wusun and other places can also provide a steady stream of food and grass for the Jin army. As long as the Jin army persists in such a battle, Peshawar will ultimately belong to the Jin army.

This kind of war may take a long time, but relative to the harvest, the effort is worth it.

seized the capital of Guishuang, and captured all the important figures of Guishuang. With this kind of Guishuang, what kind of capital will there be against the Jin army in the future, and what else might cause turbulence in Guishuang\'s territory?

It can be said that in this plan, although the Jin country will pay a considerable price, it is more effective than ever in terms of the overall combat impact, and it is able to minimize the losses of the lieutenant soldiers.

When attacking Anguanya, obviously this method cannot be adopted, because the back of Anguanya is the territory of Guishuang, which can get more support.

Confronting the Guishuang Army in Peshawar can maximize the interests of the Jin Army.

The Anxi Empire’s army attacked Guishuang. Although it stopped, Guishuang did not dare to take it lightly. The Anxi Empire’s coveting for Guishuang has a long history.

(End of this chapter)