Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6015: : How about 49 people?

Chapter 6037 What about forty-nine people?

The speed of Jin’s development is amazing. After the Jin has captured the enemy’s city, even if there is a rebellion in the city, it can be a good solution for the Jin army and stabilize the situation quickly. Such a Jin army, It is the most terrible.

The battle with the Jin army made the Guishuang Empire realize the weakness of its forces, and it gradually became passive.

The Jin army, with strong financial resources and strong military strength, is the enemy\'s nightmare on the battlefield. It is not easy to overcome such a nightmare.

When the news spread to Peshawar, the people in the city were panicking, and at the same time they became more afraid of the possible arrival of the Jin army, and Ye Khan recruited young men to join the army in the city, and began high-intensity training.

This kind of training is difficult for the young men who have just been recruited into the army, but the matter is urgent. Ye Khan can only adopt this method to make up for the weakness of Guishuang\'s troops as much as possible.

If the Jin army adopts ordinary offensive methods, not to mention it is to attack Peshawar, even if it is to break Anguanya, it is impossible. Ye Khan knows that when the Jin army is really close to the city, it will be cruel. The offensive methods he mastered would be a nightmare for Guishuang\'s soldiers.

The soldiers of Guishuang who had experienced the battle of Anguanya had lingering fears about that battle. When they were in the army, they were relatively silent, and they rarely mentioned the situation of the battle of Anguanya.

Things that affect morale will not be allowed to appear in the Guishuang Army at this time, this is Ye Khan\'s repeated orders.

"Bai Ma Yi succeeded in crossing the river from Commander Zhao Yun. There are about fifty cavalry around him?" Ye Khan\'s eyes narrowed slightly. If it is best to capture Zhao Yun alive, if not, kill him."

"Here." The general who got the order didn\'t doubt him.

Only fifty cavalrymen want to make waves in the hinterland of Guishuang. This is obviously unbearable by the generals of Guishuang. Besides, there are only fifty cavalrymen, even if Zhao Yun\'s martial arts is strong, how much effect can it play? At that time, the warriors of Guishuang will let the cavalry of the Jin army realize what is tough.

After the defeat of the war, the soldiers of Guishuang desperately needed a victory in a confrontation. In the war where the Jin army passed through Xinghuahe, although Guishuang had a certain advantage and killed a certain number of Jin troops , But this is nothing but a negligible loss for the Jin army.

It is not easy to dampen Jin\'s vigor, and the appearance of Zhao Yun is a good breakthrough.

General Guishuang invited to fight one after another, this was a good opportunity to become famous.

? Strictly on the Xinghua River, smoothly blocking the Jin army\'s offensive, and shattered the Jin army\'s river crossing operations, but directly promoted to three ranks, which was a great stimulus for General Guishuang.

When Ye Khan saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face. As the commander-in-chief of the army, what he was afraid of was not the strength of the enemy, but the fact that his soldiers had no fighting spirit in the face of war and faced the offensive of the enemy. The mentality of giving up.

The slight victory on the battlefield of Xinghuahe was the best encouragement for Guishuang soldiers.

Killing the general of the Jin army Zhao Yun will make Guishuang\'s morale even higher, and it will be relatively simple to block the Jin army\'s offensive against Peshawar at that time.

As the commander of Guishuang, what needs to be considered at this time is to be more comprehensive.

On the battlefield against the Parthian Empire, Guishuang\'s army supported 30,000 people toward Peshawar. This was already the ultimate support force. After all, it was necessary to guard against the Parthian Empire\'s counterattacks.

Time is the most precious to the Guishuang Empire at this time. If there is no adequate preparation before the Jin army crosses the Xinghua River, it will bring even greater losses to Guishuang. Let Guishuang subjugate the country.

Ye Khan paid too much for Guishuang, and he did not want Guishuang to be ruled by Jin.

Let\'s say that after Zhao Yun made a heavy encirclement, he counted the cavalry around him, but there were only forty-nine.

"General, what should we do now that our military reinforcements have not arrived?" a general asked.

Zhao Yun said: "What about the forty-nine people, I will let the people of Guishuang know that, only forty-nine people will also make it difficult for the people of Guishuang to settle down."

"Go to the vicinity of Peshawar, see the enemy scouts, kill him, let the white horse follow his prestige and spread all over Guishuang."

"Here," everyone said in unison.

Baima Yicong, brave and good at fighting, once caused a lot of deterrence to Guishuang on the battlefield, and now Zhao Yun led 49 Baima Yicong, it is time to attack the enemy again on the battlefield, the sacrificed Baima Yi Cong needs to use the blood of Soldier Guishuang to wash away his hatred.

The cavalry of the Jin army is a presence on the battlefield. The battlefield is not unfamiliar to them, and it has inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in the fierce war, allowing the enemy to realize the fierceness of the Jin army in the fierce war. The battle against Guishuang this time was a fierce battle for the Jin army, but the soldiers of the Jin army had enough confidence to destroy the fighting spirit of the soldiers of Guishuang and turn Guishuang into a county of Jin.

Such confidence was obtained from the victory of previous wars.

"General, now our dry food is only enough for five days." The general whispered.

Zhao Yun waved his hand, "It doesn\'t matter, the lack of supplies, just take it from the enemy."

"Subordinates understand."

The battlefield is full of changes, and it is more normal to take extreme measures for the victory of the war. If the so-called morality affects the actions of lieutenants and soldiers on the battlefield, which leads to our own losses. Disastrous, this is unacceptable to the generals of the Jin army.

In order to win, no compromise is the pursuit of the Jin army.

When dealing with the enemy, you should treat yourself like a violent storm, and treat yourself like a spring breeze. This is the Jin army, and this is the Jin army that can be supported by the people.

Since you have become an enemy, you have to endure the fierce attack from the Jin army, you have to see the horror of the Jin army from such a war, and you have to perceive the consequences of becoming an enemy of the Jin army in such a confrontation. how is it like.

Baima Yicong approached Peshawar, and all enemy scouts encountered along the way were not spared.

In terms of killing scouts, the Jinjun cavalry has experience. Besides, Bai Ma Yicong is a brave and good warrior. Otherwise, it would be difficult to break through the encirclement surrounded by thousands of cavalry. Using them to deal with Guishuang\'s scouts can be said to be It is easy to do.

Guishuang\'s scout was slaughtered.

While organizing the recruitment of young men, Ye Khan also paid close attention to Zhao Yun and others who successfully crossed the river. Regardless of whether he was crossing the river or not, as long as he can be eliminated, the morale of the army will be slightly improved. , Don’t underestimate the morale improvement, the help that can be brought to the battle is immense.

As for raising the morale of Guishuang\'s army, Ye Khan asked himself that there was no way at present, unless he made a loud noise when he was facing the Jin army.

However, with the strong strength of the Jin army, it is basically impossible to achieve a hearty victory in a face-to-face battle.

Judging from the offensive and operational deployment of the Jin army, the Jin army has a careful plan for the battle against Guishuang, and it is also the elite of the Jin army. When they appear in a confrontation, they often bring a deadly threat to the enemy.

The victory of the war is certainly gratifying, but Guishuang will not give up on it. They need the final struggle, and it is best to be able to stop the offensive of the Jin army, so that Peshawar can be preserved.

According to the previous combat habits of the Jin army, when they appeared on such a battlefield, they would not stop the offensive, but would only maximize their own interests, and the occupation of Peshawar became an imperative.

However, judging from the news that came back continuously, if the Jinjun cavalry who successfully crossed the river had disappeared out of thin air, they were also the scouts of Guishuang, who were constantly being damaged.

In just two days, Guishuang\'s scouts had damaged more than 80 people. Such damages would be impossible without attracting attention.

"White Horse Yicong is so brave?" Ye Kehan ​​said.

"General, these people come and go, and the scouts who met them were not spared, but when our cavalry arrived, they disappeared. It\'s not a way to go on like this." The general said.

The cavalry is an extremely important combat force. When blocking the Jin army’s offensive, it can provide favorable support to Guishuang. In the past, there were a large number of cavalry in the Guishuang army. After the failed war against the Jin Army, General Guishuang gradually realized that their elite cavalry was not enough to look at in front of the Jin Army cavalry.

Now that the number of Guishuang cavalry has dropped sharply, it is difficult to form an effective deterrent to the Jin army.

If this situation continues, if you want to ease the tension, it will even become impossible, and you will lose control of the news.

If an army does not have a source of information, it is like a blind or deaf. It is almost impossible to accurately judge the situation on the battlefield, and the Jin army will be able to control the war again.

"In any case, it must be eliminated. When dispatching scouts, the number should increase, and the distance between them should not be too far." Ye Kehan ​​said: "As long as the enemy is found, immediately besiege."

"Subordinates take orders." The cavalry general said.

At present, Peshawar has more than 3,000 elite cavalry. This is the key force to fight out of the city. The enemy has only 50 people, but it makes oneself so passive. As a cavalry general, there is no face.

Peshawar directly dispatched a thousand cavalry to act as scouts. A team of ten, with a hundred teams of scouts, are active on the battlefield. Their existence is to inquire about the Jin cavalry as far as possible, as long as they find traces. , It will be encircled and suppressed.

Thousands of cavalry dealt with the Jin cavalry with only fifty men. Such treatment, if known to the soldiers of the White Horse Yicong, would definitely become their bragging capital in the future.

After Zhao Yun discovered this change in the enemy scouts, he was about to divide the cavalry into five teams. After the two sides encountered each other, they made a quick decision. If they couldn\'t solve it quickly, they would retreat immediately.

In these three days, Ye Khan received bad news again, and Guishuang’s cavalry lost a hundred men.

In just five days, the Guishuang Cavalry lost nearly two hundred people, while Bai Mayi never lost a few people. Such a comparison is really too harmful.

"Incompetent." Ye Khan said angrily.

The cavalry general said: "General, you don\'t know how cunning the opponent is. When you see our scouts, they will go forward and retreat directly. With superb archery skills, our cavalry is not capable of the enemy."

"What a Zhao Yun, he has such a method." Ye Kehan ​​coldly snorted: "Increase the force of the suppression and eradicate all these enemy forces. I would hope to hear good news next time."

"Subordinates take orders." The cavalry general said helplessly.

I originally thought that the destruction of the Jin cavalry crossing the river this time was just a very simple matter, but after the real fight, it was discovered that the Jin cavalry was slippery. They came near Peshawar, not to head against Guishuang. Yes, but mainly harassment.

At present, this cavalry team has caused great damage to the Guishuang cavalry. Nearly two hundred cavalry have been lost. At this time, it is a big event for Guishuang. If it spreads in the ~ It is likely to cause panic among the people.

The people of Peshawar themselves are more sensitive to things that the Jin army might come at any time. Now that the Jin army cavalry appears near Peshawar, Guishuang is unable to wipe out the situation. This situation is a face-off against Guishuang soldiers.

Guishuang’s army also has their pride. Even after successive failures in wars, even at a time when Guishuang’s situation is tense, they still have a blocking move, and they will not say that they gave up Baisha because of the ferocious attack of the enemy. Tiled.

When their homes were destroyed, the warriors of Guishuang would stand up to prevent such things from happening.

Guishuang\'s pride cannot be profaned.

It’s just that they suffered too many defeats in the war, which made Guishuang soldiers inevitably pessimistic about the progress of the war, and it also made many soldiers fearful when they mentioned the Jin army. The army engaged in a head-on collision.

War can only be controlled by the weaker side.

The unrest in Guishuang caused turmoil among the people. Many people took the opportunity to leave Peshawar, the capital Peshawar. After the Jin army crossed the river, it would definitely become the primary target of attack and break the capital of Guishuang. But it will be of considerable help to the Jin army\'s subsequent operations.

While the war is going on, the people who suffer the most are the people.

Many people who have experienced the war left secretly for reasons.

If they could get a stable life in Peshawar, if Guishuang had the power to stop the Jin army from attacking, how could they abandon their homeland?

The war, at this time, is no longer what Guishuang can do. If there is a choice, the people of Guishuang are willing to stabilize.

(End of this chapter)

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