Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6009: : News of defeat

Chapter 6030 News of defeat

Guishuang is an empire that has developed from wars. It has experienced many wars. This is good, but when the Guishuang Empire encounters a more powerful enemy, what will it bring to the rule of the Guishuang Empire It\'s shaking.

The blood of the warriors of the Guishuang Empire on the battlefield in the past, and now they will become prisoners of the Jin army, just thinking of this makes Ye Khan\'s heart cramped.

The stability of Guishuang is hard-won, and Ye Khan has a say.

But today’s Guishuang, because of the war, might go to annihilation, which is something Yekhhan cannot bear.

Even if the war at Anguanya was defeated, as long as Guishuang’s side faced the Jin army and used the power of the whole country to block the Jin army, it would be possible to repel the Jin army.

As for the armies of the Parthian Empire, as long as they are given certain benefits, it is completely possible to appease the Parthian Empire.

This is not the first time that the Guishuang Empire has dealt with the Anxi Empire. Although the Anxi Empire has received a lot of help from the Jin Kingdom in its attack on the Guishuang Empire, the gap between the Anxi Empire and the Jin Army is very large in terms of the extent of the Anxi Empire’s offensive. of.

When the peace empire’s army consumes a lot and cannot get any benefits, they will definitely have the idea of ​​retreating. At this time, it is Guishuang’s better chance to block the Jin army’s attack.

Gushuang Empire, there is no shortage of **** generations, they are willing to stand up and stop the enemy\'s attack when Guishuang is in a critical moment.

Of course, Ye Khan also knew that this time he returned to Guishuang, he would be greeted with endless accusations and anger. After all, he experienced the defeat of the war. This is an indelible shame for the generals. As the general of Guishuang, Yeke Khan, this time he led an elite guard to guard Anguanya, so that he could not stop the attack of the Jin country\'s army. Such a general would endure more hardships.

But at such a time, Ye Khan could no longer care about so much. Guishuang was about to subdue his country. If the people of Guishuang could not wake up, what was the point of his life as a general.

The soldiers of Guishuang who have experienced the war, after getting a peaceful and stable life, no longer have the fierceness and fearlessness of the past on the battlefield. When facing a powerful enemy, they will show a fearful side, even There will be a surrender on the battlefield.

Just imagine, when this kind of breath spreads further in the Guishuang Army, what consequences will it bring.

The Jin army captured Anguanya. In a short time, it was difficult to invade Peshawar. This gave Guishuang the last chance to prepare. Relying on Peshawar, he would fight the Jin army for the final battle. If the war is won, it will be expensive Frost can be stabilized, and if the war cannot be won, Guishuang will fall completely.

This is a war that Guishuang must go through, and in such a war, the attitude of Guishuang\'s high-level officials has a great effect.

Guishuang’s senior management is responsible for the war.

After all, when driving out the Jin country’s businessmen, Guishuang’s high-level officials didn’t make much effort to obtain benefits from the Jin country’s businessmen. It seems simple, but in fact there are many dangers, which can only be seen from the current situation of Guishuang. What kind of shock will be caused on the battlefield by the appearance of the Jin army.

When dealing with such a war, the measures taken are inappropriate, and perhaps it has brought more disasters.

Let the people of Guishuang know how dangerous the offensive from the Jin army is. This is what Yekhhan needs to do when he returns to Peshawar.

Since the Jin army captured Wusun and other places, Guishuang’s situation has undergone many subtle changes. Not only in the way of development, but also in the face of the Jin army’s madness, it requires more prudence. The key point is that the excellent equipment of the Jin Army soldiers is what makes Guishuang\'s soldiers amazed and envied. They want to get such equipment but can\'t.

Don\'t say it is the Guishuang Empire. Even the Anthion Empire, which has a good relationship with the Jin Kingdom, wants to obtain more sophisticated equipment production methods from the hands of the Jin Kingdom.

This situation is the same for any emperor. Now they are allies. That is because they have common interests. When the common interests disappear, how can allies deal with themselves? If it is a big fight and has funded the enemy before, wouldn\'t it mean that it will make one\'s own side suffer more losses.

However, in order to attack the Guishuang Empire this time, the Jin’s contribution itself was not small, not only to befriend the Anthion Empire, but also to the Roman Empire. Under such circumstances, Jin urgently needed to obtain more benefits from the battlefield. , So that the hard work of our soldiers on the battlefield can have greater gains.

Peshawar is still as bustling as it used to be. Although there is a fierce war in Guishuang’s east-west direction, ordinary people in Peshawar still need to live, and they are more of a leisure to war. Yu\'s discussion.

On the battlefield at this time, the Guishuang Empire is passive. These people know it, but the people have confidence in the empire, but when the empire’s cities are lost one after another, they will inevitably have a sense of loss in their hearts. The Frost Empire, that is a prestigious existence, they have defeated many unparalleled enemy forces in the war.

Now, facing the offensive of the Jin Kingdom and the Anxi Empire, Guishuang’s situation turned out to be so bad.

Of course, Guishuang\'s strength is strong, so it is natural to block the enemy\'s offensive.

As Yekh Khan entered the city, the people of Peshawar could not calm down. All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion.

"General Ye Kehan ​​defeated Anguanya. At this time, Anguanya was already occupied by the Jin army, did you know?"

"Really? The general is the pride of Guishuang, who has experienced countless wars."

"Is this still false? Otherwise, why would it return to Peshawar?"

"I didn\'t believe it originally, but after seeing the general in Peshawar, I had to believe it."

All these remarks spread like wildfire in Peshawar. The people are also concerned about the progress of the war. After all, when the war comes, they need to endure more threats, no matter what happened between Guishuang and Jin. What kind of things make Guishuang more stable is the urgent pursuit of the people of Peshawar, but what can be seen from the specific situation is that the development of things is not good for Guishuang.

Especially when the general entered the city. After the news about the defeat of the Anguanya war spread in the city, the people were panicked. They did not believe that the general Ye Khan would lose on the battlefield of Anguanya. Khan\'s return from the battlefield confirmed this statement invisibly.

Anguanya was lost, and the people of Guishuang could not remain calm. Xiongguan guarded, and how many disasters could be prevented for Guishuang, but when Xiongguan fell into the enemy\'s hands, the situation that would occur is really terrible.

Imagine what kind of disaster Peshawar will fall into when the Jin army is near the city.

In the city, there are a lot of rumors about the Jin army, but there are more comments that are bad for the Jin army. It is very normal for this situation to appear in Peshawar. At this time, Guishuang and Jin are hostile. Many comments that are unfavorable to the Jin army will be more helpful to Guishuang\'s rule and war. This is also the method that the monarch will often take when the war is going on.

In the palace, important ministers of Guishuang gathered, and the queen at the top had an expression of indescribable indifference.

The Battle of Anguanya was a key battle for Guishuang to block the Jin army. If Anguanya was lost, Peshawar would be completely exposed to the Jin army’s edge. The Jin army’s offensive posture was fierce, but after a lot of It’s a test. Under such a war environment, if the Jin army’s offensive cannot be blocked smoothly, it will not only bring disaster to Peshawar, but also make it difficult for Guishuang to come out of this war smoothly.

On the battlefield, the side with strong strength can occupy a greater advantage. At this time, the Jin army has a great advantage on the battlefield.

In fact, what Jin’s army urgently needs on the Guishuang battlefield is more victories. After all, the Jin army comes from a long way. If it can’t quickly open up the situation on the Guishuang battlefield, the situation will definitely be even worse. Adverse.

The Jin army succeeded. After successively breaking through the city of Guishuang, it broke through the defenses of Anguan Cliff and made Guishuang General Ye Khan return to Peshawar in grief.

Queen said in a deep voice: "The Jin army breaks Anguan Cliff and will soon come to the city. If you have any ideas, please tell me. At this time, there is no need to hide it."

Everyone talked a lot. The fall of Anguanya was indeed beyond their expectations. The Jin army was fierce and they knew it, but the strength of Anguanya also had a place in the hearts of the Guishuang people. Who would have thought, How could the Jin army break through Anguanya\'s defense so quickly?

The queen coldly snorted: "This king is for you to express your opinions in public, not to discuss."

At this time, the queen was angry, and the huge foundation was actually caught in such an emergency. Judging from the performance of the imperial officials, they were also panicked at this time. In this state, they faced the army of the Jin country and won victory. How likely is it? Anyone who has an understanding of the military\'s combat history will clearly see how terrible the Jin\'s army is.

The Jin army will not be afraid of the difficulties on the battlefield. Their appearance is for the victory of the war. Under the command of the Jin emperor, the soldiers of the Jin army will often show the face of fearlessness on the battlefield.

Such a Jin army, put it on anyone, it will make people feel fearful.

In fact, in the current war environment, the Guishuang Empire still has a certain strength to block the offensive of the Jin Kingdom’s army. After all, the Guishuang Empire has experienced a lot of wars. There are not a few young people in the country. In entering the army, it can make up for the disadvantages in terms of strength.

If you are afraid of the fierce attack of the Jin army, it is a different matter. Even Xiongguan Anguanya was lost under these circumstances. Looking at Guishuang, which city can be compared with the defense of Anguanya Well, even Peshawar at this time is different from Anguan Cliff that Ye Khan led the army to guard.

Aluqi said: "The queen calms down. Now the situation on the battlefield is unclear. I don\'t know the specific circumstances of the loss of Anguanya. The general has already entered the city. It is better to wait for the general to tell the specific situation on the battlefield before preparing."

The rest of the people agreed, but when they mentioned Ye Khan, they had mixed emotions. Ye Khan made great contributions to the stability of the empire, but now, Ye Khan seems to be making his reputation step by step. Go bad.

The failure of the war is a shame for the generals in the army, and it is unforgivable.

At this time in Peshawar’s remarks, there were many attacks on Yekhhan. It is conceivable that the officials of the empire were dissatisfied with Yekhhan.

If the empire is lost under the attack of the enemy, these original nobles and original officials will become prisoners of the Jin army. Their current treatment will not be able to enjoy them. Just imagine these things. Their hearts are uncomfortable.

Yekhan’s defeat at Anguanya was an important turning point in the Guishuang War. If at this time, there can be no countermeasures to stop the enemy’s attack, when the Jin Kingdom’s army is near the city, it will make Guishuang more uncomfortable.

If you can preserve Guishuang, it is of course the best thing. They are officials of Guishuang. They want to make the situation in Guishuang more stable, and even more want to make Guishuang come out of this war.

It\'s just that sometimes, some things are not controlled by manpower.

Just like the Guishuang Empire at this time, the soldiers and horses are no longer sufficient. The failure of the war makes the people of the Guishuang Empire have a lot of fears about the coming of the war. Such emotions are more expressed in the Jin Dynasty. When the army launched an offensive.

With the bravery and good fighting skills of the Jin their appearance will cause more wind and rain on the battlefield.

How to make the powerful strength of one\'s own soldiers be smoothly displayed in such an environment, so that the offensive methods of one\'s own soldiers have a greater effect, is what Guishuang\'s senior officials are most worried about.

The Jin army breaks through Peshawar, and perhaps it will not embarrass the people in the city, but it is not that easy for the senior leaders of Guishuang to get out of the disaster of this war.

Peshawar, as the capital of Guishuang, can be described as high and deep, but the arrival of the enemy forces such a shock is great.

Queen nodded slightly, "Passing on Ye Khan, come right now."

After a cup of tea, Yekh Khan came eagerly.

Yeh Khan at this time did not have the majesty of the past, but seeing his body, the armor was damaged, blood stains could be seen faintly, and his expression was indescribable.

Yeh Khan like this made the senior leaders of Guishuang even more worried.

From the attire of Ye Ke Khan at this time, we can feel the situation that Ye Ke Khan experienced after the defeat of the war at Anguanya, and how fierce the army of the Jin country pursued after the victory of the war.

(End of this chapter)