Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5962: : The impact of the dangerous situation

"Rebirth God of War Lu Bu (!

Guishuang\'s soldiers are constantly retreating, and their formation is facing great challenges at this time.

At this time, Ye Khan led the lieutenant generals to withdraw directly, leaving behind the appointed generals to block the offensive of the Jin cavalry. The more the situation is tense, the less hesitated.

The main reason is that the chase of the Jin army is too fierce, and when the chase of the Jin army continues to arrive, the shock it will bring to the enemy on the battlefield will inevitably be great.

With the stimulus of victory on the battlefield, it is obvious that the Jin army soldiers will cause Guishuang’s damage on the battlefield. It is even more important for Guishuang soldiers to recognize their methods and the Jin army from such a war environment. The gap between them.

If you can\'t make a difference in dealing with the tense war situation, and if you can\'t let the methods of your own soldiers be better displayed at such a time, you will suffer more losses on the battlefield afterwards.

The battlefield is always full of dangers. If there is a problem with the means available when dealing with the dangerous situation on the battlefield, the losses that may be brought on the battlefield alone will cause the lieutenant soldiers to bear more. In trouble.

The withdrawal of the Guishuang army made the soldiers responsible for blocking the Jin cavalry more panic. During the retreat, they saw this situation more than once, but this time when they were replaced, the panic in their hearts could be imagination.

It is very difficult for an army that cannot win on the battlefield to do something on the battlefield later, and in such a war environment, what can be seen is the fragility of Guishuang soldiers.

How can it be such a simple thing to block the impact of the Jin army cavalry? It is necessary to know what kind of dangerous situation is likely to happen during such a blocking process.

The fierce impact of the Jin cavalry has just been seen by Guishuang soldiers, and it has caused Guishuang soldiers to have a lot of worries in such a war environment, because their war capabilities can be effective in the face of the Jin cavalry attack. The effect is limited.

In a complex battlefield, if you can\'t get a greater victory, on the contrary, you will suffer more losses on the battlefield, which will pose a great challenge to the combat of the lieutenant soldiers.

Perhaps Guishuang’s army had a dazzling performance on the battlefield in the past, but in the battle against the Jin army, Guishuang soldiers suffered a lot of damage, and such war damage would make Guishuang soldiers in There have been many hardships in the ongoing war.

The battlefield is the place where the strength of the lieutenant soldiers is most tested. When the strength of one\'s own soldiers cannot cope with the tense situation on the battlefield well, they will suffer more threats on the subsequent battlefield.

The current war has an obvious impact on Guishuang’s soldiers. What Guishuang soldiers see in such a continuous war is the gap between their own soldiers. Such a war gap makes it difficult to make up for in the confrontation. The big one is mainly because the offensive of the Jin army was too fierce.

A precious frost soldier fell under the attack of Bai Ma Yicong, all white horse spears, the visual impact of Bai Ma Yicong\'s appearance on the battlefield was great.

Bai Ma Yicong has also shown strong strength on the battlefield in the past, but under such an offensive, it will bring a great shock to the enemy.

After all, Guishuang has experienced a lot of war failures. Such failures made Guishuang\'s soldiers lose confidence in the progress of the war. Under such a war environment, Guishuang\'s soldiers will see the tension in the situation.

The inability to achieve greater success in the ongoing war, and the inability to allow the actions of one\'s own soldiers to achieve greater success, is itself a very dangerous thing.

If the Jin Dynasty emperor’s methods on the battlefield were better used, the damage to the enemy would be extremely obvious. In this war, the experience of Guishuang soldiers is a good proof, even Guishuang soldiers. Want to win from such a confrontation, but their methods on the battlefield can\'t make a difference when facing the Jin army.

On the battlefield, the most worrying thing is the emergence of such a situation. After all, there are many critical situations on the battlefield. If the lieutenant soldiers deal with more situations, they will be on the battlefield later. What has endured is more ordeal.

On the battlefield, lieutenants and generals face many dangers when dealing with them. If they can\'t make greater achievements in dealing with such a dangerous war situation, what changes will be made in the future war situation.

The fierceness of the Jin cavalry made Guishuang\'s officers realize the weakness of their own side. When they were under the attack of the Jin cavalry, the panic in their hearts could not be increased.

If it is possible, the most unwilling to face Guishuang soldiers is the Jin cavalry on the battlefield.

The Jin cavalry has a strong combat ability. Their attacking methods and their impact will cause obvious damage to the enemy. On the battlefield facing the Jin cavalry, Guishuang has suffered defeat in the war. There are quite a few.

In this case, when the Jin cavalry appeared again, it would be impossible for General Guishuang to have a high fighting spirit.

When the lieutenant soldiers lost confidence in the war, and even showed fear on the battlefield, it would be impossible for such an army to do more in a confrontation.

Under the strong impact of the Jin cavalry, the loss of Guishuang soldiers cannot be compensated, and Guishuang’s heart is panic, and he can\'t make some achievements in blocking the attack of the Jin cavalry. This will make the situation even more difficult. It\'s serious.

In the face of war, if the lieutenant soldiers do not have the corresponding confidence, it is a very dangerous thing in itself, because under such circumstances, what kind of situation is likely to occur.

The achievements of the lieutenant soldiers in the command of the Jin Dynasty emperor’s army in the war are extraordinary, and they will bring a fatal blow to the enemy on the battlefield, no matter how much the enemy will endure under such circumstances. Loss, what they still need to face is the continuous offensive of the Jin army.

The fierce Jin army will make the opponent aware of the tension in the ongoing war, making the opponent unable to achieve greater success in such a war environment.

When the offensive of the Jin army unfolded, Guishuang’s method felt the danger of the situation. On their way to evacuate from Anguanya, they suffered many offensives from the Jin army, and from the situation shown by the offense of the Jin army , You can see the fierceness of the Jin army during the battle.

The battlefield is the place where the strength of the lieutenant generals is most tested. If an army cannot achieve greater success on the battlefield, more dangerous situations may arise in subsequent wars.

It is extremely important to withstand the war so that the means of one\'s soldiers can be better used, and the offensive ability of one\'s soldiers can be further improved.

In the current war environment, what can be seen is the role that the Jin army’s pursuit will play, and what can be felt is how much damage the Jin army will bring to the enemy on the battlefield, and on such a battlefield The so-called resistance of General Guishuang was unable to play a role in front of the Jin army. The fierceness of the Jin army is evident.

If an army’s achievements in a war are more restricted, it will inevitably make it suffer more dangers on the battlefield afterwards, and will feel the situation in the subsequent wars. severe.

And in this war, what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army, and what can be seen is what role the offensive of the Jin army will play.

In today\'s war environment, what can be seen is the strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen in this process is the urgency of the situation.

Relying on the gains from the war, it is of great significance in itself to allow one’s own soldiers to use their methods further in such a war environment. To endure a war requires a lot of war methods, and needs to have strong strength. If there is greater action in such a war environment, it will inevitably make the situation afterwards even more severe.

With the strength displayed by the Jin emperor at this time, we can see the fierceness of the Jin emperor, and the fierceness of the Jin army and soldiers. In a confrontation, the situation is often like this. If you can\'t win, Will pay a greater price on the battlefield.

There are many dangers in war, and if you can\'t have strong enough means in war, you will endure more dangers in subsequent confrontations.

In the war at this time, the test for lieutenants and soldiers is very great. If there is a problem with the methods of lieutenants and soldiers, only the situation that may occur on the battlefield later will let the lieutenants and soldiers deal with it. There are more problems.

The danger of the situation on the battlefield will definitely have a great impact on the battlefield in the future, and more changes in the situation will definitely be felt in the subsequent confrontations.

In the face of this war, what can be seen is the ambition of the Emperor of Jin, and what can be seen is the presence of the Jin army on the battlefield. What a shock it will bring to Guishuang, and in such a war In China, this kind of deterrence is needed. Only in this way can the lieutenant’s efforts in the war be worthy of its due value. It is not that the lieutenant soldiers have paid a great price on the battlefield, but they have to bear it. The defeat of the war.

Relying on the victory in the war, the strength of the Jin country’s army can be improved very quickly. This kind of strength improvement speed is placed on the Guishuang army. What you feel is the urgency of the situation, and you will see it from the war. It is the severity of the situation.

And if you want to do more in such a war, and if you want to achieve greater success in such a war, you need to have a better way to deal with the battlefield afterwards, if there is a way to deal with the war. In terms of problems, just the dangerous situation that may occur on the battlefield is enough to make the lieutenant soldiers pay a heavy price.

The more at this time, the more we can\'t ignore the strength of Guishuang soldiers. Therefore, when Bai Ma Yicong attacked the fleeing Guishuang soldiers, he showed the most ferocious and aggressive posture. On the battlefield, This is the case, no matter whether the opponent’s strength is weak or not, no matter what kind of means the opponent shows on the battlefield, so that the strength of one’s soldiers can be better displayed, and the offensive ability of one’s soldiers can be better embodied. Can do more on the battlefield afterwards.

In this war, what can be felt is the fierceness of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the panic of Guishuang soldiers after the Jin army launched the attack. With their strength, there will be many things when blocking the Jin army’s attack. The situation, and in such a war environment, if you want to have greater achievements, you need to show enough victory.

When Jin’s army launches an impact, the threat that may be brought to the enemy force on the battlefield alone is great. Regardless of what happens in the war, the ability of one’s soldiers will be in this way. The most important thing is to get a better display in a war environment.

From the war strategy adopted by the emperor of Jin, we can see the horror of the emperor of Jin. It is through this method that the emperor of Jin caused more harm to the opponent in the continuous war.

And having the achievements in the war, so that the strength of one\'s own soldiers can be further displayed in such a war environment, itself has a key significance.

The war made the Jin Emperor\'s achievements more brilliant, and allowed the Jin Emperor to bring more damage to the opponent in the continuous war. When this kind of war environment can be better sustained, then the war will follow. There will definitely be more changes in the situation.

After the Jin State’s army appeared on the battlefield, why did it always bring so much damage to the opponent? What made the other side realize on the battlefield was the impact that the Jin State’s army would bring after the attack. This is because of the Jin State. The army\'s fierce offensive posture is not comparable to that of ordinary troops. Even Guishuang has an elite cavalry team. When fighting against the Jin army, it still bears the defeat of the war.

Victory in the war is relatively normal for the Jin army. If the Jin army cannot win the battle if it appears on the battlefield, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is the strangest thing.

With the current state of war, when the Jin emperor\'s methods are deployed, it will inevitably bring greater losses to the enemy.

In the current war environment, the emperor of Jin will show a means to scare the enemy, and what he will show is the strength to make the enemy panic.

On the battlefield this time, the offensive from the Jin army must be fierce, and the Jin emperor will show particularly strong strength in such a situation, and will gain more benefits in such a war. .

War is the place where the strength of the lieutenant generals is the most tested. If the strength of the lieutenant generals is better embodied, they will show particularly fierce strength on the battlefield afterwards.

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