Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6004: : To get more benefits, the war can be maintained more...


In order to achieve greater victories in continuous wars and to better demonstrate the capabilities of one’s soldiers in such a process, it itself needs to be supported by many means of war, and only in such wars. With greater gains, the ability of one\'s soldiers can be displayed more effectively, and then greater achievements can be made on the battlefield in the future.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom showed a lot of shocks when he handled the war, and it also made the enemy feel the complexity of the war situation.

Not to mention the tense situation that will be faced in the confrontation, the most important thing is to allow one\'s own soldiers to better use their methods in such a process.

The emperor of Jin is a fierce presence on the battlefield. When the emperor of Jin\'s combat methods are better used, the damage to the enemy will be enormous.

The emperor of Jin, leading his lieutenant soldiers to appear on the battlefield, will bring a great shock to the enemy. What can be seen from the means of the emperor of Jin when facing the war is the powerfulness of the emperor of Jin. Nothing, let alone what kind of tension will appear on the battlefield, once the methods of the Jin army generals are used, the damage it will bring to the enemy is obvious.

On the battlefield, the Jin army soldiers with many powerful strengths will show on the battlefield the strength that will make the enemy awe, and they will show the means to shock the enemy, and when such a war progresses, more situations will appear. If so, what will happen next.

On the battlefield at this time, there is a fierce attack from the Jin army and a fierce attack from the Jin army. The damage that will be brought to the enemy on the subsequent battlefield is obvious, and it will be felt by the enemy on the subsequent battlefield. It is the tension of the situation.

The Jin army, which has had many battles and victories, appeared on the battlefield of Guishuang in order to do more in such a war environment. Even if the soldiers of Guishuang would have certain means of blocking in the war, such Blocking can\'t more affect the enthusiasm of the Jin army soldiers, because the Jin army at this time is the most powerful presence on the battlefield, and their offense can have more influence in the confrontation.

The Jin army’s offensive posture is fierce, and under such an offensive posture, the enemy will suffer great losses. Soldiers Guishuang have a lot of experience about this, but when the war comes, they don’t have more. The ability to change this situation on the battlefield can only passively endure the advent of war, and even pay a great price under the offensive of the Jin army.

Lieutenant generals do not have more confidence in the progress of the war, and they will not be more active during the war. Such a situation is normal, but Guishuang does not want to give up the battlefield more, and needs to be afterwards. In the war, there are more powerful means of warfare. Otherwise, under the strong offensive of the Jin army, they will feel the tension of the war situation, and even under such a war environment, what they will endure is many wars. Failure, once the offensive from the Jin army unfolds, it is not that simple to deal with.

In fact, Guishuang was well prepared when facing this war. In any case, Guishuang was also a powerful empire and had suffered a lot of wars. They were able to gradually prosper from the war. And stability, in itself, is the best proof of strong strength.

It was only in this war that Guishuang’s army chose the wrong target. First, the attack on the Jin army’s city was defeated. Guishuang’s elite suffered a lot of losses on the battlefield. Such a situation would definitely aggravate Jin. The footsteps of the army attacking Guishuang, because the strength displayed by Guishuang is different from the rumors. The Jin army that has experienced many war victories is the invincible existence on the battlefield. Only the Jin army\'s offensive will be launched. What brought Guishuang soldiers was endless damage, and what Guishuang soldiers realized was the flaws in their strength.

Afterwards, the Jin army united with the Anthion Empire to attack Guishuang. At this time, the Roman Empire was unwilling to be the enemy of Jin, or the Roman Empire wanted to get what it wanted from Jin.

Even after seeing the strength of the Jin army, there will be fear of the Jin army. If the Jin army fully supports the Parthian Empire, it will make the surrounding area of ​​the Roman Empire unstable. Over the years, the Roman Empire has experienced many wars. And the victory from the war does not mean that the Roman Empire is willing to be an enemy of a powerful country, and the deterrence demonstrated by such a country is tremendous.

Therefore, the Roman Empire chose not to support Guishuang’s war and allowed Guishuang to face the offensive of the Jin army and the Parthian Empire on the battlefield at the same time. Even the soldiers of the Parthian Empire would pay a heavy price in this war. The Roman Empire did not have much to do with it, and the situation between countries was often so cruel.

If Guishuang can let the Roman Empire see the benefits of a war, the people of the Roman Empire will certainly not give up war easily, but from the Guishuang Empire, the Roman Empire can only feel the war. s failure.

When this kind of war situation occurs more often, it is reasonable for the Roman Empire to choose to watch the war in secret. Besides, it is still possible to reap the friendship of the Jin country, but how long such friendship can last is unknown. NS.

If Guishuang can persist from this war and inflict more losses on the Parthian Empire, the Roman Empire will not mind sending out troops to attack the Parthian Empire and obtain sufficient benefits from it.

In a war, the benefits can be obtained to sustain the war for longer, and to protect one\'s own interests to the greatest extent. Sometimes, it is inevitable that military lieutenants and soldiers pay a certain price on the battlefield. The most important thing is Yes, after paying the price on the battlefield, the lieutenant generals can make the development of their own situation smoother, and whether they can make their own war go more smoothly. If in such a war environment, the lieutenant generals will adopt If there is a problem with the offensive strategy, the situation will definitely become more tense afterwards.

The Jin army at this time was a fierce presence on the battlefield. After their offensive began, it would become impossible for Guishuang\'s army to easily block it.

Faced with such a war situation, the monarch must be more comprehensive when considering the war. The Roman Empire’s secret observation of the war brought unprecedented pressure to Guishuang, and both the Parthian Empire and the Jin army have strong strengths. Supported by their strength, what they will show in this war is the side that makes Guishuang even more fearful.

Among them, the Jin army’s offensive threat is the greatest. The Jin army, which has experienced many victories in wars, is a fierce presence on the battlefield. Under their offensive methods, the enemy will suffer great losses. If there is a problem with the strength and means displayed during the war situation, you will not be able to make greater achievements on the battlefield later.

On the battlefield, the strong strength of the lieutenant generals will definitely have a lot of influence on the subsequent war, and how to fundamentally ease the tension on one\'s side is the most important.

If there is a problem with the offensive methods displayed by the lieutenant soldiers on such a battlefield, the situation afterwards will definitely be even more dangerous.

It is inevitable that the Jin army can achieve greater success on the battlefield of Guishuang. Anyone who knows more about the powerful strength of the Jin army will find that the enemy will endure the attack by the Jin army’s generals. What a loss it is.

Regardless of what kind of test one\'s soldiers will endure in a dangerous war situation, the most important thing is to enable one\'s own army\'s offensive to be carried out effectively and to allow one\'s own soldiers\' offensive methods to achieve greater results.

The powerful Jin army and the fierce combat methods displayed on the battlefield will shock the enemy force a lot, and let the enemy force see the tension in the situation, and let the enemy force experience even more. Much loss.

With more confrontations and victories, the offensive of one\'s own soldiers can be more effective, and only then can they have greater achievements on the subsequent battlefield, and only then can one\'s own battles be smoother.

The subsequent offensive that the Jin army will launch will bring the shock to Guishuang\'s side, and it will definitely continue, and it will make Guishuang\'s war situation more changes due to the Jin army\'s massive offensive.

Ye Khan was extremely worried about the prospects of Guishuang\'s army. The fierce attack from the Jin army was beyond imagination. No army could remain calm in the face of the Jin army\'s attack. This was on the battlefield with the Jin army. Achievements on the above have a great relationship.

Once the lieutenant soldiers are unable to achieve greater victory in the face of the war, but instead make their own situation more tense, only from these aspects, it can be seen that what the Jin army will achieve is What an achievement.

In this war, the Jin army will show off in a way that makes Guishuang\'s army suffer more losses when blocking it. When these confrontations are carried out more, what impact will it have.

In a specific war, it is the key to let the strength of one\'s soldiers be better demonstrated and make the attack of one\'s own soldiers more effective. How to make greater achievements in such a war situation and let one\'s attack More effective deployment of the means is the tense situation that will be faced on the battlefield later.

The strong strength of the Jin army’s soldiers has been fully demonstrated in this confrontation, and when the Jin army’s battle will be more effective, there will definitely be more threats on the battlefield afterwards. It was the fierce attack from the generals of the Jin army, which would have many influences on the subsequent wars.

In the face of war, there are sufficiently powerful means to better display the strength of one\'s own soldiers, so that the offensive of one\'s own soldiers can have a greater effect, which is of great significance for the better display of subsequent wars. .

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom displayed a means that Guishuang could not easily stop when he responded to the war, and when the Jin army’s offensive continued, the impact it would have on the soldiers of Guishuang was also obvious. To achieve greater growth in the war, you can\'t let your own soldiers have effective use of methods, and the subsequent situation will be even more unfavorable for Guishuang\'s defense.

Even if General Guishuang saw more of this situation, when facing a war, they could only persevere bitterly, because on a complex battlefield, dangerous situations often occur and cannot be If you have greater deeds when you endure the war, if you can\'t use the methods of your own soldiers effectively, it will definitely cause more problems in the subsequent confrontation.

The Jin army is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield, and their offensive will play an extremely obvious role. When the Jin army’s attack methods are further deployed on the battlefield, the pressure on Guishuang will definitely be extremely strong. With a large increase, it will suffer more failures in confrontations under such a continuous war situation.

The strong strength of the Jin army has been well proven on the battlefield in the past, so that the enemy will suffer a lot of losses when undertaking the offensive of the Jin army. It is also the pursuit of the Jin army on the battlefield. In the way of combat of the Jin army, we can see how much damage the fierce attack from the Jin army will bring to the enemy, and how much loss it will bring to the enemy.

Only by gaining greater achievements from constant wars and enabling one\'s own soldiers to achieve greater performance in such a war environment can they have greater achievements in the subsequent battlefields.

The powerful strength of the Jin army gave the enemy a lot of fear, and what the enemy would see in the ongoing war was how much damage the fierce offensive from the Jin army would bring. In the war situation, if there are problems with the methods displayed, the subsequent war will definitely be more dangerous. In the future battlefield, if you want to do more, it will become a fantasy.

In this war, the offensive methods that the Jin army will show will bring more trouble to the defense of Guishuang soldiers, and let them realize that the offensive from the Jin army will cause them. What is the impact.

Withstanding the offensive of the Jin army, the situation of Guishuang soldiers became more tense, and what Guishuang soldiers saw was their own disadvantages, and what they saw was the danger they might endure on the battlefield. Lieutenant generals have lost confidence in the progress of the war. If the means of being a lieutenant general are not enough to better support the conduct of the confrontation, the situation will definitely become more severe.

What can be seen on the current battlefield is the strong strength of the Jin army, and what can be felt is the threat that the Jin army’s offensive will bring on the battlefield.

How to effectively alleviate one\'s own situation on the battlefield and how to make one\'s own greater achievements in the ongoing war requires more means to support itself.

(End of this chapter)

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