Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6017: : Jin's fierce offensive

Chapter 6039 The offensive fierce Jin army

The Jin army’s ability to fight in front of the enemy is often unstoppable, and it is precisely because the Jin army has such characteristics that when the Jin army is fighting, it often controls the initiative in the confrontation. .

The initiative in a war is extremely important to an army’s confrontation. If you can seize this opportunity well, you can do more damage to the enemy in the confrontation, and in a short time, it will give the enemy more damage. Greater devastation is completely possible.

Regarding Guishuang, they have the heart to stop the Jin army from advancing. However, after the fight, they clearly saw the madness of the Jin army’s offensive. Facing such an offensive situation, they only wanted to be in the battle by relying on their defensive methods. The difficulty of winning is great.

This is often the case on the battlefield. If there is no corresponding achievement in controlling the situation of the war, it will endure more hardships in subsequent wars.

The achievements of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war are incomparable to other armies. In the battle, the soldiers of the Jin army will show their invincible aura. By virtue of their advantages on the battlefield, they will contribute to the development of the Jin nation. What brings is more help.

On the battlefield, victory is not a simple matter, but those who have experienced war understand the truth.

At this time, the Guishuang army, on the river, originally thought they could occupy a certain advantage, or an absolute advantage, but when the confrontation was going on, they saw a crazy Jin army with fierceness. The offensive Jin army faces such a Jin army, and the difficulty of winning is being infinitely improved.

The battle with the Jin army was really too challenging for Guishuang. After all, Guishuang had suffered a lot of defeats in the hands of the Jin army. If the Jin army defeated the Guishuang army, it seems reasonable. But Yan Xing clearly didn\'t want to just watch the Jin army through Xinghuahe like this, he wanted to become a famous general of Guishuang, and wanted to save the precarious Guishuang.

It is normal for a lieutenant general to have such thoughts when facing a war. If this situation were placed on the Jin army, it would be more obvious.

Relying on the victory in the war, it is extremely crucial that the dispatch of the Jin army\'s soldiers has greater value, and the Jin army\'s actions can obtain more support.

If in a confrontation, the dispatch of the Jin army\'s generals cannot well control the situation on the battlefield, and even more situations will appear in the war, if you want to achieve greater achievements in the subsequent wars, it is clearly not. Possible thing.

War, the test is the strength of the lieutenant generals, the test is the ability of the lieutenant generals in dealing with the war.

If you encounter more dangers on the battlefield without the means to deal with it, you will lose more money on the battlefield later.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom used the means of conquest, which would give the enemy a sense of incompetence.

The Jin army’s dispatch this time was clearly prepared. If there was no preparation for the cross-river operation, how could the Jin army act rashly? Their dispatch represented confidence in the Guishuang army attacking the opposite bank.

Before, the Jin army used the method of sneaking across the river, and suffered a little loss in the hands of Guishuang\'s army, but now there is a prepared Jin army, that is the invincible existence on the battlefield.

There is war, which is worthy of excitement for the generals of the Jin army, because their value can be displayed correspondingly on the battlefield. If the means adopted in the wars cannot be better adapted to the development of the situation, There will definitely be more dangers thereafter.

In the current war environment, it is actually possible to see the fierceness of the Jin army and the gap in the means of war in Guishuang. Such a gap will be more obvious in future confrontations.

Guishuang wants to have certain achievements on the battlefield, but in a specific war, will the Jin army give Guishuang’s soldiers more opportunities?

The confrontation on the river, the fierce offensive ability of the Jin army soldiers, is enough to make Guishuang have a lot of shocks, and at the same time, they are more in awe of the Jin army.

On the battlefield, the side with strength can often get more respect, but if it lacks strength, it will be eliminated by the war.

I don’t know how many enemy troops were eliminated on the road of Jin’s development. They were unable to form an effective block against the Jin Army in the process of fighting the Jin Army. They even had no resistance in front of the Jin Army. After that, the rapid development of Jin country.

At this time, the Guishuang soldiers, although they were angry, their anger could not be transformed into powerful combat power in specific battles, which also made them the targets of the Jin army\'s sweep.

A warship belonging to Guishuang was destroyed. The fierce offensive from the Jin army made Guishuang chaotic.

Seeing this situation, Lu Xun did not hesitate to issue a full-scale offensive order. For Lu Xun, such a surface confrontation was just a small-scale battle, and Guishuang was obviously unfamiliar with water warfare. The performance of chaos on the water can only give Jin soldiers more opportunities to kill.

Such a battlefield is of great help to the Jin army\'s next actions, and it can also give the Jin army more confidence in the face of Guishuang soldiers.

Victory on the battlefield will obviously help the lieutenant officers in the subsequent battles, and it will also enable the lieutenant officers to gain greater growth from the war.

The strong Jin army is a terrible presence on the battlefield. Under their attack mode, the enemy will suffer more losses. The enemy will feel the cruelty of the battle in the war.

The horn of the Jin army’s full-scale offensive has been sounded, and the offensive from the Jin army has made Guishuang’s blockade even weaker.

Gushuang soldiers, who had the advantage in the number of ships, were unable to show such advantages better on the water, and even became the goal of the Jin army\'s merits.

The death of a precious frost soldier stimulated the surviving robe. Their gazes at the Jin army were not only in awe, but also in endless fear. They could not imagine what kind of army it was. Such strength erupted on the battlefield.

Since the start of the battle with the Jin army, Guishuang has always been at a disadvantage. The most direct result of this disadvantage is that Guishuang suffered heavy losses in the war. When such a war loses more, it will make Guishuang suffer. The situation has become increasingly turbulent.

The powerful Guishuang Empire in the past has fallen into a precarious situation at this time. If you are not careful, you will become a prisoner of the Jin army in the battle.

This kind of war is good for the Jin army and bad for Guishuang. The senior leaders of Guishuang have already realized it, but they don’t want to give up their power and want to make the final struggle on the road to block the Jin army’s offensive. Perhaps such a struggle. It didn\'t have much effect, but as a member of Guishuang, as a senior member of Guishuang, what they wanted to make was the last attempt.

Under the war, the people don’t have a living, but the Jin’s army that can win in the war can make the Jin’s development even further. This is also the means of war that Jin often adopts.

Relying on the victory in the confrontation, it is particularly important for Jin to avoid more obstacles when developing.

In a specific war, the Jin army lived up to expectations and brought endless panic to the enemy from the war.

Guishuang’s navy was in chaos. Their chaos was ushered in the killings of the Jin army. Such ruthless killings made Guishuang’s soldiers flustered. They did not go through such surface battles. The Jin army’s offensive methods exceeded Guishuang\'s blocking ability made him feel the cruelty of the Jin army\'s offensive from such a battlefield.

I originally thought that the Jin army would pay a heavy price in the process of crossing the river. Who could have imagined that the Jin army was obviously very familiar with water warfare. Under their fighting style, Guishuang would pay a heavy price.

On the battlefield, there is no so-called mercy. If you cannot win from the confrontation, you will suffer more losses in the war, and you will feel the cruelty of the confrontation in the war.

If you want to get the corresponding respect on the battlefield, you need to show your due strength in the confrontation. On the battlefield, strength is respected and strong strength can get more respect.

If Jin\'s army cannot win more victories in the war, but loses heavily in the confrontation, then Jin\'s situation may be even more dangerous.

War is full of changes. Before the final moment, no one is sure what kind of change will happen.

Yan Xing\'s face was low, he never thought that the offensive taken by the Jin army on Xinghua River at this time was so fierce that Guishuang had no more resistance.

This is related to the difference between Guishuang’s combat methods and the Jin army. The Jin army has a continuous offensive of ballistas and gunpowder, which is only an offensive of two sharp weapons, which can play a great role on the battlefield. , And even brought great losses to Guishuang soldiers, making Guishuang soldiers fearful of the Jin army.

The fierceness of the Jin army has long been heard in Guishuang, but seeing such a fierce Jin army in person will inevitably make Guishuang\'s officers frightened.

The    general is the courage of the soldiers. At this time, Yan Xing has awe of the offensive of the Jin army, and even retreats. Not to mention the soldiers at the bottom. After getting the order, they will probably leave the battlefield without hesitation.

"General, now the war is extremely unfavorable to our army. If we persist in it, it will only cause more soldiers to suffer losses. It is better to" the vice-general persuaded.

Governor Yan sighed: "I would be unable to return to heaven when facing such an enemy army. Send orders to retreat. When you retreat, you must respond back and forth. There should be no panic and the enemy can take advantage of the opportunity."

"The general is wise." The deputy said.

Yan Xing shook his head. This confrontation gave him a sense of powerlessness. Originally, in his opinion, this was a good opportunity to make Guishuang famous. However, when the real confrontation began, from the offensive posture of the Jin army , I felt the horror of the Jin army, facing such a Jin army, the chance of victory was too slim.

And this is the Jin army, the invincible existence on the battlefield. If it weren’t for the Jin army’s strong support, it would be obviously impossible to get to where it is today on the battlefield of Guishuang. If you want to get it, you need to Have enough strength.

Guishuang wants to be stabilized, but it is difficult for Guishuang’s senior officers to see the possibility of stabilization from Guishuang’s soldiers. Such a war is the beginning of a disaster for Guishuang, and such a disaster, It will not simply stop.

Guishuang’s strong strength, wanting to better affect the offensive of the Jin army has become almost impossible, and the Jin army will not allow this to happen.

Attacking Guishuang was originally to obtain more cities from Guishuang, and to make Guishuang wiped out, there would be no reason to be merciful.

The strict line at this time, without the vigor and enthusiasm before the battle, and the pride of the battle, he has a deeper worry about the fate of Guishuang.

Xinghua River, unable to stop the Jin army\'s offensive pace, and then the Jin army will come to the city, what will happen to Peshawar then.

What kind of reaction will Guishuang’s officers know about the Jin army’s record?

The strong Anguan Cliff cannot stop the Jin army’s footsteps. Can the Peshawar city wall stop the Jin army’s attack?

Yan Xing suddenly became a little worried about Guishuang’s fate. This situation is the biggest disaster for Guishuang.

In the past, Guishuang had conflicts with neighboring countries, but it was obviously unrealistic for the enemy to threaten Peshawar. Today, the powerful Jin army is about to come to Peshawar.

The order to retreat was issued. The Guishuang navy army in combat did not hesitate to start the and the battle with the Jin army, so that they could not see the possibility of victory in the war.

In a short period of time, more than half of the Guishuang warships have lost their combat effectiveness. This attack speed and such strong attack methods shocked Guishuang soldiers, and at the same time, the fear of the Jin army in his heart increased.

Strong strength is an important basis for the combat of lieutenants. The Jin army with strong strength will show itself on the battlefield by means that Guishuang cannot easily stop.

However, there are more victories to satisfy the Jin Emperor’s ambitions.

The enemy retreats and the Jin army pursues them in desperation. At this time, it is the time to pursue the poor, and the enemy’s retreat can provide good conditions for the enemy to capture the opposite shore.

Guishuang’s defenders on the opposite bank only numbered 10,000, and more than half of the soldiers fought. In this way, as long as the Guishuang army who went on the battle failed, the Jin army would be able to take over control of the opposite bank. This is not something that Guishuang can influence at all.

Guishuang’s garrison beside Xinghua River was to stop the Jin army’s offensive. However, during the war, Guishuang’s soldiers always felt the cruelty of the war. On the battlefield, Guishuang didn’t give him more attention. Opportunity, even Guishuang soldiers realized from it is the seriousness of the confrontation situation.

(End of this chapter)