Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5998: : The test of war is strength

Chapter 6019 war, the test is strength

The Jin army is the active offensive party on the battlefield. Guishuang has a geographical advantage. However, in specific wars, we will see how much the enemy will suffer under the fierce attacking method of the Jin army, because When facing the Jin army, what kind of danger is likely to appear, and when more dangers appear on the battlefield, if there are problems with the response methods of your own soldiers, the situation will become more complicated. .

In the battlefield, the test is whether the strength of the lieutenant generals is strong enough, and the test is what kind of achievements the lieutenant generals can achieve in such a war environment.

Once on the battlefield, there are problems with the methods displayed by the lieutenant soldiers, and the battlefield afterwards will be more tense.

In the war at this time, the Jin army occupies the advantage in means, and it has the elite force that will have a greater impact on Guishuang on the subsequent battlefield, which determines that the soldiers of Guishuang will be in the subsequent war. What we will face is a more dangerous situation.

If there is a problem with the means of confrontation in the face of war, and it is impossible to do more in the end of the war, only the emergencies that may occur later will make the situation of the lieutenants and soldiers more serious. of.

The advent of the war has made the situation in Guishuang more severe, and the senior leaders of Guishuang need to be more cautious when considering the war, because if there is a problem with the way they confront on the battlefield, the future The situation will definitely become more tense.

The strong strength of the Jin army brought greater difficulties to the defense of Guishuang soldiers, and it also made Guishuang soldiers realize from the continuous confrontation how powerful the Jin army will bring on the battlefield. Threat.

With many battles and victories in the Jin army, they will inevitably show the most aggressive means of offensive on such a battlefield. They appear on the battlefield of Guishuang to achieve greater victory and to make Guishuang’s In such a war environment, people can see how fierce the offensive from the Jin army is, and see what impact the offensive of the Jin army will bring.

If an army appears in a war and cannot open the situation smoothly on the battlefield by means of a lieutenant soldier, their situation will definitely be even more embarrassing. When facing a war, it is often like this, unable to be strong. The strength foundation of the war is unable to make greater achievements in the course of the war, and the subsequent confrontation situation will inevitably become more severe.

In today’s war, the Jin army with strong strength is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield. Once their offensive is carried out, the damage to the enemy will be sustained, and even the enemy will see that it is their own. Where is the disadvantage.

The many victories in the confrontation brought greater achievements for the Jin army, and brought great results from the continuous offensive of the Jin army on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the lieutenant and generals need more means to support when dealing with it. From the performance of Guishuang soldiers, we can see the panic of Guishuang soldiers when dealing with the war. What we see is Guishuang. There is a clear gap between the means of soldiers and the Jin army.

Guishuang didn’t want to go through more wars. They couldn’t do more when facing the offensive of the Jin army and the peace empire at the same time. This would make them face a more tense situation in the subsequent confrontation. .

In such a war, what kind of combat method should be adopted, and what effect should be achieved by the battle of one\'s own soldiers, itself requires a lot of thinking.

In such a war environment, what can be seen is the impact that the Jin army’s powerful strength will have after being displayed. How much damage the army has caused.

The war at this time tests the ability of the lieutenants to respond, and what they test is what achievements the lieutenants will show in the ongoing war.

When the Jin Dynasty emperor dealt with the dangerous situation in the war, he was able to make careful arrangements. In response to the dangerous situation that may appear on the battlefield, he had many ways to deal with it. Such Jin army, the offensive methods they showed on the battlefield, How can it be so simple that it can be blocked?

This war, the test itself for Guishuang soldiers is very big, so that Guishuang soldiers will see the gap in their own strength in such a war, what they see is the experience experienced by the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield. Failed.

Many failed encounters made Guishuang soldiers need to be more cautious when dealing with the situation on the battlefield, so that Guishuang\'s high-level officials needed many means to support when dealing with the Jin army\'s offensive.

Otherwise, when the Jin army\'s offensive spreads more, it will bring greater shock to the city of Guishuang, and more of the city that originally belonged to Guishuang will fall under the control of the Jin army.

Ye Khan had a lot of worries about Guishuang’s situation at this time. It was only from the offensive methods displayed by the Jin army. What can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army and the strong soldiers of the Jin army. What will be displayed in this war is the strength that shocks the enemy, and what will be displayed is the side that makes the enemy fearful.

Failure to achieve greater war effects in specific wars, and unable to use the combat methods of one\'s own soldiers more effectively, will make the subsequent confrontation situation even more severe.

In the war at this time, the fierce attack of the Jin army’s generals will play a great role in the subsequent battlefields, and the Jin army’s combat methods will be more exposed, and the damage it will bring to the enemy is also obviously.

Victory in the war is an important method for the Jin army to promote the development of the situation on the battlefield. From the continuous victory of the Jin army, it can be seen that the methods of the Jin army will be on the battlefield of Guishuang. Played a role.

The soldiers of Guishuang were panicked. The soldiers who fled from Anguanya returned to the city of Guishuang. What shock would they bring to the soldiers of Guishuang. It is impossible to conceal the news of the defeat on the battlefield. Because of the fierce offensive of the Jin army, after the Jin army stabilized the situation in Anguanya, it will certainly continue to unfold. At that time, Guishuang will definitely know more about the victory of the Jin army in Anguanya.

Besides, the means that the Emperor of Jin controlled in secret cannot be ignored. When the Jin army wins more, the Emperor of Jin will definitely spread such news in secret, and the more spread of such news will allow The subsequent war situation was more favorable to the offensive of the Jin army.

The strong strength of the Jin army soldiers has been well demonstrated on the battlefield, and they can do more under such continuous offensives. As long as their soldiers can be more tenacious in combat, Fang It can have a greater effect when blocking the Jin army. If the lieutenant soldiers are more fearful, the situation afterwards will definitely be more complicated.

With the current war situation, Guishuang’s situation will definitely be even more embarrassing. Guishuang’s soldiers will endure great threats on the battlefield in the future, and they will face even more tension in the subsequent battles. Situation.

The battlefield brings more troubles to the lieutenants and soldiers. In the continuous confrontation, the lieutenants and soldiers will see the complexity of the situation. In such a war, the lieutenants and soldiers will feel that they are coming from What effect will the fierce attack of the Jin army have.

The fierceness of the Jin army’s soldiers has been well proven in such wars. When the Jin army’s offensive expands, and when the Jin army’s offensive becomes more fierce, the impact it will bring to the enemy is bound to be. It will be extremely obvious.

In the war, the fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army greatly shocked the enemy. What the enemy could see in such a war was the impact of the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army. On the battlefield, from If the influence of the generals of the Jin army is greater, the war will definitely be under the control of the Jin army.

Ye Khan, who has experienced many wars, knew a lot about the methods that the Jin army displayed on the battlefield at this time. It was just that under such a war environment, no matter what the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang, they were in Hopes of success on the battlefield are all boundless.

This is also a tense situation that will appear on the battlefield. Guishuang soldiers must be more cautious when dealing with them, and they must be supported by more aggressive means.

If it is said that the Jin army’s offensive is coming, and Guishuang has no more preparations, the damage that the Jin army’s offense will bring afterwards is extremely obvious. Once the Jin army has strong strength on the battlefield, once it launches an offensive, It\'s not that simple and can be resolved.

With the continuous victory in the war, it is extremely crucial to make the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield more effective and enable the Jin army to do more in such a war environment.

With the unfolding of the war, when the Jin State army’s offensive methods can have a greater effect, when the Jin State army’s offensive can have greater value, it will bring more to the enemy on the subsequent battlefield. The shock of the enemy will see the tension of the situation on the battlefield afterwards.

With many battles and victories, Jin\'s soldiers are extremely powerful on the battlefield, and they are able to make greater achievements in such a war environment.

With more understanding of the Jin army’s operations, you will find that when the Jin army’s methods are deployed on the battlefield, the damage it will bring to the enemy is not as simple as it is on the surface, and it can be more effective. What the enemy forces felt in the continuous confrontation was the cruelty of the war.

In the battlefield, the test is the strength of the lieutenant soldiers, and the test is the means that the lieutenant soldiers should have when dealing with wars. If they can’t achieve greater gains in a continuous war, if in such a war environment If you can\'t do more, there will surely be a more tense situation on the battlefield afterwards.

The fighting style of the soldiers of the Jin army made Guishuang feel the aura of fear, and how weak was the performance of Guishuang\'s soldiers on the battlefield.

As the general of Guishuang, Yekhhan had to think more about these issues after the defeat of the war at Anguanya, unless Guishuang wanted to continue to bear the defeat of the war on the battlefield in the future, otherwise, It is necessary to make changes as soon as possible after the end of this war, and it is best to be able to bear the offensive of the Jin Kingdom’s army to make a difference, so that the combat of our own soldiers can have a greater effect.

The fierce Jin army is an extremely fierce presence on the battlefield. Under their attack, the losses that will be brought to the enemy are obvious to all, and the situation of Guishuang is even more shaken, so that Guishuang soldiers cannot have it on the battlefield afterwards. A greater achievement is what the Jin army soldiers should pursue on the battlefield. From the specific war effects, what can be seen is the impact of the emergence of the Jin army.

After the continuous defeat of the war, General Guishuang had a lot of fear in the battle with the Jin army. Such a situation appeared in the army that failed in the war. It is normal in itself. If General Guishuang is still after the defeat of the war. It is the strangest thing to have a high fighting spirit to deal with the offensive of the Jin army.

In the ongoing war, if the emergency situation on the battlefield cannot be better changed by the means of the lieutenant generals, and if there are more problems with the means shown on the battlefield, the situation will inevitably be more severe afterwards~www Jin Dynasty emperor’s plan for the war reached the point where the senior leaders of Guishuang were feared. The damage to Guishuang’s soldiers will be proved when the Jin army soldiers’ combat methods are more demonstrated. .

Guishuang’s army may have made a lot of achievements in previous wars, but when facing the Jin army, their so-called aggressive methods cannot be better demonstrated, and they cannot be used in such a war environment. Have a greater accomplishment.

Many solid strength foundations will allow the Jin army officers to achieve greater success in the confrontation, and allow the Jin army officers to bring more damage to the enemy on the battlefield in the future.

In the war at this time, what can be seen is the strong strength of the Jin army\'s soldiers, what can be seen is the sharp means of the Jin army\'s soldiers, and what can be felt is the threat that will be brought about by the Jin army\'s offensive.

The Jin army, which has won many wars, will have a great impact on the enemy on the battlefield, and it will let the enemy know how much the offensive from the Jin army will bring. s damage.

If you cannot achieve greater success in a continuous war, and cannot make your own soldiers\' combat methods more effective, you will inevitably endure more failures on the battlefield later, which is also inevitable.

The strength of the Jin army puts Guishuang soldiers in a lot of dangers when dealing with them, and what Guishuang soldiers see in such a war environment is that the fierce attacks of the Jin army will bring them. What kind of impact.

The battlefield has a great influence on the lieutenants and soldiers, so that the lieutenants and soldiers will have more thinking in a dangerous war situation. The state of Guishuang soldiers at this time is a good illustration.

(End of this chapter)

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