Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5970: : Guishuang's warrior, blocking the pursuit

5991-Dragon Warrior

In this war, the offensive from the Jin army is not so easy to resolve, especially when the Jin army’s offensive is better carried out, only relying on the fierceness on the battlefield will bring to the enemy. The damage is great.

On the battlefield, lieutenants and soldiers will inevitably have more dangerous situations when dealing with them, and the soldiers who can achieve greater achievements in wars are the protagonists on the battlefield.

The fierceness of the Jin army has been demonstrated when chasing Guishuang soldiers. When the Jin army cavalry reappears, it will cause them great damage.

Ye Khan’s face changed slightly. If such news spreads in the army, it will definitely make the lieutenant soldiers more worried, but it is impossible to keep such news completely closed, since the scouts have already Finding the trail of the Jin cavalry means that the Jin cavalry may catch up at any time.

Ye Ke Khan said in a deep voice: "Immediately command the soldiers to block the enemy\'s pursuit of troops."

"The warriors of Guishuang are invincible, and you are the pride of the people of Guishuang."

Ye Ke Khan’s words of encouragement at this time seemed so pale. Guishuang’s soldiers were invincible. That was the past, but after the emergence of the Jin army, Guishuang’s warriors suffered a great blow, even more so. In the wars, I have deeply realized how much damage it will bring when the Jin army\'s attack arrives.

On the battlefield, the dangerous war situation makes the lieutenant soldiers more threats when dealing with them, and the lieutenant soldiers need a lot of means to deal with.

If there is a big gap between the means and strength displayed on the battlefield, the losses to the military officers and soldiers in the course of the war will be great.

From the previous offensive of the Jin army, it is not difficult to see that the strength of the Jin army is beyond imagination.

The soldiers of the Jin army who have had many battles and victories are the most fierce existence on the battlefield. As long as their offensive methods are displayed more, it will bring great damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, and it will also make Guishuang. From this, the soldiers realized the difference between their methods and the Jin army.

On the battlefield, the lieutenant generals\' response methods have a relatively large impact on the subsequent war situation, and they can make the lieutenant generals have something to do in such a war.

Of course, an army that can do something about the battlefield has a strength that is not comparable to that of an ordinary army. If its strength cannot better satisfy the situation on the battlefield, it will cause more wars in the future. Of the situation.

In the current war, what can be seen is the threat that the powerful Jin army will bring, and what can be seen is the loss that the enemy army will endure under the attacking method of the Jin army’s soldiers. In the face of such a war, if there is a problem with the methods of the lieutenant soldiers, it will make the situation more complicated.

On the battlefield, the offensive from Jin\'s army was fierce, which made Guishuang soldiers unable to cope better, especially when Guishuang soldiers were in panic.

Ye Khan turned his attention to the generals of the guards. At this time, among the Guishuang Army, Ye Khan\'s guards were the most elite, and they would definitely have a good effect in blocking the impact of the Jin cavalry.

The cavalry of the Jin army are extremely fierce on the battlefield. At this time, when the soldiers of Guishuang block the impact of the cavalry of the Jin army, there is a certain deficiency in the means, and such a deficiency will make the situation of the Guishuang army. More severe.

In war, there are many dangerous situations, and in dealing with these dangerous war situations, if you want to achieve something, it is very difficult.

The fierceness of the Jin army has been well demonstrated on the battlefield, and in such a war environment, the effect of the Jin army\'s attack will be obvious.

Not to mention what kind of tense situation will appear on the battlefield, it is the most critical that the strength of one\'s soldiers can be better displayed in such a process.

How to achieve greater gains in continuous wars and how to achieve greater deeds during wars requires a lot of thinking in itself.

From the shock that the Jin army\'s offensive will cause on the battlefield after it unfolds, what can be seen is the effect of the Jin army\'s generals\' offensive.

Only when you have greater deeds in the face of war, so that your own soldiers\' methods can be better displayed, can you have greater breakthroughs in the subsequent battlefields.

The Jin army with strong strength will bring a great deterrent to the enemy on the battlefield. The Jin army is the most ferocious existence on the battlefield, especially when the Jin army\'s offensive is launched, it will bring the enemy to the enemy. A lot of panic has come, and what the enemy can see from such a war environment is the problem of their strength.

If you can’t win the wars from time to time, but if you have more failures when you endure the war, it will be difficult for lieutenants to show more ferocious means of warfare on the battlefield, and they will not be able to have greater strength in the war. Achievement.

The achievements of the generals of the Jin army are shocking, especially to the generals of Guishuang. When the Jin cavalry appeared on the battlefield of pursuit, just hearing the news made the mind of Guishuang unable to calm down. What I saw was the great influence of the Jin army.

In a confrontation, the Jin army is the existence that can bring many losses to the enemy on the battlefield. As long as the Jin army’s offensive method will have more effects on the battlefield, the subsequent wars will be changed by the Jin army. More control.

In a specific war, what kind of combat methods are used by lieutenants and officers will have a great influence on the situation afterwards. With more victories, the lieutenants will have enough confidence in the war. Fang can make military lieutenants fearless in the ongoing war.

On the battlefield, the fierce impact of the Jin army officers brought more victories, brought the high morale of the Jin army officers, and made the Jin army officers show more methods on the battlefield.

Among the Jin army, the cavalry team is elite, and it can bring a lot of losses to the enemy on the battlefield. When enduring these wars, the most important thing is the victory in the confrontation, and the most important thing is to be What should be done after the war begins.

Relying on the victory achieved in the war, the Jin country has achieved rapid development. Such a development situation has shocked the senior leaders of Guishuang. They can win victory from the continuous battlefield, and when they are developing. So quickly, when Jin\'s army occupied more cities that originally belonged to Guishuang, would Guishuang still belong to these cities?

It is undeniable that the development of Guishuang has been good over the years. The lieutenant soldiers also performed very well in the face of war, but they suffered great losses when they fought against the Jin country’s army. In the face of war losses, it is extremely difficult to increase the morale of lieutenants.

It is the key to gain greater victory from the battlefield and allow one\'s own soldiers to use their methods more effectively. The most important thing is to have some achievements in the continuous war.

If on such a battlefield, the combat methods of one\'s own soldiers are subject to greater restrictions, only the dangerous situation that may arise later will make the lieutenant soldiers more troublesome when dealing with them.

The current war has a great impact on military lieutenants. If there are more problems with Guishuang’s combat methods, only the conditions that occurred during the war will make Guishuang unable to bear it, and even more so. What Guishuang soldiers saw in such a continuous war was the fierceness of the Jin army soldiers, and what they saw was the difference in their strength on the battlefield.

Obtaining the order of Yakhan, the general guard was taken aback. Obviously he did not expect that Yakhan would make such a decision at a critical moment. The strength of the guard is strong and can help Yakhan to withdraw from the battlefield. Provide more protection.

It is important to know that Yakhan is important to the Guishuang army. If Yakhan not only fails to win in this war, but instead dies on the battlefield, the situation thereafter will definitely become more severe. General Guishuang would have more trouble blocking the Jin army\'s attack.

In the current war, it is possible to see the powerful strength of the Jin army, especially when the Jin army’s offensive is launched, only by virtue of its fierce side on the battlefield, it can bring to the enemy in the confrontation. It is a greater loss.

However, the current war environment will not help Guishuang soldiers to win the slightest, and even let Guishuang soldiers realize the seriousness of the war situation.

It is the pursuit of generals to achieve greater victories from specific confrontations and to better demonstrate the methods of lieutenants and generals. However, in specific wars, you will see the severity of the situation, especially in the battle against the Jin army. At that time, the soldiers of Guishuang had a lot of worries, because they knew how difficult it would be to make greater breakthroughs on the battlefield by relying on their own strength.

But on the battlefield, dangerous situations are often like this.

No matter what kind of actions Guishuang soldiers will have when facing a war, the dangerous situation on the battlefield is difficult to effectively contain, and it will make the future war environment more tense. At that time, it will only be for the Jin army. The more the offensive spreads, the more damage it will bring to Guishuang soldiers.

In a war, the combat methods adopted by lieutenants and generals have a great impact on the subsequent war situation itself. The only way to get more victories from the confrontations is to let the fierceness of your own soldiers on the battlefield. Only by getting better performance on the battlefield can there be greater achievements on the battlefield afterwards.

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield in the past, you will find the fierceness of the Jin army. Under their fighting style, the enemy will have a lot of dangers when they endure it, and it will be on the battlefield. What we are facing is more tension.

The war will make the lieutenant and the lieutenant respond to more dangers, and make the lieutenant and the lieutenant endure more hardships in the war, but after the war is won, the growth that the lieutenant and lieutenant can achieve is Shocking.

Looking at the proud record of Jin\'s army on the battlefield in the past, we can see the fierceness of the Jin\'s soldiers, and what we can see is how much the appearance of the Jin\'s soldiers will bring to the enemy on the battlefield. threat.

No matter what kind of situation may arise in the war, the most important thing is to let the methods of one\'s soldiers and soldiers be used effectively. How can Yakhan not understand the truth, but when the situation is most tense, if it can\'t be effective If you block the chase of the Jin cavalry, the situation of the lieutenant soldiers will definitely be more severe.

The more you wait at this time, the more you can\'t ignore the threats that the Jin army will bring on the battlefield. With its strong strength, it will have greater gains in wars. It is the Jin army on the battlefield. The means shown on the previous page, and such means of warfare will have a great impact.

Not to mention what strength the enemy is facing on the battlefield, the combat methods of the Jin army’s soldiers are always able to play their due role. Under such a war situation, the enemy army has to get more from the hands of the Jin army. Victory is very difficult.

On the battlefield, lieutenants and soldiers need to have more means as support when dealing with them. Once there are problems with the strength and means displayed on such a battlefield, the battlefield situation after will definitely be. More severe.

Under the current war situation, what can be seen is the brilliant achievements of the Jin army\'s soldiers, and what can be seen is how much damage the Jin army\'s soldiers will bring to the enemy after they appear on the battlefield.

Only by achieving greater victories in wars, can one\'s soldiers have more confidence in the battle.

The purpose of Jin\'s soldiers appearing on the battlefield is to win the battle. It can be said that the Jin\'s army has achieved great achievements through this method of combat, and when the Jin\'s attack is further carried out, it will give the enemy The impact brought by the military is also great.

It may seem simple to gain more growth through the battlefield. In fact, there are many tests for the strength of lieutenants and soldiers. If in such a process, one cannot adapt well to the emergency situation on the battlefield, it will be later. The war suffered more losses.

In the current war, what can be seen is the fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the deterrence that the soldiers of the Jin army will bring to the enemy when they appear on the battlefield. If such deterrence continues, What can be seen is what the final achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield of Guishuang are like.

In any case, there is a big gap in the strength of Guishuang soldiers facing the offensive of the Jin army at this time. It is under such a gap that the soldiers of the Jin army will see it on the battlefield. It is the possibility of victory in the confrontation, and the more fierce offensive will be launched in the continuous war.

(End of this chapter)


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